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Alexandra’s Legacy

Page 10

by N. J. Walters

Joshua ignored him and banged on the door. Several other men began to curse and the crowd grew restless. Alex edged sideways so that she could watch the crowd. She didn’t want anyone sneaking up behind them. Joshua hammered on the door again.

  It was shoved open by the biggest man Alex had ever seen and she forgot all about the crowd behind them. She just stood there and stared at him. The guy had to be at least six-foot-eight, if not larger. Wearing leather pants, boots and a vest, and with his head shaved bald, he was an intimidating sight. Thankfully, he ignored her and glared at Joshua. “What?”

  “I need to see Damek.” Joshua didn’t seem to be the least bit concerned that this guy was bigger than him.

  The bouncer stared at Joshua, then at her. She felt pinned to the spot by his stare but she didn’t look away, meeting his gaze without blinking. She let out the breath she’d been holding when he turned back to Joshua. “And you are?”


  The bouncer’s eyes widened, as if he recognized the name. He nodded and stepped aside to let them pass. Some of the people waiting started to complain. The big man silenced them with a single threatening look.

  Alex followed Joshua into a shadowy vestibule. The bouncer opened another door. “Wait on the dance floor. Damek will let you know if he’ll see you.”

  Joshua nodded and led her inside. The heat hit her like a blast, the music assaulting her ears. “Who is Damek?” She hoped whoever he was, he could help them find the transportation they needed to get out of the city.

  “Not now,” Joshua all but yelled in her ear. She could barely hear him above the din of the music and the crowd.

  It was hard to move as the mass of writhing bodies on the dance floor undulated to the rhythmic beat of the music. Drums pounded, a saxophone wailed and two guitars spilled their electric notes around the room. There were tables around the edges of the floor and they were all occupied.

  Alex’s eyes widened as she saw one couple openly fondling one another. The woman’s blouse was wide open, her breasts spilling out into the man’s hand. The woman had her hand buried down the front of her partner’s pants.

  She gasped when she saw another couple fucking against the back wall. The man’s back was to her, but it was obvious that his pants were open and he was pounding into his partner whose skirt was shoved up around her waist. Her bare thighs were wrapped around his waist as he thrust against the woman, oblivious to the people around them.

  “Ignore it.” She jumped as Joshua slung his arm around her shoulder and guided her onto the dance floor.

  Ignore it. There was no way she was going to be able to forget the fact that there were people all around them having sex. The more her eyes became accustomed to the flashing lights the more she saw.

  One woman was kneeling beneath a table, a man’s cock sliding in and out of her mouth as she sucked. Another woman was topless, her mouth open on a silent scream as two men lapped at her nipples. There was a booth in the corner that was a mass of limbs and body parts. She wasn’t sure she really wanted to know what was going on over there.

  Alex had never been a voyeur, but there was something almost mesmerizing about watching all these bodies intertwined, not caring if anyone else watched as they took part in the most basic of human acts.

  Even on the dance floor, hands slid over bare flesh. People were in various stages of undress, touching themselves and others around them as they danced. One man was jerking himself off to the beat of the music while two women watched, their hands sliding over his bare chest. Another woman was totally naked, sandwiched between two men who had their fingers up her ass and her slit and their tongues wrapped around her nipples. Colored lights flickered wildly over the crowd, making the scene even more surreal.

  Joshua pulled her to a halt and twirled her around so that she was facing him. “Ignore it,” he repeated, as he placed his hands on her ass and pulled her closer.

  Oh God. Her pelvis met his and she almost moaned as the hard bulge in the front of his jeans rubbed against her mound. There was no denying that the scene around her had aroused her senses and fired the gnawing need within her.

  “That’s it,” he crooned in her ear. “They don’t exist. It’s only you and me.” Joshua began to move to the music, his hips swaying. Alex caught the rhythm and began to move with him. Their hips swiveled and ground together, mimicking the sex act as they came together again and again.

  One of his hands slid up her back and around to the front, cupping her breast through her sweatshirt. Joshua surrounded her, his heat and strength wrapped around her like a blanket.

  Alex licked her lips and rotated her hips, grinding her sex against him. Even through the layers of clothing it was a delicious sensation. Her clit was swollen and each stroke against him made it throb even harder. Her panties were soaked and all she wanted was to get closer to Joshua.

  A bead of sweat slipped down her back. All around them people danced and moved, intruding on their space, stealing all the air. Alex felt breathless. Lightheaded. “Joshua.” His name sounded more like a moan. His dark eyes narrowed as he lowered his head toward her. His lips got closer. Almost touching.

  Joshua emitted a low growl and his head jerked to the left. Alex followed his gaze and saw a large hand touching his shoulder. He released her immediately, whirling around to meet the threat, a low growl rising from deep in his chest.

  The bouncer raised his hands in a gesture of peace and yelled over the crowd. “Relax, man. Damek will see you now.” He pointed toward the bar area.

  Joshua nodded, grabbed her hand and tugged her through the crowd. Now that the moment had passed, Alex’s cheeks got hot with embarrassment. What had come over her? There was something about this place that seemed to shove aside all her natural inhibitions. She’d have made love to Joshua on the dance floor if he’d wanted. And she wouldn’t have cared that all those people around them would have been able to watch.

  As if he knew where he was going, Joshua led her past the bar and down a short corridor. The closer they got, the tenser she became. There was something here. Something dangerous.

  “Let me do the talking.”

  She could have told Joshua he didn’t need to worry about her saying anything. She still wasn’t sure who or what they were meeting.

  The door at the end of the hallway opened as they neared it. A chill went down Alex’s spine in spite of the heat. Something powerful. Something—she wasn’t quite sure if it was evil or not, but it was close—waited for them.

  “Come in.” The deep voice was pleasant, but she wasn’t fooled for one moment. Her instincts screamed at her to turn and run in the other direction. Whoever this Damek character was, he was not someone to trifle with. It took every ounce of strength she possessed to walk into the office with Joshua.

  “Damek,” Joshua greeted the man seated behind the desk.

  “Striker.” The man was seated almost totally in shadow, but he stood as they entered. The door shut solidly behind them. Alex glanced over her shoulder. There was no one there.

  She turned back to the man behind the desk. A dim light now shone on him and Alex realized this was no man. But what was he? If she were guessing, she’d say this was a vampire. His eyes were black, magnetic. It was incredibly hard, almost impossible, to look away. His skin was pale, but he wasn’t unhandsome. On the contrary, there was something compelling about him.

  “And who is your lovely companion?”

  She didn’t wait for Joshua to answer. “Alex,” she replied. “Alexandra Riley.”

  The corner of one side of his mouth twitched and he gave her a short nod. “Welcome to Inhibitions.”

  She jerked back as he said the name of the club. It was aptly named because a person seemed to shed all inhibitions here. Her eyes narrowed as she studied Damek. Was he powerful enough to put some sort of spell on the club? Maybe he was a wizard or something. Did wizards even exist? At this point, she couldn’t discount any possibilities.

  “I need a vehicle.�
�� Joshua got straight to business. Alex was glad. The quicker they got out of this place, the better. She was beginning to get a headache.

  “So I understand.” He indicated the chairs in front of him. “Please sit.”

  Alex felt compelled to sit, as if someone was whispering in her ear telling her she wanted to sit. It was disconcerting to say the least. She shook her head. “Thank you, but I’ll stand.”

  Damek stared at her. She stared back. A slow smile spread across his face. “She is worthy of you, my friend,” he said to Joshua.

  Joshua just glared at the other man, but she sensed her actions had pleased him somehow. “Thank you.”

  “Ah, you’re in a hurry. A pity you won’t stay longer. It might be entertaining.” Damek slanted a glance her way. “I was enjoying the performance on the dance floor.”

  Heat suffused her face as she realized he’d been watching her rub herself all over Joshua. Seen her grind her breasts against Joshua’s chest, her mound against Joshua’s erection.

  A low growl of warning rumbled up from deep inside Joshua’s chest. “Tread carefully, my friend. This is James LeVeau’s daughter you’re talking to.”

  Damek leaned forward and peered at her more closely. Alex felt pinned to the spot, as if she couldn’t move. The moment passed as quickly as it had begun. Damek inclined his head in her direction and sat back at his desk, suddenly all business.

  Alex felt relief wash over her and the very air in the room seemed to lighten. She still wasn’t comfortable here and couldn’t wait to leave.

  “There will be a truck waiting for you tomorrow morning.” He rattled off the location and Joshua nodded.

  “How much?”

  Damek shook his head and returned his stare to Alex. She felt as if he were trying to see all the way to her very soul. She didn’t flinch, didn’t give away anything, although she reached her hand out to Joshua. He closed his fingers around hers, linking their hands together.

  “Nothing.” Damek stood. “I find I like the idea of James LeVeau being in my debt. We are finished here.” He glided from around back of his desk, coming to a halt in front of her. “If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask.” He tucked a heavy vellum business card into her jacket pocket. “Just show this at the door.”

  “Um, thanks.” She forced herself not to flinch as he reached out and touched her face. His fingers were cool as they brushed her cheek. Beside her, Joshua tensed. She could practically feel him vibrating with barely suppressed fury.

  Joshua dug into his pocket and dumped a roll of cash on the desk. “This should cover it. I wouldn’t want myself, or anyone else, to be in your debt.” He turned to her. “Come on.”

  Joshua tugged her away and Damek’s hand fell back by his side. Within the blink of an eye, he seemed to vanish, although she sensed him there in the shadows of the room.

  Alex followed Joshua back down the short hallway and through the crowd as they made their way toward the entrance. She couldn’t get out of the club fast enough. The bouncer opened the door for them and they stepped out into the alleyway. Alex took a breath of fresh air, sucking it into her lungs.

  “What was that all about?” She had no idea what just happened, but it felt as if something momentous had. “What is he?”

  “Not now,” Joshua snapped. “When we’re away from here.”

  Alex frowned. She knew he was upset, but she wasn’t quite sure why. He was the one who’d taken her to that club in the first place. Damek was his contact, not hers.

  Even as she said it, she remembered the card tucked away in her pocket—the business card that came with an offer of help. That wasn’t something she was likely to use any time in the future. She instinctively knew that the offer of help came with strings attached.

  She’d only just met him, but Alex didn’t think Damek was the kind of creature to do anything out of the goodness of his heart. With him, there would always be a price.

  Chapter Nine

  Joshua knew he was acting like an ass, but he couldn’t seem to stop. Jealousy was an ugly emotion and one he had no experience with. He’d wanted to rip Damek’s throat out when he’d touched Alex. The immortal being was more than a little fascinated by Alex, even going so far as to offer her future help. That wasn’t good. The last thing he needed was a war with a vampire. Those bastards were tough and, in spite of their deathly reaction to the sunlight, extremely hard to kill.

  He could all but hear Damek laughing at him, the sonofabitch. They’d known each other for about ten years now, but he couldn’t say they were friends. They occasionally did favors for one another. The survival of their respective species was always paramount. The paranormal bounty hunters had given them a common foe, one that had made them reach out to one another in a way they wouldn’t naturally do.

  Joshua didn’t know how Damek managed to live and work alongside humanity on a regular basis. But then, he was a much more social creature. There was the added fact that Damek needed blood to survive. Being close to the source was essential. He’d heard once that Damek was almost a thousand years old, although he’d never asked him if that was true.

  “Where are we going?” Alex walked alongside him, stretching out her step to match his. He slowed immediately, suddenly realizing how fast he’d been going. He also loosened his grip on her hand. He’d been squeezing it so hard it was a wonder she hadn’t demanded he release her.

  “We need to lie low until the morning.” His gaze went up and down the street, watching for trouble. He wished they were already on their way out of Chicago. He knew that the bounty hunters and groups of werewolves from other packs would be watching the roads, but he would almost be willing to take that risk if they had transportation.

  It was getting more dangerous by the second for them to remain in the city. The place seemed to be swarming with werewolves. But leaving tonight was no longer an option. They’d have a vehicle in the morning and it would be safer then. There would be traffic on the roads and they’d be in a nondescript truck that couldn’t be traced to either of them. Right now, he needed to find them a safe place to stay for the night.

  “That club,” she began. “It was different.”

  That was an understatement. Damek ran a den of iniquity. If you had a vice, he could cater to it. But surprisingly enough, he had scruples, lived by his own code of ethics. Damek had no trouble taking the money of the rich and powerful and foolish who ventured inside Inhibitions, but Joshua had never seen him prey on the innocent. Not that many people who crossed the threshold of Inhibitions were innocent. Usually far from it.

  “Damek is dangerous.”

  “No kidding,” she snorted. “Is he a vampire?”


  “That place…it makes you feel out of control. Is he powerful enough to alter how people act?”

  Joshua had often wondered the same thing. “I think it’s a combination of the club itself and the vampire’s mind-control abilities. It’s more of a matter of controlling one or two people. Once a handful of people let go of their inhibitions, others tend to follow.” He glanced at her and felt a cold sweat break out on his body as he noticed the flush of her skin. She was still aroused from their dance at the club. Now that they were away from the crowds, he could just catch a whiff of her sweet scent.

  “It is…” She licked her lips and shrugged. “Arousing. It’s very arousing to watch other people engaging in sexual acts.”

  Joshua wanted to howl. He wanted to back Alex into a deserted alleyway, strip off her pants and drive into her until they both yelled their release. His cock was as hard as steel and his balls hung heavy and low. He gritted his teeth and concentrated on taking one slow breath at a time.

  He couldn’t take her. Not here. Not now.

  First of all, it wasn’t safe, and her safety came above all else. Secondly, he’d promised himself he would wait until they arrived at Wolf Creek. He wanted to mate with her, but he wanted it done in a way so none could contest his claim.
br />   The only way to gain control was to ignore her. Keeping his hand linked to hers, he led her further away from the heart of the city.

  They’d left the downtown section of Chicago behind, taking the train and then a bus before finally hitting the pavement once again. But unlike her neighborhood, this area was a little more prosperous. Not by much, but enough to mark it as more upscale. Urban renewal was obviously in full swing here. Many of the buildings that housed people and businesses showed signs of being rehabbed. The folks who lived here had made an attempt to spruce them up with paint and tubs of flowers. Graffiti was nowhere to be seen and there was an air of hope surrounding the neighborhood. It was actually quite pretty.

  Alex wanted to talk about what had happened back in the club, but sensed that Joshua did not. The warm lover who’d danced with her, grinding his cock against her sex, was gone, replaced by the steely eyed warrior. She sensed he was disconcerted by his lack of control. She was oddly pleased. At least she wasn’t alone in how she was feeling.

  The cool air of the night helped somewhat, but her body still burned with an inner fire that only he could sate. Her breasts felt heavy and tight and her nipples pushed against the cups of her bra with each step until she wanted to scream. She tried desperately to ignore the throbbing ache between her thighs. She knew this wasn’t normal, but part of the change in her body chemistry as she went into heat. She despised that word, hated feeling so out of control of her body and emotions.

  Alex still wasn’t comfortable thinking about herself in that way, but there was no disputing the facts. She wanted sex, and not just any kind of sex. She wanted hard, heavy, sweaty sex. And she wanted it with Joshua.

  They’d been walking about an hour, up one street and down another, when Joshua finally spoke again. “Almost there.”

  Alex still had no idea where there was and didn’t care. It was late and she was tired, as well as horny, but at least her headache had subsided slightly. She knew they’d been walking in circles again as Joshua kept checking to make sure they weren’t being followed.


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