Book Read Free

Beautiful Music

Page 8

by Lisa DeVore

  “Do you know this man?” he asked her. “Says he’s your boyfriend.”

  Jena narrowed her eyes at Chase. “Does he now? He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Jena…” Chase sent a warning glance her way. “Tell them I’m not the bad guy.”

  “Oh, okay…he’s not the bad guy, but he’s not my boyfriend either.” She wanted the record clear.

  Nodding toward Chase with a suspicious glare, the police officer said, “We found him in the backyard with a flashlight.”

  Jena turned her attention from the officer to Chase, folding her arms in front of her waiting for an answer. Why would he try to get in at this hour? And why wouldn’t he use his key? Then she remembered how she complained about him letting himself in. Still….why would he break in? He knew there was an alarm.

  Ignoring the officers, Chase explained, “Andrea called. She was terrified. Told me someone was breaking in the house and you were downstairs. I went out of my mind rushing over here. I saw you and Mrs. R. through the window.” He stopped to shake his head. “I didn’t care to get shot by the housekeeper, so I took a look around. That’s when the cops, I mean officers, found me.”

  “You weren’t very cooperative,” the officer accused.

  “I was frantic. This is my family.” Jena’s heart softened at his possessiveness.

  “I can understand that,” the officer said as he helped Chase from the back of the car.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Jena attempted to hide the smirk while he was released from the handcuffs. “If I wasn’t worried about who was trying to get in the house I would be enjoying this very much.”

  Mrs. R. and Andrea came up beside her. “Hey, Uncle Chase, what did you do?”

  “Nothing. Just a misunderstanding,” he huffed as Andrea stared at him in amazement.

  “Well, I’ll go start a pot of coffee,” Mrs. R. turned to the burly guy in a suit. “I suppose you’ll be grilling us for a while.”

  “Wouldn’t mind a cup, and make it strong.” He followed Mrs. R. to the house with Andrea on his heels pummeling him with questions.

  Jena’s eyes followed them. “That’s the detective that came to the house about Jasmine. I think his name is John Burrows.”

  She turned to Chase when he didn’t respond and found him staring at her. “Chase, are you okay?”

  “Jena, I have never been so scared in all my life.” His eyes bored into hers.

  “We’re fine,” she was surprised by the emotion in his voice.

  “If anything would have happened to you and Andrea…”

  “It didn’t,” she reassured him. “Nothing happened.” Jena noticed the neighborhood peering out of their windows and folded her arms in front of her. “Let’s go in. I suddenly feel on display.”

  Chase wrapped a protective arm around Jena’s shoulder as they walked to the house. No matter how much she didn’t want to admit it, his presence always comforted her. With one touch he could wash away her fears. A battle existed between her head and her heart. Why wouldn’t her heart listen to her head?

  Chapter Fourteen

  The commotion coming from the kitchen was immediately apparent. Jena needed a moment with him before they were sucked into the chaos. “Could I talk to you alone, Chase?”


  “I just need to know…did you try and come in the front door? Turn the doorknob?” She silently prayed he would say yes.

  “No, Jen, that wasn’t me.”

  “I heard a noise, then saw the doorknob moving when I came downstairs. I guess the alarm scared them off. To make matters worse, Mrs. R. scared the daylights out of me with that shotgun.”

  Chase chuckled. “They would have had their hands full with that one.” His expression turned serious. “Are you ready to talk to the detective?”

  “Yeah, let’s get it over with.” Jena expected to find the detective scribbling in his notebook, but that’s not what they found. Mrs. R. was serving cookies and Andrea sat on his knee throwing him one question after the next.

  She approached the table with Chase. “Hmmm. I didn’t know this is how police interviews were conducted.”

  The detective gave her a look of surrender. “I’m an easy touch with kids.”

  Smiling at the scene she relaxed a bit. “I can see that.”

  Mrs. R. rushed to Jena’s side with a steaming mug. “Here, dear, have some tea. Are you a bit calmer now?”

  Jena took the warm mug in her hands. “I believe it will take me a while to recover from your Rambo impersonation.”

  “Humph! You young’uns have such weak stomachs.”

  The detective opened his notebook. “Okay, race fans, tell me what happened.” He patiently listened as they all gave their accounts of what happened. “Could be as simple as someone at the wrong house.”

  Jena shot him a look of disbelief. “You don’t really think that?”

  “There’s not much to go on. I’ll beef up the patrol in the neighborhood. If you have anything that seems out of whack, give me a call.” He handed each of them a business card. Standing up, he shook each of their hands, thanked Mrs. R. for the hospitality, and ruffled Andrea’s hair. “Best coffee I’ve had in years, and cookies too. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Seems we’re collecting these.” Jena read the business card in her hands. Detective John Burrows, Homicide Division. How could that be?

  “Why the funny look?” Chase asked.

  “Did you read his card?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “The card says Homicide Division.”

  “Maybe he’s on call or something,” Chase reasoned.

  “I suppose you’re right. I guess I’m,” she took a deep breath and released it, “jumpy.”

  “You should have told the detective about the phone calls, Jena,” Mrs. R. replied.

  Jena shot her a dirty look.

  “What phone calls?” Chase’s eyes darted to Jena’s with a stern look.

  “It was nothing, but a couple of prank phone calls.”

  “What did they say?” he pushed.

  Jena glared at the housekeeper before answering. “They were watching me. Stupid kid stuff.”

  Chase regarded her with a look that said he wasn’t convinced.

  “There were only two…on the same day. They haven’t called since.”

  “What everyone needs is some sleep. Everything will look better by daylight,” Mrs. R. promised.

  “I don’t think I could sleep,” Jena said nervously.

  “Go ahead,” Chase urged. “I’ll be down here on the couch.”

  Oh, no! He couldn’t stay in the same house. “That really isn’t necessary. I have Annie Oakley here to protect us.” Jena attempted to make light of the situation.

  “Well, honestly, I’d feel better if he stayed,” Mrs. R. replied while shooing Andrea to bed.

  Jena wasn’t stupid. She knew what the housekeeper was up to. Jena glared at her, but was ignored. She turned her attention back to Chase. “Really, it’s almost daybreak. There’s no need. They won’t come back now.”

  Chase closed the distance between them, put his hands on her shoulders and whispered, “I’m not coming to your bed. I’ll be on the couch. Let me do this. I need to be here.”

  Taking off her apron and tossing it on the counter Mrs. R. replied, “I’m pooped! You two hash this out. I’m going to bed.”

  Jena shot daggers at her as she left the room. She took in a deep breath. “Okay, you win, but you stay down here.”

  With a wink he promised, “I’ll be good. For now.”

  “I’m really too tired to deal with you. I’m going to bed.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind,” his voice followed her.

  She turned. “About what?”

  “Just give me a yell…”

  His implication sank in. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  Chase’s face turned serious. “I love you and Andy. I won’t let anything happen
to you.”

  Jena could only nod before escaping up the steps to the safety of her room. She sank down on her bed, closed her eyes and replayed the evening in her mind. Was it a burglar? Or did it have something to do with those phone calls?

  She rolled over and fumbled for her clock. Did it really say 10 a.m.? When did she fall asleep? She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept this late. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t gone to bed until almost sunrise.

  Still feeling groggy from lack of sleep, Jena slowly made her way to the bathroom for a shower. Stepping under the steaming hot water, Jena closed her eyes, hoping the water would carry away her worries. She lingered longer than usual, silently praying Chase had gone home. Jena was sure of her plans to return to Ohio until he was in her line of vision.

  She finished dressing and could think of no more excuses to stay cornered in her room. Descending the stairs she saw Chase staring out the window with a cup in his hand. She quietly stopped half way down and observed him dressed in a white t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and bare feet. The scene was intimate. How many women dreamed of seeing him in their living room like this? He was probably the most gorgeous man she ever laid eyes on and he loved her. Frozen to the step, she shook her head in disbelief. He turned around and grinned at her with a smile that made her forget to breathe.

  “Good morning. Did you get some rest?”

  She attempted to ignore the flutter in her heart as she hit the bottom step. “A little. You?”

  “None,” he said honestly. “What are your plans today?”

  “I planned on going through Jasmine’s papers. Why?” A chore she was not looking forward to. The foreclosure letter still loomed on her list of things to deal with.

  “How about you and Andy spend the day with me?”

  “Chase, you don’t have to babysit us. It was probably nothing last night.”

  “I know. Do I have to have a motive?”

  “No…I suppose not. Do you ever work?” she joked.

  “I’m working,” he said as he tapped his forehead.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She lowered herself on the couch with a smile.

  “The band is in the writing material mode.”

  “Oh…” Not sure what he meant.

  “So, how about it?”


  “A day with me and Andy. Come on, Jen, she’d love it.”

  “I don’t know,” she hesitated. “I really don’t think she should get used to us doing things together. Once I move back to Ohio…”

  He interrupted her with a shocked expression. “You’re still on that kick? I thought you were giving us another chance.”

  “I was going to discuss that with you. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Chase, my life is there. It’s really not a whim,” she defended herself. She needed to be straight with him and hold her ground.

  “Your life is here.” There was anger to his voice she was unfamiliar with. “Well, if you insist on going back, we’ll go with you.”

  “No!” The air left the room and she couldn’t think straight as she stared at him, the man she loved. He was standing before her freshly showered, hair still damp, muscled biceps exposed, smelling of the cologne that made her crazy, looking absolutely gorgeous and she was pushing him away.

  “Jena?” He lowered himself to the couch beside her.

  “What?” Resisting him was becoming impossible. She closed her eyes in defense.

  “This is Andrea’s home, but if you insist on leaving we’ll make a new home for her.”

  “Don’t,” she warned.


  She covered her face with her hands, wanting to block him out.

  “Jena, stop trying to pretend nothing exists between us.”

  “So I can get hurt again?” she hurled at him.

  “No, so you can love again.”

  She said nothing, but stared. The fight in her was dwindling.

  “I’m not asking you to jump into a relationship with me. I’m asking you to give us another chance. We’ll get to know each other again…go on corny dates and relearn why we fell in love in the first place. I know you like it here. Stay.”

  “I do like it here,” she conceded, “but I have a job back in Ohio. I was just promoted to junior partner. They’re not going to want to give me an extended vacation. I just can’t.”

  “You can. You just won’t.” He was challenging her.

  “I have a house and friends….”

  “And here you have a niece and a man that loves you with all his heart.”

  Jena couldn’t stop the tears from flowing with those words. “Please stop,” she begged.

  “So you can keep denying the truth? I know you’re scared. Believe me when I say I’m not going anywhere. I’m in this for the long haul.”

  “I want to believe you,” she sniffed.

  “Believe it,” he said adamantly.

  She shook her head in denial. “We’re so different.”

  “Our professions are different, we aren’t. We both want the same things. We want happiness and we won’t find that with anyone else.”

  “I have responsibilities. I can’t.” She took in a sharp breath. The room was closing in on her.

  “We have responsibilities. Tell me the truth. Is there a man waiting for you in Ohio? What was his name? The guy you talked with on the phone?”

  Did she mention Todd, so he would leave her alone? Maybe he would move on, find someone who fit his world. She wiped a tear away.

  “I guess I have my answer.” His delivery was sharp.

  “Not really,” she blurted.

  “Not really? What’s that supposed to mean?” Chase asked raising his voice an octave.

  “We work together… attend company functions together, but I think he believes it’s more.” Jena stumbled over her words.

  “How do you feel?” he pushed. “Do you love him?”

  “No!” she answered mortified at the suggestion. God, no…he wasn’t her type—if she even had a type.

  He exhaled and his face relaxed. His voice returned to normal as he challenged, “Love me again.”

  I already do. “Chase, please…”

  “Let me say one more thing and we’ll let this go…for now.” He didn’t wait for her to agree before he continued. “Imagine a life with me here. Take down the wall for the day. Allow yourself to see what we could be. Jen, I know I hurt you and I’m not going to make excuses, but I’m not the same guy. I’ve grown up. I only need you to let me prove it to you. Take a chance. Show me the guts you have in the courtroom.”

  “That’s different.” Her mind was jumping in a dozen different directions.

  “Is it? You take chances and follow your instincts. What are your instincts telling you?”

  “To run like hell in the opposite direction,” she countered.

  He laughed and she allowed a smile to slip.

  “Please?” he asked quietly.

  “I can’t promise you anything, Chase. I’ll call the office and ask if they’ll agree to a month, so I can get Jasmine’s affairs in order.”

  “Hey, it’s better than nothing. I’ll take it.” Leaning casually against the back of the sofa he asked, “So, how about a trip to the aquarium today with me and your niece?”

  Stepping out of her safety zone wasn’t easy. Could she drop the wall? “I’ll say one thing…you don’t give up.”

  “Never. Especially when it’s something I want. So… how about it?”

  She blew her blonde bangs airborne as she reluctantly agreed. “Okay, I’ll go.”

  “That’s my girl,” he grinned.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing?” Andrea asked from the steps.

  “Aunt Jen’s agreed to go the aquarium with us today,” Chase explained.

  “Really?” Andrea screeched. “We’re going today?”

  The sight of Andrea jumping up and down with excitement warmed her heart. Jena realized she was laughing. When was the last
time she had done that? Really laughed?

  “You girls go get dressed. We’ll grab lunch on the way.”

  Jena’s eyes followed Andrea as the little girl barreled up the steps toward her room. Turning toward Chase with a smile she said, “I’ll just be a few minutes.”

  “Jena?” Chase stopped her as she rose.


  “Thanks,” he answered simply.

  “Thanks for what?” Mrs. R. questioned, coming down the steps with a laundry basket full of clothes. Not waiting for an answer she continued, “You know, I believe we need to give that child lessons on the proper way to navigate a house. She nearly ran me over. Why is everyone always in such a hurry?” she huffed.

  “We just told her we’re going to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium,” Chase explained.

  Mrs. R. nodded with understanding. “Ahhhh! Well, that explains it.”

  “I take it Andrea’s been there before?” Jena concluded.

  “You don’t live in Clearwater and not visit Winter on a regular basis.” Chase went to the TV hutch and held up a movie.

  “What’s that?” Jena wrinkled her forehead.

  Flicking the case with a finger he answered, “A Dolphin Tale. I’m sure she’ll explain it all to you. She can recite the words of every actor’s part.”

  Jena laughed. “Seems I’m in for an education.”

  “Count on it.” Mrs. R. rolled her eyes.

  “You’re welcome to join us.” Jena silently prayed she would accept the offer, but her hopes were quickly dashed.

  “No…I believe I’ll sit this one out.” Mrs. R. flashed a glance at Chase that Jena didn’t miss.

  “What was that look for?” Jena asked Mrs. R.

  “What fun would it be if I told you?”

  “You won’t get anything out of her. I made sure of it.”

  “Great,” Jena sighed lifting her eyebrows.

  Shifting the laundry basket to the opposite hip, Mrs. R. asked, “Would you mind, dear, if I took the day off? I’d like to visit my sister in St. Pete. She hasn’t been feeling well.”

  Jena immediately agreed with concern. She was surprised when Chase questioned her. “I’ve never heard you talk about a sister.”

  “No need to before,” she retorted.


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