Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)

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Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) Page 15

by Justine Elvira


  I'm bored. I'm fucking bored and I can't leave this fucking house because the desire is too intense. If I leave here I'll fuck up this deal with Don and it'll prove to Winnie that I'm not strong enough.


  After she left my house on Tuesday morning I expected to hear from her later in the day or for her to stop by in the evening in time to go to bed, but I got nothing. No call or text and I'm not going to be a pussy and call her. She's the one who left me here and she obviously needs some time, but how much time am I supposed to give her?

  I'm pathetic and she feels sorry for me. It's the only explanation to why she won't come fucking see me, but she'd sent a guy out to fix my sliding glass door and she had groceries delivered on Thursday. When I went to pay the door guy and the grocery company, they both said the bills were taken care of.

  I'm her fucking charity case.

  It's been five days since I've seen her and this is the longest we've gone apart since she moved to California. I never noticed how much time we spend together until this week and that's why I blame her for my boredom. She's usually my entertainment.

  I've surfed, taken Sinatra for a two-hour walk, showered, talked to a potential real estate client and cleaned the house, but I still have half the day left and nothing to do. I need something to do. I've even jacked-off twice but I've been doing that so often the last few days that my dick needs a break.

  My remote's getting a workout, too, but that’s mostly because there is nothing on TV to help me with my boredom. I'm not a TV kind of guy. I finally settle on a Saved by the Bell marathon and relax into my sofa. I haven't seen this show since I was a kid and I loved it then.

  I'm dosing in and out because as I've come to find out, the show isn't as great as I remember. My phone goes off next to me and I check to see who it is.

  Jared: How's the face?

  Me: Getting better and better.

  Jared: I'll be there in five to check it out.


  I've been trying to avoid him all week. When he finds out about the porn shoot he's going to be pissed, but I rather have him pissed than disowning my ass. I don’t move from the couch because I'm not a chick. I don't care about straightening up my place or brushing my teeth before a guest arrives.

  I'm in the middle of watching the episode where Zack and Kelly break up when Jared comes barging through the door. Just another reason I need to get my key back from him.

  "You look better but you still look like shit," he greets me as he enters the living room and plops down on the love seat. "Have you heard anything back from the cops or the credit companies?"

  "Nothing yet." This is why I've been avoiding his ass. I feel guilty for lying to him.

  "They'll catch the bastards. Listen, I didn't come over here to bitch about your face. I came over here to talk about Winnie. You break up with her or something?"

  I shoot him a dirty look before sitting up on the couch. I'm lounging around in a ribbed tank and pajama bottoms. I can't imagine what Jared is thinking right now.

  "I didn't break up with Winnie. We were never going out."

  "So you're just not fucking her anymore?"

  "I didn't say that either."

  "Well, something's going on because she's moping around the house like a love sick school girl. It doesn't bother me much, but Autumn's on my ass about it. She's worried about her and now I'm worried about her. You promised you wouldn't fuck her over."

  I get up from the couch and make my way into the kitchen to grab two beers. It's easy for him to say that to me, he's never had half the issues I do. His perfect looks have always nailed him the ladies and once he started getting tatted the rest of us weren't even competition. Women like the bad boy. Sure, he had a tough time right after high school when Coral died, but his rebellion was child's play compared to the crap I've put our family through.

  "For your information, she's the one shutting me out. She just needs some time to think and then everything will be back to the way it should be," I reply, handing him a bottle of beer and then sitting back down on the couch across from him.

  "What happened that made her shut you out?"

  "It's a long story. I don’t want to get into."

  "Well, fix it fast. Her birthday's coming up in two months and I don't want this shit between you ruining her day and what we have planned for her."

  "I know her birthday's coming up. I'm the one who came up with the idea, asshole." I chug the entire bottle of beer, pissed that he's bringing this shit up. I'm not going to ruin Winnie's fucking birthday.

  "Good, because she's never been there before and she always wanted to go as a kid. You can't screw this shit up."

  "I won't."

  "Alright, Scott. I'll let you fix whatever is going on between you and Winnie. I'm going to head out, but if you need anything let me know. Did you change your mind about letting me borrow you money?"

  "No, I'm good. Thanks though."

  "Okay. I'll talk to you soon."

  Jared gets up and walks out the front door while I head to the kitchen and grab another beer. I'm suddenly in the mood to drink.


  "Just come in and don't be nervous. Since we're going for the whole sex tape vibe we're going to shoot at my friend Matt's house and not a warehouse. He lives up in Thousand Oaks so the drive shouldn't be too bad. Be prepared for anything because that's pretty much what we're going to do. The shoot will only take a few hours and then you'll have your money." Don's voice sounds a little muffled through the phone.

  "In cash, right? It's too late for me to take a check, Donnie."

  "In cash and then you can give it right to whoever you owe. Are you going to drive in with Tawny or should I call her to fill her in?"

  "Can you call her? I'm going to drive up there solo. Clear my head a little."

  "Sounds good, man. When you get to the house I'll need you to go and rub one out. You're new to this so I need you to last as long as possible with Tawny. I'll have some drugs on hand, too-"

  "I'll be fine, Don."

  "Regardless, you still need to masturbate. Even the best do it. How's that mug of yours?"

  I look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My face is back to normal with the exception of the light yellowish bruises around my eyes. I have a week’s worth of facial hair, but I'm about to shave that off right now.

  "My face looks good, just a few faded bruises. Nothing a little make-up can't fix."

  "Good to hear. Listen, I’ve got to call Tawny so I'll see you in the morning."


  I place my cell down on my sink and look back at my reflection. I look pathetic, I feel pathetic, and I miss Winnie. Fuck, I miss Winnie. I need her more than anything right now and I'm still getting radio silence from her. Tomorrow is a big deal and I thought I'd have her there with me for support, but by the looks of things I'll be going at it alone.

  I pick up the razor and shave off the beard I've grown this past week and then turn off the lights in the house and head to my room. Sinatra follows me and gets on the bed with me as I slide under the covers. Maybe I should just text her. The least I can do is let her know what's going on tomorrow. She might still want to know.

  I scroll down my messages until I find her name and then I type one out to her and hit send.

  Me: Leaving here at 8am tomorrow to drive up to the shoot. Just thought you'd want to know.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Scott's pulling out of his driveway as I'm pulling up to his house. I quickly park on the side of the street and climb out of the car just as Scott spots me and puts his truck in park. I walk over to the passenger side of his Dodge and open the door.

  "Hi," I whisper as I climb inside and shut the door.

  "I didn't think you'd come."

  I look over at him for the first time and he looks much better than he did the last time I saw him. His lip is healed and the swelling in his nose is gone, leaving only faint bruise
s around his eyes. He looks at me with those beautiful gray eyes and I melt inside. All of the emotions and inner turmoil of the past week threaten to push to the surface.

  "I wasn't going to, but then you texted me and I changed my mind."

  His hand comes out to touch my thigh but then he quickly rethinks it and sets it down in the open space between us. "I'm glad you did. I need you here today."

  "That's why I'm here."

  I sit back and buckle up for the hour or so drive we have ahead of us. After Scott's text last night I called Tawny to get the details of today's shoot. She was excited about filming, completely ignoring any signals I might have given her that I was uncomfortable.

  The last week has sucked. I've barely been able to focus on work, instead, choosing to mope around the house and drive my sister and Jared crazy. The only bright moment in the week was going with Autumn to the doctor and having him confirm that she is pregnant. We laughed, we cried and we jumped for joy. She is going to be the best mother in the world and I get to be the fun auntie.

  I thought for sure she would want to tell Jared the news that night, but she's holding off for the right time. Whatever that means.

  The rest of the week I was left sulking over what I should do about Scott. I love him and I want him to clean up his life, but I know he has to do this shoot today. I also know I can't watch a second of it. The thought of watching him and Tawny together, now that I have feelings for him, makes me physically ill.

  The entire drive north-east is made in silence and by the time we pull up to the house I'm sweating and anxious.

  "It'll be okay, Winnie. Just a few hours and we can put this behind us."

  Can we? I don't think we can.

  The home we pull up at is large and beautifully landscaped. It's a one-level ranch that sits in the middle of a couple acres worth of land. We make our way to the door when it opens and Don greets us.

  "Hey, superstar. You ready for today?"

  "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Scott replies as we walk into the home. The entryway is boxed off and small, leaving me feeling slightly claustrophobic.

  "We'll be shooting in the master bedroom. It's one hell of a bedroom though. Jacuzzi, sex swing, stripper pole. You name it and he has it. Should be a fun day."

  We follow him into the home and down the wide-open hallway filled with family portraits on both walls. The exact opposite of what I pictured after hearing about this master bedroom. We stop outside a door on the right towards the end of the hallway.

  "Here's the bathroom, Scott. You know what to do." Don looks over at me. "Winnie, you can follow me into the bedroom and I'll show you the set Scott and Tawny will be working with."

  I look over at Scott nervously, but he just nods his head, encouraging me to go with Don. "Okay," I reply, and follow Don to the master bedroom.

  He wasn't kidding when he said how big it was. Even with the small crew inside it, it's still the largest bedroom I've ever been in. There's a Jacuzzi in the corner of the room that could fit twelve or so people in it. Not too far away is the sex swing I heard about, secured tightly to the ceiling. In the middle of the room is a chrome, rotating stripper pole and at the other end of the room is the large California King size bed with Tawny sprawled out in the middle of it.

  She's naked and making an obscene gestures as a man with a camera takes pictures of her. It's not until I see Tawny that I realize I can't go through with this. I can’t watch Scott have sex with her. I can’t even know that Scott has had sex with her. I turn to run out of the room and run smack into Scott's hard chest.

  "What's wrong, beauty?"

  "I- I can't," I half sob into the gray t-shirt he's wearing. "I can't watch you do it."

  He pulls away from me and then crouches down so we're at the same eye level. "You said you were okay with this?"

  "Well, I'm obviously not," I spit out, a little harsher than I originally planned.

  He looks like he might be sick himself. His face pales and he drags one of his hands through his messy dark hair. "I already signed a contract, Winnie. I have to do this. I have no choice."

  He signed the contract already? From working for Jared the last few months I’ve seen what some of these contracts look like. It's some serious stuff and if Scott bails now he'll be in even more financial trouble than he was before. There's nothing he can do. This leaves me with only one choice.

  "I'll do it," I smile up at him. "If you have to shoot this then I'll star in it with you." The words fall out of my mouth before I can even consider the repercussions.

  "It doesn't work that way, Winnie. Tawny's a star in this business and you're not. They need a star, baby."

  "I'll talk to Don. He'll let me do it," I reply with tears still running down my eyes. "Please, Scott. I can't stand the thought of you fucking another woman. Please..."

  "I love this idea!" Don's voice comes out of nowhere and we both turn our heads to the side to see him standing just a few feet away. "It'll add to the leaked sex tape vibe we were going for if you're not in this movie with a know porn star. Plus, you two are fucking in real life so the chemistry will be there. The only problem is we haven't tested her for STDs."

  "I'm clean and Scott and I have unprotected sex all of the time."

  "Well, that's reassuring," Don replies while looking at Scott skeptically. "Did you have unprotected sex with her in the last few days? Because the rules are that after you have an STD test you are to refrain from unprotected sex."

  Scott looks at me and then back to Don. "No, man. This is the first time I've seen her in a week. I followed your rules."

  "Good. Just let me talk to Tawny and let her down easy. In the meantime," Don says, looking over at me. "Go get in hair and make-up. They'll clean you up."

  He walks away and over to the bed where Tawny is laid out.

  "I don't think this is a good idea, Winn. If you do this, the whole world is going to see you having sex. Is that something you really want?"

  No, it's not. It's the last thing I want but if it's the only way to make this horrible situation better, then I'll do it. I'll do it because I love Scott.

  "I want you and if I watch you having sex with Tawny then I won’t have you anymore. That's not a risk I’m willing to take." I lean in and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek before walking away into hair and make-up.

  There's no turning back now. I'm in this for the long haul.


  I've been plucked, waxed and shaved in every area imaginable. After that I had to stay naked for an all over spray tan as strange men measured me so they could find an outfit for me to wear. While getting my hair and make-up done I had to sit with a butt plug up my ass so that I was ready for the shoot. I've had anal sex before with Scott, but the butt plug somehow makes me feel violated.

  Weird, right?

  While getting my hair and make-up done Don went over how today's shoot will go and it actually sounds pretty hot. It's just weird to think that I'll be the one performing what he's explained. He had me sign a contract and I had him agree not to release my name. That was my only demand in all of this. I don't want my name released.

  I'm not put in any lingerie, just a white fitted tank top and bootie pink cheerleading shorts that let my ass cheeks fall out the back. My breasts are naturally large which gives Don the desired effect he was looking for. You can see my tits through the thin material of the tank.

  Scott comes in wearing a pair of denim jeans and a basic black t-shirt. They've also given him a spray tan, as well as covered up his bruises with concealer. He looks perfect.

  He walks over to me and slips an arm around my waist. Lowering his mouth to my ear he whispers, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

  It's still awkward between us. We still haven't had a chance to talk about the past week and now we're being told to screw each other in front of people we've never met before. We have to get rid of this tension between us.

  I turn in his arm and whisper, "Kiss me."


  "Just kiss me. Kiss me like we're by ourselves and not in a room with strangers waiting for us to have sex. Just kiss me."

  He leans in and brushes his lips against mine and I groan, wrapping my arms around him and pulling his mouth closer to mine. I've missed his lips. I've missed the way his body makes me feel safe and loved, even if he doesn't actually feel that way himself. I open my mouth and let his tongue enter as we tangle them together. I let my tongue slide against the roof of his mouth before I release him, panting against his lips.

  "It's just us. You and me. No matter what's going on between us right now, we need to push that to the side and just be the old us for a few hours. We need to trust each other. Can we do that?" I look up into his eyes and wait for a response.

  "How did I get so lucky? Yes, we can do that." His lips brush against my forehead and then we separate and wait to start filming.

  The lighting guys are making their final adjustments as Don says something to one of the cameramen and then looks in our direction.

  "We ready to go?" Don asks.

  I nod my head as Scott replies, "Yep."

  "Okay, just like we talked about before. Scott, go behind the door and Doug over there will tap you on the shoulder when it's your time to enter the room. Just follow the general idea of the movie, improvise when it feels right and if we need something specific from you we'll interject and tell you. Just have fun, okay?"

  Scott nods his head and I just stand there like a deer in headlights. Sex with Scott is always fun, but I have a feeling this shoot won't be. I need to look at this like an actress would. I'm just playing a part and I need to sell what I'm doing in order for the audience to believe it. I love Scott and we have awesome sexual chemistry. It should be no big deal.

  I walk over to one of the cameras and wait for Don to call action. After a few more minutes of fixing the camera angles and adjusting one of the lights it's time.



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