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Her Baby Secret (Friends & Lovers Book 1)

Page 18

by Jaye Diane

  “They'll never take you back, Casey, not after what you did. It doesn't matter if I tried to recommend you again. You messed it up for yourself.” He glanced at her then away, seeing the security guard SUV slowly heading towards them. He stepped out of the car, bumping Casey as he did. She stepped back, staring at him with drenched blue eyes.

  Discreetly waving the guard over, Devin stared down at his old friend. He wondered if they'd ever really been friends or if she'd been plotting all along. He'd never know. One thing was for sure. He couldn't leave her with any doubts about his feelings. He didn't want her to ever bother him or Robyn again.

  “Please get away from my car,” He said calmly. “I have to hit the road. My fiancée is waiting for me.”

  “Fiancée?” Casey whispered, her eyes nearly as big as saucers.

  “Yes,” Devin said, allowing himself a small smile while wishing he was telling the truth. “Robyn and I are getting married, despite you trying to tear us apart.”


  “Now leave us alone. And mean it. I don't want to see you or hear from you ever again.”

  “Do you need help, Mr. Jamison?” The security guard, Alberto, asked as he got out of his vehicle.

  Casey gulped when she saw the security guard.

  Devin raised an eyebrow at Casey and she shook her head before running in the opposite direction. Devin hoped that that was the last he'd ever have to see of her.

  “Was that Ms. Green?” Alberto asked.

  Devin nodded, holding onto his car door.

  Alberto sighed and shook his head. “It's a shame what happened to her.”

  “She brought it all on herself.” Devin got back into his car.

  “I know,” Alberto murmured, turning away to get back into his own car.

  “Enjoy your new year!” Devin called, putting the key into the ignition.

  “You too, sir.”

  Devin sped out of the parking lot, eager to get home, get packed and get to the Phillips house. It was time to make that lie he'd told Casey a reality. He was determined to get Robyn back once and for all.

  Robyn stood quietly in the blue room, not wanting to go back out and feeling overwhelmed by the crowd that had already gathered inside her parents' house. A party. A full-fledged party was already in full swing.

  She and Emerald had been laying around, dressed casually in jeans and T-shirts when Marjorie had gotten home and asked for their help bringing groceries in. There had been bags and bags of food. That's when it hit Robyn that they weren't having their usual New Year's Eve family dinner. Although it had barely been two in the afternoon, Marjorie had headed straight for the kitchen to begin cooking.

  She'd considered going home to get something suitable to wear to the party but Emerald had convinced her that they were due for a trip to the mall. She'd had to pretend to feel enthusiastic over a sexy new dress while inside she was furious that her parents had blindsided her this way.

  Looking down at the silver cap-sleeve cocktail dress that she'd chosen, she felt uncomfortable and awkward. She'd gained weight, had been embarrassing to realize after she'd chosen a bunch of dresses to try on, all in her old size. The dress hung just above her knees and she'd purchased a pair of low silver heels to complete the ensemble. Emerald had swept her hair up in a bun for her since, with her constant back pains, she hadn't been able to complete the simple task.

  She'd put on a little light brown lip gloss and she wore her usual diamond studs in her ears, which she usually loved. But somehow she felt like a fraud. She wasn't happy. She wasn't in a party mood. And she didn't feel confident enough to leave her room.

  Hand on the doorknob, Robyn stared down at the floor.

  Get it together, Robyn! Right now! You’re stronger than this!

  She knew her hormones played a huge part in making her feel the way she felt. She knew her mind was playing tricks on her. But hormones and riotous emotions aside, her heart had to heal before she would feel like socializing again.

  She counted to ten then opened the door, the sound of music hitting her ears. The party really was in full swing. Robyn started down the stairs, hearing laughter and talking. It made her want to run back to her room.

  Emerald was on her way up the stairs and Robyn nearly sagged in relief when her friend joined arms with her and started down the stairs.

  “You look sexy!” Emerald whispered loudly next to Robyn's ear. “You already have a little glow going on.”

  “Thanks,” Robyn said, not believing Emerald for a minute. Emerald had had a front row seat to her meltdown in the store when she couldn't get into the first dress she'd chosen to try on. “You look gorgeous yourself.”

  Emerald had on a sky blue cocktail dress. The light blue was a lovely contrast against Emerald's dark skin. Her short hair came down to her ears in a simple bob but she'd accentuated it with some silver hair clips.

  “There are some hot guys here,” Emerald said, waving at someone as they reached the bottom of the staircase.

  Robyn looked through the crowd, in the direction that Emmy had just waved in and saw a tall, black man in a black suit watching her friend. She didn't recognize him but then again, she didn't know all of her parents’ employees and business associates.

  “Happy New Year, Robyn!” Peyton said, enveloping Robyn a hug.

  “Hi!” Robyn exclaimed, “I didn't know you guys were coming.”

  “Mom told us yesterday that she wanted to have a party. I'm surprised she could get so many people to come on such short notice.” Peyton sipped from a glass that she held in her hand.

  “Yesterday?” Robyn and Emerald exclaimed in unison.

  Peyton nodded. “She's up to something. Anyway, we're only going to be here for a couple hours and then we're going back to Keith's parents' house.”

  Robyn stayed with her sister for a few more minutes, trying to focus on everything that Peyton was saying, but getting a growing feeling of alarm. Why would her mother throw together such a lavish party at the last minute? What was Marjorie up to?

  Robyn mingled, snacking on hors d'oeuvres from time to time. She chatted with a few of the waitresses from her mom's restaurant as well as with Angelica and Jared briefly. She then found herself talking to one of her dad's mechanics from the shop. She was looking around for a quiet corner to hide in when Emerald found her again.

  “I got three numbers,” Emerald said, grinning. “Good to know I've still got it!”

  Robyn couldn't help but laugh. She saw her mother and father talking to an older couple on the other side of the living room and her laugh died on her lips. She wouldn't relax until this evening was over. She hated feeling so uncomfortable in her own parents' house.

  A short while later, Marjorie announced that a buffet dinner was now being served. Everyone made a beeline for the kitchen. Robyn took that opportunity to rush up the stairs to her room. She kicked her heels off and sank onto her bed, feeling lost. She didn't think she'd leave out of the room for the rest of the night.

  Picking up her phone, she saw she had two missed calls from Devin, as well as a text message from him. She wanted badly to call him back but it was just too painful to keep trying to hide her feelings for him. She'd need a little more time before she could truly start to regard him as a friend again. Just a friend and nothing more.

  She opened the text message from Devin, almost afraid to read it.

  I need to see you right now. We have to talk.

  He'd sent it a couple hours ago. Should she call him back? Her pounding heart demanded that she call him back right away. She hated how desperate she was, how eager she was to hear his voice.

  She quickly dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. Sighing heavily, she dropped her phone onto her nightstand. She lay back on against her pillows, feeling tears well up in her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to fight off the tears. She was responsible for her own suffering. No one else. Devin had done all he could to make up with her and she still let her
doubts get the best of her.

  She'd try calling him again in the morning. With any luck, they could get back on the right track and work towards being close again, at least being friends. It was better than nothing.

  “There you are,” Marjorie said, rushing into the room. “Why'd you leave the party?”

  “It's so stuffy down there. I need some time to myself.” Robyn slowly sat up in the bed, staring at her mother suspiciously. “All I wanted was a quiet evening at home. If I'd known you were having this party I would have stayed at my apartment. You tricked me.”

  “I didn't intend to have this party,” Marjorie admitted, having the decency to look contrite. “But I needed an excuse to make Devin come here and it's New Year's Eve so...”

  “Devin's coming here?” Without thinking, Robyn clasped both hands over her mouth.

  “He's already here.” Marjorie sat on the bed next to Robyn. “When I watched you talking with Angelica last night, it made me see how resistant you are to...everything.”

  “A baby shower in a country club is a bad idea,” Robyn said defensively, standing up and fixing her dress.

  “Not just the baby shower... You've fought us on everything.”

  “Do you honestly blame me?” Robyn put her hands on her hips. “You've been trying to force me into doing everything that you want.”

  “I may have tried to maneuver you but my heart was in the right place.” Marjorie sniffled. “I'm sorry.”

  “Now you've basically tricked Devin into coming here. You and Angelica need to fall back and let us live our own lives.”

  “I'm going to ignore what you just said,” Marjorie said, standing up too. She beamed at Robyn, “Devin said he was already coming to see you anyway.”

  “He was?” Robyn swallowed several times.

  “Of course. Did you really doubt he would?”

  “Actually, I did. And I wouldn't have blamed him.” Robyn folded her hands tightly in front of her.

  “Well, he's here. I told him to get something to eat while I come up and talk to you. He's really eager to see you.”

  “I need to see him too.” Robyn said, not knowing where they'd even begin. “We have so much to talk about. But we can't talk downstairs, not with all those people around.”

  “Come have something to eat and then you two can talk somewhere private.” Marjorie clapped her hands. “You know I prepared all the hors d'oeuvres myself but I ordered dinner from Clementi's and I can't wait to taste their lasagna!”

  Feeling his intense gaze, Robyn looked at the doorway. Devin stood in the doorjamb, his handsome face expressionless. As usual, he was devastatingly gorgeous. He was dressed in a navy blue shirt and black slacks, the shirt unbuttoned at his throat.

  If Marjorie's smile got any bigger, her face would crack.

  “I'm going to leave you two alone.” Robyn watched her mother scurry out of the room and a heavy sense of foreboding and excitement simultaneously made her tremble.

  Devin's face was very serious and Robyn's already rapidly beating heart seemed to beat even faster. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. The silence in the room was extremely loud and Robyn resisted wiping her damp palms on her dress. She lifted her head and walked to Devin. Anything could happen and it was time to get it over with.

  He'd told himself all evening that when he finally got Robyn alone, he'd have to put his pride to the side and tell her everything that was in his heart. But looking at her, he felt stunned into silence. She was so beautiful in her silver dress. From the curve of her shoulders to her shapely legs, she was exquisite.

  She stood about a foot away from him, looking unsure of herself and he was overcome with love and tenderness. Despite the doubt that was clearly evident in her wary expression, she had her chin raised defiantly.

  “Come here,” He whispered, pulling her towards him and praying that she wouldn't reject him again. He held his breath, gently tugging on her hands.

  She slowly moved closer and Devin wrapped his arms around her, cradling her. It had only been a few days but he'd missed her badly.

  “I'm sorry, Devin,” She whispered against his throat.

  He was stunned. Would it really be this easy? After all these months of suffering, the constant sleepless nights, the pain of being apart?

  “I'm sorry, too.” He kissed her temple and pulled back, smiling down at her. Her brown eyes were filled with unshed tears. “I was so stupid to break up with you. I swear, Robyn, that was the biggest mistake of my life and nothing like that will ever happen again.”

  She wiped away the slowly falling tears, giving him a barely-there smile. But she still looked wary and it hurt him to know that she still had doubts. And he couldn't blame her.

  He felt a lump in his throat and swallowed several times before placing his hands on either side of her face. He bent to place a light kiss on lips, relieved that - although she didn't kiss him back - she didn't push him away.

  He knew there was no more time for self-preservation. He had to tell her everything, to bare his soul and pray that she wouldn't turn him away. He felt strongly that she wouldn't reject him but they'd been through so much already that he couldn't get rid of his own doubts.

  “I love you, Robyn. All I want to do is be with you.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Instantly her chest rose and fell as her breathing accelerated. She opened and closed her mouth but didn't speak. But relief already began to spread through his body like warm honey because he could see the love in her eyes.

  “Please give me another chance.”

  She was immediately nodding wordlessly and threw her arms around his neck. He picked her up in a big hug, tears filling his own eyes. It felt so good to hold her. To finally know that she was his.

  “I've been stupid too,” Robyn said, her voice thick with tears. “I've been so scared to trust you again but here I am, suffering without you. We all make mistakes. Once we cleared the air and realized how we were both duped, I should have forgiven you right away.”

  “Baby, it's okay,” Devin whispered, placing another kiss on her mouth. “I don't even blame you. I deserved it.”

  “Yes,” She murmured, sniffling with a small smile on her face. “But we've punished ourselves enough.”

  “More than enough,” He agreed, unwilling to let her go. He pushed back a small knot of nerves and said “I can't spend another day without you. I love you with all my heart, Robyn.”

  “I love you too.” Her arms wrapped around his neck, she pulled him to her for a searing kiss.

  “Thank god,” Devin said with a laugh, real happiness filling him for the first time in months. “I thought I was going to have to lock you up in this room before you admitted how you felt.”

  “It's been so hard, holding it inside,” She confessed.

  Devin looked her in the eye. “You are my life, Robyn. You and our baby are my future. You're everything to me and I don't want you to doubt that ever again.”

  He swore he could hear his own heart drumming in his ears as he dropped down on one knee. He took a deep breath, gathered her hands in his, and swallowed before speaking. To his surprise, his voice was sure and steady as he uttered the words that he'd come so close to uttering before that fateful night of their breakup.

  “Robyn Phillips, will you marry me?”

  Robyn felt as if she'd gotten punched in the stomach. All of the air was knocked out of her and she could scarcely believe her ears. He'd proposed!

  She'd just started on a high after they'd finally professed their love for one another. It had felt so wonderful to finally admit to her feelings. But she'd never expected a proposal, not so soon after making up. As eager as she was to say yes, she didn't want them to make a mistake. Not after all they'd been through.

  “D-Devin,” She stuttered, pulling on him until he stood up. “I love you but do you think... Marriage is a very big step for a couple that has just gotten back together.”

  “I know,”
He quickly agreed. “But we're ready to take that step. Before we broke up, I'd been close to proposing. We were ready then.”

  As much as it hurt to think of their breakup, the immense happiness that she now felt washed away the last of her pain. She pulled him close, feeling like they couldn't be close enough, choking him in another tight hug.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed, laughing and crying at the same time. “Yes, I will!”

  She met his mouth with her own, closing her eyes and letting his tongue glide into her mouth. He felt so wonderful. She felt so wonderful. She hadn't felt this happy or this free in months. She was weak with relief.

  He let her go to fumble in his pocket and took out a small blue velvet box. Robyn clung to him, planting kisses all over his face. She couldn't keep the grin off of her face.

  Devin opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond solitaire set in platinum nestled in a bed of blue silk. Taking the ring from the box, he slid it onto her finger.

  “It's beautiful,” Robyn breathed. And it fit perfectly. “I love it.”

  Robyn wrapped her arms around his waist, not wanting to ever let go. She was so happy but a part of her was afraid she was dreaming.

  “Is this real?” She whispered, touching his face. “Is this really happening?”

  “Yes,” Devin replied, placing several kisses on her knuckles. “It doesn't get realer than this.”

  “Well, thank god for that,” She said with a small laugh, closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest.

  Devin slowly turned her so that her back was against his chest. His hands slid across her tummy, tenderly caressing. She twined her fingers with his and imagined their child, snuggled beneath their joint hands. Together at last. Finally, everything had fallen into place and she felt secure in the knowledge that they were finally where they needed to be.

  She knew that their families and friends were eagerly waiting to find out what was going on between them but she didn't care. She was too content to move. She deserved this moment. It was an amazing feeling to know that everything was as it should be. Everything was at last beautifully, wondrously right in her world.


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