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Hell's Flower

Page 9

by SL Schiefer

  The way her walls clamp my dick sends me over the edge with her.

  I continue to pump into her until she’s milked every last drop of cum from me. She’s still riding out her own orgasm when I halt my movement, holding myself inside her for a moment. I need to remember her in this exact moment. She always has such control over everything, so seeing her let go for me makes me want to tie her to my bed so I can make her come whenever I want to.

  “Angel, you’re so fucking beautiful. I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful.” I move to put her legs down and lean forward to press a chaste kiss to her lips.

  “I don’t think I can move from this spot, let alone wrap my legs around you on this bike for you to get me home,” she breathes out.

  I chuckle. “Well, then I consider that a job well done on my part.” I let out a grunt when she slaps my chest. “As much as I want to stay here and keep fucking you, we need to get back to the clubhouse. I need to figure out what my dad has planned and put a stop to whatever fucked up bullshit he’s concocted.”

  Raven raises from her position and sits up so my cock slips out of her. Removing the condom, she ties it up and tosses it to the side of the bike. “Let’s get you back so you can save the world.”

  “One would think you were mocking me.” I lift an eyebrow. Standing up, I put my dick back in my pants and zip up, grab my jacket, and slip back into it.

  “I would never mock you, your highness.” Shaking my head, I hand her back her pants so she can somewhat get herself put back together.

  Once we’re back on the bike and start her up, I take us back to the clubhouse. My Angel, on the back of bike with her hands wrapped around my chest, just became my second favorite thing next to watching her previous orgasm.

  Nothing will ever compare to finding that person. The person who makes your heart whole.

  Chapter Seventeen – Raven

  AS SOON AS WE ARRIVE back at the ’clubhouse’—which still sounds so strange to me—Mace is bombarded with man-shakes and grins. It’s obvious what we’ve been doing, since Mace had to loan me his shirt after shredding mine. He’s rocking his leather vest with his delicious, tempting, bare chest showing underneath.

  Clasping my hand firmly in his, he leads me inside to join the ol’ ladies at one of the tables near the bar area. Shockingly, he pulls my chair out for me before bending over and whispering in my ear, “I have some club business to take care of. Stay here. I won’t be long.” With a quick kiss to my forehead, he turns and leaves, disappearing out of sight with a parade of bikers following in his wake.

  “So, Raven, do you ride?” Mouse asks me. I met her earlier and she seems pretty cool.

  I smile. “Yes. I don’t have a bike of my own, but that doesn’t stop me from drooling all over them when a beauty gets in my line of sight.”

  “So… you and Mace. You guys serious?” Ginger asks. She’s got full blown red hair, a hot body, and is decked out in tight denim and leather. She’s the epitome of a hot biker babe. Overzealous personality to match.

  “Umm…” I shrug. “I don’t… really know what we are at this point,” I tell her honestly as I tuck a wild curl behind my ear. An uneasy laugh escapes my chest, and it sounds more like a cough than a laugh.

  “Aww! Don’t be shy, honey! We ain’t club sluts, you don’t need to be weary of us… unless you plan on trying to get with our men.” Slapping her palm on the top of the table, she lets loose a loud, throaty laugh.

  “No, it’s not that. I just… I don’t know exactly how this will work. I mean, how do you all deal with the secrets and the club mommas? I don’t know if I can do it.”

  “Not all the men go after the club mommas, or let the club mommas go after them,” Mouse tells me. “That’s not to say none of the taken men don’t stray, but normally they’re open about the possibility of it.”

  “Yeah, it’s something you both have to talk about and agree upon. Every relationship is different, you just have to trust him,” Ginger says.

  “And have faith,” Mouse adds. “Sometimes it’s hard because, look at ‘em,” she says as she motions with her hand to the barely dressed skanks struttin’ their stuff, “some of them are absolutely mouth-watering. When I get insecure, I remind myself it’s my bed he’s coming to at night. It’s me he says he loves.”

  “I’m not one to be cool with my man straying. I never have, and I don’t foresee that I ever will,” I admit.

  “And you have that right. Don’t let Mace tell you differently,” Ginger smiles.

  “As for the secrets,” Mouse pauses to take large swig, finishing off her beer. “It’s club business. Not ours. Just think of it as them being CIA agents or FBI. They wouldn’t be able to disclose anything work related to you when they come home. It’s the same thing.” She shrugs before getting up and heading to the bar.

  “Want anything to drink?” Ginger offers as she gets up to follow.

  “No, thanks, I’m good.”

  As soon as I’m alone, my thoughts are all jumbled and racing a million miles per minute. I don’t know if I can handle the secrets. Can I trust Mace? Who’s to say he won’t tell me he won’t stray, only to do it on the down low when I’m not around? I mean, these bitches are easy. This is probably something you should have thought about more before sleeping with the man.

  Looking at my phone, I notice it’s been just over an hour before Mace disappeared to deal with “club business”. Glancing at the bar, I see Mouse and Ginger playing dice, having a grand ol’ time.

  Without allowing myself to over think any more than I have, I shoot Jazz a quick text to come pick my ass up, telling her I’ll meet her at the end of the drive. The walk will do me some good.

  I slip out unnoticed—everyone’s either in a ‘meeting’, or they’re busy shooting the shit, tipping back the drinks. Halfway to meet Jazz, my phone buzzes. Thinking it’s Mace, my heart begins to speed up, butterflies flapping their wings wildly in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know what it is about him, but he makes me nervous. In a good way. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Don’t get me wrong, he annoys the ever-f’ing-shit outta me, but there’s something about him I’m beginning to crave.

  Opening the text, I see it’s from Jake. Can we meet up? I need to talk to you.

  Talk about what? Does he really think I want to go back and put myself in a position like last time? I still have the evidence of how awesome the last time we met up was. Rolling my eyes, I send back, Thanks but no thanks. Last time was exactly that—the last time.

  By the time I reach the end of the drive, Jazz is parked, waiting for me with a shit eating grin.

  “What?” I snap harsher than I intend, refusing to look at her.

  “You fucked him, didn’t you?” she accuses, grin still splitting her face.

  “Please. Just drive.”

  “Sure, as long as you agree to spill every single detail.”

  “Just drive!”

  “Okay. Say you agree, Rave.”

  “Fine. Agreed. Now go.”

  “Where to?” she asks as she slams into drive and speeds off.

  Rubbing my temples, I try to gather all my random thoughts and neatly organize them as best as I can. “I don’t care. Somewhere with drinks. Strong, delicious drinks.”

  “No problem,” she winks.

  Jazz knows me well enough to know when to push and when to give me some breathing room. And right now, I need some room. I’m so confused about what’s happened and what I feel. I just need a bit to process it all. Luckily for me, she’s feeling generous and stays mute until we pull up to a bar. I grab my phone and start to get out of the car, freezing in my tracks as I see the sign: Storm’s Fantasy.

  “Ugh. Are you freakin’ kidding me, Jazz? This is the last place I want to be right now.”

  “Why? What happened?” she asks, coming around the car to stand in front of me, arms crossed over her chest, her chin jutting out.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head. “Everything. I�
��m just so confused right now, and this so isn’t me.” I drop my head in my hands for a minute before looking back at her. “Besides, Mace would be pissed I was here. He wasn’t thrilled the last time, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember. But,” she says, holding up a finger, “you weren’t sleeping with him then. Besides, it’s a sex club… that he owns. And they have alcohol, per your request. And do I have to mention I met a super fucking hot-ass man last time? Maybe I’ll see him again,” she says with a smile.

  I know I shouldn’t. I know we should go somewhere else. But he left for club business and never returned, and technically, I am single, and I don’t take orders from anyone. “Fine. Lead the way, sunshine,” I motion toward the door with my hand.


  “Sooo… let me get this shit straight. You have a drop dead, ultra-sexy boss man rock your world, check off one of your fantasies, and then you leave him to come out with me? Are you insane?” Jazz shrieks as we ‘cheers’ our sixth or so shot of tequila.

  I choke the burning liquid back as I roll my eyes at her. “I didn’t leave him, he left and didn’t return. There’s a difference. Besides, I’m not looking for anything serious. And all the slutty fucking club sluts who walk around naked. The secrets. The drama of something I don’t understand is cooking, but gets one of his friend’s chicks killed. It’s just… too much,” I ramble, shaking my head. “Right?”

  “Or maybe it’s exactly what you need,” she says quietly.

  “And why would I need any of that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, because your life has been boring for a while now. I mean, the only time you’re really living is when I drag your ass out from under the hood of a car, make you shower, and then take you out and shove drinks down your throat!” she says as she laughs. To prove her point, she lifts her drink to mine to cheers.

  As I place my drink back down, my phone lights up. Two missed messages.

  MACE: Where are you? I thought you understood how important it was for you to stay here with me. WHERE I CAN KEEP YOU SAFE!

  Whoa! Freak out! Next…

  JAKE: I heard what happened. I want to tell you and Jazz in person how sorry I am that I wasn’t there to help you. Can we please meet up? I’ll meet you wherever you want.

  “Ugh.” I roll my eyes before signaling to the bartender for another round of drinks and tequila.


  Passing the phone to Jazz, I tell her, “Check the last two messages.” After a few seconds, she laughs. “What the fuck is so funny?”

  “Well, the fact that you have two hot-ass guys fighting for you and you don’t even see it! Dude, if you don’t want them, I’ll take them both!”

  “I just don’t want to deal with any of it tonight.”

  “So don’t. Cheers, bitch!” she shouts as she holds her shot glass in the air.

  “Salute!” I smile, clinking my glass to hers.

  Just as I pour the liquid in my mouth, she says, “I say we fuck the rules! You’re a dirty bird, Rave, let’s sneak in the back!”

  Nearly spitting out the tequila burning my tongue, I force myself to choke it down before coughing on the bitter, spicy taste sticking to the inside of my throat.

  “No! You’re insane! They wouldn’t let us back there last time, they sure as hell aren’t going to now!”

  “Don’t know unless you try.” She winks. “You’re buzzing.”

  “Yes, I really am. I think I may have had one or two shots too many,” I tell her before full out laughing.

  Laughing, she points to my phone, “No, dumbass, you’re buzzing!”

  “Oh!” I reach for my phone and see more messages.

  MACE: Raven! I’m not kidding, I need you to please come back here.

  JAKE: Please.

  MACE: Angel, I’m not fucking around!

  JAKE: Pick a bar. Call Jazz. Safe. Public. What’s there to lose?

  I send a quick text back to Mace. Sorry, Mace. I have some shit to think about and figure out. I’m fine on my own. Take care of your club.

  After hitting send, I shoot a quick text back to Jake. Fine. Jazz and I will meet you at Liquid Lounge in 30. Don’t bring douchebag with you.

  “Change of plans, Jazz. We’re meeting Jake. Besides, if I know Mace, we don’t have long before he finds me. Drink up!” I lift my glass in the air before quickly chugging the remaining light pink liquid.

  “You got it! But, uh, if you decide to stick with Mace, can I have Jake?” she asks, gently bumping her shoulder into mine.

  “Dude! Do you not remember what happened at his place last time?” I’m confused as to why she’d even be interested. So much could’ve happened to her! And what if most of them are like that?

  “That wasn’t him, Rave. It was just some asshole.”

  “Yeah. Some asshole who he’s friends with,” I snarl.

  “So, you’re saying no, you want them both?”

  “What? No! That’s not what I’m saying. Yes, if you’re serious you can have him. Let’s go,” I tell her. Rolling my eyes at her, I slip my arm through hers and we make our way through the club toward the exit.

  “If I get the chance to get lucky tonight, you gotta give me the opportunity to take it. It’s been a while for me. My vagina is lonely!”

  Laughing at her brazen attitude, I look toward the doors. Coming through the door, dark, angry eyes locked on me, with two men dressed in leather and denim on his flanks, is one pissed off man, and I freeze.



  Chapter Eighteen – Mace

  “I SWEAR TO GOD, if anything is going to drive me to an early grave it’s going to be you,” I growl. Her face pales just a bit. Not enough to make me think she’s scared of me, though.

  “How did you find me so fast?”

  “You came to my club and have to ask me how I managed to find you so quickly?” I stalk toward her, motioning for Bug and Creep to stay back.

  Her friend Jazz breaks the tension. “On that note, I think I’m going to go. Call me if you need me. And only if you need me.” She comes closer to Raven and leans in to whisper something in her ear that makes my Angel’s body stiffen up and give her a panicked look.

  “C’mon, Angel, let your friend go. You and I have business to attend to.” I go toe to toe with her, almost daring her to back down, but she doesn’t.

  “I don’t know what you think we have to talk about,” she says with a defiant tone.

  “How about why you ran out without so much as a goodbye? Or why you told Ginger you don’t know what we are?” Without waiting for a response, I reach out and grab her hand, lacing my fingers through hers, and drag her in the direction of my office.

  Slamming the door behind us, I turn and push her up against the door and smash her lips with a searing kiss. One that I feel deep in my bones.

  I pull away, only inches from her lips, and say, “We need to work on your listening skills, Angel. I know that goes against everything you are. But, in this instance, when I feel it’s for your safety, I need you to listen to me.” I place a kiss against her lips again and then push away from her.

  “Why did you tell Ginger you didn’t know what we were? I know I didn’t do the high school thing and pass you a note asking you to be my girlfriend and to circle yes or no, but I thought after everything I’ve done to keep you around you would have gotten the hint that I want you.”

  “Yeah, you want me. For how long? A day? A couple weeks? A couple months? How long until you get bored with just me? What happens when I’m not okay with the fact that most of you guys aren’t faithful to your ol’ ladies?” she yells.

  My eyebrows furrow, and I’m taken aback. “What gave you the idea I wouldn’t be faithful to you, Angel?” Where the fuck did she pull this shit from?

  “Mouse said a lot of the guys are open with the fact they sleep around on their girlfriends.”

  I take a couple steps toward her. “And just because Mouse says most of the guys are like t
hat, you automatically just assume I am? Without coming to me and asking me first?”

  “I didn’t know what to think. Since you came into my life and turned it upside down, I haven’t been able to think straight at all. I don’t know which way is up. If we do this, I need you to be completely with me. As much as it would hurt if you left me, I would rather deal with that than the fact of you cheating on me. It would break me.”

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me. She’s tall, but I’m still quite a bit taller than her, and her head fits right under my chin. She wraps her arms around me and we just stand there and hold each other.

  After a few moments pass, I cup her cheeks and pull her head back so she’s staring into my eyes. I make sure she’s focused on me so she really hears what I have to say.

  “Angel, since Trina, I never thought I would find another person to share this life with. I thought I was stuck going through this life living in as much pussy as possible. But then you and your friend tried to get into the back of the club. You say your life was flipped upside down? You have no idea what seeing you that day did to me.

  “I love you. I never thought I would find someone who challenges me at every turn. Someone I respect the hell out of. Someone I desperately want by my side, outside of the club and in it. Many people will tell us we’re moving way too fast, but I can’t imagine spending another second worrying about you. If you’re mine, you have the full protection of the club. And protection against other clubs, as well. If anyone messes with you, they answer to me and my brothers.”

  Her eyes are misty. “What are you saying, Mace?”

  “Call me Gunner. I’m not Mace to you, my woman is the only one allowed to call me that. Angel, I want you to be mine. What do I need to do to make sure that happens?”

  “If I’m being honest, I think this may all be moving a bit fast. I need time to come to terms with you. You have to give me time to adjust to this. To us. I want to be with you, but… I think we should go slow. This entire situation is foreign to me.”

  A grin splits my face. “Anything you say, Angel. I’ve got all the time in the world to wait for you. Now, on to the next matter. The next time I ask you to stay and wait for me at the club, I expect you to do so. Handling club business is tedious and I need you there to take my mind off of everything afterward. You would have had the best sex of your life after I was done but you ran. That’s your loss.”


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