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Amy's Redemption

Page 17

by B J Wane

  “Isn’t that the prettiest pussy you’ve ever seen?” RJ asked as he moved his head behind her to hold her hips up for both men’s close scrutiny.

  “Definitely,” Mitch agreed before slowly running his tongue up the exposed pink walls of her entrance then delving deep into the darker pink of her inner core.

  Amy gasped, her hands latching onto the headboard as she braced herself above their mouths. She cried out when Mitch’s tongue moved to her exposed, needy clit and his fingers once again tunneled deep into her cunt, connecting with sensitive nerve endings and working in tandem with his tongue and lips sucking on her clit. When RJ’s well lubed fingers speared her ass, burying deep into her rectum, his teeth nipping at her sore cheeks, she spiraled head first into another orgasm, rocked her hips against both men’s mouths and fingers as the pleasure consumed her completely. Crying out, her skin damp with perspiration, her juices seeping copiously around Mitch’s fingers and down her thighs, her anus contracting against RJ’s hard thrusting digits, she gave herself up to the heart stopping, body encompassing pleasure.

  “I’ve got to have your ass, Amy,” RJ groaned as Mitch slid out from beneath her, leaving her on her knees and elbows.

  “Yes!” she agreed excitedly as he spread her buttocks and nudged her sensitive opening with his well oiled cock. “Please RJ now,” she pleaded, shoving back against him, unable to comprehend her need to have him fuck her hard and fast there, her need to experience yet another earth shattering orgasm at the hands of these two men.

  “Fuck yes, now,” he grated harshly as he speared her ass in one smooth stroke, burying his cock deep into her rectum and feeling her buck with the pleasure of being taken by him.

  Mitch couldn’t wait a minute longer either and scooted in front of Amy, spread his legs and pushed her face onto his straining erection, cursing as she took him deep into her throat with unrestrained ardor and groans of pleasure that vibrated around his cock.

  Watching Amy’s eager, enthusiastic sucking of his brother’s cock spurred RJ on, and he wasted no time reaming her ass with hard, deep strokes, his thumbs digging into those round, enticingly pink cheeks as he buried himself balls deep into her tight hole. Sweat ran into his eyes as the bed shook with his thrusts and Amy shoved back against him, grunting with each powerful stroke.

  RJ managed to hold back until Mitch came, watched as Amy’s throat worked convulsively to swallow every drop of his come. When she finally released his cock, her lips red and puffy, her eyes glazed with pleasure, he let himself go with a roar, his cock jerking and spewing his hot come deep into her ass.

  Amy buried her face in Mitch’s crotch, gasping with the pleasure/pain of RJ’s possession. Mitch’s hand’s burrowed under her to latch onto her nipples as RJ reached around her and squeezed her clit between two fingers, milking another orgasm from her as the pleasure from feeling his cock jerk as he spilled his seed inside her nearly overwhelmed her. By the time the climax had subsided to mild tremors, she was snuggled against RJ’s chest, with Mitch at her back and succumbing to exhausted oblivion.

  It seemed like she had just drifted off to sleep when she was jarred awake by RJ’s curses and the loud clanging of a bell. “RJ? What’s wrong?” Sleepily she rubbed her eyes and roused herself enough to see both men jumping out of bed and reaching for their jeans. Before he could answer her, the bedside phone rang, grabbing his attention.

  “Kincaid,” RJ barked into the receiver as he zipped his jeans. “Get the fucking hoses going also, don’t rely on just the sprinklers. I’m on my way.”

  “Where?” Mitch asked, shoving his feet into his boots.

  “East corner of the stables, confined to the storage shed right now.” RJ took notice of Amy as she slipped from bed and grabbed a pair of jeans off the chair where she always tossed her clothes. “Amy, stay here. There’s a fire in the stables and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “You’ll need help,” she stated implacably, trying to swallow the dread she felt settling in her stomach like bile. God help her, it was Cleveland all over again and she couldn’t bear it if someone on the ranch ended up dead like poor Estelle Bailey had.

  “All the hands are here tonight since several were scheduled to leave in the morning to drive the selected head to auction. Everybody’s on it, sweetheart.” The fact that she was ready, willing and able to help in a crisis warmed him as well as roused his protective instincts. A fire in a stable filled with hay and wood beams was a potential catastrophe.

  “I’ll bring out fresh drinking water and start making sandwiches then. It sounds like it could be a long night.”

  Despite the urgency, RJ grabbed her and kissed her hard. “Thank you.”

  Thanks to RJ’s foresight in putting in state of the art sprinkler systems in all his buildings, the damage to the stables was minimal and limited to the storage area. It took the rest of the night to clear the stables of frightened horses, douse the fire, calm the horses enough to return them to their stalls and make sure there wasn’t a spark left that could reignite a flame.

  By the time the sun was rising, everyone was dirty, tired and pissed. The county fire department arrived, helped control and put out the fire and then, after a thorough inspection of the premises, concluded the blaze had been act of arson and was now a criminal matter.

  Over breakfast, a tired, bedraggled crew sat around the table and swore vengeance on whoever had dared such a prank, one that could have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of dollars of horseflesh and the destruction of what all of them considered a part of their home. For Amy, it was a repeat nightmare, one she had no idea how to wake up from. Mitch had left with the Fire Marshall to start an investigation and promised to return the next day, hopefully with a lead to go on.

  As the boys thanked Amy for her assistance and the food and filed tiredly out to return to the bunkhouse for a few hours sleep, Amy tried desperately to keep her panic and despair in check.

  First, she had been foolish enough to give into her need for not only sex, but companionship with her boss, then she had let her guard down so much she had allowed herself to become involved with a cop, and now she was going to be smack dab in the middle of a criminal investigation that could, if Mitch delved too deeply into her past, land her in prison.

  “Come on sweetheart,” RJ said, wrapping his arms around her as she stood rinsing dishes at the sink. “Let’s get some rest. This’ll wait till later.”

  Amy gave in to exhaustion and depression and let him lead her back to bed, but she was unable to sleep. Haunting flashes of both Jedidiah’s and Mrs. Bailey’s dead faces kept her awake, making her question their relevance and her sanity. Jedidiah was dead and could no longer hurt her physically, but the loss of her freedom would be the same as a death sentence for her and she couldn’t escape the fear of being discovered. She remembered thinking being isolated on a ranch fifty miles from the nearest city would be the perfect place for her to hide out, where she could relax her guard and have some semblance of a life. How naïve she had been, thinking she would ever have the chance at a happy, normal life.

  RJ didn’t sleep long and woke a short while later, seemingly rested. Amy’s tired eyes told him she hadn’t slept and the way she avoided looking at him told him something was bothering her. Right now, he had too much to deal with, but as soon as he got the herd off to auction and then, hopefully in the next few days, found who was responsible for the dangerous sabotages on his property, he was going to insist on some answers from her.

  “I need to get the boys off to auction, Amy. Did you get any rest?”

  “A little. When will they be back?”

  “They’ll arrive later tomorrow than planned, but they will still have the rest of tomorrow and all day Tuesday to sell them off. I expect them back here sometime Wednesday. Until then, you’ll only have five for meals, plus you and me. Gary, as well as two other hands and the three temporary hires will be going with the herd.”

  “Okay. Tell them I said to have a
good trip,” she said as she followed him to the front door then returned to clean up the kitchen.

  Amy and RJ, both distracted by their private dilemmas, spent a quiet evening and by the time they went to bed, exhaustion won out and Amy fell into a deep sleep the minute her head touched the pillow.

  Morning brought her no answers, no easy way to make the decisions she knew she had to make. The need to protect herself from discovery by fleeing warred with her need to take a chance and stay with RJ, hope everything was resolved without involving her and returned to normal. She knew the investigation into the arson would require a close look at all employees as they were the ones with the means and access to pull off such stunts. Being the newest employee made her the most plausible suspect, barring any evidence of someone outside RJ’s employment. She could always hope her relationship with RJ was close enough to gain his support should questions arise about her past, but the truth was she had no idea how much she could rely on him to stand by her if her past came out.

  Amy struggled with her thoughts and decisions through the subdued breakfast and by the time the dishes were done, she was ready to get out of the house. Tossing aside the dishtowel, she changed from the skirt she had automatically donned that morning and changed into jeans.

  Thankfully, she found Coco outside instead of the barn with its odor of burnt ashes. Even after the chaos of yesterday and the absence of some of the hands, one of them had found the time to saddle her in case Amy wanted to ride. She spent a few moments feeding her sugar cubes and cooing softly to the pretty little mare who had stolen her heart as the dogs came running up to her looking for their handout. Smiling, she said, “Don’t worry, guys. I brought you something too.” Pulling the napkin wrapped sausage from her small waist pack, she fed the excited dogs their treat. Just the thought of leaving any of her animals, the ranch, the boys or RJ, threatened to bring her to her knees with pain. They had all found a way into her scarred, lonely heart and she despaired at the thought of even contemplating running away again.

  Amy lifted herself astride Coco and led her from the corral and turned her towards the pasture land. With no destination in mind, she took off at a canter, anxious to feel the wind on her face and desperate to put off making a decision just a little bit longer. Once she reached the open fields, she allowed Coco her lead and urged her into a gallop, something she hadn’t done unless RJ was right beside her. Her mind in a turmoil, she was oblivious to her surroundings until, without warning, she felt her saddle slip, making her loose her precarious balance. Within seconds, she found the ground rushing up to greet her as she landed with a jarring thud and an explosion of pain in her head before the bright blue sky went black.

  Chapter Sixteen

  RJ paced in the waiting area of St. Joseph’s hospital emergency room while trying to get his fear under control. It had been two hours since Amy’s horse, Coco, had returned to the stable yard without not only Amy, but her saddle also. Rory had spotted the mare first, and with a shout, had taken off after her before she could bolt. Both men inspected her for injuries and, after finding none, had quickly raced to RJ’s truck to go in search of Amy. He remembered praying they would find her unharmed as they sped off in the direction Coco had come from.

  He hadn’t seen Amy since breakfast that morning, and it was already mid afternoon. There was no telling when she had gone riding or how long she had been on foot. RJ would never forget the gut wrenching fear he felt when they spotted her small body lying crumbled on the ground, or the nausea that had cramped his stomach when he saw the blood around her head where she had struck it on a rock. Unconscious, Amy lay still and unaware of the distress she had caused both men. RJ cursed and prayed as he held her until the air ambulance arrived and the helicopter lifted off with both of them en route to Cheyenne’s largest hospital. He had left Rory behind to return to the ranch with the saddle and instructions to get hold of Mitch for him.

  Amy had still been unconscious when they had landed on the helipad and she had been whisked away by hospital personnel over an hour ago. He was going crazy with the waiting and had questioned the nurses at the desk several times only to hear ‘nothing yet, sir’. When Mitch came rushing in, RJ breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t have to wait alone for word.

  “How is she?” Mitch asked, concern etched on his worried face.

  “I haven’t a fucking clue. No one’s come out yet.”

  “Why don’t you sit down? Want me to get you anything?”

  “No, thanks. I just want to know what’s taking so damn long.” RJ walked out into the hall then returned to the room, catching a look of worry in Mitch’s eyes. “What?” he asked, knowing that look meant something was up other than Amy’s accident.

  “It can wait,” Mitch replied evasively.

  “It’s about Amy, isn’t it? You found out something.”

  “RJ, you don’t want to hear this now. Let’s wait and see how she’s doing, then we’ll talk.”

  “We’ll talk now, dammit. I don’t care what it is, I’ll work it out with her.” RJ remembered how his heart had stopped, how his life seemed to literally drain out of him when he had first glimpsed Amy’s fallen body. He had fallen in lust the moment he saw her enter Rusty’s and had found himself captivated by her more and more during the past two months as he got to know her. But it wasn’t until he was faced with the threat of her loss that he realized she held an irrevocable claim on his heart.

  By the determination burning in his eyes, Mitch believed him. “The social security number you gave me belonged to a Marcella Williams who died in 1942 at the ripe old age of ninety three. Amy is not who she says she is, RJ. I’m sorry.”

  The news that she was living with a false identity didn’t surprise him. RJ knew she was hiding from something, or running from something. Using a false name would make sense. “Any way to find out who she really is, where she came from?”

  “If you can get me something with her fingerprints on, I can see if she’s in the system.”

  “You mean, if she has a record?”

  “Yeah,” Mitch sighed in regret. “She’d only be in the system if she has ever been arrested.”

  Their discussion was cut off abruptly by the arrival of the doctor calling his name.

  “How is she, Tom?” RJ asked his long time friend whom he had requested personally to take Amy’s case.

  “She’s fine, Rand. She awoke a short time ago wanting to leave immediately. Apparently, your girl doesn’t like hospitals.”

  RJ liked how everyone referred to Amy as his girl. Relieved, smiling, he asked, “Can I take her home, then?”

  Tom hesitated a moment, then indicated with a jerk of his head for the two men to follow him out to the hall. “Not yet,” he answered when they found a private waiting room unoccupied to slip into. “She did sustain a bad concussion, and because she lost consciousness, it’s standard to keep a twenty-four hour watch for any complications. I’ll dismiss her first thing in the morning.”

  “Other than that, though, she’s fine?” RJ still felt the need for reassurance and Tom’s demeanor led him to believe there was something he wasn’t telling him.

  “Yes, perfectly healthy from what I could determine. The reason I asked you in here, was we did a full body scan to check for internal injuries and broken bones. Everything checked out fine, but the scan did show an old fracture of her right wrist. Were you aware of that?”

  “It’s probably a childhood injury,” RJ said, wondering where the doctor was going with this.

  “This break is no more than three years old and it was a spiral fracture, could only have happed by someone literally twisting her arm until it snapped.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Mitch muttered, as angry and upset as RJ was. Looking at his brother, he saw the tightening of his jaw and the ice cold look of retribution in his eyes.

  “I don’t know anything about her past, Tom, but I can promise you this. Whoever hurt her won’t get the chance to do it again.”

/>   “That’s a relief. She seems like a nice girl.” Giving them Amy’s room number, he left them to see other patients.

  “That could explain the fake identity,” Mitch said as they went to the elevator. “She’s probably running from an abusive relationship.”

  “I don’t want her to know we have this information, Mitch. I’ll speak with her in a few days, but for right now, I want her to relax until she heals.”

  “Of course. Did you want me to try to lift her prints off something, see if I can find out anything else?”

  “Not yet.” RJ wanted to gain Amy’s trust and have her tell him willingly about her past. But if she didn’t, and soon, he would take Mitch up on his offer. He was determined to see to her safety and well being, whether she liked it or not.

  RJ spent the night at the hospital and Mitch returned the next morning to give them a ride back out to the ranch. Amy was more than ready to leave as she slid into the back seat of his suburban with a sigh of relief.

  “Okay, sweetheart?” RJ asked, turning around from his seat up front.

  Amy smiled at him, loving his over protectiveness. No one had ever cared whether she was hurt before, and she found she liked having someone care enough to fuss over her. “I’m fine. Just anxious to get back to the ranch. I need to get some baking done before the rest of your hands return from the auction.”

  RJ frowned at her. “Don’t overdo it. I could ask Maddy to come help you with meals for the rest of this week.”

  “You’ll do no such thing. I work alone, RJ. The doctor said I was fine except for the minor headache I still have. I’m sure it’ll be gone by tomorrow.”

  “Might as well let him baby you, Amy,” Mitch said as he turned onto the highway out of town. “Maybe it’ll soothe his ruffled feathers. You caused quite a stir with your tumble.”

  “I swear, I don’t know what happened. One minute everything was fine, and the next the saddle seemed to slide practically off, taking me with it.”


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