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I'll Take A Chance (Running Into Love Book 2)

Page 7

by Nicole, Annalisa

  “Honey, I really don’t want to rush you. I need you to be ready not just physically, but emotionally too.”

  “Kyle, shut up and kiss me,” I tell him.

  “Scoot up to the top of the bed. Put your head on the pillow,” he orders.

  I comply eagerly. He unbuttons my pants and peels them down my legs. I am left only in my bra and panties. He hovers slightly over me just taking all of me in with his eyes.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he purrs.

  He launches himself softly on top of me, kissing just under my ear. He raises his leg and his upper thigh hits my happy place and I moan with pleasure. He kisses down my neck to just between my breasts. He moves his hands behind my back, and with one effortless movement my bra is unhooked. He pauses again and looks into my eyes. He’s still not sure if I’m OK with this.

  I give him a nod and he ever so carefully removes my bra and tosses it to the floor. I love the feel of his upper arms. He’s so strong and smooth. He starts kissing down my stomach and stops just at the top of my panties. I’m so turned on that I’m panting with excitement.

  “God you smell so good,” he says to me.

  He traces just under my panties with his finger, I have never felt anything so intimate, so sensual. He slowly removes my panties and now I am bare before him. At that point Roger comes into my head and I start to feel self conscious. Kyle must sense the change and he is back in my face looking in my eyes.

  “It’s alright Amelia, you are safe with me. I am not going to do anything you don’t want me to do. Do you understand me?”

  I continue to look in his eyes just lost in the kindness and sincerity that I see. He must take this as a sign that I’m not ready.

  “Honey, I need you to answer me.”

  “I understand you,” I whisper and nod my head.

  With a nod he buries his face in my hair and kisses my neck then trails downward. He diverts just under my belly button and kisses over my hip bone. It sends wild shivers over my already hot skin. He runs his hands down my thighs and bends them at my knees on top of the mattress. He ever so slowly places his mouth on my happy place. Instantly I jump and he stops. He rubs my inner thighs and looks me in my eyes.

  “Relax, honey. Just relax your mind and your muscles and close your eyes,” he orders.

  I do as he says and try my hardest not to tense up. He’s back at my happy place and it doesn’t take long to start getting really happy. He rubs his fingers in just the right place which makes my legs move involuntarily. I’ve never had that happen or this feeling before and I’m a little embarrassed my legs are moving on their own.

  Kyle must not think it’s weird because he starts to moan like he is enjoying himself. I don’t know what is coming over me because I have never felt anything this strong. The next thing I know I’m screaming his name and coming so much harder than I have ever made my own self come. He continues licking and touching until I think I can’t take it anymore.

  Oh my God, Kyle just made me come. I start laughing, because I’m so excited that I’m not broken or weird or deformed and a man can make me come, but Kyle is still going at it and I stop laughing and start panting as I come a second time. This one wasn’t as strong as the first, but holy crap. He looks in my eyes and tells me he will be right back. He kisses the inside of my thigh and gets off my bed.

  He steps in the bathroom and I can hear the sink turn on then off then he comes and positions himself over me like he’s doing a push up. He must have washed his face because it’s still a little wet. He leans down and ever so softly kisses me.

  “I have to get back to the hospital. I hate to leave you. This isn’t the way I would have ever planned on doing this. I’m glad it happened though. Amelia, you are so beautiful, and I could live the rest of my life doing that every day and I would die a happy man.”




  Where has he been all my life?

  “Are you OK?” he asks me and lies on the side of me. His chest is warm, and he smells like outdoor woods. He reaches over and grabs a blanket at the end of the bed and covers me with it. If he gets any sweeter I may never let him leave.

  “I’m more than OK.” I kiss him and try to express my feelings through something as simple as a kiss.

  “I really need to get back. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know about lunch. OK?”

  He gets off the bed, I stand and wrap the blanket around me and follow him back out into the family room. He picks up his scrub top and pulls it back on. He grabs the blanket where I have it knotted in my hand and pulls me close with a thud into his chest and kisses me. He runs his finger down my cheek then kisses me one more time.

  “I have to go, honey. I’ll call you in the morning. Get some sleep.”

  I open the door and watch him walk down the hallway. When he turns the corner it’s then that I realize, I’m standing in the hallway wrapped in only a blanket. Shutting the door I lean against it, I bring my fingers to my lips with a huge smile on my face and relief in my heart. I am a whole person. I’m not defective or deformed. Roger is an ass. I can’t believe I let what he said rip me apart like it did for so long. I’m mad at myself now for not pressing charges against him. He better hope I never see him again. I may be the one to rip his head off.


  Leaving Amelia’s apartment, I hope I just didn’t make a huge mistake. I’m not sure if she was really ready for that. The look in her eyes said she was, but emotional scars can run deep. I knew I had to show her right from the start though that she wasn’t damaged. I needed to show her the beautiful woman that she is. I park my car at the hospital and check in with the few patients that we have tonight. I can probably get a few hours of sleep in before I’m needed. I close myself in the on-call room and think about how much my life seems to be changing in such a short time. Meeting Amelia is the best thing that has happened to me in over two years. I think about her and tonight. She’s just so beautiful and kind. It makes me angry another man could do what he did to her. I think about my sister, and I still have the feeling that she’s out there. I know it in my heart she’s not dead. I can still feel her here, all around me. I must fall asleep because the next thing I know a nurse is knocking on the door. One of the patients is ready to deliver.

  There were two births last night and this morning it looks like there will be a few more. I take out my cell and dial Amelia. She should be just about ready to head into the office. I want to catch her before she starts her day. She answers on the second ring and it’s the sweetest music to my ears.

  “Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well last night?” I ask her.

  “Good morning. Yes, I did, thank you. How did the rest of your night go? Were there any new babies brought into this world last night?”

  “There were two babies born last night. There was a boy and a girl. It looks like there will be a few more births before the day is over too,” I tell her, and I love how interested she is in my work.

  “I just love it. What an amazing job you have. I just love Abbey to death, she’s so sweet, and I could just eat her up. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be there at so many births. I think my cheeks would fall off from the amount of smiling.”

  “It is a wonderful job. I do love my work. I wanted to catch you before you left for the office. I wanted to see if you could come to the hospital for lunch. The cafeteria food is rather good. I have a few moms I need to keep a close eye on. I don’t think I can leave.” I hope she can take some time to come here, I need my Amelia fix.

  “Sure. I can come by around noon. Will that work for you?”

  “That sounds perfect. I’ll see you then, honey. I hope you have a good day.”

  “You too, I’ll see you in a few hours,” she says, and hangs up the phone.

  “Dr. Peters this came for you just a little while ago,” a nurse tells me and hands me a small box.

  “I wasn’t expecting anything. I wonder who
it’s from,” I tell her. I wonder if Amelia sent me something.

  I open the small box and inside there are flowers that are cut into pieces. The heads are all torn off and the stems are cut into small pieces. I dig in the box looking for a card, but there isn’t one. Who would have done such a thing and why are they being sent to me? This is completely strange.

  “Do you know who delivered these?” I ask the nurse.

  “No, I’m sorry I don’t. It was just a delivery man. He said he had a delivery for you. He handed me the box and left. Is there something wrong? Did you want me to try and find out who the delivery service was?” she asks.

  “No, that’s alright. It’s not important.” I don’t give it another thought and throw the whole box in the trash. As soon as I’m done checking in on my patients, I see Amelia standing at the nurses’ station. She brings an instant smile to my face. I walk up to her placing my hand around her waist and kiss her on the cheek.

  “You have perfect timing. I just finished checking on my patients. Are you ready for lunch?”

  “I’m ready,” she tells me with a smile.

  “Before we go, I think your stitches should be ready to come out. Let’s take a look at them.” I walk her down to the lounge and grab a few supplies that I’ll need to remove her stitches. We sit on one of the couches, and I remove the small bandage. It has healed nicely and with a few snips each of the six stitches removes easily.

  “There, good as new,” I tell her with a smile. I place a fresh small bandage on her palm and place a kiss on top of the bandage. I hold the door open for her, and we walk back to the nurse’s station.

  “I’ll just be down in the cafeteria if anyone needs me,” I tell the nurse.

  I grab Amelia’s hand and we walk down to the cafeteria.

  “How has your day gone so far?” I ask her.

  “I’m hanging in there. I think I’m going to give Willow a big fat raise when she comes back. How about you? Any of those mommas give birth yet this morning?”

  “None yet, it shouldn’t be too much longer though,” I tell her and I love the twinkle in her eye. I bet she will make an amazing mother some day. If I have any say in it, she will be the mother of my children. I know that’s crazy to think so soon, but I’m just that sure.

  Amelia gets a salad and I take a sandwich and grab us each a bottle of water. We find a seat next to the windows.

  “You know if you want I can take you into the nursery to visit the babies if you like.”

  “You’re kidding, right? Oh my gosh, that would be so amazing,” she says with a huge smile.

  “No, I’m not kidding. You’re more than welcome to.”

  She squeals with delight, clapping her hands. She digs into her salad like it’s a race. I guess she really wants to see those babies. We finish our lunch, and I walk her to the nursery window. She stands there with her hands on the glass with watery eyes.

  “You want to go in?” I ask her.

  “Can I?” she replies.

  “Sure, come on. You’ll need to scrub first and wear a gown, but its fine. Normally there is paperwork to fill out and you need a TB test, but it will be fine just this one time,” I assure her.

  She watches as I scrub and she does exactly what I do. The nurse helps her put on a gown over her clothes and we go inside.

  “Here, try this one here. These are twins born two days ago. Sometimes it’s harder for parents of multiples to get all the cuddles in. These two should be going home in a day or two.” I point to the girl and I pick up the boy twin.

  “Twins they are so cute. I couldn’t imagine having two at once, how precious,” she says as she ever so gently scoops up the baby girl and brings her to her chest.

  “Oh, that new baby smell is better than the most expensive perfume money can buy. I think I could stay here for hours just holding babies,” she says as she every so lovingly rocks the baby girl patting her back as softly as she can.

  Just then my pager goes off. I check the code on the display, one of the moms must be ready to deliver.

  “Amelia, I have to go. I’m sorry. You can stay however long you want. I may be a little while though.” I place the baby boy back in his plastic crib.

  “I really should be getting back to work. Thank you for letting me hold her. Can you call me later when you’re not busy?”

  “Sure, I’ll talk to you later today. OK?” I tell her and kiss her on the lips. I give her one last glance through the nursery window and watch as she hugs the little baby girl then gently places her in her crib.

  Chapter 8


  Getting back to my office, I sit in my chair, and for the first time I don’t feel overwhelmed by my work load. After holding the babies at the hospital, I am left with a calming peace in my mind, body and spirit. I may have to do that more often.

  Kyle will still be on at the hospital all night. I still have a need to hold a baby. I pick up the phone and call Willow.

  “Hey there sis-in-law, how are you and that adorable niece of mine doing today?” I ask her.

  “We are both doing great. I may be close to murdering someone though. Between my mom and step-dad and Asher always hanging on me and the baby, I may strangle someone with my bare hands.”

  “I’m free tonight. What do you say I make us a mani/pedi appointment tonight?”

  “That is the best offer I have had in days. You are on, sister. What time were you thinking? Wait what about your hand?” she asks sounding a little more chipper.

  “I should be done at the office around five. How about if we grab a quick bite to eat, and I make appointments for seven? My hand has healed nicely. Kyle took the stitches out earlier today. They’ll just have to be careful, and I won’t be able to soak that hand or have it massaged, but that’s OK.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you then around five-thirty?”

  “I’ll see you then,” I tell her and hang up the phone.

  The rest of the work day breezes by. I got one call from Kyle telling me he delivered another two babies today. He said he is off work at noon tomorrow and wanted to know if I wanted to go out on a date later that night. Of course I accepted. He’s making reservations at a steak house and he will pick me up at six.

  I shut down my computer and grab a few files that I need to look at later at home tonight. I don’t have enough time to go home and change, so I head straight to Asher’s house. I am not normally a paranoid person, but it seems to me that the car behind me has made every turn I have, and it’s making me extremely uncomfortable.

  I pull into their long driveway and the car passes me continuing down the street. I guess I was just being paranoid. I get to the door, and my brother opens it cradling Abbey in his arms. Now, a man holding a baby has to be the sweetest thing a girl could ever see. Asher, my brother, who I never thought would be the first of us to have a baby, holding Abbey, almost brings tears to my eyes.

  Lucy their Yorkshire terrier jumps on my leg, wagging her tail excited to see me. I bend down to pet her and glance back over my shoulder in time to see that same silver car driving back down the street heading in the opposite direction. Asher notices me looking and cranes his neck to see what I’m looking at.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks.

  “Nothing, I think I’m a little paranoid that’s all.”

  “Why, what would make you say that?” he asks concerned.

  “That car that just drove down the street just now, I could have sworn it followed me all the way here. It kept going straight though when I turned in your driveway. Just now, I saw it drive down the street again, but it was headed in the opposite direction.”

  “Maybe they’re looking for a house and are lost,” he tells me.

  “Maybe, I’m sure that’s what it is. Is Willow about ready? We need to get going or we’ll be late for our appointments,” I say loudly into the house for her to hear.

  “I’m here, I’m coming,” Willow says as she shoves things in her purse.

  “She has torn the entire closet apart, trying on different outfits,” Asher says with a sigh.

  “Nothing fits. That’s why,” she says frustrated.

  “Willow, you just gave birth. Not even a week ago. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re beautiful,” I tell her and honestly, she does look amazing.

  “Right? I tell her that every day,” Asher says.

  “Both of you shut up. Amelia, let’s go,” she gives Asher a dirty look then looks at herself one more time in the hall mirror with a disgusted look. “Ugh, forget it, let’s just go,” she says.

  I give Asher a, sorry to be in your shoes look, kiss Abbey on the forehead, and walk out the door. Willow kisses her as well then swats Asher on the butt wagging her finger at him.

  “I’ll drive,” I tell Willow.

  “You can’t. Asher made me promise him we would let Simon take us. He’s still so pushy and overprotective,” she says loudly looking at Asher as she follows behind me out the door.

  “He just loves you, that’s all. I’m not going to turn down a chauffeured evening though.” She loops her arm through mine, turns around and winks at Asher.

  Simon opens our doors, and we slide in their sleek black Town Car. First, we are off to a little bistro next to the spa for some dinner. Then it’s off to the spa for some pampering.

  “So, how is mommy life treating you?” I ask her as I put on my seat belt.

  “It’s amazing. I can’t believe I could fall in love with Abbey any more then I already do. Every day I see her sweet little face my heart explodes with new found joy. What about you? How is the handsome Dr. Peters?”

  I instantly blush and look out the window.

  “Oh my. No way. Are you kidding me? You didn’t? You and Kyle had sex didn’t you?” she says in an accusing tone.

  I look Willow in the eyes and her face changes to a look of, I knew it, I told you so. Kyle is the man to rock your world.

  “Tell me everything. I want details,” she begs.

  “Willow, I’m not telling you any details. Alright, maybe just a little. We didn’t actually have sex. We didn’t have enough time. He did however give me an orgasm,” I tell her quietly with the biggest grin on my face.


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