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Simply Being Belle

Page 15

by Rosemarie Naramore

  Before Paul could answer, Belle smiled uncertainly at Dare. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were in a meeting. I’ll go.”

  “Did you need something?” he asked curiously. “Could you give us a minute, Paul?”

  Paul lazily rose, but Belle waved him back. “No. No. I just wanted to say hello, since I was in the neighborhood.”

  Dare continued to watch her. “I’ll see you tonight then.”

  She managed a shaky nod. “Yes. Seven sharp.”


  After Belle left, Dare returned to the chair behind his desk. He noted the other man watched him curiously.

  “You’re dating Belle?” Paul asked with interest.

  Dare sat back in the chair. “I’d like to think we’re dating, but…”

  “Can’t slow her down long enough to define the relationship, eh?” he said knowingly. “Same problem I had with the woman.”

  Dare watched him through narrowed eyes. “What?”

  “She’s like a whirlwind—rarely slows down long enough to stop and smell the roses. It was the kiss of death for our relationship. Frankly, when I settle down, I want a wife who stays home, who understands it’s her place to keep the home fires burning.”

  Dare swallowed. “You and Belle…” His words trailed off.

  He nodded. “Almost two years. I’d have married her, but…” He paused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “I needed more than she could give, I guess. She’s definitely a workaholic.”

  Dare felt as if he’d been punched in the stomach. The man sitting in front of him didn’t seem like Belle’s type at all. Slicked back hair, designer suit, Italian leather shoes… and was that a gold chain around his neck?

  He felt the bile rise up in his throat. What could she possibly have had in common with this guy? What could she have seen in him? Dare hadn’t liked him from the moment he’d met him. He’d struck him as slick, calculating, a player.

  When Dare had been assigned one of the firm’s biggest clients, Paul had gone to the ‘powers that be’ and suggested that he team with him. He’d suggested the new guy hadn’t proven his merit yet, and was a liability until he’d shown otherwise. He had apparently been mollified when he’d gotten his way. Dare hadn’t needed the other man’s counsel or assistance, but it hadn’t mattered.

  He found himself missing Legal Aid more and more each day. The realization surprised him, though the more he thought about it, the more he realized it shouldn’t have. The work had been gratifying there, the clients grateful and cooperative. They hadn’t understood the system, and therefore, spent no time trying to circumvent said system.

  On the other hand, his clients at Preston and Dunne were rich, powerful, and adept at manipulating the system. They had created it. As an attorney working on their behalf, he sometimes felt extraneous, as if he were simply going through the motions. He didn’t like the feeling one bit.


  Belle hurried out of Dare’s office and bid Patricia goodbye. It was unnerving finding herself in close proximity to both Dare and Paul—one her former love interest and one her…

  Was Dare her current love interest? She sighed heavily as she left the firm and hurried to her car. There, she belted in, but didn’t immediately start the ignition. Instead, she studied herself in her rearview mirror. She gave her reflection a long-searching look. Was she in love with Dare? Could she read the emotion in her own eyes? She wondered, could she read it in his eyes?

  She drove to yet another meeting—this one with a landscaper. Jacob had asked her to pick up a bid from the man. She did so, and then glanced at her watch. It was well after three, and while she could find any number of project-related items to round out the rest of her day, she opted to head for home. She was feeling tired, and decided she hadn’t been spending near enough time with her animals.

  At home, she hurriedly slipped out of her work clothing and into comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, and dashed out to the back porch. She let the dogs outside, along with the kitten, and after checking her answering machine, headed out back to join them.

  After a rousing game of fetch with the Tri and Cy, she scooped up the kitten and headed for a lounge chair beneath the apple tree. She sat down and laid back, deciding to take a short break. Just a short one. She tipped her head back and soon, the soft sounds of nature lulled her to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Dare arrived at Belle’s and rang the doorbell a few minutes after seven, he had been alarmed initially when she hadn’t answered the door. Fortunately, the dogs had heard him, and he heard them barking from the side gate. He strode along the side of the house and easily jumped the fence when he spotted Belle lying in the lounger beneath the apple tree.

  He placated the rowdy pups with soft words, and they calmed down quickly, trotting alongside him as he strode over to Belle. He glanced down at her sleeping face. She was beautiful, her long lashes fanning out over her high cheekbones and her full lips pursed ever-so-slightly. He realized she must have been exhausted to have fallen asleep in her backyard, and to have slept through the commotion from the dogs.

  He felt a tinge of sympathy for her, but quickly brushed it aside. She’d made her bed when she took on a project like Elm Place. He realized hearing Paul talk about her earlier—describing her tendency to move from one project to the next—and especially hearing him allude to their past relationship—had upset him. He wasn’t sure what to think about the other man’s assertions. Based on what he’d observed of Belle, most rang true. At least the part about her being a workaholic.

  He sighed heavily, as he watched her gentle breathing. He felt a jolt of attraction for her, and nearly groaned aloud. What did he want from her? He knew the answer to that question the instant it popped into his head. He wanted a future with her. The thought of the two of them, carving out a life together, caused a feeling of warmth to surge through him.

  He watched her for a moment longer and then leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. Her eyelids fluttered open. She grinned warmly when she saw him towering above her. That was a good sign, he decided. He stretched a hand to her and helped her up. She was unsteady on her feet initially, and he pulled her against him. He cocked his head to meet her gaze.

  “How long have you been sleeping?” he asked softly.

  She yawned, checked her watch, and winced. “Since about four.”

  He kissed her then, lightly on the lips, exerting an exquisite pressure. She leaned against him, letting the pleasure of his kiss radiate through her, waking her like no alarm clock could do. When they parted, she caught her breath and watched him through now wide-open eyes. “Wow!” she said.

  “You’ve really been sleeping since four. You’re overdoing it with this Elm Place business,” he observed with a wince.

  She shook her head, smiling uncertainly into his eyes. “I don’t think so. I’m enjoying it.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you?”


  “Will you ever slow down?” he asked.

  She watched him, sensing much behind the question, and her brows furrowed into a frown. “When the work is done, I’ll slow down.”

  “The work is never done, sweetheart,” he said tiredly.

  She took a step or two away from him, sensing the change in his mood. “What is this about, Dare?” she asked, watching him expectantly. “You know our work often requires hours beyond the customary nine to five. If you don’t know that, you’ll know it soon enough, working at Preston and Dunne.”

  He nodded, then glanced around the yard—buying time, she suspected. “I don’t know if it’s all worth it,” he said suddenly. “It doesn’t leave time for…”

  “For what?” she prompted softly.

  He snared her gaze, looking miserable and uneasy. “Us.”

  “We’ll … make time,” she said, watching him. And they would, she decided with a certainty that surprised even her.

  He raked a hand through his hair and dropped onto the lounge
r, his feet planted on the ground and his elbows resting on his knees. He glanced up, snaring her gaze. “Like you made time for Paul?”

  Belle felt as if she’d been punched in the stomach. She shook her head, eyes wide with shock. “What?”

  “Paul told me he wanted to marry you, but broke off the relationship because you didn’t have time for him…”

  “What?” She shook her head. “He broke it off?” She laughed without humor and harrumphed in disgust. “Paul didn’t break it off. I did. I realized I didn’t love him, nor did I respect his sneaky, underhanded ways. He’s determined to make partner and will do whatever necessary to achieve that goal. He’s a win-at-any-cost kind of man, and certainly not someone I want imparting values to my future children.”

  Dare seemed taken aback. Had she said she broke up with him? And had she just alluded to future children? The latter part was a good sign—a good sign, indeed. Perhaps they were on the same page, after all.

  “You’d be well-advised not to listen to Paul,” she continued in an angry tone. “And you’d be wise to watch your back when he’s around—and he usually is—typically hiding behind a file cabinet or with his ear pressed to your door.” She gave an angry snort. “I may be a slow learner when it comes to men, but I finally figured that guy out!”

  Dare watched her, sensing she’d spoken the truth, and he winced. He wasn’t worried about Paul. He’d met countless lawyers just like him. He could handle him.

  Handling Belle, and the ruckus he’d just created, was the business at hand. He reached a hand to her, wanting to touch her, to make things right. She stepped back, away from his outstretched hand, and he retreated for just a moment.

  “I’m … sorry, Belle,” he said. “I guess…”

  “What?” she said sharply.

  He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He grinned sheepishly. “He really didn’t seem like your type. Will you come here, please?”

  She tried to keep her voice cool when she spoke. “And what is my type, do you think?”

  He grinned. “That’s easy. Me.”

  Belle measured him with a look, and he chuckled. He surprised her when he suddenly leaned forward, grasped her arm, and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I’m angry with you right now,” she told him, putting up a token struggle and fighting the smile that quirked her mouth.

  “I’m sorry,” he said in a light tone. “Maybe this will help.”

  He planted a lingering kiss on her lips, and then trailed a line of kisses down her throat. Her body tingled, alight with the fire of his tender assault. Despite the onslaught of pleasure, she realized she needed to keep her wits about her. She and Dare needed to talk. She slipped from his embrace and stepped a few feet away from him.

  He watched her, the disappointment registering on his face. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that? I know you did.”

  “You are so sure of yourself,” she replied with a faint smile.

  “I want to be sure of us,” he told her then, his eyes pinning hers in a silent communication.

  “What … what exactly do you want?” she asked then.

  The silence lingered as he seemed to be considering his words. “I want … you,” he said finally, raking a hand through his hair. “I know that for certain, but I don’t know if I want …”

  “What?” she prompted, taking a step closer to him and skimming her fingers along his cheek and jaw.

  He covered her hand with his, then glanced up and met her gaze. “I don’t know if I want to continue at Preston and Dunne. The work seems so … hollow—after my time at Legal Aid.”

  She nodded, conveying her understanding with sympathetic eyes. When Dare drew her to him, she wrapped him in an embrace. She knew then, that like she had several years ago, Dare had a decision to make.


  As per usual, the work at Elm Place felt all-consuming. Belle realized she had bitten off quite a lot when she’d taken on the project, but certainly not more than she could chew. She knew Dare might disagree with that assessment.

  How many times during the past couple weeks had she begged off a date with him? Too many, she realized. But she wasn’t the only one guilty of standing someone up. He had also cancelled on several occasions due to his workload, and it had proven a minor miracle when they finally managed a late night dinner together. Of course, the two had yawned their way through it.

  Dare had confided in her again during the dinner that he wasn’t happy at Preston and Dunne, and that he missed Legal Aid more and more. Belle had conveyed her understanding, wondering if he might be considering leaving the law firm her grandfather had founded. She wouldn’t blame him if he did, but, where would he go?

  Since Legal Aid had a no fraternization policy, he couldn’t work there alongside her, due to their relationship. They simply wouldn’t hire him. He would have to consider another place of employment if he left Preston and Dunne. She wondered if his discontent at work had gone that far as yet.

  Unlike him, Belle found her new job description fulfilling. As she and Jacob Biggs readied Elm Place for occupancy, she felt more and more gratified with each step of completion. She thoroughly enjoyed each phase of the construction process, feeling as if she were learning so many new and useful things.

  It was Friday night and she and Dare had planned to spend the evening together, as well as the next day. Belle glanced at the clock. He was late.

  As if on cue, the phone rang. “Belle,” Dare said with a sigh, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it tonight.” He explained he was heavily embroiled in a big case and expected he’d have to remain at work until late that night.

  She was disappointed, but attempted to sound upbeat. “That’s okay. Are we still on for tomorrow?”

  He sighed again. “Miles and Monica are finally moving out tomorrow,” he told her, sounding exhausted, but relieved at the prospect of their long overdue departure.

  “I thought they moved out last weekend. Wasn’t their new place ready a couple weeks ago?”

  “Yes. However, Monica wasn’t happy with the paint job in the living room and kitchen, and insisted the work be redone.”

  “What?” Belle gasped. “And the owner agreed to repaint?”

  “Money talks,” he said succinctly. “Oh, and then, she decided she wasn’t happy with the existing garden tub in the master bathroom, and wanted a Jacuzzi tub instead…”

  “Don’t tell me the landlord agreed to those changes…”

  “Money talks,” he quipped again.

  “Aren’t she and Miles going to hire movers?” Belle asked then.

  “She’s afraid they’ll damage her possessions, and since she’s not especially concerned about the state of my back, well…” He laughed. “I guess it’s a small price to pay to get them out of my place.”

  The two had signed off since Dare needed to get back to work and Belle had realized she faced a quiet Friday night at home. The prospect wasn’t all together unwelcome, since she knew her animals missed her desperately. She spent so little time at home these days.

  She suddenly wondered, how would she manage to continue her work at Elm Place while working at Legal Aid at the same time? She sighed heavily. She just would, that’s how.


  Dare showed up at Belle’s place Saturday afternoon, sweaty, exhausted, and eyes glowing with pleasure. He caught her up in a hug. “Monica and Miles are gone. Finally. Praise be to the heavens!”

  “Were they that bad?” she asked, laughing. She wrinkled her nose. “Hey, you need a shower.”

  “Hey, I’d hug you, sweaty or otherwise,” he said with mock-indignation. “What’s a little sweat between...?”

  His words hung in the air. What were they exactly? Girlfriend and boyfriend? The terms seemed almost juvenile. What he felt for Belle was intense, serious, conjuring up images of them growing old together. In his mind’s eyes, he saw them side by side in rocking chairs on Belle’s porch, surrounded by children, grandchildren, and a m
enagerie of pets. The image brought a smile to his lips.

  Belle watched him curiously, noting the emotions criss-crossing his face. “You need a bigger porch,” he said absently, and she chuckled.


  He didn’t answer and she wondered what he was thinking, but rather than ask him, she opted to kiss him instead. He responded to her kiss, matching its intensity, until they both finally parted, practically gasping for air.

  “I needed that!” he declared. He scrubbed a hand over his stubbled jaw. “I also need a shave and a shower.”

  “I … can’t argue with that,” she teased.

  “Can I come back when I’m done?” he asked eagerly, raking his eyes over her suggestively.

  “Only if you mind your manners,” she quipped.

  “What’s the fun in that?”

  She grinned in response as he kissed her on the lips again, turned, and jogged to his car.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Belle slipped a change of clothes into her backpack, along with a couple granola bars and bottled water. Last night, when Dare had persuaded her to finally accompany him on a beach trip, she had initially been hesitant. There was so much to be done around her place. But he had been so persistent. And, she had to admit, she could probably use a day away from the myriad pressing responsibilities in her life, particularly since she was on the cusp of an even more hectic existence when she started back to work at Legal Aid.

  As they headed to the beach, a short two-hour drive from Lawton, Belle offered to drive part way. Dare declined to let her. To her surprise, she dozed off, sleeping practically the whole way there. She woke suddenly when a car horn bleated nearby.

  She glanced around, catching Dare’s gaze. “Almost there,” he said cheerfully.

  Belle’s eyes widened. “I slept the whole way?”

  “Nearly,” he said with a grin. “You obviously needed the rest.”


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