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Beautiful Music

Page 16

by Lisa DeVore

  She quickly brushed her teeth, wondering when she had gotten so cynical. Grabbing her purse, she found her hairbrush and ran it impatiently through her hair. If she was going to have any kind of future with Chase she would have to change her way of thinking. Instead of expecting the worst, she would let life play out. Be spontaneous. Yeah, right, Jena Shea spontaneous. She shoved the brush back in her purse and instantly decided she would make breakfast. Food would give her something creative to concentrate on.

  Jena descended the stairs to a quiet house. She must be the only one up.

  Footsteps from behind startled her. “Hey, Beautiful, you’re up early.”

  The sound of his voice lifted the doubts. “Good morning,” she said as she walked into his embrace, noticing the bare chest and her increased heart rate. “What’s with the towel? Are you going swimming?”

  “Morning workout. Do you want to join me?” He winked with a sexy smile.

  For the first time, she noticed a large tattoo on his upper arm and shoulder. She ran her finger gently across it. His bicep tensed under her touch. Her mind immediately went to a different kind of workout and she blushed. “Um, no, I’m not dressed for that.”

  “Yeah, well, I like the way you look in my t-shirt.” He nuzzled her neck as her eyes opened wide in horror. She pushed away, pulling in a downward motion on the t-shirt she was wearing.

  She placed a hand to her forehead and shook her head in disbelief. “I forgot to change.”

  “You’re really embarrassed about me seeing you in a t-shirt?”

  “I’m not used to walking around like this in front of…” she cut herself off.


  She shook her head. “Nothing”

  He brushed his lips across hers. “I won’t push. If you change your mind the gym is down this hall.”

  The gym? “You go ahead. I might go out on the terrace.”

  “Make yourself at home.”

  He didn’t wait for her to answer. She allowed herself the luxury of watching him. He was the beautiful one. The muscles that covered his body told her he spent a great deal of time in that gym. And she couldn’t help reflecting on his tattoo. She wondered if there were others, contemplating where they might be. With a heart rate that matched a sprinter’s, she turned and headed for the kitchen. Throwing open the large refrigerator door, her hopes of making breakfast were immediately dashed. It was empty if one didn’t count the cup worth of milk, the tub of butter, and the carton of orange juice. She sighed as she shut it. Jena peered out the glass of the French doors and watched the joggers and seashell hunters on the beach. That’s what she’d do…go for a walk…enjoy the sunshine and ocean breezes, and get her mind off of tattoos.

  She quickly changed back to her sundress and flip-flops and opened the door. The heat hit her face and she closed her eyes in appreciation. Yes, she was getting too used to the air-conditioning. This was exactly what she needed to relax her nerves.

  She took her time descending the steps. This was her first close-up view of all of this in the daylight. It was no less impressive. A warm feeling passed over her as she gazed at the gazebo where he asked her to marry him. Regret washed over her. Was it regret for disappointing him? Or regret she wasn’t engaged this morning to Chase Reiss?

  She decided to leave her flip-flops as she slid her foot in the sand. It was still cool. She loved the feeling of the soft powder under her feet. Wrapping her arms around herself she walked toward the waves. She stood for a moment gazing into the distance. Jena always wondered what life was like under the waves of the ocean. She saw two dolphins emerge from the water and smiled, watching them until they disappeared. This was the peace she needed.

  Jena passed many people along the way. They all greeted her with a smile, nod, or a “good morning.” Quite different than back home where most people kept their heads down, so the winter chill didn’t take their breath. This was nice, relaxed…something easy to get used to.

  “Jena.” She heard a voice behind her. Her blood ran cold before she turned around to confirm her suspicion.

  The trembling started. She was in a public place. Keep calm. “Todd, what are you doing here?”

  “Hello, Jena.” He smiled in the way she remembered, not the threatening way from the aquarium.

  Her eyes narrowed. “What do you want?”

  “Actually, I wanted to apologize for the other day. I’d like you to let me take you to lunch, show I’m a good sport.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Are you worried about your boyfriend finding out? He doesn’t have to know, Jena. We’ve been friends for a long time. We shouldn’t let things end this way.”

  He didn’t look angry.

  She attempted to brush him off. “Really, that’s not necessary. I have a busy day ahead of me.”

  “Come on, for old time’s sake. I don’t want to leave things like this. I’ll be returning home soon.”

  “You’re leaving?” Did she sound too hopeful?

  “I’m heading back tomorrow. I can’t say I’m happy, but I understand you’re moving on with your life.”

  She smiled with apprehension. Everyone makes mistakes. Wouldn’t she want to be forgiven? “Why don’t you come to my house for lunch. It won’t be anything fancy.”

  He smiled broadly. The smile Jena remembered fondly. “Thanks, Jena. Your forgiveness is more than I deserve. Will Chase be coming?”

  “I think it would be better if he didn’t know. You’re not his favorite person.”

  “I understand.” He nodded in concession.

  “I’ll see you around noon?”

  “See you then.”

  “Wait. Don’t you need my address?”

  “That would help,” he said with a smile.

  She gave him the address and watched as he disappeared into a crowd of beach goers. Chase would be furious with her if he knew, but she felt she owed Todd this much. They had been friends for years. Besides, it wouldn’t be like she would be alone with him. Mrs. R. would be there.

  Jena hadn’t gone far, so it didn’t take long for her return. She opened the door to find Chase leaning against the counter with an angry look on his face.

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  She stammered, “I decided to take a walk. I was going to make breakfast, but your refrigerator is in need of a restock.”

  He had her enveloped in an embrace so quickly it startled her. “I was going out of my mind.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have left a note.”

  “I would have still worried. You haven’t forgotten everything that’s been happening, have you?”

  “No, but…there were people all around me.”

  “If anything were to happen to you or Andy…”

  “I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Is she up?”

  He nodded in affirmation. “I fed her some cereal and she’s in her room changing.”

  “With the last cup of milk?” she teased. Jena noticed he was showered and dressed too. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “I have to get over to Braden’s and pack up the equipment for the show. You didn’t forget, did you?”

  “Of course not,” she said optimistically, “can’t wait.”

  “Can I go with you, Uncle Chase?” Andrea was standing behind them in a striped shirt and polka-dotted shorts.

  Jena made a valiant effort to hold back the smile. “I don’t think Uncle Chase needs to worry about watching you when he’s working.”

  She saw the look of surprise cross Chase’s face before he replied, “We aren’t doing anything where she can’t hang out with me. Why don’t you come? We’re using a common drum kit and amps. There’s a few bands playing, so it cuts down the time between acts. We’ll run through a couple songs to get the feel for their equipment. No big deal.”

  “I think I’ll sit this one out and wait for the finished product.”

  “Aunt Jen, can I go?”

  “If it’s okay
with Uncle Chase.”

  He walked over to Jena and slid his hand under her hair, caressing her neck. The heat of his touch caused her to let out a slow, uneven breath. An ornery grin spread across his face before kissing her on the lips. She could hear Andrea giggling beside them. Jena wasn’t sure it was healthy for Andrea to see them like this. What if they didn’t work out?

  Chase was totally unaffected. “Hang around here and be lazy, so I don’t have to worry about you.”

  “I’m going to run home and change.”

  “Of course you are,” he sighed with frustration. “I’ll drop Andy off. Should only be a few hours. Be careful,” he warned.

  The guilt punched her in the stomach. “Always.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Todd didn’t have to wait long for Jena to open the door. She greeted him wearing a little dress that was way too revealing. This wasn’t the Jena he knew. The Jena he knew was classy, refined, and beautiful. The low life was changing her into a groupie with her boobs hanging out, leaving little to the imagination. He did appreciate the view, but only if it was a private showing.

  All he needed was a few minutes. He would reason with her. She would see the terrible mistake she was making and go home to him where she belonged.

  “Hi, Todd.” She smiled at him. Even the smile was different. She was faking the pleasantries, and this angered him.

  “Hello, Jena.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek and she stiffened.

  “Come on in. I’ve made us a salad. Would you like some lemonade?”

  She bit her lower lip. He worked alongside her long enough to identify the nervous habit. Her new boyfriend did this to her, convinced her he was dangerous. His fists clenched at his side, he forced a smile and answered, “Sure, a glass of lemonade sounds great.” He followed her to the kitchen taking a moment to appreciate her beauty while she was unaware…her long blonde hair, her shapely body. They were supposed to get married. He had it all planned, and he wouldn’t allow her to ruin their life over a crush on a rock singer. He would make her see reality.

  “Sit down, Todd.” She poured them each a glass and joined him at the table.

  “Lunch looks fantastic. You always know what I like.” Did he see a flash of suspicion? “You seem nervous, Jena.”

  “Really? Should I be?” Her lip quivered. Yes, he was making her nervous. This might serve him well.

  “Of course not. I do have to ask you though…when are you going to stop this nonsense with Charlie?”

  “Chase,” she corrected.

  Like he cared what his name was. “Right, Chase. When are you going to stop the foolishness and come home?”

  She sighed. “Todd, don’t.”

  “You know you are ruining your life if you stay here? Your career was skyrocketing back home.”

  He didn’t wait long for a reply. “Since my sister died, I realized life isn’t about work. It’s about people…relationships…love.”

  “All the more reason for you to come home. You love me.”

  She dropped the fork to her plate. “No, Todd. I don’t love you.”

  “I find it difficult to believe you’ve been leading me on all these months. You haven’t been leading me on, have you, Jena?” He attempted to keep his tone even.

  “Why would you say that? I care about you.” She avoided eye contact. She was scared. Good. She should be.

  “But not as much as the music man, right?” He snapped at her, struggling to stay calm.

  “How do you know he’s a singer?”

  “I had him checked out,” he said without shame.

  Her face flushed as she raised her voice angrily. “Why would you do that? He’s none of your business.”

  “You are my business,” he said flatly.

  “Did your investigator tell you I’m leaving Ohio and moving here?”

  He saw red. “You’re what?” His voice boomed throughout the kitchen echoing in his own ears.

  Todd didn’t care about the deer-in-the-headlight eyes she flashed at him. “You’ve got to be kidding, Jena. Have you lost your mind?”

  “It makes sense. This is my niece’s home. She is very attached to her uncle. It would be easiest for her. And…honestly, Todd, Chase and I are trying to work things out. We still have feelings for each other. I told you about Chase and our past.”

  He stood and paced. He knew he was behaving like a caged animal and not the refined attorney he led everyone to believe he was. He wasn’t expecting her to tell him she was moving here. No matter. He would do what was necessary to get her to see logic.

  She continued to blather on. “Todd, our relationship was never beyond friendship. I was honest about that all along. How many times did I tell you I could never love anyone else? You knew that. You and I are friends.”

  “From my vantage point, you were parading the goods in front of me.”

  “What?” she nearly yelled.

  Yes, Jena, protest the truth. “I guess being the gentleman doesn’t score points with you. I should have thrown you over your desk and maybe we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You would be home with me where you belong. I never would have guessed this about you.”

  She stood. “I think you should leave.”

  He walked over to her slowly and gingerly touched the back of his hand down her bare arm. She jerked away from him and he gazed at her suspiciously. “You’ve slept with him, haven’t you? You never gave me the chance.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “It’s time you left.”

  He pulled the chair out. “Sit, Jena. We need to come to an understanding.” She didn’t move. “I said…sit,” he hissed, grabbing her by the arm and forcing her into the chair. “I’ve been patient with your dalliance for long enough, my love, but it’s time you come home. We’re good together.” He lowered his face next to hers and whispered in her ear, “I can show you other ways we’re good.” He moved to the chair across from her. “I should have showed you months ago. I assumed you would appreciate a man who got to know you first. I never realized you had an inner tiger. My mistake, but we’ll fix that.”

  The chair scraped loudly across the floor as she stood. “Enough! Get out!”

  He laughed. “You might want to rethink asking me to leave just yet. At least, until you’ve heard me out. I told you I have plans for us and those plans don’t include your sister’s brat and her uncle.” He paused to take a deep breath and calmly expressed, “I will give you a week to settle your sister’s affairs. And, of course, break off your relationship. I’ll be watching you. You will come home and take your rightful place next to me at work and in my life. You will become my wife, as I have planned. Is that clear?”

  “You’re delusional. I refuse to listen to any more of this. If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police. Then I’ll tell Chase and let him finish what he started at the aquarium.”

  Todd laughed. “I don’t need muscle, Jena. My advantage is right here.” He tapped his index finger to his forehead.

  “My money’s on Chase,” she hissed.

  “Then you would lose,” he said evenly.

  “You’re no threat to him.”

  “Do you really want to find out, Jena? Maybe you should listen to what I have to say.”

  “I’m not interested.”

  “Oh, but I think you will be. I’ve always had friends from all walks of life. Diversity in life is an advantage, don’t you think? I remember you warning me of my dealings with the wealthy. You know the ones…with less than stellar reputations.” Her anger was replaced by realization and he laughed. “What? Nothing to say?” He smiled with satisfaction and continued, “You said you worried about me. They were dangerous. You were right. They are dangerous and very good friends of mine. They have lots of money and influence. They hire people to do their dirty work. And many of these people owe me favors. If you don’t cooperate, your rock singer may end up disappearing. That would be tragic, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’ll call the police,” she
repeated the threat.

  “No, you won’t, Jena. Even if they believe you, which they won’t, I will see to it that Chase Reiss is removed from the picture. If you refuse to cooperate after that, I’ll move on to your niece. What is her name? Andrea?”

  Todd could see her confidence waning. “You see? I don’t have to raise a fist to hurt your precious boyfriend. I have people for that. And be assured, Jena, I would enjoy seeing Chase Reiss suffer. No one touches what’s mine.”

  “You wouldn’t…”

  “I would. And I’d watch as they destroy him.” He enjoyed watching her squirm. This was her punishment for getting involved in this…affair. “Do we understand each other now, my love?”

  She didn’t move and didn’t respond to his question. “I’ll assume silence is a yes?” Leaning against the kitchen counter he continued, “We’ll go home next week, go back to our jobs, get married, and live happily ever after. Who knows? Maybe one day you will be First Lady.”

  “I resigned, Todd. I have no job to go back to.”

  “That won’t be a problem. We will explain you were under duress at the time of your resignation. With my prompting, they’ll take you back.”

  “I don’t love you. I’m not leaving. My life’s here with my niece and…with Chase.”

  Through gritted teeth he responded, “Let’s get one thing clear…you’re marrying me. Do I have to prove to you I mean business? Do I have to send a little warning to Chase, so you’ll believe me?”

  “If you hurt him in any way…I swear…I’ll…”

  “You’ll what, Jena?” he mocked her as he sat casually at the kitchen table. “You’ll do what you’re told if you want to keep the tavern singer safe.” He smiled snidely before adding, “You’re just confused, my love, and I’m here to help you understand. You’ll break things off, pack your bags and come home…to me. We’ll get married and you’ll have your career until our first child arrives. From then on you will be my devoted wife and mother of our beautiful children. You’ll be the perfect hostess as I climb the ladder. The Presidency isn’t out of reach for us, Jena. I’ve put a great deal of thought into our future and you’re not going to mess up my plans with your infatuation. It will pass. I’ll give you everything you need.”


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