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Seductively Seduced

Page 13

by Mimi Tulane

  When his smug look vanished she looked over her shoulder. Ahmad had locked eyes with the man and was not exerting the demeanor of a sub whatsoever.

  “Perhaps you should try disciplining your own sub more instead of meddling in my affairs, Jocelyn.” Mark was goading her. Ahmad was stepping closer to the table.

  “Form, Ahmad,” she said then turned back in her seat her cool regard of Mark her only display of emotion. She was deluding herself to think Ahmad was going to play passive while this asshole poked at her. Ahmad to his credit did lower his head and followed with a quick, “Forgive me, Mistress.”

  “Perhaps I was wrong, Jocelyn. You seem to have him at heel,” Mark said snidely. She felt Ahmad’s body heat at her back and then to her chagrin saw him lean over the table and get up close and personal with Mark.

  “You will offer the Mistress Lady J all due respect and address her as such from here on out, sir.” The room had become still. Mac and Rasheed also cut Mark a look that said he’d better back down. Ahmad was out of line and she’d have to correct him but damn if she wasn’t pleased. The color had drained from Mark’s face. Ahmad wasn’t going to budge.

  “Yeah yeah, whatever, dude.” Mark had clearly lost any command of respect, and it would seem no one was going to call her or Ahmad out for the display either. Ahmad returned to his stance offering another apology to her to which she nodded. Mac and Rasheed continued to remain silent but they both had similar gleams in their eyes. Jocelyn realized that all three males at her side were chomping at the bit. Mark Comfry would be wise to take note.

  The council head banged his gavel onto the table grabbing everyone’s attention. “In light of the seriousness of the allegations at hand, and there are several, ah, new submissives present we will dispense with protocols and call this meeting to order. Mr. Comfry, you may present your case.” Jocelyn relaxed slightly it seemed Councilman Heard was not in the mood for a long drawn-out meeting.

  As Mark told his side of the story, Jocelyn was struck anew with the gravity of the situation. This man essentially was risking them all to the exposure of his father, a known crusader against sensuality in any form, out of pure spite. Just a few short weeks ago the headlines screamed of Congressman Comfry’s part in the closing down of two independent film theaters citing the films shown were pornographic in nature. He could care less the art films were made by local students or about the loss of the jobs and revenue those showings generated—or that the proceeds were going back into a fund for the arts at the student’s alma mater. He was only interested in furthering his own agenda to stamp his own brand of morality upon the city and he had enough bedfellows to see his crusade through.

  “It wasn’t enough she fired me unjustly or ran my name into the ground to everyone that would listen! Because of her, I haven’t had solid work since! Now she has abducted my wife!” he spat out, which sent the room in a tizzy, the council head banging the gavel for order.

  “Do you have proof of any of this, Mr. Comfry? Something tangible that corroborates your claims?” Jocelyn arched a brow in his direction as well. “My neighbor saw her with my wife dragging her by her arm and forcing her to get into her car! She had no right butting into me and my wife’s business and my father is going to hear about all of this!”

  Jocelyn shook her head but remained silent. His lie was weak. She was done worrying about his threats of involving his father. She was ready to shut his ass up.

  “Mistress Lady J, we will hear from you now.”

  Jocelyn nodded her head graciously. “Thank you, Councilman Heard.” She began with the protocol of addressing the senior Dominant reminding Mark that he was on thin ice already. “Do forgive my sub who has only his Mistress’s best interest at heart.” She offered an apology for Ahmad as well, which garnered her a nod of favor from the council members. “It is hard for him as well as I to stomach the lies brought before you.”

  “I’m aware that tempers will flare and run high, Mistress Lady J. Please proceed with your testimony,” he said.

  Opening the portfolio before her she pulled out what was inside. “Mark Comfry was a former employee and is an unstable and abusive Dominant. He was fired and barred from my establishment because he does not exemplify the highest regard for those in his care. He engages in dangerous behavior and as a club owner charged with maintaining a safe environment for my patrons, as well as my staff, I cannot and will not beg pardon for dismissing him. Donna Comfry is a member of my staff. Her husband seems to think that his personal role as her Dominant supersedes my authority as her employer. On the day in question, he blatantly disregarded his ban and showed up at the club, waltzed in and began issuing orders, causing a scene. He was escorted out. I would have done the same for any irate patron. His claims that I overstep my boundaries are as unfounded as his claim that I have abducted his wife. I can assure you Donna is someplace safe and my help was at her request. Mark’s basis for this complaint is purely out of spite.”

  She then passed the photos she had in her possession toward the front for the council members who were mediating. Councilman Heard looked at each one frowning then passed the pictures to the other council members in attendance. She passed a second set of pictures to Mark who after looking at them tossed them onto the table. “So what she had bruises. That happens sometimes when you play rough. She never complained before. This proves nothing except how far you’re willing to keep interfering!”

  “Mark, those bruises are not from rough scenes and you know it. These pictures were taken after she suffered a beating at your hand—one of many, I might add! This is how she’d come to work after he’d beaten her. And those rough scenes he’s referring too? They happened during underground exhibitions not sanctioned by any club represented by the council!” The room became noisy and once more Councilman Heard called them to order.

  “I will stand by what I did, my fellow council members. I will not turn a blind eye to the suffering of anyone and especially not those that are entrusted to my care. As my friend and employee, Donna Comfry was in dire need of an advocate. Her Dominant has clearly lost all integrity and has a willful disregard for what is considered safe, sane, and consensual. He uses his marriage vows as way of manipulating his wife into dangerous situations. Clearly he is a danger to her and to others.”

  She next supplied the council with several forms. “These affidavits are the sworn statements of submissives he’s had prior to Donna his wife. They attest to the cruelty they have suffered at Mark Comfry’s hand. Apparently, what Mr. Comfry does not realize is that his misdeeds have left a paper trail that his own father has been trying to cover up. His threats to involve his father are empty. Congressman Comfry can ill afford to have his own son’s cruel deviant behavior under the public scrutiny. I can guess what a blow that would be to his sanctimonious campaigns.” Jocelyn was not playing nice. She had every intention of burying Mark Comfry underneath his own foul behavior. “My last supporting documents come from Donna Comfry herself.”

  She passed the papers to Councilman Heard who nodded after reading them and handed them to the other members. He then addressed Mark. “Mr. Comfry, how is it that you neglected to tell us that your wife, whom you claim was abducted by Mistress Lady J, dissolved her contract with you releasing you as her Dominant? Furthermore your wife has a restraining order against you?”

  “Lies!” he spat out. “This bitch coerced my wife into signing these papers!” Jocelyn quickly held up her hand, which barely staid the men at her side.

  “I thought you might feel that way, so why don’t we ask Donna herself?” Mark’s eyes were bulging. She motioned for Ahmad to go and get Donna who had been waiting out in the vestibule with her bodyguard. Ahmad had left nothing to chance. She wondered what he had been up too earlier that day when he told her he was going to make sure she had some insurance policies at her disposal. When he’d gone over the documents in the portfolio on the ride to the conference center she’d been in utter awe. Ahmad had tracked down every submi
ssive Mark Comfry ever had including Jillian, and gotten sworn affidavits from them.

  He’d called in favors and dug up prior charges against Mark that had been swept under the rug by his father who had either threatened or paid off his son’s victims. The most damning, however, were the photos she still had in her possession of the congressman himself enjoying the services of a few working girls at a cat ranch in Nevada, engaging in what the BDSM community would consider pony play. For all his sanctimonious rhetoric the congressman had a few deviant behaviors himself.

  How Ahmad had gotten his hands on those she’d never know but one thing was for sure, Mark wasn’t going to be getting any more help from dear old dad.

  Donna walked in timidly, with Ahmad and the bodyguard he’d gotten for her. Mark jumped up from his seat and started yelling obscenities causing the poor woman to cower. “Enough! Mr. Comfry, we will hear what your wife has to say!” bellowed Councilman Heard. “Please, Mrs. Comfry, will you give us your statement in your own words?” he asked her gently.

  Donna told the council that many times she tried to leave her husband but his threats of harm and abuse kept her with him. She feared he’d make good on his threats to harm her if she left and felt powerless. She told them of the scenes she’d participated in with some of the very people he had present with him, how they ignored her safe word and continued on with dangerous play despite her cries for them to stop. She wept as she refuted her husband’s claims of abduction. She said with conviction she wanted to leave and had asked for Mistress Lady J’s help. As far as she was concerned Mistress Lady J was her Domme and she alone had her best interests at heart, not the sick man sitting at the table before them. She ended by stating that Jocelyn was the only Domme she had a signed contract with via her employment at the Velvet Fantasy and she did not want to return to Mark as either his submissive or his wife.

  Jocelyn pegged Mark with a cold hard stare. “Now you’ve heard from her yourself. She does not want to go back to you and your abuse. My suggestion to you is get yourself some help.” Jocelyn was satisfied no matter the outcome. She did what she knew to be right in her heart to help a friend in need. She motioned for the bodyguard to take Donna outside. She was proud that the woman had found the courage to stand up to Mark and that she considered Jocelyn as her Domme. She would work that out with her at a later date but for now her eyes were like flint as she stared down the piece of trash that sat across from her.

  Councilman Heard banged his gavel upon the table. The deliberation had been brief. “The Council does not find Mistress Lady J in violation of the Code of Conduct set forth in our bylaws. Furthermore, Mark Comfry, your conduct here during the proceedings was sorely lacking. It has been decided that all charges brought against Mistress Lady J are formally dismissed. Mr. Comfry, please be advised this council does not take kindly to threats. Further unsolicited involvement within our community by you or your father will be met with legal action.” The meeting was over. Jocelyn smiled at her cousins then beamed in Ahmad’s direction. Her man had made sure she had the ammunition to fight the bully and win.

  Once they were out in the vestibule, Donna hugged her tightly thanking her profusely for her help. “Thank you so much Mistress Lady J for everything. I plan to return to work as soon as the doctor and my therapist release me. I couldn’t have found the strength to do this without your help. But if I may, I’d like to formally ask that you become my Domme in all things.” Donna shyly looked at the collar Ahmad wore. She had no idea that the strong man that came to see her at the safe house they moved her to was a submissive and no less Mistress Lady J’s. “I want to reclaim my dignity and I can’t think of a better Domme to have than you.”

  Jocelyn was a bit speechless. With her family, her man, and Councilman Heard looking on she formally accepted. “I accept you as my charge both professionally and now personally. I will ensure that you will grow and will with my utmost care, help you succeed in all your endeavors and do take the trust you have placed with me and place the highest value upon it. We’ll talk further, Donna, but now you need to return home to rest.” She hugged the woman gently stroking her back until her sobs subsided then nodded for Donna’s personal bodyguard to escort her. Thanks to Ahmad, Donna had a safe place to reside, his newly built home, with security personnel there to keep an eye out for Mark should he show up. Ahmad wasn’t leaving Jocelyn’s side and for now was content to continue sharing her home. They had briefly discussed that at some point they would live under his roof and in light of her accepting Donna as her submissive, she reasoned it made better sense. But all that could wait for later. She doubted Donna or any of them would be hearing from Mark again and noted that Mark and his sick groupies had wasted little time leaving the proceedings quickly via a security escort.

  Jocelyn was so relieved now that the crisis was over. She agreed when Ahmad said he wanted to walk Donna and the bodyguard out to give final instructions and just to give a word or two of encouragement to his new “sub-mate.” Jocelyn shook hands with several of her comrades who congratulated her on presenting a solid defense. Tonight’s proceedings would serve as a firm reminder of who and what they were—a community of Dominants dedicated to policing their actions, holding each other accountable and above all the safety of those within their care and authority.

  “Mistress Lady J?” Jocelyn turned and smiled. Reese was heading her way. She motioned for her cousins. “Thank you both for being here, and for accepting Ahmad.” Mac and Rasheed nodded giving their cousin a hug each.

  “Are you going to be all right?” asked Mac, his concern warming her heart. Being an only child her cousins were the closest thing she had to brothers and she loved them both dearly. “Of course I am, Mac, you think Ahmad is going to bail on me now? The man gave me a private bodyguard for crying out loud.” To emphasize the point she nodded to the husky-built male standing off far enough away, but not too far where he didn’t have a direct line of sight of her. “I can’t even shake him. I tried!” That drew a few chuckles from both of her cousins. When Mac groaned she furrowed her brow. “What’s up?” “It’s Imani, she’s blowing up my cell texting me, her sassy, nosy ass is begging for deets.” When he read his next text she had no doubt who it was from. Mac pecked her on the cheek before he made a beeline for the elevators but not before saying, “Damn, she’s wearing that harem getup. I’m out.” Jocelyn shook her head and laughed. Leave it to Imani to have sent him a picture message. She could tell now who was actually running the show in their relationship! She then turned to Rasheed. “Cub, I’m proud of you. You kept your cool in there, not an easy thing to do. I think I’m going to have to let you take over more duties at the club, if you’re interested?” Rasheed gave her a dashing grin. “You know I am. Besides, you gotta do more work on brother man. I thought for sure he was going to rip Mark’s head from his shoulders then offer it to you!”

  “Cub, sometimes I just don’t know about you.” She kissed his cheek fondly then watched him saunter off whistling Bernard Herrmann’s “Twisted Nerve,” drawing the stares of the few remaining council members. When they looked her way she shrugged. Rasheed was Rasheed and that was just fine by her.

  With her cousins no longer present she turned to the man that had stood patiently awaiting an audience with her. Jocelyn smiled at Reese suspecting his desire for a private moment alone with her. “I suppose good news travels fast hmm?” she asked with a slight laugh.

  “I wanted to tell you I am happy for you. Maybe a bit jealous. Ahmad seems like a rather impressive man,” he quipped then chuckled.

  “He’s what I need, Reese, no doubt in my mind. I love him,” she said simply, the conviction in her voice emphasizing the point.

  Reese nodded then kissed her on the cheek. “That’s all that really matters, love. You’re happy, you’re loved and my only regret was that I wasn’t the man for you.”

  Jocelyn cupped his face gently, a soft smile on her face. “I think if you look closely you’ll discover you already have
what you need as well.”

  Reese nodded then whispered, “Looks like your guy has returned.”

  Jocelyn spun around, her heart melting. Ahmad walked over, eyed Reese briefly then took his stance. “Ahmad, this is a good friend of mine, Reese Jackson. Reese, this is my heart and the man I love, Ahmad Dupree.” Reese held out his hand to shake hands with Ahmad who deferred to Jocelyn before moving an inch. “Really, Ahmad, as if you’re really worried about any protocol!” she said with a smile that was joined by the laughter of the two men present. Ahmad shook his hand and as the men briefly spoke, Jocelyn thought those two just might become very good friends.

  As they walked across the parking garage, Jocelyn was still marveling at the lengths that Ahmad had gone to ensure she had what she needed tonight. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, do you know that? You call me your angel but, Ahmad, thanks to you I have had a guardian angel looking out for me all along,” His only response was to take the liberty she loved so much, and claim her mouth in a breathtaking kiss before helping her inside of the awaiting limo. As they settled in for the ride home, Ahmad placed his arms about her. Nestled into the safety of his arms, Jocelyn mused. Wherever the road led them, Jocelyn was sure that it was a road they would travel on together. She knew she had finally found the perfect man for her—one even the Fates would approve of.




  Mimi Tulane is a dreamer of dreams and loves to write. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, where she spent most of her life, she now resides and writes in Phoenix, Arizona. She is a former member of the United States Army and has traveled most of the U.S. and lived three years in Germany. Mimi is a wife and mother of three and self-proclaimed Grand-Diva of one. She loves to spend time with her family, which now includes a terrier mix named Nefertiti, and their newest addition, also a terrier mix, named King Ramses. She enjoys cooking, role-playing, bar tending, DIY projects and music. If it includes food, cocktails, and fun times you can count on her being there.


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