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Hell's Flower

Page 3

by SL Schiefer

  She instinctively starts sucking them, moaning her approval of tasting herself on me. Pulling my fingers free of her lips, I snake my hand around her neck, pushing her toward the bed. She bends over, not fully on the bed, putting her ass in the air on display for me.

  Stalking toward my dresser, I open one of the drawers and pull out a condom. Unbuttoning my pants and pushing them down, I tear the wrapper open with my teeth and hurriedly sheath myself.

  Walking back over to Bunny, I slap her ass a couple times. Hard. Porn star worthy moans spill from her mouth. I line my dick up at her entrance and shove in, feeling my balls smack her from the force.

  I wrap her bleach blonde hair around my hand, pull her head back at an angle, grab hold of her hip, and start pounding into her. Throwing my head back, I close my eyes. But the minute I do, I regret it.

  A dark-haired angel is staring back at me. But it isn’t Trina I see. Raven is there. Every time I slam into her, she arches back into me. Taking every inch of me. Her long, dark brown hair is wrapped around my hand. I run my free hand down her spine, leaving goose bumps. Her fucking ass jiggles every time I slam into her, enticing me to smack it again, over and over. I leave bright-ass red marks where I was, only to smooth my hand over them to soothe her.

  “Ohhhh,” Bunny moans loudly. “Right there, baby. You’re a fucking animal tonight.”

  And in a matter of seconds, for the first time, my erection dies. This is why I don’t let the women I take to bed talk. I get into a fucking fantasy in my head, and then they fucking talk and it all dissipates. Her nail-on-chalkboard voice is the complete opposite of my angel.

  I pull free of her wet cunt. “Get the fuck out, Bunny. Go find another brother to finish you. I’m done.”

  She starts sputtering, not sure where to start, but she finally decides on saying, “Fuck you! I’ve waited around to be your ol’ lady and this is what I fucking get?”

  I bark out a laugh. “You think you were going to be my ol’ lady? Bunny, you’re a club slut. You’ve fucked every brother under this roof. And who knows who else outside of here. Ol’ ladies don’t fuck around on their guys. If you think you ever had a chance of being my ol’ lady, you’re even more fucking stupid than I thought.”

  She shuts down, I see it happening. Grabbing her shit, she doesn’t even bother to get dressed before she walks out, probably to find the first guy to take care of her ass.

  I kick my pants off and take my shirt off. Ripping the condom off my deflated dick, I throw it in the trash and pull my boxers back up before falling into my bed. Throwing my arm over my eyes, I try to fall asleep.

  I don’t know how much time has passed when someone bangs on my door and startles the shit out of me, making me damn near fall off the bed. Goddamn these motherfuckers. Can’t they just let me get one good night’s sleep?!

  Standing up, I stalk to the door and throw it open, eyeing the prospect on the other side of it. “What is it?” I grit out.

  “Ummm, Porky told me to come get you. Said something about a problem and needing to have Church.” This kid can’t even look me in the eyes when he talks.

  Rolling my eyes, I spit out, “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute.” Slamming the door in the kid’s face, I effectively cut off any other attempt at chit chat.

  Pulling my pants back on, I decide to go shirtless. I just want to sleep. If this “problem” is something that requires me to leave, I’ll grab it later.

  Walking through the main room, I see the leftovers of people too drunk and high to find their rooms. It looks like one big orgy in there.

  Walking into the doors of the meeting room at the clubhouse, I notice everyone is impatiently waiting for me. Sitting down in the chair at the head of the table, I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Okay, someone want to explain to me why we have a problem at five in the morning?”

  Porky clears his throat, “It seems our street dealers are wanting to go against us. I got word that our guy, Anders, is trying to get out of dealing for us. He’s trying to get protection from another club.”

  Lightning shoots down my spine. “Which club?”

  “I don’t really think you need to ask that question,” he deadpans.

  Standing up, I push the chair in. “Well, looks like we’re going to ride out and have a chat with Anders.” Everyone stands up and follows me out of the room.

  This is exactly why I told Raven to go home. I can’t get involved with her when her dad is one of my dealers. As soon as she figured out what I do, she would have been gone anyway. That kind of girl doesn’t put up with shit from a guy like me.

  When one of my street runners gets out of line, we always go to teach a lesson. Usually I don’t go, but tonight I feel like having reality smack me in the face, reminding me why it isn’t a good idea to fuck anyone not in this life.

  Chapter Five – Raven

  “SO DO YOU WANT to go back to that club again tonight?” Jazz asks as we walk over to our gear resting on the floor against the wall covered in mirrors.

  I reach down for my ‘sweat towel’ and start blotting away at my skin. “I don’t know, Jazz.”

  “What? That guy was super-hot!” I roll my eyes in her direction. Her eyes are nearly bugging out of her face and her mouth is hanging open. She looks shocked that I wouldn’t want to go back to be humiliated all over again.

  “Please tell me why the hell I would want to go back after all of the rejection last night? Besides, he owns the place. He probably has black-listed us already.” I can feel the heat spread throughout my body. My cheeks are on fire with embarrassment from his rejection. My body is on fire for entirely… other reasons. Even after taking care of myself—twice—last night, I still can’t get him and his body out of my mind. Every time I close my damn eyes I see his laid back, dangerous sex appeal—his chiseled features and strong body. One look from him could bring any woman to their knees willingly. Fuck.

  “Oh, come on, Rave!” she nearly shouts before bumping shoulders with me as she tries to slip off her stilettos. Next thing I know, she’s down on her ass with a startled scream. I can’t help it. I can’t stop myself. I laugh, a deep, gut-aching laugh.

  I’m crouched over trying to get my breath for a few moments before I offer her a hand up. “I’m sorry,” I chuckle. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Feel free to laugh. Anytime, bitch,” she says, her words dripping with sarcasm.

  “Sorry, not sorry,” I shrug. “That was some funny shit.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So, since daddy dearest won’t let you come in early anymore, does this mean our morning pole dancing classes are back on regularly again?” I look over at her and see she’s batting her eyelashes at me like a fool.

  “Probably,” I say noncommittally.

  “So… tonight? Game on?” she asks with so much hope filling her voice, her face lighting up.

  “Why are you so eager to go back there again? Didn’t you get enough rejection last night?” I don’t get it. Why does she want to go there? We live in the Detroit area, for flippin’ sakes. There’s a shit ton of places we could go.

  “Well, when you went to get a drink before you got the both of us kicked out, I met this guy. He’s super fucking hot and a good dancer.”

  “Is he straight?” I joke, but really, who knows? It’s an honest question.

  “Yes, he’s straight! What? You don’t think I can get a hot guy?” Her face is scrunched up as if she just smelt something bad.

  “What? Of course I think you can! I’ve seen you pick up random hot men countless times, but it’s a fair question,” I giggle. “I mean, look at that one guy you tried picking up… at a gay bar. And yes, he was gay!”

  “That was one time! One time, and you’ll never let me live it down,” she laughs. “And,” she adds, holding up a finger in the air, “I was completely and utterly inebriated.”

  “I’ll give you that. You were royally fucked that night,” I agree as I push the entry doors open. Immediatel
y, the early morning air kisses my face. It’s warm, but it’s not humid. It’s nice to be able to breathe in a breath of fresh air without feeling like someone has your lungs in a vise grip.

  “So, tonight?” she asks again. I look over to see her hopeful face, her teeth worrying her bottom lip.

  “Ugh. Yeah, yeah. Tonight.”


  After showering and dressing for the day, I slip on my signature work attire—my short cutoff shorts and a tank. Today I go with a bright green one. I top if off with my black motorcycle boots before throwing my thick mass of hair into a high ponytail.

  Jazz used to make fun of me all the time for my clothing choices. But usually, especially in the summer, the shop gets too fucking hot and I hate sweating. I don’t mind getting dirty, but overly sweaty is just gross to me. Plus, the tanks are dirt cheap so I couldn’t give two shits if they get dirty or smudged with grease.

  I grab my cell, purse, and keys, and lock up behind me. As soon as I get back outside, I can tell the humidity is starting to grow thick. That first breath has become harder to take.

  I slip my sunglasses on and smile big as I stare at my baby. God, I love my baby. She’s so fucking pretty.

  I get in Kate and start her up. As I rev her engine, I can feel my panties get wet. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a fantasy of being taken on top of her. Now, if I weren’t too fucking scared to scratch her, and could find a guy worthy enough to touch her, then maybe that dream could come true.

  I roll my windows down and crank up the rock station that’s blasting through the radio. When Kate and I are driving, with the music blaring, I feel at peace. I love this place. I love driving around in it. The traffic, the people, the culture, the food, the lights—all of it. But one thing that beats driving here, is driving here with Kate.

  I pull into the parking lot that greets the back entrance of Dad’s shop at the same time Luke does. Luke is the other full-time mechanic. He’s also one of Dad’s closest friends. He’s been at Ander’s since the very beginning.

  “Hey, ol’ man,” I greet him with a bright smile as I step out of the car.

  “Hey yourself, Rave,” he says sharply.

  Well, that’s fucking weird. He’s always been a quiet man. The type of guy who observes others. Stands up for those he protects but doesn’t normally speak unless spoken to unless he really has something of value to say. It’s one of the reasons I used to call him Watcher. That is, until Dad told me I had to stop because it made him sound like some sort of nark or some shit. But one thing about Luke, he’s never sharp—at least not with me. I’ve known him my whole life. Holidays, birthdays, you name it, Luke is there. When Ma died, he stepped in to help Dad out as much as he could. He’s never married and never had any kids of his own. I’ve come to see him as a second dad, so the unusual tone has me on the full defense.

  “Everything okay, Luke?” I stop at the door and turn my body to face him directly, slipping my sunglasses up my face to rest on the top of my head.

  “Yeah. Everything’s good,” he nods once.

  I cock a brow at him, letting him know I smell bullshit but I don’t say anything. I leave it at that as I pull the door open and step inside. Immediately, the fumes of grease, oil, and gas fill my senses. I’m home.

  I turn the corner that leads directly into the shop and stop dead in my tracks. Luke smacks into me, causing me to trip over my own feet. I feel his fingers dig into my hips to catch me before I fall face first onto the floor. As soon as he’s righted me and made sure I was steady, I hear him inhale a sharp breath.

  “Holy mother of God,” he mumbles.

  My eyes don’t even know where to focus. The tipped over bikes, the Mustang with a broken windshield and paint that looks to be defiled with a key. White powder lays in a small pile on the ground below the ’67 Corvette that is supposed to be picked up today. It was only in for a fucking tune-up.

  “Dad! Dad, you here?” His bike was parked in the back; I know he was supposed to be here. “Dad!” I yell again. Even I can hear the panic in my voice. My chest feels heavy. I can feel my heart beat so rapidly, it almost hurts. I know I need to find him, but I can’t seem to get my feet to move. The idea something may have happened to him has me frozen in fear. It was hard losing my Mom, but the thought of something happening to my Dad—I just can’t.

  “Anders!” Luke yells as he steps around me and goes toward the office.

  “Dad!” I yell, snapping out of my shock. I follow Luke into Dad’s office. My eyes start searching from the ground up and when they land at his desk, I freeze.

  Fuck me.

  Chapter Six — Mace

  AFTER OUR VISIT with Anders early this morning, I came back to the clubhouse to try to catch some more sleep, only to get a couple more hours in before being woken up again.

  I’m telling you—I’m not meant to sleep. Ever.

  But this time, it was for something pretty important. Apparently, Raven is trying to get the cops involved with what happened at her dad’s shop. Didn’t take long for her to find her dad and call 911. It doesn’t help that we beat him enough to put him in the hospital. Maybe if they wouldn’t have gone that far she wouldn’t have called.

  But any normal person would call the cops if they found someone unconscious.

  So, with very little sleep, I’m driving to the police station to retrieve a very pissed off Raven. A couple of the guys follow me in an SUV, just in case someone needs to drive her car back. There is not enough caffeine or liquor in the world to deal with a pissed off woman today. Or ever, for that matter.

  Pulling up to an empty parking spot in front of the station, I hop off my bike. Taking the steps two at a time, I shove open the double doors and head in. There are a couple cops who love to give me hell; they never miss an opportunity to fuck with me. I’m barely containing my excitement.

  “Gunner. Nice to see you here.” It’s always so weird to be called by my given name after going by Mace for so long.

  “Officer Walker. How’s it going?” This guy just so happens to be one of the cops who likes to fuck with me. He’s seriously mistaken if he thinks he’s going to get to me sometime.

  “You don’t have to pretend in here. We all know you don’t like me. What I would like to know, however, is why you’re gracing us with your presence?” Usually, I don’t have a problem with a guy who can get straight to his point. This time, though, I can hate that guy.

  “I was informed a certain lady is down here. Upset that her dad was put in the hospital,” I tell him, not missing the narrowing of his eyes as I speak. No doubt trying to figure out how he can pin this on the club.

  “Ah, the lovely Raven. You know her?”

  “We’re friends, yeah. I’m coming down here to comfort her.” My fists are clenching, I’m trying so hard to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. Just then, I hear a bunch of yelling coming from one of the back offices.

  Not wasting another second on Officer Dipshit here, I take off stalking in the direction of the raised voices. Coming to a stop at the threshold, I see she’s no less stunning in the daylight. And out of club clothes. She’s actually more gorgeous not all done up.

  “Angel, why are you screaming at the poor officer?” Apparently, my voice startles her because she about jumps out of her boots. If this was any other situation I would have laughed, but I fucking know better than to laugh in the face of a pissed woman.

  “And just what the fuck are you doing here?” The whole sentence is laced with venom, but the way she says ‘you’ makes me feel like a piece of shit.

  “I heard about your pops, and also about you down here harassing our men in blue, so I came down here to be with my friend.” I apparently put too much emphasis on the word friend that it causes the cop in here to raise his eyebrows. Raven just scrunches her face up in confusion. Fucking women. They so easily make situations out of nothing, but can’t pick up anything you put down in a serious conversation.

  “Friends?” I guess
she’s going to keep making this worse.

  “C’mon, Angel. Just come with me. If you drove here I’ll have one of the guys drive your car back to your place.”

  “No way in fucking hell is any one of your friends driving Kate!”

  The fuck? “Kate?” Now she’s confusing me.

  “My car!” she all but screeches. Fucking Christ.

  “Fine. I’ll leave my bike, we’ll take your car. And I’ll send someone to come grab the fucking bike,” I grumble. Christ almighty. “No one fucking drives my bike but me, and you got me changing that for you all in the fucking blink of an eye.”

  “Well, my car is worth a ton more than your bike, so don’t be bitchin’.”

  “Whatever, lead the way, Angel.” She stomps past me, and I follow that sweet ass like a lost puppy.

  As we make our way out the front doors of the precinct, I spot the guys behind my bike. I tell Raven to give me a second so I can give them the keys.

  I toss Porky the keys and briefly tell him what happened and where I’m going. Turning back toward Raven, I wave my hand at her to keep walking. She does and heads toward the back parking lot of the station.

  “Why in the world would you park in the back?” Especially a girl as fucking hot as her. Anything could happen. And I can’t always step in… or try to step in and hide shit.

  “Because if someone were to hit my car, then I would be in prison.” Rolling my eyes, I continue to follow the sway of her ass. I don’t know how women walk like that. Like, is it naturally ingrained into their heads to try to entice guys in whatever way possible?

  The only thing that could force me to peel my eyes away from her ass is a nice-ass car or bike. And in the direction we’re walking, I see a burnt orange car just ahead of her. I begrudgingly tear my eyes away.

  I’m met with the sickest looking Chevelle I’ve ever seen. This is her car. This!


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