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Restoring Garnet's Heart [Elinor's Stronghold 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Berengaria Brown

  Garnet asked Nerida many more questions about Court, and Nerida happily told her about the music and the flower gardens.

  “I wonder if we could invite a troubadour to live in the demesne next winter and maybe teach one or two of the children to play the lute or the pipes. It’d be nice to have music and dance on the long winter nights,” said Garnet.

  “The demesne and the stronghold might even be able to share a troubadour. The journey between the two is not so long, and even in winter travel is not too hard unless it’s snowing or freezing,” said Nerida.

  “That’s a good idea.” Garnet smiled.

  Nerida was happy. She’d delivered her messages, told the truth, and had not offended Garnet. Life was good indeed.

  Chapter Five

  Garnet had never attended a real banquet before. She’d been to some formal dinners, where local nobles had been feted and offered wonderful meals, but the people like herself, on the lower benches, were usually given large portions of ordinary food, with perhaps a cup of good mead and a pudding with minced meat and fruits in it.

  Now, as the wife of the steward, she would be sitting at the head of the ordinary benches and would see everything the high table was served, as well as perhaps taste some of the exciting dishes herself.

  Garnet also was eager to see the two heirs, Warrick and Wymer. Sometimes twins were so similar it was almost impossible to know which was which, but sometimes they were different. Garnet wondered what these two would be like.

  Ava and Ysabel were sitting up in front of Carlysle and Byram on their horses for the journey. She’d finished sewing their new tunics a week ago in time to wear to the banquet. Garnet thought they’d probably both fall asleep fairly quickly but wanted them to have the chance to see such a wonderful event. Possibly a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for peasant children such as themselves. She’d brought her good gown, one she’d been adding embroidery to over the years. The fabric was simple wool, but the embroidery design was the best she could do, so she felt it was worthy of the occasion.

  Byram had given Carlysle his spare cloak to wear, so their entire little family would be looking very fine.

  Arriving at the stronghold, the courtyard was full of people, all in their best clothing, all washed, and with their hair brushed, everyone looking incredibly excited. Children ran around laughing and screaming, soldiers patted horses and admired weapons, and peasants everywhere were talking about the right time to begin planting their crops that spring.

  “Don’t leave the courtyard. I’ll come to help you put on your new tunics just before the banquet starts,” Garnet told Ava and Ysabel.

  “Just before sundown,” Ava replied.

  “Yes, exactly. Formal banquets are always at night because it takes a long time to prepare and cook so much food.”

  “And we may eat everything on our trencher? We won’t get sick?”

  “You shouldn’t. Your bellies are back to normal now, and one night of eating too much shouldn’t harm you.”

  “Thank you, Garnet. And thank you for our new clothes, too. We’re going to be the prettiest girls at the banquet. Your sewing is better than anyone else’s,” said Ava.

  Garnet hugged the girls. She’d only put a tiny bit of embroidery on their tunics, the merest hint of color around the neckline, not expecting them ever to wear them anywhere special, but she was so glad now she’d done it. She hadn’t given birth to these children, but they were her daughters, and she loved them fiercely.

  She walked inside the great hall looking around for Byram and Carlysle. She loved them both fiercely, too. She couldn’t imagine not spending night after night in their arms, being fucked in every conceivable way, over and over again. They’d given her so much pleasure she could never repay their goodness to her.

  Neither was in sight, but Lady Elinor, Lady Rhyannon, Madam Heloise, and a crowd of other women were sitting by the fire. At Lady Elinor’s feet were two identical wooden cradles. The heirs. In the past, Garnet would never have dared approach such a group, unless specifically invited. Now, with her new status, she walked straight up and joined them, bowing first to Lady Elinor, then the group as whole.

  “Garnet, I’m so glad you’re here,” said Lady Elinor.

  “Garnet is the person who designed the embroidery for my Court gown. Everyone at Court was envious of me, Garnet, just as we said they’d be,” added Lady Rhyannon.

  “Thank you, ladies.” Garnet could feel her face turning a little pink with embarrassment.

  The women started talking about the twin babies and their own children, and Garnet felt a burst of pride when she mentioned Ava and Ysabel. Then they spoke about their properties and buildings, and once again Garnet felt pride at how much improvement had been achieved already at the demesne. She paid close attention to the conversation, mentally filing away some ideas for next winter, before getting involved in a long conversation about keeping fish ponds when there wasn’t a river that flowed all year round. Before she knew it, it was time to collect the children and get changed. Men were already setting up the benches for dinner.

  * * * *

  Garnet hid a smile as Byram kept his face impassive while he watched the servants expertly carry around platters of all sorts of meats and spiced vegetables, giving the high table the best portions and serving pieces to their lord and lady with silent efficiency. She knew he’d trained these people and worried lest their service not be perfect on such an important occasion.

  Even the lowliest peasant seated at the foot of the bottom table was served the meats and vegetables, but the peasants ate from bread trenchers, not wooden platters like most people, or, like those at the high table, off silver plates. The polished silver salt cellar had pride of place at the high table, with a row of spice jars beside it and silver goblets to receive the best mead and spiced wine.

  After the meat and vegetables were eaten, Lord Rhys stood and told everyone about the visit to the King and Lady Rhyannon’s wonderful news. The stamping, clapping, and cheering went on for a long time, until he signaled the servants to bring in the puddings.

  Garnet tasted these carefully, trying to identify every ingredient and the quantities. One day she would preside over a special dinner with spiced puddings, too.

  As she’d guessed, the little girls were sound asleep, but both had managed to eat more meat than they’d probably ever seen in their lives before. She carried Ysabel out to her bed, carefully took her good tunic off, and tucked the child under her fur, before returning to do the same for Ava. All five of them were sleeping in her former house, a tiny, one-room, wooden structure, and Garnet wondered if it’d be possible for them to fuck tonight with the children asleep on their mattress only a step away. Ah well, it was possible the men would get drunk on the wonderful array of ale, mead, and wine being served, anyway. She would not begrudge them such a rare opportunity to relax and have fun.

  When she returned to the banquet, the benches were being cleared so the people could dance. Men banged wood against the benches in a deeply evocative note, and others clapped as the dancing began. After an hour or so, Lord Rhys announced that, come winter, a troubadour would be in residence at the stronghold to teach two or three of the older children how to play music. From next year, there would always be music in the stronghold. Garnet gasped. This was what she wanted, too. It was almost as if he’d read her mind. Or, more likely, Nerida had mentioned it to Lady Elinor. She instantly determined to search out someone from the demesne to send to be trained at the stronghold. Who had a good sense of rhythm and beat? Who could sing sweet melodies? Her brain whirred, but no name came to her. No matter, either Byram or Carlysle would know, or they’d find out.

  The night was getting very late. Around the walls of the great hall people were rolling themselves in furs and settling down to sleep. Neither Byram nor Carlysle were in view, so Garnet quietly said her good nights and returned to her former house. She undressed and carefully folded her gown before lying on the mattress on her side and
pulling a fur over herself.

  She woke later when a cock pressed its way into her cunt, and a hand held her leg up higher for better access. She murmured happily, but then quieted, remembering the girls were right there, too. Even though it was totally dark, she knew it was Byram fucking her, by the firm feeling of his chest. Carlysle was just as muscled, but much leaner.

  Byram kissed her mouth. He was such a good kisser, arousing her intensely with every little peck, lick, and nibble. His lips were honeyed heaven to her taste. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, wanting more of him, and he sucked on it, making her want to giggle. All the while his hips pumped in and out of her, his cock driving her need higher and higher.

  Garnet wrapped her arms around him, forcing one between him and the mattress, and holding them close together as he drove his cock deep inside her, and then he was licking her lips and kissing her again.

  There was a faint draft of air, and a mouth sucked on her toe then licked across the tender place between her sole and her heel. Warm air puffed on the wet skin, and Garnet knew Carlysle had joined them.

  Byram was close to release now. Garnet could tell by the tiny noises he was making. She gripped his shoulders tighter and clenched her inner muscles on his cock. It was enough. His essence spurted inside her, and he thrust a few more times before pressing a soft, sweet kiss to her forehead.

  He remained close to her, his hand resting on her breast, and Carlysle moved up her body, licking her leg, sucking the soft skin behind her knee, and generally keeping her highly aroused and wanting more. Carlysle pushed her onto her back and lifted her hips high, the way he liked to do. The moment he thrust his cock deep inside her, pleasure burst throughout her body, making her limbs shake and her belly clench. Undeterred, Carlysle withdrew and slammed in again. In and out, in and out. Garnet tried to help, but her belly was still rippling with pleasure, so she had little more strength than to simply pat him. He must have been ready anyway because her body was only just stopping its pleasure when his hot seed burst inside her, and he sucked her breast into his mouth, nibbling on her nipple.

  Once again she patted him, and Byram, before letting the two men wrap her in their arms and relax down into the mattress. There was a lot of cleaning and packing to do before they went home tomorrow, and she still wanted to talk to Lady Elinor about the troubadour. That was her last thought before she slept.

  * * * *

  Carlysle had taken Lord Rhys’s words very seriously. “If they worked from dawn to dusk until the harvest was gathered, they would earn back their forfeited land.” He’d not only worked from dawn to dusk, he’d driven, ordered, encouraged, even begged the others to do so, too. Fortunately, having come so close to starvation, almost all of them had a keen sense of self-preservation and were more than willing to keep working even when they were tired.

  The outer wall had reached the height of a tall man’s head when work had to stop for everyone to concentrate on planting the seed. While the crops grew, the women and children weeded and cared for them, while the men raised the wall another few feet. Meanwhile, the guards went out on regular hunting and foraging parties, often accompanied by some of the women and children, who gathered berries, nuts, edible grasses, and fungi, while the soldiers hunted.

  The women were then very busy preserving the foods harvested and meat that was caught. A large pen had been built to contain baby chickens, ducks, geese, and other fowl they captured alive to breed from. It was beside a slightly swampy area that contained plenty of grubs and insects for them to eat and was where they’d talked about setting up some fishponds. But Carlysle was unsure how to do that this year. By next year, he hoped to get it underway. He and Garnet had talked about the possibilities, and fish would be a welcome addition to their winter diet. But they had neither the time nor the labor available to design and build such a thing right now.

  When the harvest was gathered, it was a good one, but not outstanding, so they didn’t stop working. Foraging parties went into the woods every day, bringing home wagon loads of fuel and anything the women could gather. The soldiers managed to catch several huge boar, a sow and two piglets, and half a dozen deer, all of which would be most important food for the winter.

  The wall was declared finished at the height of two men, one on top of the other. A determined person could climb it, but it was too high for a horse to leap and would be a very difficult climb for a soldier wearing heavy armor. Besides, once over the wall, the attackers still had to get past the palisade. Carlysle knew Albin would have more ideas for self-protection, and their defenses could always be improved, but they had completed the task Lord Rhys had set them. The wall was built and the harvest gathered.

  Byram sent a messenger to the stronghold with the news, inviting Lord Rhys, Lady Elinor, Hammond, the Captain of the Guard, and Father Augustus to come see the wall and have dinner with the people of the demesne.

  Carlysle knew Garnet agonized over the menu, wanting to provide a special dinner but not appear to compete with the stronghold’s banquet. He knew she’d get the balance right. She was very talented in that way, truly a treasure of a woman and one he loved with every fiber of his being.

  He was more worried about his land. He’d had a large allotment of fertile land by a stream. It was a big tract for one man to manage, but he had no brother or son to assist him. Now he had two daughters, and they were already being a wonderful help. Ava had known instinctively what to do, and Ysabel had a clear knowledge of the difference between good grain and a weed. In a child not yet four, that was amazing indeed. But Lord Rhys had to be satisfied. He had to grant that land back to each of them. And there were a few, a very few, who had not worked as hard as they should have. Carlysle agonized that, as the leader of the workers, he couldn’t lie and say everyone had worked their hardest. Yet he didn’t want to say, “All but this one and this one tried their best.” The problem gnawed at his heart. He had done all he could, but should he have exhorted those few others more, done more to encourage them to work as hard as the rest?

  By the time Lord Rhys arrived, Carlysle was as terrified as the moment when he’d stood before the stronghold and demanded food for himself and his people. Lord Rhys was fair then, he’ll be fair now. I hope.

  Lord Rhys walked all around the wall from the outside and the inside, and congratulated Albin on an excellent job. Albin was speaking of further future defenses he planned, but Lord Rhys just nodded and clapped him on the shoulder. “This is what I should have done in the first place. It’s an excellent defense indeed, but you can continue to improve on it as you wish. Well done.”

  Then he and Lady Elinor went to the cellar storerooms, and Byram showed them the shelves with neatly arranged fruits and vegetables, the bags of grain piled high against the walls, the row after row of barrels of preserved meat. From there they walked out to the two new, big barns, one filled with animals, the other with fuel for the winter. Lord Rhys clapped Byram on the shoulder this time and congratulated him on the work done.

  “We have plans for more things next year, Lord Rhys. Fishponds for example,” said Byram.

  “Good. Hunger is only ever one bad harvest away. The more ways you can preserve food, the better,” said Lord Rhys. Then he turned to Carlysle. “I can see you have led your workers well. What has been achieved here is beyond my expectations.”

  “Thank you, lord. Everyone has worked, from the oldest to the youngest. Almost all of them have worked their very hardest,” he replied truthfully and conscientiously.

  “Not everyone has such a strong body and such a strong will as you do, Carlysle. That’s why you’re their leader. You have done well, even if a few have not completely done their best.” Lord Rhys slapped Carlysle’s shoulder, and they all walked into the great hall for dinner.

  It was a delicious meal, with the food cooked to perfection, the meats tender and juicy, and the vegetables fresh and crisp. Carlysle knew this was thanks primarily to Garnet and her clever juxtaposition of flavors and tast
es in the presentation of the meal. Every adult was given a cup of the best mead to drink, and even the children were allowed a sip of it.

  Finally Lady Elinor stood. Instantly the great hall was silent. “My people, I’m so proud of you. You’ve turned disaster into success, night into day. From starvation you have fought back and clawed food from the land and have enough to survive next winter. With the plans you have made, you will continue to improve next year and the one after that. The dangers of a poor harvest and masterless men are always with us. But you have shown that persistence and hard work will overcome all difficulties. I honor you all.”

  Carlysle looked across at Garnet, who was surreptitiously wiping a tear from her eye. Garnet had not been starving. She’d been safe and secure at the stronghold. Yet she’d deliberately put herself in danger to fight for the refugees when they were attacked. She’d rescued two helpless children for whom death was imminent and made them her daughters. She’d worked as long and as hard as any man to rebuild the demesne. The success of the demesne was as much due to her as to Albin, Byram, and himself. What a woman she was. How he loved her and her wonderful fighting spirit.

  Now Lord Rhys stood. “My people, I must first apologize to every one of you. Foolishly I believed that a palisade, a swamp, and pit traps were adequate protection of the demesne. I was wrong, and that was what caused all this trouble. I apologize to each and every one of you for that dreadful error of judgment on my part. Through the fortunes of battle, the demesne was reclaimed. Now, thanks to the work of everyone here, it has been restored and made new, better, and stronger than ever before.”

  He stopped, turned, and Father Augustus handed him a scroll. “My good fortune, my second chance at life, must be shared with you. As my land has been returned to me, so I return your land to each and every one of you. What was yours before Lord Jeffrey arrived is yours again. Father Augustus has written it down, and the scroll will be sent to Court and registered. I trust you will all find the great joy and happiness that I have found.”


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