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Regency Romance Collection From Christina Courtenay

Page 19

by Christina Courtenay

  Ianthe gasped at such crudeness. ‘That is none of your business,’ she said. ‘What do you want? Why have you come here?’

  ‘Came to visit my relatives, of course, offer my felicitations, that sort of thing. Isn’t it allowed?’ He smirked and Ianthe felt like hitting him to wipe the smug expression off his face.

  ‘I doubt you’re very welcome here, after what you did to both myself and Robert. If I were you, I’d leave now, before Jason returns and finds you in his house. He won’t be best pleased.’

  ‘I expect you’re right.’ Gervaise gave an exaggerated sigh, then bowed to her with a mocking flourish. ‘I had hoped to call a truce, but I can see there’s no hope of that. A pity, but I will bid you goodbye then.’

  She curtseyed briefly, then stood and watched as he made his way towards her. He had to pass near her in order to reach the door, but although her impulse was to move away from him, she stood her ground. I’ll show him I’m not afraid of his ilk any longer.

  He passed with a smirk, and she half closed her eyes in relief that he was going. But it was short-lived and a gasp of indignation hissed out of her as Gervaise turned unexpectedly and darted behind her. He grabbed her arms and twisted them up behind her back before she could so much as blink. Anger flooded her once more. ‘No! What are you doing? Let go, this instant.’ She tried to fight him off, kicking at his shins, but her thin slippers didn’t have much effect and besides, he sidestepped easily while holding on to both her slim wrists with one strong hand. He quickly produced a small but lethal looking knife from his coat pocket and she stopped struggling at the sight of it.

  ‘Don’t make a sound if you know what’s good for you,’ he warned. ‘One peep out of you and you’ll be no more.’ His tone of voice was deadly and Ianthe felt a chill snake down her back, freezing her into immobility as the menace implied in his words registered. ‘Now, if you would be so kind as to come with me?’ he added, opening the French doors. ‘We are going for a little walk in the garden.’

  ‘But I …’ Ianthe was about to protest that she would need to change her shoes, then thought better of it as he brandished the knife.

  ‘Put your hand on my arm as if we are walking companionably and go, or you’ll feel the point of this,’ he hissed.

  Ianthe had no choice but to obey. There was no doubt he was in earnest and she didn’t wish to antagonise him. If she cried out for help, Melmoth would come to her rescue, but by then it may be too late. She simply couldn’t risk it. Somehow, she made her feet move forward, one after the other, even though her whole being was focused on the sharp knife, hidden by his hand and aimed at her.

  The French doors lead on to a wide terrace, with steps down to the lawn and rose garden beyond. They stepped outside, Gervaise taking care to close the doors as quietly as possible behind them. ‘This way,’ he whispered and led her to the left, pausing at the top of the stairs to look around for a moment, presumably making sure no one else was about.

  Ianthe shivered, although not from cold. Thankfully, she was wearing a spencer since she’d been feeling chilly that morning.

  ‘Let’s go,’ Gervaise said quietly, but just before she could begin to descend the stairs, he gave her a hard push so that she almost lost her balance and thought she was going to tumble down, head first on the hard stone steps. At the very last moment, he pulled her back to safety, then chuckled at her gasp of fear. ‘No tricks now,’ he warned, ‘or you’ll go the way of Jason’s first wife.’

  Thoughts of Elizabeth whirled through her head and Gervaise chuckled again. ‘Did you think I was going to finish you off as well?’ he asked. ‘Not quite yet, my sweet. I have other plans for you first.’

  ‘As … as well?’ she stammered, turning to stare at him, feelings of horror welling up inside her.

  He shrugged. ‘Elizabeth was a nuisance and Jason ought to have been grateful to me for getting rid of her.’

  Ianthe couldn’t help asking, ‘But why? I mean, why you?’

  ‘We’d been having an affair, but I had tired of her. Elizabeth threatened to tell Jason, who was at that time paying me a meagre monthly allowance which I couldn’t do without. The stupid bitch. And as for you, you cost me any chance of ever receiving so much as a penny from Jason again, thanks to that little escapade in London. He sent me a letter afterwards. A very nasty letter.’

  ‘H-he did?’ Jason hadn’t mentioned this, but she knew it made sense. He’d talked of punishing Gervaise in some way.

  ‘And you’ve cost me dear in other ways too,’ Gervaise snarled, obviously warming to his theme. ‘You should have kept your mouth shut about meeting the Frenchman. Now my smuggling business is ruined. We’ll have to find another base.’

  ‘But I only told …’

  ‘Caroline, yes, and the butler, who I understand has already shut off the tunnel. That’s a damned nuisance.’

  Ianthe clamped her mouth shut. She didn’t want to know any further details. It was clear to her now that she was dealing with a very dangerous man, possibly even deranged. If she was to have any chance of survival, she needed her wits about her.

  Gervaise said no more, just marched her down the stairs and across to the rose garden. A gardener was pruning nearby, but Ianthe managed to smile and nod at him as if nothing was wrong. ‘Good girl,’ Gervaise hissed. ‘Keep going, a bit faster if you please.’

  ‘Wh-where are we going?’

  ‘To France,’ he said. ‘After we have made a few deliveries along the coast.’

  ‘What? But why?’

  ‘I have some business to see to in France, but before that I need to get rid of the smuggled goods I was going to leave in the cellar, which thanks to you,’ he scowled at her again, ‘I will no longer be able to use as a hiding place.’

  ‘That is not my fault, surely?’

  ‘If you hadn’t found the secret passage, it wouldn’t now be boarded up, would it?’ he sneered. ‘Meddling females, can’t leave anything alone.’

  ‘Well, I had to find a way out. Caroline locked me in.’

  ‘She would have let you out eventually. She may be stupid, but she’s not capable of killing anyone.’

  ‘Did … did she know about your, er … activities?’

  ‘Yes. She received her share of the profits for turning a blind eye and helping to deceive the revenue men if they came looking. Not that they did. We only move the goods on nights when we know they’re elsewhere. With the cave at the end of that tunnel, it was easy enough to do. Don’t know why the foolish woman had to go and lock you in there, of all places, but then using her brain isn’t one of Caroline’s strong points.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Now stop talking and move. I thought you’d like the prospect of a little trip to France, seeing as your French is so good.’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘Oh, my friend told me you had no difficulty understanding him yesterday. He only thought it a shame you gave him the slip. Don’t think you can bamboozle me as easily, though. And unless you want to be doxy to the whole crew, I’d suggest you be nice to me. Extremely nice,’ he purred, making Ianthe shudder. ‘That way I might only share you with my friend.’

  ‘You’re despicable,’ Ianthe tried to pull away from him, but once again she felt the sharpness of the blade on her side and knew he had the upper hand.

  At least for now.


  When Jason returned from his ride, Melmoth was hovering anxiously in the hallway, looking as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do. This was so unusual for the normally unflappable butler that Jason stopped in his tracks. ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘It’s her ladyship, my lord. She’s been in there,’ Melmoth nodded towards the blue salon, ‘for nigh on an hour now, closeted with your relative, that Mr Gervaise.’

  ‘You cannot be serious? Alone?’

  Melmoth nodded miserably. ‘She said it was fine, she would deal with him, and I haven’t heard any sounds of an altercation, but …’
/>   Jason didn’t stop to listen to any more but marched over to the door of the blue salon and threw it open. He looked inside, then turned in confusion to Melmoth.

  ‘There is no one in there.’

  ‘I beg your pardon? But … oh.’ Melmoth rushed into the room, closely followed by Jason, and both of them came to a halt by the French doors. Jason tried one, and it wasn’t locked.

  ‘They must have gone outside, my lord. But why?’

  ‘If I know Gervaise, he’s up to no good again. Ianthe wouldn’t go for a walk with him willingly. Damn! What does he want with my wife?’ But Jason was afraid he knew the answer to that question all too well. ‘Melmoth, assemble all the staff in the kitchen, and I mean everyone, both inside and out. I’ll need to speak to them. Someone must have seen something.’

  ‘At once, my lord.’

  No sooner had the butler left the room, however, than he returned again, looking puzzled.

  ‘Yes, what is it?’ Jason knew he sounded brusque, but he couldn’t help it. Worry about Ianthe was gnawing at his insides. He wanted to begin searching for her immediately.

  ‘I’m sorry, my lord, but Mr Gervaise is here to see you. I’ve put him in the library.’

  ‘Really?’ Jason scowled. Had they misjudged the man? No, never! Gervaise was up to his tricks again, he was sure, as Ianthe would never have left with him without first telling Melmoth. This must be a ruse. ‘I’ll see him now. Please go ahead and assemble the staff in the meantime; I still want to speak to them.’

  ‘Very good, my lord.’

  Jason swept into the library, exceedingly angry as well as anxious about Ianthe, but trying to keep his emotions under control. Gervaise had a nerve coming back to the Hall. And showing his face here after what he did in London! Was he going to try blackmailing?

  Gervaise was lounging in a chair by the fireplace, but stood up when Jason entered the room. He looked as if he hadn’t a care in the world and Jason felt a momentary urge to punch him, but instead he took a deep breath and strode forward, coming to a halt in front of Gervaise.

  ‘How dare you set foot in my house again? I understand you came here earlier and spoke to my wife. I doubt she was pleased to see you.’

  ‘On the contrary, dear cousin. Your wife is a very well-bred female, polite to guests, even unwelcome ones, and when I pointed out to her that we are now related and ought not to be at loggerheads, she agreed to a truce. As a matter of fact, we went for a stroll in the garden and then she said she had some business to see to, so I wandered on by myself. Your estimable butler said you wouldn’t be back for some time, so I thought I would wait outside as it’s such a fine day.’

  ‘You’ve been in the garden?’ Jason didn’t believe a word of it and glared at Gervaise.

  ‘But of course, isn’t that what I just said?’ Gervaise gave Jason a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Jason thought to himself that Gervaise’s smiles never did. They were as false as the man himself, but for now, he decided to play along with this charade.

  ‘I see. Very well, tell me why you have come. I assume this isn’t a social visit since I specifically told you never to darken my door again?’

  ‘Ever the affable host,’ Gervaise sneered.

  ‘Gervaise, I’ve had a very trying morning. What do you want?’

  ‘A small loan? Say, five thousand? I’ll pay it back. I’ll even write you an IOU if you wish.’

  Jason stared at his relative, amazed by the effrontery of the man. Quite apart from the fact that he’d tried to kidnap Jason’s wife in London, he had led Robert astray and almost got him killed. ‘You’re jesting, right? Did you not read the letter I sent you?’

  ‘Yes, I did, and no, it’s not a joking matter.’

  ‘Damn right it isn’t.’ Jason shook his head. ‘Gervaise, I made it clear I’m not giving you another penny. Ever. You almost lost me my brother and I didn’t for a moment believe your tale regarding that picnic with Ianthe and her sister, so how you can possibly think I’d lend you any money is beyond me. Now leave my house and don’t return. If I ever set eyes on you again, you’ll be facing me at dawn with a rapier in your hand.’ They both knew Jason would win such a duel easily.

  Gervaise looked like he was about to argue, then thought better of it. ‘Gracious, as always. Very well, so be it. Adieu, dear cousin. Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out.’

  As Gervaise strolled to the door, Jason had the urge to run after him and beat him to a pulp, but he restrained himself and waited until he heard the front door slam before calling for Melmoth.

  ‘Have him followed,’ he ordered. ‘He’s involved in her ladyship’s disappearance somehow and we need to find out how.’

  A short time later Jason stood in the huge kitchen, surrounded by every one of his servants. Fear gripped his insides as he thought of Ianthe, either at the mercy of Gervaise once again or someone else equally ruthless. But he quashed these thoughts and held up his hands to gain everyone’s attention.

  ‘I am sorry to say that I believe my wife has gone missing. Has anyone seen her today?’

  One of the gardeners raised a hand. ‘I did, sir. She were walking in the rose garden with a gentleman. Smiled at me kindly, she did.’

  ‘And when was that?’

  ‘Oh, a while ago now, my lord. Seemed in a bit of a hurry. Usually, she stops to smell some of the blooms, but not today.’

  ‘What did the gentleman look like, do you remember?’

  ‘Um, a bit like yourself, sir, only smaller and with a bright yellow waistcoat.’

  Gervaise had been wearing a yellow waistcoat, Jason thought to himself, and there was a certain family resemblance between them. Although this only proved that he had walked in the garden with Ianthe like he claimed, not that he’d then abducted her, Jason was still convinced of Gervaise’s guilt. Why the hell would she go walking with him? She can’t stand the sight of him.

  ‘In which direction were they heading.’

  ‘Dunno, sir. Just wanderin’, I s’pose.’

  ‘And did you see her return?’

  ‘No, m’lord.’

  ‘Right, thank you. Anyone else see them?’

  No one spoke up. Jason wanted to shout with frustration. Gervaise may have forced Ianthe to go with him, but where could he have taken her? If he’d had a carriage waiting somewhere, she could be long gone. Or might she simply have fallen and hurt herself? Perhaps she was even now lying in the grounds somewhere?

  ‘We’ll need to organise search parties and see if we can find any clue as to where she went after leaving the rose garden. Let’s have four teams, please, one for each direction, and someone go and check that cave again, please.’


  ‘Yes?’ Jason looked impatiently in the direction of Ianthe’s French maid, Dupont, who was holding up her hand.

  ‘Why you not use ze dogs?’

  ‘Dogs? Yes, of course. Carter,’ he turned to the man in charge of his hunting pack, ‘go and—’

  ‘No, milord,’ Dupont interrupted him. ‘I mean les épagneules. They like ’er ladyship very much.’

  ‘Ep—? Oh, the spaniels! Of course, why didn’t I think of that? Thank you. Melmoth, where are they?’

  ‘I expect they’re still in the morning room. They were keeping her ladyship company earlier.’

  ‘Fetch them, please, someone. And Dupont, could you find a piece of clothing that my wife has worn recently? Let’s see if the dogs can track her. In the meantime, the rest of you may as well search the gardens. There might be some clue that will help us.’

  One of the footmen came rushing in, out of breath, and Melmoth ushered him forward. ‘This is the lad I sent after Mr Gervaise, my lord.’

  ‘Ah, yes, so where did he go? Did you manage to follow him?’

  ‘Yes,’ the young man panted, ‘went to the inn … in the village … sittin’ in the taproom now, he is.’

  ‘I see.’ This was not what Jason had wanted to hear. He’d hoped Gervaise woul
d lead them to wherever he was hiding Ianthe, but it would seem he was playing a deeper game. Perhaps he hoped Jason would call off the search? Not a chance! Jason sighed and ran a hand through his hair. ‘Go back and watch him, please, but don’t let him see you, obviously. And come and report if you find anything out. In the meantime we will continue our search. The spaniels, please, Melmoth. The rest of you, go!’

  Everyone ran off to do his bidding and Jason went to wait impatiently in the hall for Dupont and the dogs. He prayed that it would work. Failure to find Ianthe was not to be contemplated.

  The dogs had never been trained to search and find, but when they were led to the French windows and made to sniff a piece of Ianthe’s clothing, they barked excitedly, straining at their leads.

  ‘Where is she? Where’s your mistress? Go seek, find her,’ Jason egged them on, hoping they would understand. Their tails were wagging frantically, but he wasn’t sure if they were merely happy at the prospect of going out into the garden.

  He, Melmoth and two of the footmen followed the dogs, making them sniff the item of clothing from time to time. When they turned left down the stairs and headed straight for the rose garden, noses to the ground, Jason wanted to shout with joy, but he knew it was too soon. It could be coincidence.

  Through the rose garden they went, at great speed, and on the other side of it the dogs sniffed around some more, then headed off to the right.

  ‘Where are they taking us?’ Melmoth huffed, trying to keep up. Jason hoped the rapid pace wouldn’t prove too much for the old man, who wasn’t as fit as he used to be.

  ‘I’m not sure, but it’s not towards the road anyway, which is a relief. If they were on foot, we stand a much better chance of finding her. We’ll just have to wait and see. Do you want to rest for a while and catch up with us later?’

  ‘No, I’ll be fine, my lord. I can manage, for her ladyship’s sake.’

  Melmoth looked as determined as Jason felt, and it pleased him that Ianthe had won the respect and loyalty of his servants already. But what good is that if she never comes back? He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, refusing to even contemplate such a thing.


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