Beautiful Music

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Beautiful Music Page 10

by Lisa DeVore

  Taking his eyes off the suspicious visitor Chase answered, “That’s the sea turtles. We’ll check it out after the show. Are you enjoying yourself?”

  She grinned. “I am. Thank you for asking me.”

  “Thank you for coming with us.”

  While the demonstrations continued Chase glanced over at the pillar, but the stranger was gone. He scanned the crowd, but found him nowhere. He overreacted…better safe than sorry. He turned his attention back to the show just as it was drawing to a close.

  He glanced down to see his niece fold her arms in front of her in a pouty manner. “What’s with you?”

  “We didn’t get Aunt Jen wet.” Her bottom lip protruded.

  He laughed and ruffled her hair. “I’m disappointed too, but we’ll think of something else.”

  “That’s okay,” Jena replied, “don’t bother. I don’t miss much. I knew you two were up to something.”

  “Sure,” Chase drawled. “Let’s go look at the turtles.”

  They found a small place at the railing and Chase directed Jena and Andrea forward as he stood behind them. He glanced to his left and saw the same guy walking around to the opposite side of the tank. Coincidence?

  Andrea tugged on Chase’s shirt. “I wanna feed the stingrays.”

  Chase checked his watch. Andrea was right—five minutes to feeding time. “You should be a tour guide, kid. Let’s go.” He reached for Andrea’s hand.

  “I know the way,” she argued with her independent streak, drawing her hand away.

  “You lead me, then. I don’t want to get lost. Stay close, Jen.”

  Andrea seemed satisfied and headed for the nearest exit sign and the short walk to the stingray exhibit. Chase kept very aware of his surroundings on the way. The room was crowded when they arrived. Feeding time was busy.

  “Wait here, I’ll get the fish,” Chase told them as he stepped toward a trainer. Looking over his shoulder, he watched Andrea dipping her hand in the tank and Jena watching with apprehension. He smiled at the sight. He thanked the young woman while tucking his wallet back in his pocket. He hung back a minute and surveyed the room. His eyes stopped on the stranger leaning against the wall on the far side of the tank. Obviously, the man’s attention was with something other than fish. Okay, he had enough.

  “Hey, Jen,” he said as he handed the fish to her. Her nose wrinkled in response, but she took the stingray lunch without protest. “I’m going to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, sure.” She paused for only a second before turning toward the tank and holding the fish out to Andrea.

  Chase made his way through the crowd sneaking up alongside the visitor. “Hey, there,” Chase nudged him. The guy hadn’t noticed his approach and visibly jumped.

  “Do I know you?” the man asked in a snobbish manner.

  “That’s what I’d like to know. You’ve been watching my family the entire day. I want to know why.”

  “Your family?” the man responded snidely.

  “Yeah…my family. What’s up with you, man?” Chase was beyond irritated.

  “Well, if you must know, the one playing the lead role in your fantasy is my girlfriend.”

  Chase resisted the urge to flatten his face. “Your girlfriend? You have her mixed up with someone else. She’s not from around here.”

  Yes, I know,” he replied smugly, “she’s from Ohio.”

  Chase’s heart skipped a beat. “How do you know that?” he demanded.

  “I believe I already answered that question.”

  “I think we should ask her what she thinks,” Chase grabbed his arm leading him toward Jena and some answers.

  “I wouldn’t touch me if I were you,” he warned pushing Chase’s hand away.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get dirty paw prints on the designer threads. After you.” He motioned toward Jena.

  Chase kept on his heels. This could be a trick. He tried to remember the obituary and if it stated where Jen was from. His blood pressure rose with every step. What if this guy was telling the truth? What if she had been lying?

  “Jena,” Chase tapped her on the shoulder, “there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  Jena turned around with a smile that quickly vanished. “Todd?” she shrieked. “What are you doing here?”

  Todd reached out to hug her, but Chase stepped between them. “You know this guy?” Chase was hoping for a no.

  “Yes,” she answered slowly.

  The air left the room. “Jena?” His eyes searched hers for an explanation. She stared at the floor briefly before returning her gaze to his with a sadness Chase couldn’t miss.

  “I think you two might need a minute.” Chase didn’t miss the hotshot tone in his voice, but he didn’t give him another glance.

  “Uncle Chase, I’m scared,” Andrea interrupted.

  “Everything’s fine, honey. Feed the rays. We’re right behind you, okay?” He attempted to soothe his niece, while wondering why the woman he loved lied to him.

  Jena waited until Andrea’s attention was back on the tank. “I suppose you’re wondering who he is.” She was stalling and he was getting angry.

  “Not really. He said he was your boyfriend from Ohio. Todd, was it?” He paused. “Why did you lie to me?”

  “I didn’t lie.” Her voice raised an octave. “He is NOT my boyfriend, but he is the one I told you about. His name is Todd Richards and he’s an attorney with the firm I’m employed.”

  “Not your boyfriend?” he asked looking for any signs of deception.

  “Not my boyfriend,” she repeated. “I have no idea why he would tell you that.”

  Relief washed over him. He considered himself a good judge of character, but was afraid he might have misjudged Jena because he loved her so much. Did he see what he wanted to see? Chase was sure he hadn’t misjudged Todd’s character. “Do you want me to take care of him?”

  “No, I’ll handle it. I have to work with him.”


  “Just give me a couple minutes. I made a promise to you. I don’t take that lightly. You have to trust me.”

  “I trust you, but I’m watching him. There’s something I don’t like about that guy.”

  “Fine…just…stay over here.” She motioned for him to stay put.

  He helplessly watched as she walked toward his competition. Todd’s face lit up as she approached. Chase wanted to close the gap between them and punch him in the face. This guy was everything he wasn’t…sophisticated, designer clothes, no doubt fancy office, and a lawyer that understood Jena’s world.

  “Who’s that man?” Andrea asked, her voice timid.

  “Some guy Aunt Jen works with in Ohio,” he said absently as he watched them.

  “I don’t like him.”

  “Me either, kiddo, me either.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Todd, what are you doing here?” Jena asked with alarm. She knew Chase was watching and waiting for one wrong move.

  “I missed you and thought I’d whisk you off to some private beach, but it seems you’ve been busy,” he said sarcastically nodding in Chase’s direction.

  Jena didn’t like his tone, but didn’t want to make a scene. Chase was itching to lay him out and she wouldn’t give him an excuse. “I’m sorry you made the trip for nothing.”

  “Seeing you is never a waste.”

  He caressed her face in an intimate manner and she took his hand and slowly pushed it away. Chase was immediately at her side with Andrea’s big eyes focusing on Jena.

  “What are you? Her bodyguard?” Todd hissed.

  “I’ll be your worst enemy if you touch her again,” Chase warned.

  “Jena, will you please explain to him who I am? That you and I are more than colleagues?”

  All eyes were on her. What did she say? Either way there was going to be a scene and she didn’t want Andrea exposed to this. “Todd, I’m afraid you have the wrong idea. I thought you understood ours is not a
romantic relationship.”

  “Wow,” Todd crossed his arms in front of him, his mouth set in a thin line. “You sure played me, didn’t you? I’m good enough to escort you to dinner functions and ride with to meetings, but when it comes to a real ride…Nice, Jena, I thought you had class, but it turns out you’re just another slut.”

  Jena’s head snapped back as if she had been hit. What had he called her? How could he talk like that in front of a little girl?

  Chase grabbed Todd and shoved him against the wall with a fist to his shirt collar before Jena could exhale. Todd’s lean frame was no competition to Chase’s muscular build. Jena never thought of Todd as stupid, but the way he was smirking at Chase…he was asking to be punched.

  “Chase, please calm down,” she pleaded.

  Jena heard Andrea whimpering and put a protective arm around her shoulder. Not knowing what to say she smoothed her niece’s hair and kissed the top of her head.

  Chase ignored Jena’s plea and said quietly through gritted teeth, “If you ever, and I mean EVER, talk to her like that again…in fact, if you ever talk to her again I will break both of your legs.”

  “Where did you find this lowlife, Jena? You deserve each other,” Todd said with disgust as he struggled to free himself unsuccessfully.

  Chase’s fist came back and Jena grabbed onto him. “Please, Chase, don’t. Andrea’s scared. This was supposed to be fun,” her voice broke with emotion.

  She sighed with relief as he nodded. “You’re right.” He released Todd and stepped back keeping Jena and Andrea behind him.

  “I’ll ruin you,” Todd threatened as he smoothed his shirt.

  “You don’t have enough money or talent, Dude. Remember what I said. I meant every word.” The smile on Chase’s face was menacing.

  Jena held on to Chase’s arm feeling the muscles tense under her grasp. Andrea’s arm tightened around Jena’s waist. This could turn ugly if Todd said the wrong thing. Chase was teetering on violence. “Todd, please leave,” she pleaded.

  “I’m going. You haven’t heard the last of me, either of you. Oh, and Jena? You can kiss your job goodbye. Have a wonderful day.” He nodded with a smirk and headed for the nearest exit.

  Chase took a step in Todd’s direction and Jena tightened her grip. “Don’t,” she warned. “You didn’t need to come to my rescue. His words didn’t bother me.”

  The muscle in his jaw tensed as he stared in the direction of Todd’s exit. “They bothered me.”

  Jena couldn’t remember the last time someone made her feel protected and safe. For too many years she relied on herself. She released his arm hesitantly. “Thank you. It’s been a long time since someone defended me like that.”

  He finally relinquished his watch on the door and turned to her. “When he said those words to you I saw red. And for the record…I will always come to your rescue.”

  “I’m tougher than you think. I do feel stupid though. I had no idea he felt that strongly toward me.” This entire scene was her fault. She knew Todd was getting way too serious, but she always avoided the subject with him, putting it off for another day. She should have said something when he came to her office with those flowers, but Jena had hoped he would get the hint without the awkward conversation.

  “Is he coming back, Aunt Jen?” Andrea asked clinging to her.

  “No, honey, he’s not coming back. Uncle Chase scared him away.” She gave a thankful glance in his direction.

  “What did he want?” Andrea’s eyes widened with worry.

  “He was mad at me.”

  “He’s just a creep, Andy. No need to worry. He’s gone and it’s about time for this place to close. Are you two up for ice cream on the way home?”

  Jena didn’t miss Chase’s attempt to lighten the mood and she agreed. “What do you say, Andrea? Chocolate ice cream?”

  Andrea smiled slowly and responded, “Nope. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.”

  “Well, let’s go. It’s melting while we stand here talking about it.”

  Laughter replaced the worried eyes as Chase tossed Andrea on his back for a faster commute to the truck. Jena followed them, searching the crowd for Todd. She knew him to be stubborn. He hated to lose, and Jena knew this wasn’t over. Todd would see her as a challenge.

  Relief washed over her as they reached the truck. She inhaled deeply trying to calm her nerves. Jena had to admit despite the run in with Todd, she had a great day. The visit, also, cleared some things up for her. Jena knew without a doubt Chase loved her. She couldn’t deny her feelings anymore either. Maybe she wasn’t ready to admit she loved him, but she wanted to give them a chance. She was tired of regrets. She decided to make the move to Clearwater. There was no use denying Andrea would be happier here. Even if things didn’t work out with Chase, Andrea loved him and she would do what was best for her niece—as her sister had done for her.

  Chase broke into her thoughts. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I owe you a thank you.”

  He winked at her before saying, “Love doesn’t keep score. Get in. Let’s go fill up on ice cream.” He opened his door and motioned for her to climb in.

  They made their way to the ice cream shop as Andrea burst in the backseat with excitement. Jena knew the feeling. Now that she had made some decisions she couldn’t wait to share them with Chase, but she would wait until they were alone.

  They ordered and Chase handed money to the clerk, ignoring her protests. “I’m traditional. I always treat on a date.”

  “Are we on a date, Uncle Chase?” Jena laughed at Andrea as ice cream dripped down her arm.

  “See why I don’t let her eat in the truck?”

  Jena pointed at him shyly. “You have, um, a little there on your chin.”

  Andrea broke out in a fit of laughter. “You do, Uncle Chase!”

  “What are you laughing at?” He feigned anger. “You wear more than you eat.”

  “Now, children…”Jena joked while wiping Andrea down with a napkin.

  They talked and laughed, seemingly putting the experience with Todd behind them. At least that’s what Jena thought until they started the drive home. Chase was quiet and Jena wondered what he was thinking. She stole a glance from time to time and he appeared to be brooding. Andrea fell asleep and Jena was tempted to ask, but lost the nerve before the words formed on her lips.

  They pulled in the driveway just as the sun was setting. This was Jena’s favorite time of the day. The frenzy was usually behind her and she had time to unwind with her own thoughts. Jena’s excitement was hard to contain. Tonight she would tell Chase she was moving to Clearwater. Maybe even tell him she wanted to give them another chance.

  He maneuvered Andrea out of the backseat without waking her. Jena unlocked the door and followed them both up to Andrea’s room. She watched from the doorway as Chase gently laid Andrea on her bed and covered her, placing her favorite teddy bear beside her. He would make a wonderful father. She allowed herself the daydream of wondering what their kids might look like. She smiled inwardly. She had only made the decision to give their relationship a try and now she was picturing their kids. She joined Chase as she kissed her niece goodnight and followed him from the room.

  “I think we should talk,” he said before he reached the steps.

  “Okay.” Her stomach rolled with worry. He sounded upset. “Can I make us some tea?”

  “No stalling, Jen. I need to get this resolved.” He stepped aside to allow her to go down the stairs first.

  Wasn’t that her luck? He was going to tell her to hit the road just when she decided to uproot her life and take some chances. It was probably for the best. “So, what do you want to discuss?”

  “Your friend, Todd,” he answered calmly. “Come sit with me. I have a few things to say.”

  Jena dreaded what was coming, but she lowered herself to the couch and folded her hands in her lap. She couldn’t look at him.

  “Are you upset with me?” he asked.

  Her h
ead snapped up. “No, why would I be?”

  “It looks like I lost you your job today.”

  “I would think you would be happy about that. I have no way to take Andrea back without a job.”

  “You are mad.”

  “No. It doesn’t matter. After what I found out today I could never work with him anyway. I was so stupid to think I could keep the two relationships separate.”

  “I thought you said there was no relationship.”

  “I thought it was a friendship,” she sighed. “I made a real mess of things.”

  “Don’t blame yourself. He has an over-inflated opinion of himself.”

  “He was always respectful and so kind. I never saw that side of him before. I thought he understood we were friends.” Shaking her head, she couldn’t believe he said those things to her today.

  “You ready for some honesty?” He tugged gently on her hair.

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly nodded. Here it comes. It was nice knowing you, but…

  “I’m jealous,” he announced.

  Her eyes widened. Had she heard him correctly? “You’re what?”

  “Jealous,” he sighed.

  “Of …Todd?”

  “Yeah, of Todd. He’s shared your life. He’s what I can never be. He’s country club and I’m tavern. When you talk about your day, he would understand what you’re talking about. I could never be that for you. I’m just a traveling musician.”

  “Don’t,” she whispered shaking her head.

  “You said it yourself, Jen. You change the world. What do I contribute?” He ran a hand through his hair.

  She recognized the frustration in his movement. “I was wrong to say that. I was mad. You challenged me, so I fought back. You have an amazing talent. You have the ability to take people away from their reality and give them an escape. Through a song you give them joy, hope, understanding. You’ve probably saved lives.”

  “You’ve never even heard me sing, Jena.” He sighed as he leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. “I love you. I want what’s best for you and I’ve realized I might not be it.”

  “Huh.” Jena looked down sadly at her entwined hands. She held them tightly so they wouldn’t visibly shake.


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