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Charlie_Northern Grizzlies MC Book 4

Page 2

by M. Merin

  The corner of his mouth twitches. Still silent, he looks over my shoulder to where the other guy is slowly standing up.

  “Your name is Charles?” He confirms; taking a deep breath, he looks back down at me. His full lips still twitching.

  “My dad died before I was born, mom named me after him,” I explain.

  There’s a low chuckle from the guy behind me. “It’s like ‘A Boy Named Sue’ in reverse.”

  I turn; narrowing my eyes at the man I can only imagine is another mechanic.

  “Hey, hey! Don’t kick me again!” He waves his hands in front of him and backs up.

  “Royce, get that carburetor finished. Charles, my office.” Connal looks to each of us. “Now.”

  This time I follow him as he turns and quickly heads back past the reception desk. He’s behind his desk when I catch up and I place my toolset in the spare chair before sitting.

  “I need this job, Connal. Mack was my instructor and I thought you would have checked my other reference? I will work hard here…” I start before he holds up his hand, staring at me.

  “What was the tool I dropped back there?”

  “It was a torque multipliers, I don’t have one of my own.” I stumble out, shrugging. “They’re expensive.”

  “They are expensive. When you use my tools, you don’t fucking drop them. Got it?” He responds. And I’m thrilled at his meaning.

  “I hire you, you pull your weight. I’m backed up and don’t have time to babysit. You’ll get the shit jobs at first and I don’t want any bitching about that.”

  “No bitching. Got it.” I nod at him, trying to suppress my grin.

  “Fuck. Another goddamn smartass.” He growls, pulling out and lighting a cigarette from a pack on his desk. “Royce has been making the coffee, it’s always watered down. You make it now. And that’s not cause you’re a chick, so stop rolling your eyes at me.”

  “After coffee, where do I start?” I ask, holding his eyes with mine and trying not to seem giddy over starting the job.

  “There are two cars in the first lane, worksheets are on the driver seat. Always check the license plate number on the forms to the car itself. Basic work for you this first week or two. There will be a couple more drop-offs for oil changes and stuff around lunch time. Some of the customers may give you some shit. Be polite. No kicking.”

  “Got it,” I say, biting down on my lower lip. He squints at my mouth as if waiting for the next smartass comment from me. Growling again, he continues.

  “You’re pretty. Royce is a man whore,” I raise my eyebrow at him. “You fuck around with him, even on your own time and I will fire you.” My jaw has dropped. “I don’t need that shit in here and he’s in the MC with me, I ain’t firing him.”

  “Got it,” I repeat, shrugging more to myself than him. I held on to my virginity this long, no sense losing a job over it.


  She isn’t fucking pretty. The more I look at her, the more I notice. Her long neck, with her light brown braid over one shoulder. Her blue eyes that originally flashed ice at me are now warmed by the laughter in them. The old scar, running along her hairline, from her temple to her ear. Her small hands, which look almost delicate; even though I can see her picking at a callus on her palm. She fucking does it for me.

  “You need to change, lock anything up; you use the locker in the bathroom behind me. Customers aren’t allowed back here.” I’m going to regret this. I just know I’m going to regret this. I think as she walks into the bathroom to change.

  As she emerges, she has her overalls on over that large shirt of hers. Just as well, it’s still cool up here this time of year; plus she looks bulkier so the guys won’t check her out. Yeah. Right.

  She stops as we get to the coffee machine in the reception area and starts in on that while I get back out to the Rover. Once she finishes up the first car and moves to the second one I slide under it to make sure everything looks right. Royce grabs his mug and walks back to reception.

  “FUCK!” I hear him yell for the second time today, before a thundering crash.

  Charlie and I look at each other before moving to the door. There’s coffee all over the floor with Royce flat on his back, looking like he’s gasping for air.

  “Shit, you ok?” I look down at him, not sure what he needs.

  He reaches out to me, so I pull him into the nearest plastic seat. “Charles, get a mop from that closet – and some towels.”

  She looks annoyed that I’m still calling her that but moves quickly, and I turn back to Royce who is still trying to pull air into his lungs.

  “She’s trying to kill me,” He finally croaks out. Charlie looks at each of us with big round eyes.

  “What did I do?” She finally asks.

  “I didn’t knock the coffee; it was all over the floor.” He points to the machine and there really is coffee everywhere.

  “Charles, you have made coffee before, haven’t you?” I ask, pinching the bridge of my nose together.

  “Nooo,” Charlie admits. “I just…well, I just put the measurement from the can into the top part and the water in the back?”

  “Did you use a filter? Take the top of the coffee pot off?” Royce growls at her, and I find myself wanting to defend her when I see the embarrassed look on her face.

  “Honest mistake. Won’t happen again.” I start, cutting Royce off and trying not to smile. “Are you hurt?”

  He shakes his head at me, “No? Good, show her how to use the coffee machine then.”

  “Fuck! Do we even know if she used oil for the goddamn oil change?” He yells, standing up. I quickly push him against the wall before remembering that he did fall pretty hard already. Charlie is cleaning every bit of coffee off the floor and keeping her eyes away from us.

  “She had shop classes, not home ec – show her how to use the fucking machine then we all get back to work.” I stomp off, not wanting either of them to see me smile.

  “I’m sorry, Royce.” She whispers before he crosses over to make new coffee. His grousing is cut off by a siren out front.

  “What the fuck now?” I ask as I head out.

  Chapter 3


  Sheriff Michaels walks towards me, his car is blocking the entrance and there are two state police cars behind him.

  “They have a warrant, Connal.” He starts. “I got a call they were on their way here and called Jasper, he and the MC’s lawyer are en route. Meanwhile, these guys get to check your inventory and any vehicles you or Royce…who’s that?”

  Michaels cuts off when he sees Charlie coming out, so I introduce them. The MC more or less has an understanding with Michaels. He doesn’t like us, but he’s happy as long as crime and drug busts are low; we monitor that, not wanting our bigger contracts affected. But the look he’s giving Charlie right now has nothing to do with professional interest and anger shoots through me.

  “New hire. She doesn’t have a car.” I state. “Charlie, you go on now; get back to work, like I said.” I gently nudge her as some bureaucrat approaches me and starts listing what they’re looking for.

  Royce and Charlie keep working while the State Police go through yesterday’s delivery with a fine tooth comb. Our lawyer eventually arrives and keeps an eye on them, muttering about the Maddock family targeting MC businesses. Gunner’s Ol’ Lady’s parents have appointed positions with the Governor and they are more determined than ever to bring us all down.

  The shop gets slammed with oil changes after lunch, so I move Royce to work with Charlie on getting them all done. There are no further complaints between those two, just some hostel glances thrown each way.

  I cut Charlie loose after five and confirm she’ll be in by eight the next day. Watching her walk out, I think about asking her what her dinner plans are, but best leave that alone.


  Leaving the worksite after some overtime, I turn towards Ray’s Diner to avoid meatloaf night at the clubhouse. Fucking hate that shit.

  A bit past the garage, I see a young woman with a long braid down her back, walking near the side of the road. Not the best area to be walking, so I slow down to see where she’s heading. She turns at the sound of the bike and stumbles when she sees me. Pulling up beside her, she’s quickly back on her feet and shooting me an embarrassed little grimace.

  I tilt my head, patting the seat behind me in invitation. Her blue eyes dart from the seat to my face and I am pretty surprised at the disappointment that hits me when she quickly shakes her head and continues on, her shoulders hunching forward, without a word.

  She’s tiny and beautiful. Watching her continue towards the diner, I move up past her and pull into the gas station to top off my tank at a pump where I have a clear view of her progress. Grinning, I see her go inside Ray’s and take a seat at the counter.

  Parking my bike, I quickly join her.

  She has a glass of water in front of her and is studying the menu and the specials board like her life depends on it. Finally looking at me, her eyes widen when she recognizes me. Shit, she looks scared. And young.

  “Hi,” I say, trying to figure out what to say next. Not sure of how to engage her.

  Margie, the waitress, swoops in.

  “Jake! How are you? Is Connal coming also?” Marge asks, babbling on without waiting for an answer. “Riley and Gunner were in for breakfast. Could they be any cuter? I would never have matched those two up.” She pauses long enough to fill my mug.

  “How about you, Hun? Want anything other than water?” She raises an eyebrow at the waif beside me.

  “Just a cup of today’s soup, please,” The woman orders. Margie nods then spins towards the kitchen.

  “Did you hurt yourself?” I ask her when we’re alone again. Knowing she fell onto the grass near the road, but still wanting to check on her.

  Her eyes don’t make it up past the tattoos on my neck, but she pulls her eyebrows together and shakes her head.

  Without thinking, I lift a finger and smooth the slight crease in between her brows. She immediately starts at my touch, her blue eyes finally meeting my grey eyes.

  “Here you go, Hun.” Margie has returned with the cup of soup and a couple packs of crackers; pulling the girl’s attention back away from me. “What do you want to eat, Jake?” She asks, quickly looking between the two of us.

  Without thinking, I randomly order, just to get rid of Marge.

  I open my mouth to ask the girl her name when the doorbell sounds and Connal calls out; “Jake. Charles.”

  She quickly turns around, nearly spilling her soup. The asshole doesn’t sit beside me but on the other side of the woman next to me; boxing her between us, she looks even smaller than before.

  “Hi, Connal.” She quickly acknowledges him, and then gives me another look before digging back into her soup.

  “How do you…” Connal and I burst out at the same time. His eyes widening at the fierceness in my voice, until he realizes he sounded the same.

  “Charles?” I ask, looking at both of them.

  “It’s Charlie,” She says, looking up at me with a lopsided grin on her face.

  “My new mechanic.” Connal drawls out, staring back at me. “She just started today. Imagine my confusion at Charles being a female.”

  “Mechanic?” I ask; getting a dirty look from her, I quickly hold my hands up in surrender.

  “Don’t question her on that. I’d say Royce has learned his lesson, but no. Cause its Royce.” He laughs to himself.

  “Royce?” I prod, trying to figure out why her cheeks are flaming red.

  “It was an accident.” She firmly states, glaring up at Connal.

  “And his shin?” He winks down at her before grinning over her head at me.

  “He called me a stripper!” She grinds out. “It’s 2018. There have been female mechanics for a long time!”

  Coffee shoots through my nose. I don’t know whether to laugh at her belligerent tone and facial expression or go finish Royce off for her.

  “How’d you two meet?” Connal asks next.

  “Wait, what else happened to Royce?” I ask. Not remembering the last time I enjoyed a conversation this much.

  “He slipped on some coffee.” She says firmly. Her ears are bright red but the corner of her mouth is twitching. It’s adorable.

  “Charles here was to make the coffee, but while she can crank out a dozen oil changes in an afternoon; her kitchen skills must be lacking. Royce landed flat on his back in a lake of coffee.” Connal is laughing and I can’t catch my breath.

  Marge comes over with my plate and Charlie asks for her check. Margie takes in Charlie’s red face and starts glaring at the two of us as she pours coffee for Connal.

  I grab Charlie’s check when Marge holds it out to her; it instantly rips as she tries to wrestle it out of my hand. Glaring at me, Charlie lays two wrinkled one dollar bills and two quarters on the counter and moves to leave. As I reach for her wrist, I hear her stomach growl and realize that although she’s tiny; that cup of soup was also.

  “Nice to meet you.” She says, tugging her wrist back as she heads out. “See you tomorrow, Connal.”

  My eyes dart to the tattered state of her dollar bills and notice she must have pocketed the crackers. I immediately turn to see if Connal noticed.

  “What did she have for lunch?” His eyes widen as soon as my meaning registers.

  “Shit, I don’t know.” He watches her walk across the parking lot to the motel. “She got to town yesterday, just finished her certificate courses with Mack in Boise. There was a fucking warrant served on the Garage today so I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “What else do you know? I saw her walking when I was heading here, we didn’t get to talk.” He nods at me, knowing that’s not my strong suit anyway.

  “Mom named her Charles for her dead father; she gets annoyed at me calling her that, so I’m sticking with it. Grandfather raised her, he died and she went into the system.” He pauses to steal fries from my plate as he moves into her empty seat. “Mack knew her grandfather, she recognized him when she signed up for the courses and he took her under his wing.”

  “What are we going to do about her?” I ask, acknowledging the fact that we both want her. “She seems pretty fucking innocent.”

  “She’s twenty,” Connal shrugs, realizing that doesn’t have much relevance. “She IS pretty fucking innocent.”

  I sit and eat, while we each think this through.

  “She’s got a temper,” He suddenly speaks up. “And she’s a smartass. She doesn’t miss details and she keeps a neat workstation.” Connal continues to list attributes that he spotted during the day.

  I finish eating in silence and wait until Connal is finishing up before I order a sandwich and chips to go. He trails behind me as we mount up; riding across the street I knock on the door we saw her go into. While I want to lecture her when she opens it without checking who’s there, I freeze up and just shove the food container at her before turning back to my bike without a word.

  Looking at her in my mirror, she’s still standing there with a bemused expression on her face as I ride away.


  I’ve been starving all day, turning away from the hot but kind of odd man, whose cut indicates he’s in the MC with my boss; I can barely help but rip into the food container. I know I should be embarrassed that he saw through me so easily, but without a hotplate to make ramen on; my diet has been suffering.

  Chips! Something I can eat later. And a fully loaded ham sandwich with a pickle on the side. I eat half the sandwich - slowly - then carefully wrap the rest and put it in the mini fridge for another day.

  Jake. He’s dark to Connal’s light. Dark hair, grey eyes, well over six feet tall with skin slightly darker than my pale shade. Well, the skin that isn’t covered with ink. Kind though, besides the food he brought me; I could see it in his eyes as he sat beside me, unsure of what to say. Connal’s shaggy hair is much lighter and well match
ed with green eyes. He’s not as bulky as Jake but close in height.

  Finally sated, I head off to shower all the grease and oil from my body. Enjoying the feel of having my breasts free for the first time all day, I rub the rough bar of soap around my body; trying to erase the pressure lines. Closing my eyes, I reach further down; picturing the men I’ve met today and wondering how each would touch me. Thoughts of Royce are quickly dispelled; I can’t imagine him as anything but selfish.

  Alternating between thoughts of Connal and Jake, I slide my finger between my folds and quickly bring myself off. Groaning softly, I finally step out of the water and throw on a light shirt and panties; crawling into bed.

  Chapter 4


  The next morning, I lock my room behind me and turn to see Connal waiting on his bike.

  “Hop on, Charles.” He says, holding a helmet for me.

  “What are you doing?” I ask; my jaw nearly on the ground.

  “Jake’s worksite is in the opposite direction from the clubhouse and he had to be there thirty minutes ago. He got the helmet for you last night, though,” Connal smiles at me. “Don’t make me late now.”

  I move forward, captivated by the helmet as much as his smile.

  “I owe him for the sandwich and now this,” I say, trying to figure this all out. I always insisted on paying Mack some rent for the space over his garage; that plus school and transportation didn’t leave much after my part-time job. There was a small inheritance from my grandfather that I got after I graduated from high school; but that’s long gone and until Connal pays me, I only have enough for another week at the motel and soup at the diner.

  “Naw, I should have made sure you were square yesterday.” He pats the seat behind him again. “Just, you threw me off a bit.”

  I finally get the chin strap adjusted, and awkwardly straddle the seat behind Connal.

  “Lean with me, but not too hard.” He says, reaching back for my wrist. “Hold on tight, now.”


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