Beautiful Music

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Beautiful Music Page 9

by Lisa DeVore

  “I think you’re trying to get out of going with us,” he accused.

  “Yeah, well, you caught me,” she grumbled.

  “I suppose I’d better grab my purse for this adventure I’m about to embark on.” She eyed Chase suspiciously before climbing the stairs.

  “Hurry back,” he responded. Why did those two words have her regretting her decision?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jena and Andrea found Chase in the kitchen leaning against the sink chuckling to himself.

  “What’s so funny?” Jena asked drawing her eyebrows together.

  “I was talking to Mrs. R. Hey, you two ready to go?”

  Jena eyed him dubiously while wondering what was so funny.

  “Oh, I know what you’re laughing at, Uncle Chase,” Andrea said knowingly.

  Jena shot her a glance and quickly looked at Chase for his reaction. They were up to something.

  “Shhhhh,” he winked at Andrea.

  “Why do I feel I’m in big trouble?”

  “No trouble at all,” he said assuredly. “Do you mind if we stop by my place, so I can change? Too hot for jeans.”

  Yes, you’re too hot in jeans. What was wrong with her? Thank God he couldn’t hear her thoughts. She flushed. “I...uh…no…I don’t mind,” she stammered.

  “Wait until you see his house, Aunt Jen! It’s cool!”

  “It’s no big deal, really. I’m sure she’s seen more cool,” he teased his niece as he grabbed his keys from the counter.

  “I don’t think so,” Andrea argued.

  “My curiosity is piqued. Let’s go check out this cool place.” Jena grabbed Andrea’s hand as they headed out the back door leaving Chase to lock up.

  They all climbed in Chase’s truck and buckled in. She glanced at him and smiled softly. He returned the smile and reached across to touch her cheek.

  “Hey, why are we still sitting here?” Andrea whined.

  “Okay, okay…everyone strapped in?” Chase asked.

  “Can we just go now?”

  Jena laughed at her niece’s impatience. “You’d better put this truck in gear or I think she may throw you out and drive herself.”

  “I think you may be right.” Chase backed out of the driveway and made the short drive to Gulf Boulevard.

  “How much farther?” Jena asked.

  “You’re not going to ask me ‘are we there yet?’” he laughed.

  “No,” she smiled, “I was just wondering if you lived near the beach?” Jena turned her attention to the ocean on her right.

  “He lives on the beach,” Andrea answered for him.

  “Oh…wow…” Jena glanced toward Chase, but he kept his eyes on the road and said nothing. She remembered that look. He was annoyed by something. What could be bothering him?

  Andrea filled the void in conversation by chattering about every landmark they passed. Jena appreciated the distraction. Chase was very quiet and she couldn’t think of anything she said to make him mad.

  He reached up and pushed a button hanging on the visor. A gate swung open to a circular driveway and he proceeded through as Jena’s eyes widened in shock. “This is yours?”

  “Yeah, home sweet home. I’ll be right back.” He jumped out of the truck before she could ask anything.

  With her mouth gaping open in amazement Jena couldn’t imagine how Chase could afford this. She had negotiated many contracts over the years for big business. A mansion or two fell under her jurisdiction from time to time. She knew they could cost millions. Had he won the lottery?

  Andrea was still talking as Jena tuned back in. “I get to stay here sometimes. I love the beach. The nice man next door has a dog that catches Frisbees.”

  “Really?” Jena was distracted taking in the architecture of the home. Chase had entered through one of the two garages that made up the ground level. The two-story entryway led to double doors on the home’s main level. The large windows added to an already majestic appearance and the many surrounding palm trees confirmed its tropical location. She couldn’t see the ocean from where he parked, but knew it was on the other side of the house. She lowered the window to eliminate the window tint and heard the mixed sounds of surf and seagulls. Jena was blown away. She imagined what it would be like to live in a home like this. Jena wondered what was behind each window.

  She soaked in every minute detail never noticing Chase walking toward them. The opening of the truck door startled her. She glanced over at him and took in a ragged breath. He was dressed in khaki cargo shorts, a t-shirt that showed off his biceps, and a ball cap. She found herself staring at an impressive tattoo. He was tanned and gorgeous and hers for taking if she would only allow it. Why did she keep resisting? Was she crazy?

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “Um, no, I-uh…you didn’t tell me you lived in a beachfront mansion.”

  “You didn’t ask.” Did he sound grumpy?

  “Why did you make us wait out here?” Andrea complained.

  Looking over his shoulder he replied, “I figured you’d have to give the grand tour and it’s already going on noon. I thought you’d rather eat.”

  “At our pizza place? Please!”

  His mood lightened. “Is there any other place?” He turned his attention to Jena. “Okay with you, Beautiful?”

  Her heart skipped a beat with his familiar use of the nickname. She willed a smile to her lips, still trying to make sense of the mansion he called home. “Sounds great.”


  Jena peered out the window, examining the exterior of the building as Chase searched for a parking space. The long building appeared older and she noticed new construction on the opposite end. She would have no idea what the facility housed if not for the words CLEARWATER MARINE AQUARIUM.

  Chase spoke first. “Andy, Aunt Jen has never watched the movie, maybe you should explain to her about Winter.”

  “Winter? I know all about winter. Have you forgotten where I live?”

  Andrea giggled. “No, Aunt Jen, Winter is the name of the most famous dolphin in the world. She lost her tail when she was really little. They gave her a fake tail and she learned to swim right again.”

  “Wow. She sounds special. The building looks like it’s been here awhile,” Jena said while continuing to observe her surroundings.

  “The 70’s,” Chase answered. “It used to be a water treatment plant. Are you ready?”

  “I am.” The smile on her face came easily as she opened the door to the truck and waited for Andrea to get out.

  The large boats in the bay grabbed Jena’s attention as they joined Chase at the front of the truck. The crystal blue water reminded Jena of the loss that had brought them all to this moment. Images of her sister’s last moments haunted her thoughts. She would not ruin this for her niece. Jena concentrated on her surroundings while walking into the tent-like entrance.

  Chase pulled his wallet from his back pocket and Jena quickly opened her purse. “I’ve got my ticket, Chase.”

  He ignored her. “Two adults and one child, please.”

  “Have you been here before?” a young lady asked Chase while handing him change.

  “Numerous times for my niece and myself. It’s my girlfriend’s first time here.”

  Girlfriend? Had he just called her his girlfriend? Her stomach dropped to her ankles. She wanted to protest, but her lips wouldn’t move. He couldn’t call her that! What would Andrea think? Afraid to see her niece’s reaction she slowly turned in her direction. She was oblivious, watching a large screen showing a movie clip. Jena sighed with relief.

  Chase turned to her holding a blue wristband. “Andrea, come here and get this on. You know the drill. Jen, give me your hand.”

  Jena mindlessly did as she was told. His hands gently touched her skin and she trembled. His eyes lifted to hers momentarily, but he didn’t comment. Could the ground just swallow her up now?

  “Uncle Chase, can I go in the hurricane machine? P-l-e-a-s-e?”

  “Hurricane machine? She’s awfully small, Chase.”

  He passed a couple of dollars to Andrea. “It’s a simulator. Basically, blows her hair around. She has to do this every time we come here.”

  “Oh.” Jena’s mind wandered back to the “girlfriend” comment. “Why did you tell that girl I was your…” she hesitated, “girlfriend?”

  “Slipped,” he winked.

  “Andrea could have heard.”

  “So?” he challenged.

  “I just don’t think…”

  “You think too much. Today you’re my girlfriend. No arguments,” he ordered. “Unless, of course, you’d rather be my wife.”

  Opening her mouth to speak, she had a change of heart and closed it.

  “Nothing to say?” He grinned.

  She shook her head in disbelief and ignored the comment. She caught sight of Andrea’s hair blowing in every direction and laughed.

  “You avoid any conversation about our relationship,” Chase accused with his arms folded in front of him as he kept his eyes on Andrea.

  Jena attempted not to sound affected by his comment and stared straight ahead. “The relationship we had ended many years ago. I’m trying to make sense of our new dynamic.”

  “Instead of trying to give a new name to our relationship, why don’t you call it what it is…love.”

  Her lips parted in protest, but he quickly moved to the machine and opened the door not giving Jena a chance to respond. She guessed it was intentional.

  “Can I go again?” Andrea begged.

  “I thought we came to see some dolphins.”

  “Right, Aunt Jen. Let’s go!” Her sweet niece grabbed her hand and led her through the entrance. “We have to see the stingrays first. We can touch them!”

  Jena wasn’t sure if she shared her enthusiasm. “I don’t know…”

  “Don’t be a wimp,” Chase teased.

  “They won’t hurt you,” Andrea reassured her.

  “I’m not a wimp. I just don’t like slimy.”

  Andrea shook her head in disbelief. “They aren’t slimy. They’re soft.”

  They moved to the small pool just off the gift shop. A young woman stood on a platform explaining all about the creatures Jena was watching with apprehension.

  “Touch one.” Chase grabbed her hand.

  She pulled it back like a spring and gave him the dirtiest look she could manage. He laughed.

  The front of the tank was clear, giving them another dimension to the exhibit. Jena laughed as the rays doubled back and forth in front of them. They knew it was feeding time. They turned themselves sideways keeping close to the wall while breaking the water’s surface. Jena noticed Andrea touching them. If a little girl could do this, she could. She put her hand out and one swooped by, catching Jena’s hand. She squealed with delight, not realizing she was having fun.

  “Andy, we’d better head up or we might not get a seat,” Chase warned.

  “Up where?” Jena asked through narrowed eyes.

  “The dolphin show.” Taking Jena’s hand, Andrea rolled her eyes impatiently. “We’ll come back here after. Right, Uncle Chase?”

  “Sure, kiddo. Maybe we can get her to feed one of the rays.”

  “I doubt that,” Jena muttered.

  Andrea led her down a hallway with windows. On her approach she could see the dolphins swimming beyond the glass and she sighed in amazement.

  Andrea ran up to the window. “Come closer, Aunt Jen.”

  She did as the little girl asked. Her eyes followed the graceful movements of the beautiful animal. She was completely mesmerized and was only vaguely aware of Chase’s hand resting on her shoulder.

  “Come on, let’s go up,” he said.

  Jena gazed over her shoulder and nodded. “Can we come back here? I love watching them from this perspective.”

  He nodded in agreement. “I can promise you we’ll be back here several times before we leave.”

  Andrea, once again, took the lead. The sun shined brightly on the upper deck of the building. Several tanks housed different sea life. Jena wandered over to where a group gathered. Looking down she saw a woman in knee high rubber boots playing with a furry little guy named Cooper. Jena laughed as she watched the sea otter interact with his trainer. He was quite the ham.

  “Hey, Jen. We’d better find a seat for the show.”

  Jena turned to find Chase holding Andrea’s hand. A slug to the stomach would have been less alarming. This could have been her life…children of their own, fun outings, laughter…love. Not meant to be, she reminded herself. She could only nod in response.

  “What’s wrong, Aunt Jen?

  Jena hadn’t realized she wore the expression on her face that matched her thoughts. She quickly came up with an excuse. “I, um, the otter…he’s paralyzed.”

  Chase said nothing and Jena wasn’t sure he bought the excuse.

  “He’s happy. Don’t worry,” Andrea soothed.

  Chase pulled out his phone. “You two stand by the railing. I’ll take your picture.”

  “Excuse me, young man,” an elderly lady smiled at him. “Stand next to your wife and daughter and I’ll take a family picture for you.”

  Jena’s eyes widened and she flushed with embarrassment when he failed to correct her. She shot him a warning look as he approached, but he ignored her taking his place next to Jena and maneuvering Andrea to the front of them.

  “That looks perfect,” the photographer cooed. “Smile now.”

  Jena attempted a smile, but was extremely uncomfortable with the farce. The woman handed the phone back to him and he pulled the picture up on the screen.

  “How’s it look?” the woman wanted to know.

  “Perfect.” He turned the killer grin on his new friend.

  Jena didn’t want to see it. She didn’t want to see herself in a picture that resembled a family with Chase. She was going back to Ohio and any thoughts of a life with him were…a pipe dream. She lived in reality and he lived in a fantasy.

  “Is this your first time here?” the lady asked Andrea.

  “No…not mine,” Andrea offered, “but it is the first time for my Aunt Jen.”

  “Your aunt?” She smiled apologetically at Jena. “I’m sorry. I assumed she was your daughter. She looks like both of you.”

  Jena put a possessive arm around Andrea’s shoulder. “She’s my sister’s daughter,” Jena tried to explain, but was cut off.

  “Do you have any children of your own?” she directed to Chase.

  “No, not yet,” Chase replied quickly before Jena could interject, “but hope to one day soon.”

  Jena sent a piercing stare at Chase she was sure would burn his skin. How could he say these things? Would screaming “Shut up!” be too obvious?

  “Well, you certainly are a handsome couple and I would imagine a daughter to look just like this precious child. I must be moving along if I’m going to get to my seat before the show starts. I’m not as quick as I used to be.”

  “Thank you for taking the picture,” Chase offered.

  “You are very welcome. Enjoy your day together.”

  Jena didn’t say a word. She was afraid if she did she would cause a scene. His hand was suddenly holding hers and she sighed in protest. He brought their entwined hands to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles.

  “Chase,” she cautioned. This was too much.

  “I believe a boyfriend is permitted to hold his girlfriend’s hand in a public setting. Come on, let’s sit down.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Uncle Chase?” Andrea glanced at Jena and whispered something in Chase’s ear.

  “Andrea Reiss, what are you plotting?” Jena asked sternly.

  “I don’t think anything now,” the little girl answered with obvious disappointment.

  Jena couldn’t help feeling sorry for her even though the change in plans was probably to her advantage.

  “This used to be the Splash Zone,” Chase explained. “The
sign isn’t here anymore. They must have changed the program. We haven’t been here for a while.”

  “So, that’s what you two have been planning? A good soaking for me courtesy of your dolphin friends?” Jena tickled Andrea into peals of laughter.

  “Welcome to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium,” a young woman from poolside captured their attention. From that moment Jena was lost to the dolphin named Winter.

  The trainer went through the paces of putting the prosthesis on the very still dolphin. Jena was amazed at Winter’s patience. After her artificial tail was secured she was finally able to show off her swimming abilities to the delight of the crowd. Her side-to-side swimming motion was replaced with the normal up and down movement. This dolphin had overcome unthinkable odds to survive. Jena was so moved by the experience her eyes welled with tears.

  Next, they were introduced to Panama, the surrogate mother to Winter. Jena was entirely focused as they explained Panama was deaf and received her commands through hand signals. Jena laughed along with Andrea as Panama scooted onto the platform showing her large size.

  “Do you like them?” Andrea asked.

  “I do, very much.” Jena put an arm around her niece and hugged her with a huge grin, turning her attention back to the large blue pool.


  A man stood at the railing directly across the pool from them. He seemed out of place dressed in trousers, dress shirt, and sunglasses. Chase observed him from behind his own sunglasses. The man leaned against a pillar with arms folded in front of him and appeared to be watching them. He certainly wasn’t watching the show.

  Chase couldn’t be too careful. Jasmine’s obituary had been in the paper and people around the area knew them. Jasmine had been a wealthy woman and Chase kept a watchful eye on his niece. Add that to his occupation and the result could be trouble. The attempted break-in the night before was still fresh in his mind. He knew Jena didn’t understand the world he lived in and the potential for danger that existed. Fans tended to know his life story, including his bank account and where he lived. He decided not to say anything. There was no need to alarm her.

  “What’s in the tank over there?” Jena pointed as she leaned toward him.


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