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Charlie_Northern Grizzlies MC Book 4

Page 11

by M. Merin

  Her body succumbs to our attention and her screams reach a high pitch as shudders overtake her, her pussy and asshole convulsing tightly around my fingers. We quickly move to the bed; the three of us naked, the night speeds by in a series of short naps interspersed with orgasms. Charlie is always our focus but our woman gives as good as she gets.


  Waking up sometime the next morning, I blindly reach over for Charlie; snapping my hand back when my fuzzy brain realizes that her chest isn’t hairy.

  “Sorry, Brother,” I grumble, sitting up with a rapidly deflating cock.

  “How many times do I gotta tell you, I’m not bending over cause you got cute dimples?” Connal cracks. “Hey, I smell bacon.” Sitting up suddenly, he grabs his shorts off the floor and hits the john.

  Charlie grins at me over her shoulder as I head out to the great room. “Good, I’ve been making pancakes; almost done with all the batter.”

  “Don’t like not waking up to you, Baby.” I slide my arms around her body, cupping her breasts through the black nighty she has on. She starts to say something before I kiss her temple. “But I really appreciate breakfast.”

  “Where’s the bacon, Baby Girl?” Connal asks coming into the room. “I may need that more than coffee right now.” He reaches for the spatula, handing it to me before pulling her into his arms for a kiss.

  “You have to protect me, Charles,” He whispers loudly. “Jake tried to cop-a-feel while I was sleeping just now.”

  “Jacob! We had a deal. I’m the only one you’re supposed to molest!” She says in mock fury before Connal starts laughing.

  “He’s not a Jacob, Charles,” Connal corrects her, as Charlie grabs the spatula back from me to flip the cakes. “May I introduce you to Jarrett Willis Forsythe?”

  Instead of mocking Jarrett, she goes straight for the kill.

  “Willis?! My God! Dick would have almost been kinder! Certainly not as high-brow sounding as Willis!” Connal and I lose it – she isn’t wrong. I hate both my names equally, Jake suits me fine. “Oh shit! Do you have a sister named Muffy? Please tell me now!” Connal and she are both holding the counter for support but I stop laughing.

  “That’s my brother’s fiancé’s name,” I reply, grinning at them. “I do have a sister, Kathleen, who goes by Kitty. And I’ve always called Tabitha, Tabby; but I’m the only one who does.”

  “Hell,” She throws her arms around me. “Now I’ve GOT to go to the wedding!” I pinch her ass and bury my head into her neck, giving in to the laughter that floats around the kitchen. She pulls back and motions us towards the table; reaching into the oven she pulls out the tray of pancakes she had been keeping warm.

  “Um, I know I smelled bacon, Charles?” Connal asks again.

  “It’s in the pancakes – which I also cooked in the bacon grease,” She replies, quietly adding. “My Grandpa taught me this way. Breakfast food was really the only thing he cooked.”

  Mine are already covered in syrup so I dive right in.

  “Fucking A,” I growl, before diving back in. That’s enough to encourage Connal along and in the next twenty minutes, we’ve devoured the entire pan of cakes. “Fucking A.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Pancakes, ramen, and frozen pizza are about the extent of my cooking skills.” She laughs at our enthusiasm.

  When I finally look up, she’s leaning back grinning at us and I just reach over and pull her onto my lap, sliding my hand up her nighty like the fucking Neanderthal I am.

  “We’re claiming you when I get back, Baby,” I tell her.

  “Get back?” She looks confused and pushes away from my chest.

  “Gotta be in Boise for a day or two,” I tell her.

  “Club Business?”

  “Nope, personal,” I answer, trying to pull her closer again but not wanting to discuss the visit to the lawyer I need to make.

  “You didn’t tell me,” She murmurs. Connal puts his fork down and I freeze; not understanding the hurt we hear in her voice. “Did you know?” She asks Connal, who shrugs in response before looking at me. I can see he’s as confused as I am about why she’s turning red.

  Sliding off my lap even as I try to hold her, she walks back to the bedroom; telling us to handle the clean-up.

  “What just happened?” I ask Connal.

  “No idea, Brother.” We stare at each other a moment. “Go back there. Ask her.” I stare at him a moment longer, trying to figure out what I’m in for; then I stand to follow her.

  As I get to the hallway, she’s coming out of the bedroom fully dressed and her eyes are puffy. I reach out to her but she ducks around my arm and walks straight out the door without a word.

  “Seriously, Brother; what the fuck just happened?” Connal asks me. I stand, staring at the door for a moment.

  “Wait – where are the truck keys?” I ask and we both kick it into gear to get dressed and after her. The keys are still on the dresser and I’m a little relieved seeing her knapsack in the corner. She showed us the contents a couple days back and I know she would never leave that behind, her family pictures and documents are in there.

  “She may just need a little time, Jake.” Connal reasons.


  I head out and in the direction of the Overlook Jake had taken me to. Bree had told me about her regular walks up there when she lived at the bar, so I know it’s doable and the walk will help me sort things out.

  Ever since I started working here, I’m pretty much always with one of them. Now we’re living at the bar and I have no transportation without them. Being included in texts between Riley, Bree, and Emma make me feel like a part of something bigger but at the end of the day, and in such a short period of time; my life has begun to revolve around them. Just them.

  I’ve been on my own since my mom died. Grandpa did the best he could, but he expected me to look after myself. If I wanted more from him, I made my way out to his garage to watch and learn. He taught me a lot, in his own way; not just about cars but about life – the unedited version of an old guy who didn’t remember he had to filter it down for a seven-year old.

  When he died I was alone for two days before anyone thought to come look for me. Then I was in the system and no one actually gave a damn. Mack was the first person since Grandpa’s death that showed me kindness without expecting anything.

  Yesterday, Jake and I had talked about going to get paint samples and other final items for us to be able to move into the house. He made other plans though and never thought to tell me. I get that they have their own lives, but realized I don’t. Without them, right now, I don’t.

  That hit me hard and makes me feel so trapped and sick inside. Realizing that they can so easily make plans like no one else factors into them.

  By the time I sort this out in my head and try to figure out a way forward, I’ve been sitting on the stone wall of the Overlook; staring out without seeing anything, the sound of motorcycles snaps me out of my funk. As they come to a stop behind me, I stay still; waiting. In another moment, Jake is on one side of me with Connal on the other.

  Chapter 16


  Jake reaches out, putting his hand on mine.

  “I’m sorry.” He starts. “We talked about starting the painting. I had reached out to a friend of mine and didn’t think he’d fit me in so fast. I…”

  “Shut up,” I say. Not knowing how to explain how I feel, I just sit there trying not to cry.

  “The Garage has that loaner car.” Connal starts after a while; I almost grin, knowing how hard long silences are for him. “Barely ever gets used but it works. I want you to take it.”

  “You shut it, too,” I respond, but reach one hand out for his; drawing it onto my lap, next to the hand that Jake is holding. Just sitting beside them, I stare out over the town.

  “Do you want space, Charlie?” Jake finally asks, sounding pained.

  “Yes. No. NO.” I gasp and Connal leans over to kiss my head as Jake breathes a sigh of r

  “I’m not good at telling people how I feel, what I want to do, or what I’m thinking, Charlie,” Jake says, squeezing my hand so tightly. “I feel so much though, I just was kind of taught early not to air my emotions. It embarrassed my family when I did. Then I pretty much stopped talking unless I had to; there were always so many people around that I could go days without talking and as long as people weren’t interrupted, they were happy.

  “Connal is closer to me than anyone; he’s had a while, under pretty fucking bad circumstances, to get used to me. He’s truly my brother. You? You’re the love of my life, Charlie. Even if he gets mad at me saying it, the love of Connal’s life also. I know and feel this so strongly.” He says and I can’t stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks as I study our hands. “I feel so connected to you but I have to get used to talking to you, to discussing plans and shit. I need you to be patient, just for a little bit?”

  I stand and draw Connal into the space I was sitting before I straddle Jake’s lap. Burying my face into his neck and drawing Connal in towards the other side of my head; I’m helpless to do anything but sob. I just sit this way for long moments; Connal rubs my back while Jake holds the back of my head tenderly.

  “He’s right, Baby Girl.” Connal directs my face to look at him. “I do love you.” He says, before pulling me in for a deep kiss.

  Pulling back from him, I lay a kiss on Jake; when I lean back, I get a look behind him. A family had pulled in and the parents are staring at us in disgust, catching my eyes; the mother pulls her children back towards the car. Their oldest son is looking at us with his mouth gaping open, the father tugging heavily to get him back into the car; he looks back over to us again and yells “BIKER TRASH”.

  And at that moment I know, that’s how most the world will see me for every single minute I am with Connal and Jake. My arms tighten around them, stopping them from moving after the man.

  Grabbing both their chins, I redirect them to look at me. “I don’t care what anyone thinks. I love you both. I know we just met but I need you to believe that I love you both and will proudly be yours.” I gush in between tears. “We’ll love and argue and have as many children as you want; but this is forever, it has to be forever.”

  “Forever Charlie; that’s what I want with you,” Connal says.

  “Fuck yeah, Baby, for-fucking-ever.” Jake elegantly pledges. “Tell me though,” He asks after a moment. “What set you off back there, Charlie?”

  I let out a sigh.

  “My world kinda revolves around you both. That’s new for me. And your worlds are separate. I know our relationship is new and moving so damn fast.” I let out a breath. “I, I don’t know. I’m not used to feeling dependent on anyone else for my happiness, for my daily plans; but even to get back and forth to work right now, I need to have a ride. I don’t know how to explain it right.”

  “Take the extra car, Baby Girl,” Connal says, pulling me over to his lap. “Make plans with Riley, or any other friends; the three of us, we’ll just work on talking. Just know, my…our focus is on being with you; I think you feel that also.”

  “I love you both,” I whisper again, giving them my agreement that way.


  Charlie walking out was exactly what we all needed. We have been in this sweet little bubble of happiness with a side of walking on eggshells, and this jolted us out of it.

  “Baby Girl?” I start, not knowing about the next topic I want to ask about. “Tell us about these scars of yours?”

  She stiffens in my arms.

  “It’s my fault mom died.” She whispers and Jake and I instinctively lean in to hold her tighter.

  “I had a tantrum about a movie I wanted to see.” She finally says. “Money was always tight and Mom was tired from working two jobs but eventually agreed to take me. Our car was hit by a deer on the way to the theater; mom lost control and we flew off the side of the road. I woke up a couple days later, but mom had died at the scene. After he told me, Grandpa held me and let me cry, then he said, ‘That’s enough now.’

  “And that was it. We never spoke about it again. We never spoke about her again. The scars are my reminder.” She finishes, holding back more tears and from the sound of it, years of guilt.

  Jake lets out a breath; no denying Charlie’s had her share of troubles. “Come back home with us, Baby?”

  Charlie nods into my chest, so, standing, I toss her over my shoulder; and am quickly rewarded by her laughter. Setting her on her feet near Jake’s bike, he produces her helmet from his saddlebags. And she mounts behind him. We spend the next few hours making up, properly; until Jake pulls himself away to get on the road.

  After seeing him off, I take her out for a ride that I wrap up by swinging by the clubhouse. Seems, Gunner and Riley had the same idea, so I park next to his bike and quickly seek them out inside.

  Betsy and Russian are back and looking mighty close; after a few minutes of catching up, Riley pulls Charlie over to meet Betsy. Halfway through their discussion, Jasper walks in and Russian jumps to his feet.

  “Pres, Brothers,” His deep voice rumbles. “I’m claiming Betsy as my Ol’ Lady. We all good?”

  “What the fuck?” Vice roars. Pushing one of the new Girlies off his lap and suddenly sounding territorial. “Betsy?”

  She moves away from Riley and Charlie, wrapping her arm around Russian’s waist. “We good, Jasper?” She asks, ignoring Vice’s outburst. Vice stops mid-stride, realizing his zipper is still down he starts shoving his dick back in even as he glares between Russian and Jasper.

  “I got no problem with that, anyone else speak now.” Jasper looks around the room. Silence prevails for a moment and all eyes are darting between Vice and Russian.

  “What the FUCK, is right?!” Diamond hollers. “You won’t accept Frank’s claim on me but BETSY gets a pass? That bitch has fucked as many of you as I have!”

  “Anyone who’s authorized to vote, speak now. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.” Jasper rephrases his previous statement and Diamond flies across the room towards him.

  “Frank ain’t here, he wouldn’t stand for this bullshit!” She roars, only stopping when Vice grabs her around her waist before she can reach Jasper.

  “You keep this up and you’ll lose clubhouse privileges before he gets back, Diamond,” Vice tells her; Jasper is pretending to ignore her but there wouldn’t have been any help for her if she had struck him. “Where is the old coot, anyway?”

  “He had a friend who needed some help. He’s gone for a few days.” She replies. Getting a snort from Shade. “What’s your problem? You’re not really backing this bullshit, are you? I’ve always been real good to you.” She turns on him next.

  “Heard Frank’s been getting texts from Deb, maybe that’s the friend he’s helping?” Shade replies loudly from the corner; he ignores Diamond as she starts cursing him out. “Russian, man, you take good care of Betsy; Betsy, you let me know if he ain’t. I’ll get him sorted.” He grins and nods at her. Shade’s considered a borderline psychopath by most of us, so that statement gets a tight smile and nod from Betsy; with Russian pulling her in tighter to his side. Betsy, like Russian, is not one to crave any spotlight so this scene has got her ducking her head into his chest.

  “Alright now. Congrats Betsy. Russian,” Jas nods at them, before crossing to the hallway leading back to his office. “Shade, let’s have a chat.”

  Riley and Charlie, still standing near the new couple, are quick to hug Betsy. Vice crosses over to Russian, his eyes on Betsy with every footstep closer.

  Extending his hand to Russian, Vice leans in to say something, getting a near growl from Russian before he taps him on the shoulder and follows Jasper and Shade down the hall, Betsy never looks at him.

  Crossing back to me, Charlie sits in the remaining chair between Gunner and me, knowing that Riley will just sit in his lap when she wanders back.

  “Um, what the hell just happened?” She asks quietly, getting a grunt
of amusement from Gunner and a sigh from me.

  “Deb was a Girlie, she was kicked out for embezzlement. Frank always had a thing for her; she, uh, had an unreturned thing for Gunner here.” I start.

  “Because I’m hot.” Gunner cuts in, smirking at us.

  “Stop listening to Riley, Gunner; you look like an ogre.” I laugh before continuing. “Frank tried to claim Diamond here; now let’s just say Diamond’s skanky, even by MC standards. Jasper gave them a trial period, but wouldn’t agree to it flat out. But, Betsy here, well she more or less keeps the clubhouse running and coordinates things with Jasper and Emma in addition to, y’know, other Girlie activities. She had a thing for Vice for years, but to be honest; Russian has been after her for a while.”

  “Diamond’s pissed at the world. Vice is pissed at himself for not stepping it up with Betsy. Betsy and Russian look happy.” Gunner sums up the situation when I pause. “Riley, we gotta go.”

  “What’s up?” She asks him, crossing back over to us.

  “Grocery store.” He mumbles.

  “It’s already closed, I’ll go tomorrow.” She tries to get him to sit back down.

  “Sweetheart, can’t you just take a hint?” He growls before swinging her up in his arms, nuzzling her neck as he walks to the door. “Remember what I did after I claimed you?” I guess we’re all cavemen, cause I feel the overwhelming need to get Charlie outta here now also.

  Russian crosses over to us as I start to stand.

  “Congrats, Brother.” I slap him on the shoulder. “Surprised that didn’t happen sooner.”

  “Needed to make sure she was over Vice first. Wanted to be sure I wasn’t the fall-back.” He shrugs.

  “You’ll be better for her, not that you need my opinion,” I say, getting a nod from him.

  “You and Jake going next?” He asks, flicking his eyes quickly to Charlie and back to mine. I shrug, reaching down for Charlie’s hand, eager to get her home.

  “Let me know, I’ll be here. Diamond’ll really lose her shit then.” He calls after me.


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