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Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

Page 11

by Julia Mills

  Both man and dragon filled with pride. She trusted their opinion, more proof that she was meant to be theirs; that their bond was growing. Grinning to himself, he added, “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on.” She snuggled closer and held on tight.

  Something deep inside Aaron’s soul snapped into place. A little piece of happiness he hadn’t known was missing, but once there, made him feel happier, more alive…more everything. It was the weirdest and best sensation he’d ever felt. Her complete belief that he would keep her safe, the undeniable trust she’d laid at his feet, was fantastic. His dragon chuffed and rolled with contentment. Yep, the stories were all true.

  Turning into the lair, he headed straight to Siobhan’s. He wasn’t surprised to see more cars than just Aidan and Lance’s. They hadn’t even made it to the porch when Sydney came running out.

  “Aunt Charlie! Aunt Charlie! I have missed you so much!” The girl squealed as Aaron scooped her up before she crashed into his mate’s legs.

  Hugging his neck with one arm while reaching for her adopted auntie, Sydney added, “Hey Aaron.”

  “Hey, short stuff. Happy to see you, too.” He snickered.

  “Ya know I love you, but I haven’t seen Aunt Charlie in forever!” She wailed the last word, causing both adults to laugh so hard they had to stop walking.

  Aaron handed Sydney to Charlie before she jumped, watching as the child peppered kisses all over her aunt’s face.

  “I missed you so much! Mom said you’re all happy now and you know all the stuff. That is awesome!”

  “Yep I know it all, but you know what I didn’t know?”


  “That you had grown almost a foot,” Charlie teased.

  “I know! Dad says I’m gonna be bigger than him if I keep it up.”

  “I think he might be right,” Aaron joked, taking Sydney from Charlie’s arms and gently setting her feet on the ground. “Let’s head on in and see what’s going on. Whatcha say kiddo?”

  Sydney jumped between them, grabbed both their hands, and held on tight as they walked into Siobhan’s. No sooner had they crossed the threshold than she announced, “They’re here! Hey you guys, Aaron and Charlie are here!”

  Sam was the first to appear, drying her hands and laughing. “I see them, Syd. Did you give Aunt Charlie kisses?”

  “I sure did. I kissed her whole face and I hugged Aaron’s neck,” she answered, running to her mom. Aaron wondered if the child ever walked anywhere.

  Lance came up behind Sam, grinning like a man with a joke to tell. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Yep, sure are,” Aaron answered, wrapping his hand around Charlie’s, preparing for what the jokester of their Force had to say. Little did he know it wasn’t Lance he had to worry about.

  A roar of laughter sounded from the kitchen, followed by a flood of his brethren and their mates all talking at once, giving him hell in one form or another.

  “Look at that, will ya? Big-mouth-know-it-all with a goofy grin on his face,” Royce teased.

  “Must be love, huh, big brother?” Rory chimed in, patting Royce on the shoulder.

  “Look how the mighty have fallen,” Devon again used his own words against him.

  “Good luck, Charlie, that one’s got a hard head,” Kyndel laughed.

  Aidan and Grace brought up the rear, arm in arm, grinning ear to ear. Aaron was shocked when it was his brother’s mate that spoke instead of his twin. “I think I remember hearing something about my husband being a ‘big ole’ marshmallow’ and that he was, let me see if I can get this right… ‘I had him all tied up in his underwear’. She barely got the words out before a good case of the giggles took over.

  How many times did I say that? I need new material.

  Rayne walked in holding his son and wearing a smile that could only mean trouble. “I seem to remember you saying something about being a confirmed bachelor. That you’d be able to dodge Fate. Guess you zigged when you should’ve zagged, huh?”

  Aaron took his medicine like a good warrior. The Heavens knew he’d given each and every one of them as much grief as he could, especially his twin and Devon. Charlie leaned into his side and looked up, winking before she teased, “Confirmed bachelor? And here I thought you had it all figured out.”

  Turning to look at the crowd that had gathered, Charlie said, “I am so glad y’all let me know the real story.” He saw her shoulders bouncing with her contained laughter. “This one,” she pointed with her thumb and cocked her head in his direction, making everyone laugh again, “wanted me to believe he had it all figured out.”

  Looking back up at him, she crinkled her nose and added, “You must’ve really slung the crap around there, big guy. I would imagine they aren’t nearly done paying you back.”

  Loving the fact that she was already comfortable enough with his ‘family’ to joke around, Aaron gave Charlie a quick kiss on the forehead before looking back up at the other Guardsmen and their mates. Thinking he might be able to head off the rest of it, he looked at Lance and asked, “You gonna let everybody else have all the fun?”

  “Oh Brother, I’ve yet to get started, but I’m thinking I’ll wait…spread it out a little. If I remember correctly, you gave me hell for at least a week. The fun is just beginning. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”

  “All right you ruffians,” Siobhan called as she entered the room, “leave those poor kids alone. We have work to do and you all have dinner to cook. Let the girls rest. You boys get that meat on the grill while Charlie, Kyra, and I go have a look see.”

  Everyone regarded Siobhan as their surrogate mother, and as the one female Elder, she was the matriarch of their clan. She’d nursed them all back to health more times than they could count, kicked them in the butt when they needed it, and was always there, no matter what, to help them answer any and all questions. Because of that, and even more because of their love for her, when she said jump, they all asked how high. This time was no different.

  Aaron watched everyone hop to it as he and Charlie followed the Healer down the hall to her study. He smelled the scent of candles and herbs before a flash of white blond hair came flying at him and his mate. Because of the witch’s height of only five foot two, both he and Charlie had to bend at the waist as Kyra hugged them tight before letting go and taking a step back.

  Looking at Charlie, she smiled a knowing smile before saying, “Welcome to the family. These big lugs are a handful,” she pretended to punch Aaron in the stomach, pulling it just in time. “But they’re worth it.”

  “You better say that. I’d hate to have to come in there,” Royce hollered from outside the open window.

  “Oh, just make sure my steak is well done and let me take care of this, okay, big guy?” Kyra yelled back, trying to keep from laughing.

  “You better listen to your mate, grandpa,” Aaron threw in, making Charlie laugh beside him.

  “That’s enough outta you, lover boy,” Royce hollered before grumbling something Aaron couldn’t quite make out about people who don’t know how to start a fire.

  “I hear you have a little magic in there, right?” Kyra asked Charlie while motioning for them to follow.

  “Yep, had no clue before today. He saw it,” she nodded in Aaron’s direction, “and then showed me how to find it.”

  “He also said that you have a really cool birthmark on your back. Can I see it?” Kyra asked.

  Charlie readily agreed while Aaron shut the door. He was doing a pretty good job at controlling the crazy protectiveness he felt towards her since they’d gotten around his brethren, but just the thought of one of them seeing her without her shirt on made both him and his dragon growl. Looking up, he caught the grin on Siobhan’s face as she and Kyra looked at Charlie’s back and had to smile back.


  “That is just about the neatest thing I’ve ever seen. Did you know it looks like a set of wings? Of
course you did.” Kyra excitedly rattled on.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’ve called them since I was about twelve.”

  “Aaron also mentioned the birthmark on your hip and your necklace. Can I have a look at the charm?” Siobhan asked.

  Charlie slipped the leather cord over her head and handed the necklace to the Healer. Siobhan immediately started flipping through a large book that reminded Aaron of his college textbooks, forcing him to hold back a shudder. He’d always been more brawn than brain; Aidan was the intellectual of the two.

  He studied the pendant as it sparkled in the sun shining in the open window. At first glance, it looked like a flower contained in a circle, but the longer he looked, the clearer it became. It was actually four sets of wings joined at the center by a Celtic cross. Using his enhanced vision, he saw that each set of wings was just a bit different and the one at the top was an exact replica of the wings on Charlie’s back.

  “Siobhan, do you have a magnifying glass, there’s something on the charm you need to see. Actually, all of you need to see this.”

  “In the top desk drawer,” the Healer answered without looking up from the book on her lap.

  Retrieving the glass, he sat beside Siobhan while Charlie and Kyra moved to her other side. Placing the pendant on the table, Aaron held the magnifying glass above it and waited while all three women took a look. It was Kyra that saw it first.

  “Oh my goddess! Look at that!” she gasped.

  “What? I guess I don’t know what I’m looking for,” Charlie muttered, still looking intently through the glass.

  “I’m with you, Charlie. I don’t see it either,” Siobhan murmured, looking back and forth between the pendant and her book.

  “Look right here,” Aaron instructed, pointing at a set of the wings. “At first, I thought those were petals of a flower, but then I saw they’re actually wings, four sets of wings to be exact.” He outlined each set while the ladies watched, understanding dawning on both their faces.

  “The details of the one at the top looks just like the markings on your back.” Charlie’s eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Then there is this.” He pointed to the center. “It’s a Celtic cross and the words engraved are chosaint agus a sha’bha’il, which is Gaelic for protect and save.”

  Siobhan was nodding her head as Kyra said, “It was left with you for protection. Whoever your mom is or was, she knew magic. She protected you. I know it’s kind of personal, but can I have a look at your hip. I’m wondering if it’s really a birthmark. It might be something else left by your mom.”

  “Sure, no problem,” Charlie answered, lifting the leg of her shorts while Kyra bent down to look at the birthmark on her hip.

  “Just as I thought,” the little witch beamed. “It’s a birthmark all right, but one magically given, not naturally. The origin is feminine, so definitely from your birth mom. Now, let’s check out that little spark in there,” Kyra said, hopping up and pointing to the chair next to Aaron while taking the one across the table.

  Pointing to the steaming copper bowl sitting on a grate over a large candle, the witch explained, “That’s just some ash from the White Ash tree for protection and focus, Dragon’s Blood herb for protection, Eyebright to identify the magic, Lilac and Orris for memory and focus, and Thyme for positivity. The green candle is for success, white for protection, royal blue for wisdom, and silver for the Mother Goddess. I’m gonna say a little incantation and then I should be able to see your magic. Okay?”

  “I’m ready, if you are,” Charlie quipped.

  Aaron could feel that she was a little nervous, and from the random thoughts he picked up, it only came because of the new experiences. He could only imagine how mind boggling it had to be for someone that hadn’t grown up with dragons and magic and all the other things that he just took for granted. Sending reassurance and love through their mating bond, he hoped to make things easier for her.

  “Mother Goddess, provide your light. Help us focus, protect our rite. Your child is pure, her soul is bright. Her magic is beauty. Her magic is white. We seek the origin. We seek her kin. Universe of All show us the way. Give us your wisdom by end of day. Blessed be. Blessed be.” Kyra chanted in English while Siobhan did the same in the language of their ancestors.

  After the third time through, the little witch bowed her head and prayed, “We offer you our love, devotion, and service, Mother Goddess, God above, and the Universe that sustains us. Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for this day. Thank you for it all. Amen and amen.”

  “O’n and bean naithe,” Siobhan murmured in response. Words Aaron remembered from his childhood. His mother had always said amen and blessings at the end of every prayer.

  “Now, I’m going to scry,” Kyra picked up the mirror that never seemed far from her side and sprinkled it with herbs, reciting the same words she’d said before.

  Aaron watched the mixture on the glass shimmy and shake for almost a full minute before settling. Kyra looked at Charlie and then at him with absolute astonishment on her face.

  “I have never seen anything like this before.” The little witch sounded shocked, and when she set the mirror on the table for all of them to see, Aaron knew why.

  The magic Kyra had called upon had arranged the herbs in the exact image of Charlie’s birthmark and charm. Aaron had no idea what that meant, but from the looks on Siobhan and the little witch’s face it meant a lot more looking before they had their answers.

  The Healers words confirmed his thoughts. “Well, I guess that means I’ll be doing some extra reading.”

  “I’ll help,” Charlie offered.

  “Me too,” Kyra chimed in.

  “Well, I’ll be around for moral support, ladies,” Aaron joked.

  “Time to eat!” Royce shouted into the window.

  Saved by the food!

  By the time they got to the kitchen, the table was covered with dinner and the line was long. Aaron watched Charlie watching all his brethren and their families with what could only be described as affection. He tried to imagine how his extended family looked to her, but came up short. Only a mate could deal with six huge guys that acted like a bunch of teenagers on a good day, not to mention could turn into dragons at will. Beautiful women that were smart, outspoken and had special talents all their own and two children that had blessed their clan in ways no one could have predicted with their own unique qualities.

  Has to be overwhelming…

  Looking at Jay and Sydney made him think of Grace’s pregnancy. He saw her filling her plate and laughing at something his twin had said. As she turned to head to the dining room, the proof of her pregnancy pushed against her blouse.

  Heavens help them if those kids are anything like Aidan and I when we were little.

  Shaking his head, he looked at Charlie. Visions of a sweet little girl with vibrant blue eyes and long blonde curls squealing with delight as he swung her in the air filled his mind. Then he thought of a tough little boy, almost identical to the little girl, but with spiky hair and the determination to accomplish anything. The little guy was swinging a stick like a sword, hurling threats at his imaginary opponent.

  Royce bumped his shoulder, pulling him out of his daydream. “What’s the matter, smartass?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  “You’re standing there all starry eyed. Must be love. Look at that shit. This is gonna be fun.” Royce laughed so hard Aaron thought the old man might drop his plate.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  “You better get up there and get your food before the young ones get here. They can put away food faster than a swarm of locust. And your girl’s already up there talking with mine and Sam. I’m sure you’re in some kinda trouble.”

  Charlie glanced back and winked just as he looked up. Grinning, Aaron winked back.

  I am the luckiest man alive.

  Royce laughed all the louder, practically shouting to the other Guardsmen already eating in the dining room, “Oh m
an, Aar’s got it bad! Y’all missed the sappy look on his face.” Walking through the kitchen, the old man kept talking, “Boy oh boy, I mean he’s really got it bad.”

  The dining room erupted in laughter, but Aaron just couldn’t care. They were all right; he was in love. All was right with the world.

  Plate filled, he headed into the dining room, happy to see that Charlie had saved the seat next to her. There were ten different conversations going on about ten different topics, but he zeroed in on his mate and Sam’s. They were barely speaking above a whisper, but with his enhanced abilities, he heard her ask her best friend about the mating ceremony.

  “You said that it’s a really private thing, right?”

  “Yep. Sure is. It starts with you and Aaron, the Elders, which you’ll meet, and these meatheads.” Sam motioned around the table. “The Elders say a passage from the Holy Book, Rayne says something on behalf of their Force, and then you and Aaron will be left alone for the Marking Ceremony.”

  “You mean I’ll get a little tattoo like the one on your neck?”

  “It’s more of a brand and it happens kind of magically when you two kiss, but yeah. If you check out everyone else’s, they’re all similar but also different. They say the Universe decides based on what you two are together. It’s pretty cool. I can’t wait to see yours.”

  “Well, we’re a long way from that.”

  “Whatever you say, Charlie. Whatever you say.”

  His mate was about to respond, but didn’t when she saw him by her side.

  “What are y’all talking about?” he asked as if he hadn’t heard the whole thing.

  “Oh nothing,” they answered in unison, like two little girls caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

  Smirking, Aaron sat down, deciding to let Charlie think he hadn’t heard. He knew Sam would remind her about the enhanced hearing soon enough. He’d just gotten the first bite of steak in his mouth when Rian and Rory came through the door.

  “What the hell, you guys? Nobody thought to holler that the steaks were ready?”

  Rory complained.

  “We knew you’d smell them and come running,” Kyndel laughed. “Heaven knows you never miss a meal.”


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