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The Nanny (The Fabulous Dalton Boys Book 1)

Page 5

by Kirsten Osbourne

  Ashley put her fork down on the side of her plate. "Ready sex? Are you kidding me? What do I get out of the arrangement? Huh?"

  His lips quirked into that grin she was coming to like so much. "What do you get? Well, you get ready sex too, but without the guilt." He leaned forward and dropped his voice to a husky whisper. "And I promise you, you'll get good sex anytime you want." His hand reached out and caught hers, his thumb tracing circles against her palm. "Marry me."

  Ashley closed her eyes and counted to ten before standing up and throwing her napkin on the table. "You are insane if you think I'm going to accept a proposal like that. When I marry it will be to a man I can respect. And you Barrett Dalton? I don't think you've ever had anyone's respect in your entire life. You're a Neanderthal, and I refuse to sit here and even discuss this with you. Maybe you should put out a want ad. Or better yet, get yourself a mail order bride. The word about town is that's how this whole blasted empire started. Mail order brides." She leaned down, her shirt gaping open and giving him a clear view of her bra, and she didn't even care. "You know what? I'm a nanny. I'm here to take care of your baby. What you're looking for to take care of your other needs is called a hooker. Maybe you should go find one of those!"

  She stormed from the kitchen and back to her room, slamming the door behind her. Had he really just asked her that?

  She threw herself on her bed, putting her head over her arm. With her eyes closed all she could picture was herself, in bed with Barrett Dalton, his naked skin sliding over hers. Oh, God. What was she becoming?

  Chapter Five

  Monday morning Barrett announced he'd decided to take the day off, and he spent some time with the baby on the couch in the main part of the house. The room was set up oddly with three couches all surrounding a huge television.

  Brooklyn was on the other couch, her eyes glued to the television. "I thought Cage said you'd be doing laundry all day," Barrett said, just to taunt her. Brook rolled her eyes. Ashley had done laundry for herself, Barrett, and Baby Dalton on Sunday afternoon, and put hers and the baby's clothes away. Barrett's were stacked neatly on the foot of his bed. He was glad he didn't have to rely on Gage's diva to do anything for him.

  "You guys are rich. Pay someone to do your laundry," she said, taking a drink of lemonade.

  Barrett grinned. "We had a laundry service coming to pick up our laundry every Sunday evening and delivering it back on Tuesday afternoons. Cage cancelled it, because you were here."

  Brooklyn just rolled her eyes. "Well, that was stupid, wasn't it?"

  The door opened and Archer walked in with a woman beside him that he introduced as Kalee, their new PR specialist. They quickly disappeared down the hall to Archer's wing of the house. It was obvious to Barrett that Archer had just found another conquest. Maybe Baby Dalton would have a cousin soon.

  A few minutes later, the two of them came back, Archer without a shirt, chasing after Kalee, who said a few choice words and slapped him before leaving. They could all hear her car's engine revving as she left.

  Barrett glared at Archer, not understanding what his brother had just done. He asked, and his tone must have been sharper than he'd intended, because Baby Dalton started fussing right away, obviously not liking the loud voices. Barrett barely noticed. Archer had just ruined their chances of digging their reputations out of the dirt, because he couldn't think with his head instead of the crotch. It was so like Archer.

  He was the one with a baby, but both of his brothers seemed to have sex indiscriminately. Barrett had always been more reserved. women always complicated things.

  Brooklyn started complaining about the baby fussing just as Ashley hurried in from his wing and swept him away, cradling him against her and calming him almost immediately. It made Barrett feel like he was a flop at being a father if his son preferred the nanny.

  Cage rushed in, obviously confused, and Barrett just told him to talk to Archer, who quickly announced what an idiot he was.

  The doorbell interrupted everyone, and Archer was the first there, flinging it open. A woman Ashley had never seen was standing there criticizing Archer for being shirtless.

  Ashley grinned. She had a feeling she was going to like her, whoever she was. Barrett whispered in her ear. "New PR girl. Name is Kalee."

  Ashley felt a shiver go up her spine as his breath landed directly against her ear. Aunt Lachele was right. She didn't need to be working for sex on a stick. She should tell him she was planning to leave when her month was up. Looking down at the baby in her arms, she was very afraid she couldn't do it, though.


  Barrett couldn't give up on the idea of marrying Ashley. He knew it was the best thing for Baby Dalton, and just as importantly, it was the best thing for him. He needed to be able to function, and he could easily see that the only way he'd be able to do that was if he married Ashley and exorcised her from his brain the only way he knew how: exercising her in bed.

  He started planning to make it happen. She just needed a little more persuading, and he could do it.

  On Wednesday, he talked to Brooklyn. "I need a favor from you. I'll pay," he said, knowing the words would be the ones she needed to hear.

  She sat down across from him in the living room. "I'm listening."

  "I want to take Ashley off overnight. I'm going to need a sitter. We'd leave around two on Friday afternoon and be back by ten on Saturday morning."

  "I told you, Barrett. I don't do babies!" She flicked her perfect hair back over her shoulder. "I can't see that turning out well for anyone."

  Barrett frowned. "What if I got Cage to agree to help? A thousand dollars?" He could see he had her attention. "Fifteen hundred?"

  She nodded. "Fifteen hundred, and Cage has to help me."

  "I'll talk to him." He smiled at Brooklyn. "Be nice to him. He cares about you."

  Brooklyn shrugged, not saying anything.

  Barrett groaned and got up, going in search of Cage. He bellowed his brother's name when he was halfway down his wing of the house.

  Cage came out of his office, frowning at Barrett. "What?"

  "I need you." He briefly explained his plan to take Ashley away for the night, but explained his need for a sitter. "Brooklyn agreed, but only if you're willing to help her."

  Cage smiled ruefully. "A night with Brooklyn? You know I'm in. I'm still stupid about that woman."

  Barrett sighed. "I know. Friday night."

  "Where are you taking her anyway? And does she know?"

  Barrett shook his head. "Vegas and nope. I'm going to convince her to have dinner out with me, and then take her to the private airstrip."

  Cage frowned. "You're not going to try to trick her into marriage, are you?"

  Trick her? "Nope. I wouldn't ever tick her into anything. Except maybe leaving the house with me overnight."

  "You've got it bad, brother."

  "Look who's talking!" He slapped his hand onto Cage's shoulder. "Thanks. Let me know if you need my help with Brooklyn."

  Cage shook his head. "I need something..."


  Ashley felt like the whole house was in on some kind of secret that she knew nothing about. She went about her business, taking care of the baby, keeping their wing of the house clean, and cooking meals for Barrett when she had a chance. She hadn't yet talked to him about leaving once her month was up, but she felt more strongly than ever that it was what she needed to do.

  Before he left for work on Friday morning, he asked if she would go to dinner with him. "I've arranged a sitter, and I think we need some time away from the house to just talk."

  She nodded reluctantly. "Yes, we do." She'd tell him while they were out what she planned to do.

  When she came back into the house after a soak in the hot tub just after lunch, she had the feeling someone had been in her room. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something.

  Barrett had said they would have to travel a bit for dinner, so he would be home by two to take
her out. She put on one of her new dresses, knowing they showed off her figure in a way he'd never seen. Why that mattered to her, she didn't know. She was just going out with him so she could tell him she was leaving at the end of her month, right?

  At two, she heard a knock at her door, and sucked in a breath. She wore her hair down, something she'd rarely done for him. Every once in a while, he'd see her after her ponytail was taken out at the end of the day, but never when her hair was actually fixed.

  She opened the door, and held her breath, her eyes drinking in the sight of him there, in a dark suit. Glad she'd chosen one of her new dresses, she smiled. "You look great."

  Without thinking, he cupped her cheek with one hand, leaning down to brush his lips across hers. "You're breathtaking."

  He offered his arm to her. She took her purse from her dresser, walking with him, pausing only when she saw Brooklyn holding Baby Dalton. "We can't leave him with her!"

  "Don't worry, Cage is going to help her. He'll be fine."

  "But what if she doesn't wake up? She hates babies!" Ashley stopped walking, staring into the baby's room, afraid for him.

  "Cage will help her. He promised. He also has the number of an emergency nanny service if things get out of hand. They'll be fine."

  Ashley closed her eyes and nodded. If the father wasn't worried, why should the nanny be all freaked out?

  He took her out to a limo that was parked out front. She looked over at his truck. "I thought we'd take your truck."

  "I want tonight to be really special."

  "I'm not having sex with you, Barrett." She felt the need to just get that out there. If he knew it upfront, maybe he wouldn't push.

  "I know, sweetheart. I won't even ask it of you 'til after we're married. I promise." Barrett grinned as he brushed his lips across hers once more.

  Ashley rolled her eyes and slid into the car all the way across to the door on the other side. Barrett got in as well, and grabbed her arm, pulling her back across the back seat so he could put his arms across her shoulders.

  "I'm glad you agreed to go with me," he said softly.

  "Where are we having dinner anyway?"

  He shrugged. "There's this little Italian place that I like. We'll go there."

  "Sounds good. I love Italian." She rested her head against his shoulder, wanting to feel like they were on a date, even though she was about to tell him she was ending her time with him. Maybe she should wait until the end of the evening for that.

  "I was thinking more about what we talked about the other night," he told her.

  She looked at him, her eyes questioning. "Which thing? We talk about everything."

  "You know. The marriage thing."

  She sighed. "Barrett, I just don't think it's a good idea. Giving the baby a mother and you having a sexual outlet just aren't good enough reasons to marry. If you wanted the baby to have a mother, you should have married, well, the baby's mother!"

  He sighed. "I haven't told you about MaryBeth yet."

  She turned to him fully on the seat, ignoring the view. "No, you haven't, but I'd sure like to hear whatever you want to tell me."

  "About ten months ago, I had some trouble at the office. One of the girls who works in my department accused me of sexual harassment, and all I'd done was smile at her. Archer dragged me into his office and chewed me out without hearing my side of the story. Before that day, I'd never had a one night stand. My brothers sure can't say that, but I could." He closed his eyes for a moment, determined to tell her the whole thing.

  "Anyway, it had been a really rough day. The girl finally admitted that I hadn't done anything, but the damage was done, and I was already frustrated." His eyes met hers. "I get so sick of being judged by my father's actions. My brothers' actions. I'm my own man. I'm not one of a matched set. I'm Barrett."

  Ashley reached up and cupped his cheek with her hand, loving how smooth his skin was. He must have just shaven. "I know you're not. I've never compared you to your brothers. Well, not after that first day, anyway."

  "I know." He shook his head. "Well, I went to this little truck stop on the highway, knowing the waitresses there were all known for being of lesser morals. I figured if everyone was going to assume I was like that, then for once, I would be." He shrugged. "A waitress came to my table and flirted her heart out. Her name was MaryBeth. She knew I was one of the Dalton brothers, and really, she didn't care which. She slipped me a note right after I paid, saying it was time for her to get off, and she'd love to meet me at my truck."

  Ashley could see where the story was going, and she really didn't want to hear it. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me."

  "No, I need to tell you." He rubbed the back of his neck. "She got into my truck, and we drove to her place. She usually walked to work. It was close. We went in, stripped, had sex, and I left. It was that simple. We didn't say anything to each other after. I just—left. It's going to sound stupid, but the whole experience made me feel so empty. Sure, it felt good at the time, but—it wasn't right. I have no idea how my brothers can have a string of women like that.

  "So, about a month later, she showed up at the ranch and threw herself at Cage. She had no idea who any of us were. She told him she was pregnant, and she wanted him to marry her. He didn't know her, so he yelled out my name. I went to her, and she did the same thing to me. I told her I'd pay child support, but I wouldn't marry her."

  Ashley nodded, not liking the story, but understanding his need to purge it. "And?"

  "She got mad. Threatened to have an abortion, but I think she knew her money train would be over if she did that. I used a condom that night. I've never in my life had sex without a condom, and she definitely wasn't an exception. I didn't see her again until she was about eight months pregnant. She showed up at the ranch and told me that I needed to marry her, to give the baby a name. I told her she was welcome to give the kid a name as long as it wasn't one of the stupid names my family likes that rhymes with Dalton. I have a Walton Dalton and an Alton Dalton in my family tree. Both of them have been used at least three times. I hate that." He shook his head. "Anyway, I didn't see her again until two days before you came, and that day I just saw her tail lights as she was leaving my driveway. Baby Dalton was in a plastic laundry basket on my doorstep, with a note, and his birth certificate announcing he'd been named Dalton Dalton Dalton. Seriously, Texas has the death penalty, and she should get it just for that child's name."

  Ashley shook her head. "Well, I guess that explains why you wouldn't marry the baby's mother."

  "If it doesn't, you don't know me well at all."

  She shrugged. "That still doesn't mean that I should be the one to be his mother. I mean, he's a sweet baby, but he's not mine. If you wanted to give him to me to raise, I would take him in a heartbeat, but I don't know that I want to tie myself to a man who only wants me for sex to get him."

  "You really think I only want you for sex?" He looked at her with shock. "If I only wanted sex, I could pick any number of women. I want you. I want the way you love my son. I want the woman who makes me laugh, and makes me feel like the sexiest man alive."

  "Sex on a stick," she mumbled.

  "Sex on a sti—" He choked on the last word, unable to finish it as his laughter filled the car. "See? That's what I want. I want you, Ashley. No one else. I promise, if it had been Brooklyn who'd come to me as a nanny, that proposal never would have happened."

  "Proposal?" she asked, almost offended that he'd call it that. "That wasn't a proposal. That was a business proposition."

  "So if I get down on one knee, with a ring in my hand," he slipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket and held it out to her. "This ring, maybe..."

  Ashley stared down at the box he'd flicked open with his thumb, shaking her head. There was a decent sized diamond with a ring of emeralds around it, and her heart leapt. How had he known how much she loved emeralds? "The most important thing still isn't there, Barrett. You don't love me."

  He sig
hed. "You yourself brought up the fact that I come from mail order brides. There was no love between the couple when they married, but love grew. Don't you think that could happen with us? Let's face it, we've got the lust part down pat."

  She blushed, not wanting to agree with him, but not willing to lie either. "I'll think about it. That's the best I can do for now." She glanced out the window and saw they were at a small airstrip, a plane on the tarmac in front of them. "Where exactly are we going for dinner?"

  He shrugged. "Vegas. Good food. Great hotels. Quickie marriages."

  "Barrett Dalton, if I was going to consider marrying you five minutes ago, I'm certainly not now! What is wrong with you! We cannot leave that baby with Brooklyn overnight! Poor Baby Dalton will be wearing a backwards diaper and have chocolate stains all over his body where she used him as a table."

  "He'll be fine. Cage won't let anything happen to him." He got out of the car, and when she crossed her arms refusing to budge, he grabbed her arm and pulled her out, putting his shoulder into her stomach and walking with her in a fireman's carry to the plane.

  She saw the driver running behind them with two suitcases, one of which she recognized as her own. She beat at Barrett's back with her fists. "This is kidnapping!"

  He shrugged as he set her down in a seat, buckling her in himself. "Close the door," he called over his shoulder. "Ever heard the phrase the end justifies the means?"

  "I cannot believe you're doing this to me!"

  "I'm not going to force you to marry me, Ashley, but you have to finish hearing me out." He knelt in front of her on the floor of the plane. "All I can think about morning to night is you. I wake up, tasting your lips against mine. I get a goofy grin on my face halfway through the day, and my employees are starting to make fun of me. And every night, when we're in our separate beds, I'm lying awake in mine, thinking about what it would be like if you were with me."


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