Book Read Free

Beautiful Music

Page 6

by Lisa DeVore

  “Are you happy, Jen?”

  “Well, I… why would you ask that?” she stammered.

  “I don’t know. You seem all alone there. Jasmine said you work long hours and have no social life. I…”

  Jena immediately cut him off. “Jasmine didn’t know everything about my life.” He hit a nerve.

  “Oh. So, there’s someone back home?” he asked fearing her answer. He could tell by the tone in her voice she was already angry. Why not get it all over with?

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she huffed.

  Okay. How to fix this? “It probably isn’t my business, but even though you stopped caring about me I never stopped caring about you.”

  She turned her head toward the window and was momentarily silent. “Why did you have to ruin this?”

  “Ruin what? I didn’t mean to make you mad. I was just curious what you’ve been doing the last ten years. Hey, let’s just change the subject.”

  “To?” she asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. How about those Cleveland Indians?”

  “You might want to try again. I’m a fan.” A small amount of humor had returned to her voice.

  He laughed with her as he pulled into the parking lot of the beachside restaurant. He didn’t miss her intake of breath as she realized where they were. “Do you remember the place?” he asked as he shut the truck off and unbuckled his seatbelt.

  Chase held his breath waiting for a response as she stared quietly out the window. “Yes, I remember.”

  “Good. I was hoping you would. It was a special place for us.” He knew he was pushing the envelope. The conversation ended as Chase exited the truck to open Jena’s door.

  He couldn’t read her expression. Had he gone too far?


  Jena lowered to the ground with Chase’s hands around her waist. His face was inches from hers. She couldn’t breathe. He captured her eyes with his and she couldn’t move, couldn’t look away. . A shiver ran across her skin in the warm air.

  “Cold?” he asked throatily.

  “No, I…shouldn’t we go in?” Yeah, that was a great comeback, Jena. She was silently kicking herself.

  He didn’t move. “We should.”

  He made her nervous, always pushing. The shivering, the flip-flops in her stomach, and the blood rising toward her face was definitely not attraction. He was crowding her. Jena would show him she wasn’t going to cave. “I would rather not stand in the parking lot all evening.”

  Chase chuckled as he touched the small of her back to lead her toward the restaurant. The shivering was replaced by shaking. The prospect of sitting alone with him…here…petrified her—so many memories.

  They walked across the parking lot and the only sounds were Jena’s heels clicking on the pavement, the surf crashing to the beach, and her pounding heart. She stopped suddenly at the place where asphalt met sand.

  “Is something wrong?” the concern evident in his voice.

  “No,” she lied. The memories invaded her mind as soon as she saw the sand and smelled the familiar smells coming from the restaurant. She was happy then. The realization slammed into her and took her breath. Life was something she had awaited with excitement. She knew, now, Chase had been the reason. There was no way around the truth. Jena had been trudging through life without him, going through the motions. She wasn’t happy. Admitting this to herself was one thing, but admitting it to him? None of it changed the fact she had a job she loved, a home, and friends waiting back in Ohio. She had a comfortable life and wouldn’t sacrifice it for a temporary thing called love.

  She glanced at him quickly and focused on the waves she could barely see through the darkness. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the moist, salty air. The ocean had its own smell. She exhaled slowly with a smile unintentionally remembering happy times with Jasmine and Collin…and Chase. The damp ocean air caressed her skin, relaxing her tense muscles. She did love the beach.

  She opened her eyes in surprise as Chase took her hand gently into his, another familiar one-of-a-kind sensation. She wanted to remove her hand, but she couldn’t seem to move. His warm, strong hand gave Jena a sense of protection she hadn’t realized she needed. She had been self-sufficient for a very long time. This moment was an indulgence she wouldn’t allow herself to get used to.

  Her hand lifted to his lips as she watched, like an outsider, unable to stop the motion. She trembled at his touch. She couldn’t think, couldn’t look away. The moment mesmerized her. Barely above a whisper Chase said, “Are you remembering how much I loved you? How much we loved each other?”

  Jena’s lips quivered. How should she answer? There was no denying the electricity that passed between them.

  “Would you like to walk on the beach before we go in?”

  Jena shook her head. She needed to gain control. “I’d rather go in.” She struggled to keep her voice even as his thumb caressed her hand.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Grateful he was attempting to change the subject she replied with a smile, “Famished.”

  “Good.” He squeezed her hand. “Let’s go in.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The hostess greeted them with batting eyelashes that immediately irritated Jena. “Your name, please?” she said with a sweetness that made Jena’s teeth ache.

  Chase wrapped an arm around Jena’s waist. She smiled smugly toward the hostess, surprised by her childish reaction.

  “Reiss. I have a reservation for two.”

  “Yes, Mr. Reiss,” the hostess purred, “I have the reservation right here. Won’t you follow me?”

  The young woman cast a quick glance over her shoulder to check Chase out. Jena was sure of it. She glanced at Chase who seemed oblivious to the adoration.

  At the table, he pulled out the chair for Jena to be seated. He surprised her by moving his chair directly to her side. Normally, she didn’t appreciate being crowded, but to her amazement she was pleased with the intimacy of his action.

  The candlelight danced across the table, creating a romantic atmosphere Jena didn’t want to acknowledge. She glanced around the room trying to find anything to distract her. No such luck. The restaurant was as she remembered—romantic, dim lighting, linen tablecloths, soft music, sexy date, jealous female…. all there for a recipe of disaster.

  “What are you thinking, Jena?” Chase interrupted her thoughts.

  “I…” What should she say? She didn’t dare tell him what she was really thinking.

  The waiter approached and Jena was beyond thankful he was male. He flipped over crystal goblets and filled them with water. Jena thanked him with a smile.

  “Jen, I was thinking a bottle of wine…but if you want something else…”

  “Wine would be great.” Her irritation returned as the hostess sashayed past them with a smile in Chase’s direction.

  Jena tuned out the conversation between Chase and the waiter, choosing to open her menu. The words blurred in front of her as a thought crossed her mind, a totally insane thought. As the shock faded she found her eyes locked with Chase’s. Had she been staring at him?

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I, uh…” she fumbled for words. “I’m fine.”

  Chase returned his attention to the menu and Jena returned to the disturbing thoughts she was having. She was jealous. How could this have happened? She was not the jealous type. Mortification wasn’t an emotion she was used to dealing with in her perfectly orchestrated world.

  Jena did her level best to concentrate on the food choices, but her thoughts were all over the place. Food wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to trip the hostess. And the wine choice? She’d rather skip to dessert—Chase a la mode. Whoa! Get a grip!

  “Anything look good?”

  Did he just ask her if he looked good? No…no…he was talking about food. Please don’t let me say anything stupid.

  “Food, right.” She glanced back at the menu momentarily and closed
it. “Do you mind if I freshen up?” She was out of her chair before he could respond.

  “Are you okay?” He was looking at her like she grew an extra nose.

  “I’m fine.” She concentrated on keeping her voice even. “I just need to powder my nose. Be right back.” Don’t run, she ordered herself.


  She was acting odd. Had he made the right decision bringing her here? Chase scanned the restaurant for Jena, keeping an eye toward the ladies room.

  That’s when he saw her and groaned. He sank down in his chair and opened the menu, but it was too late. She saw him. Just great.

  The redhead from his past sauntered directly to his table. “Hi ya, handsome,” she purred.

  “Hey, Mia, how are you?”

  “I’m great now that I’ve caught a glimpse of your handsome face. You here alone, Chasey?”

  “No, actually, I’m here on a date.”

  She lowered her bottom lip in a pout and thrust out her chest. “What a shame. You never call. You’re a bad boy, Chasey.”

  He made every attempt to be rid of her, but she had other ideas. Chase watched in horror as Jena approached the table. Could this get any worse? Jena arrived at the table in time to overhear the voluptuous Mia ask if they could hook up some time.

  “Sorry, Mia, I’m otherwise off the market.” He smiled toward Jena who was flashing daggers from her eyes as she sat. He was praying they weren’t meant to hit him.

  “Well, if you change your mind…” She glanced toward Jena for a moment and turned her attention back to him. “If you want a good time, give me a call. You have my number, Sugar.” She seductively ran her index finger down the side of his face and winked.

  From the sounds coming from Jena’s chair, Chase knew she was angry. “Have a nice evening, Mia.”

  Knowing he couldn’t avoid her wrath for the rest of the evening he attempted an apology.


  Despite the buzzing in her ears she caught him say, “I’m sorry about that.”

  “I can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I? The life of a rock star.” She attempted to cover her irritation with humor. The way she was clenching her fists under the table told her she was unsuccessful.

  “That part I could do without,” he sighed.

  “Oh, I bet,” Jena uttered cynically.

  “Seriously, that’s not what I want out of life. Gets old. Are you mad?”

  “Honestly?” she tilted her head with a pause. “I am mad, but not at you. I can’t believe the gall of some women. For all she knew we were a couple, and she’s…she’s…propositioning you right under my nose!” Tracking down the bimbo appealed to Jena. She scanned the restaurant.

  “Take it easy,” Chase chuckled. “She’s nothing. Don’t let her ruin our evening, okay?”

  Jena shifted in her seat. “I’m perfectly fine.”

  “Do you know what you want to eat? The waiter is stalking us.”

  She picked up her menu and opened it once more, lowered it again, and took in a deep breath. “At least I’m not a real girlfriend.”

  “We’ll work on that.” He winked.

  “May I take your order?”

  “Yes, you may.” Jena smiled at the waiter with relief. “I’ll have the grilled chicken salad with vinaigrette.”

  The amused smile on Chase’s face couldn’t be missed. “Steak and potato for me.”

  “You get one more side, sir.”

  “I’ll take a salad. Ranch dressing.”

  “Very good. Will that be all for you both, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Chase responded.

  “Do you notice how Women’s Lib hasn’t hit the restaurant scene yet?” Jena replied sarcastically after the waiter had left their table.

  “All this anger can’t be good for you.”

  “I’m not angry.” The rise in Chase’s eyebrows told her he wasn’t buying it. “Okay, I’m irritated. I’ve worked hard to be an independent woman and I hear ‘Will that be all for you both, sir.’ Seriously?”

  “Who cares what he thinks?” Chase reasoned.

  “You’re right.” Jena adjusted the napkin in her lap, avoiding his gaze.

  “So…are you ready for our meeting to commence?”

  “Meeting?” Her thoughts were muddled.

  “The custody arrangement for Andrea,” he reminded her.

  “Oh.” Jena rested her elbows on the table, rubbing her temples. “I suppose we have no choice.”

  “There’s always a choice, Beautiful.”

  “First off, quit calling me that.”

  “You are beautiful.” A dawning became visible across his face. “Right. Women’s Lib. Sorry.”

  She never knew him to be thickheaded. The only way to get him to stop was to be straightforward. “You used that nickname on me many years ago…things were different.”

  “You’re still beautiful and things for me are still the same.”

  “Just…don’t call me that.”

  “I’ll try.” He leaned in and smiled.

  “I guess we should get down to business. What type of arrangement would be satisfactory for you?”

  “Well, Madam Attorney…”

  “Chase,” she warned.

  “Do you want the truth?”

  She sipped her water to choke down the cotton balls before she attempted to speak. “I don’t believe we’ll get anywhere if we aren’t honest.”

  “We agree on something,” he muttered.

  “Out with it,” Jena directed.

  “I want to be a full time father to Andrea. Jen, I’ve been in her life on a constant basis since she was three years old. I was in a bad place when Collin died. I lost you, the band fell apart because of my resentment, and I was drinking…a lot. I didn’t care about anything. Collin losing his life saved mine. I won’t let my brother down. Andy has been my life.”

  She wasn’t expecting that kind of honesty. Jena’s eyes pooled with tears. “I’m sorry. I had no idea. Seems I’ve missed a great deal.”

  “I’m not trying to play the guilt card.”

  “I know that. I just assumed you were happy all these years.” Jena searched for the right words. “Andrea’s my only connection to my sister. I’ve missed so much of her life. I need to be there for her now. Honestly, I need her.”

  “Our needs are not the issue.”

  “Ouch.” He stunned her with his bluntness, but she pleaded her case. “She needs a woman in her life. I’ll be able to handle the issues that arise in a growing girl’s life. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be a part. I’m just thinking it’ll be healthier for her if she lives with me.”

  Chase’s mouth was set in a thin line. “I’m going to give you honesty. I don’t want you yelling or getting defensive. I want you to really listen, and then I want you to take some time to think about it. I want you to think like a lawyer and react with the emotions of a woman. This subject will be off limits the rest of the evening. Can you agree?”

  Apprehension spread through her, but she nodded slowly in agreement.

  “Here’s what I want. I want you to move to Clearwater. Sign up with a law firm here, or hell, open one of your own. I want you to let me touch you again. I want to taste your kisses. I want to get to know you…raise Andrea together…as a family in the same house. I want to marry you.”

  Her lips parted in protest. Or was it shock? “Chase…” she said anxiously. Had she heard him right?

  “You promised,” he cautioned. “Perfect timing. Here comes our dinner.”

  Jena leaned back in her chair dumbfounded. She had to give him credit. He rattled the attorney.

  Chapter Twelve

  Chase and Jena’s dinner was a friendly one. They discussed safe subjects; the weather, Florida tourist attractions, the economy…even politics seemed safer than discussing their rapid heartbeats.

  Jena kept to their agreement and didn’t bring up the custody issue. She was certain a relationship with Chase would never happen, but she k
ept quiet on that subject too. However, a move to Clearwater set her thinking. She did like it here. If they could hurdle the past…maybe she could make a home for Andrea here.

  What was that noise? Her phone…where was her phone?

  Jena rummaged through her purse frantically. Maybe something was wrong with Andrea. Or was it another prank? Her stomach pitched. She grabbed it off the bottom and fumbled with the button. “Hello,” she said quickly.

  “Jena…it’s Todd. I’ve been so worried. I haven’t heard from you.”

  She exhaled with relief. Andrea was okay and she didn’t have to deal with another practical joke. “I’ve been busy here with…things.” Jena raised her eyes toward Chase. She found his intently on her.

  “When are you coming home? I miss you.”

  “I’m not sure. Is something wrong, Todd?” Jena was concerned about the workload she left him.

  “No…no, nothing I can’t handle. It’s a little busy, but Emily is helping out, too. Your secretary is quite organized. I might steal her while you’re away.”

  Jena relaxed a little. “Don’t even think about it. Lauren’s mine,” she joked in return before turning serious again. “I have some unexpected things to clear up with Jasmine’s estate first.”

  “Do you need me to fly down and help you?”

  “No, I’m fine. There’s no need to come down. I have…um…help…here.” Her tongue tripped over the words. Jena didn’t have to look at Chase to know he was paying close attention.

  “I wouldn’t mind hitting the beach with you,” Todd flirted from the other end of the phone. “The nights are getting cold here.”

  Jena wasn’t sure if he was implying what she thought he was implying…safer to ignore the comments. Was her face as red as she thought? She couldn’t keep ignoring his innuendos. She would have to talk to him when she got back, but now was not the time. “I have to get going, Todd. I appreciate the call. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  “Sure thing. I do miss you…” he replied softly.

  She stayed silent.

  “Call me if you need anything. Bye, Jena.”

  “I will. And thanks.” She shut her phone and slowly met Chase’s inquisitive eyes.


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