Carrying the Lost Heir's Child

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Carrying the Lost Heir's Child Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  “She was okay with you coming here?” Damon chimed in.

  “She left that decision up to me,” Nash informed him. “But she was worried that, at this point, I would disrupt your lives.”

  “I have a brother,” Cassie whispered, her eyes filling.

  “Cass,” Damon warned. “We still need proof, though I’m pretty sure Nash is telling the truth.”

  “It’s the eyes,” Cassie said with a wide smile as she swiped her damp cheeks. “He’s got our eyes.”

  Obviously not one to show emotions, Tessa turned to her father. “How could you go from his mother to our mom in such a short period of time?” she asked, throwing her arms wide. She still hadn’t sat back down and Nash was pretty sure she really wanted to storm out. She was definitely the more vocal sister.

  Damon eased back in his chair, his hands gripping the leather armrests. “Without getting into details you all probably don’t want to hear, Elaine and I were attracted to each other, but we never fell in love or even mentioned a relationship beyond the physical. Once she left, I met Rose and love at first sight was something I had believed to be a myth until I saw her. We met one day, went on our first date the next and were inseparable. She was it for me.”

  Nash swallowed. His mother had pretty much said the same thing. She and Damon hadn’t been in love, just young lovers having a good time. And they were from two different worlds, which was probably frowned upon at that time.

  The beginning of his mother and Damon’s relationship mirrored that of Lily and himself. Only Nash had every intention of a different ending.

  “Your eyes,” Tessa murmured as she slowly maneuvered around the coffee table and sat on the other side of him. “I knew when you first came here that there was something about you.”

  Nash nodded, trying not to get too wrapped up in these emotions that threatened to rise to the surface. “I saw it first thing, too.”

  He hadn’t even realized until this moment just how much he wanted the girls and Damon to accept him. He may have more money than he would ever need or know what to do with, but there was one thing money couldn’t buy...a family. And deep inside, that’s what he’d always wanted.

  “You really are my brother?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  Nash smiled. “Yeah, I am.”

  “So what now?”

  Nash shifted to focus back on Damon, who still had his silver brows drawn as if he didn’t know whether to be confused or angry. This was another part of the plan that he’d have to tread lightly on because as much as Nash wanted to get those horses, he also wanted this family. He just had to figure out a way to cleverly capture it all.

  “That’s up to you,” Nash told his father. “I love working here, but I understand if you aren’t able to trust me right now.”

  “No,” Cassie said, shaking her head. “You’ve proven yourself. Right, Dad? Nash is the hardest working groom we’ve ever had.”

  Damon nodded, easing forward in his seat. “You’re more than welcome to keep working here, Nash. And, if you own any horses, feel free to house them here.”

  Oh, the irony. Between the double families, the Barringtons, Lily and his baby, and the horse ownership, Nash was spinning in circles and feared he’d have a hard time keeping all of his lies straight before he could present them in a justifiable manner.

  “I actually don’t have any right now,” he told Damon, which was partially true. Nash’s horses just weren’t here locally.

  “The groom position is yours as long as you want it.” Damon came to his feet and Nash assumed that was his cue to do the same. “And if you get a horse, these stables are available to you anytime.”

  Nash stood before his father, the same man he was trying to buy out, and held out his hand. “I appreciate that.”

  Damon clasped Nash’s hand and pulled him into a one-armed man-hug before easing back. The sadness in his eyes matched his tone. “I’m sorry about your mother. If there’s anything I can do...”

  “Thanks.” Absolutely no way would anyone else take care of his mother. Nash was a bit protective of her and right now he wasn’t ready to discuss her too much. “She’s doing really well, actually.”

  Damon nodded and released Nash’s hand. “You’ve certainly dropped a bomb I hadn’t expected. I hope my stunned silence at times didn’t make you feel unwelcome, I’m just still so shocked.”

  “I understand. I was shocked, too, but I’ve had several months to process this.” Nash glanced down to Lily who was toying with the hem of her dress lying against her tanned thighs. “I think Lily and I will go and let you all talk things over in private.”

  He extended his hand to Lily and assisted her up. She presented a killer smile to Damon and patted his arm.

  “You’ve really been blessed with this news,” she told him. “Shocking as it may be, your family has grown and you’ve gained a wonderful son.”

  Damon embraced her and patted her back. “Rose would’ve loved you.”

  Nash knew Damon and Lily had bonded pretty well during the filming of Damon’s life. Lily had played Damon’s late wife and the two had often discussed the late Mrs. Barrington. Damon was all too eager to share stories and memories of his wife.

  Guilt and a new set of nerves settled deep in Nash’s gut. There was still one more piece of damning information he had to reveal. He’d grown beyond the man who initially settled in here to spy on his rival and to have a heated affair.

  Now Nash wanted a family, both families, and he had no choice but to destroy any amount of progress he’d made. Once the truth revealed itself, any hope of having a relationship with the Barringtons or Lily would be gone.

  “I just hope once the film is out, people will see how amazing this family truly is, and not just in the racing world.” Lily made her way around the room and hugged Tessa and Cassie. “I’ll be in town for a while,” she informed them. “Perhaps we could go to lunch or something?”

  Cassie smiled. “I’d like that. I assume we can find you at Nash’s?”

  Lily laughed. “Yes, but please don’t let that get out.”

  “We’d never say a word,” Tessa assured. “I’m glad you’ll be here awhile. Now that Cassie and I have a little more free time, we could use a girls’ day out.”

  Nash watched as the sisters he’d just inherited bonded with the mother of his child.

  Failure wasn’t an option. Not when he had this much at stake. All he could do now was wait for his assistant to get back to him on whether or not Damon would take the deal. Until then, Nash was at a standstill and unclear of his next move.


  Insomnia was a cruel, unwelcome friend.

  Lily tried her hardest not to make too much noise as she searched the kitchen for her guilty pleasure. Unfortunately, Nash didn’t keep cocoa or chocolate syrup on hand.

  With the gallon of milk in tow, she closed the refrigerator door and thought how she could get her chocolate milk fix. Being a chocoholic was her downfall, right behind the grilled cheese. Hey, she could have worse addictions. Granted, food obsessions in LA were unheard of, considering women there opted to starve themselves so they were skinnier than their so-called friends. Lily loved food too much for all of that nonsense.

  And she had a weakness for chocolate milk.

  With a brilliant plan in mind, she jerked open the freezer and instantly spotted a gallon of chocolate swirl ice cream. Perfect backup in a pinch.

  Grabbing the largest glass she could reach in the cabinet, Lily found a spoon and scooped a hefty helping of ice cream into her glass before she carefully poured milk over it. She saw nothing wrong with having a chocolate float at two in the morning. One good thing about the pregnancy, she could totally blame her crazy cravings on the baby. Of course, even when she wasn’t pregnant she’d wake up in the middle of the nig
ht for chocolate milk, but nobody needed to know that.

  Using the spoon, she stabbed at the hunk of ice cream at the bottom of the glass in an attempt to break some of it up into chocolaty goodness. She’d just taken her first sip when footsteps shuffled over the tile behind her.

  Licking the milk mustache off her top lip, because she was a classy lady, Lily turned to see Nash looking very sexy and sleepy with his lounge pants sitting low on his narrow waist. His long, disheveled hair fell across his forehead and those bright blue eyes zeroed in on the glass in her hand before darting to the ice cream and milk on the counter.

  Even with just the small light on over the stove, she could see the amusement overriding the tiredness etched on his face.

  “Don’t judge me.”

  She took another gulp and welcomed the coolness as it spread through her body. Who knew being pregnant turned on some sort of internal furnace?

  “I don’t even know what to say,” he told her with a smirk. “Is this something you normally do?”

  Lily leaned her hip against the center island. “When I can’t sleep I usually get up and have some chocolate milk, but you didn’t have any syrup so I had to improvise.”

  With a slight tilt of his head, his eyes instantly flashed with concern. “What’s on your mind that you’re not sleeping?”

  Clutching her glass, Lily laughed. Where to start? “Everything at the moment.”

  Remaining in the doorway with his shoulder propped against the jam, Nash crossed his arms over his deliciously bare chest. Would she ever tire of looking at him? Touching him?

  The fire that continued to burn between them wasn’t all that had her wanting more with this intriguing man. He excited her in ways she’d never felt before, he made her feel as if she was actually meaningful to his life, as if he wasn’t only with her for her celebrity status. And he was honest. She needed honesty. Coming from a land where lies flew as quickly as the wind, she needed that stability. She needed him.

  Earlier tonight when she’d seen him vulnerable, baring his soul to a family that didn’t know he existed had twisted something even deeper within her. There was so much more to Nash than she’d first uncovered and all she knew was she wanted to discover the rest.

  “Talk to me,” he murmured, that low tone washing over her. “I’m a pretty good listener.”

  He was good at everything...hence her hang-ups and torments.

  “I’m just thinking.” Worrying. “With Damon knowing who you are now, what will happen next with your life.”

  She took a drink, thankful for the prop in her hands and the comfort of her guilty pleasure. Having these thoughts occupy her mind was one thing, letting them out in the open was another. But here they were, surrounded by near darkness and silence where they would have no interruptions. Might as well lay out some of her concerns.

  “That’s not all on your mind.”

  Lily caught his stare from across the room. He knew her all too well. And here she’d worried they only knew each other intimately. For months everything had been so one-dimensional, which had worked perfectly for them until the shocking baby news. Even after that, though, they’d kept things physical, not delving too deep.

  Everything about them had recently shifted. She knew his fears of opening up to Damon and the girls just as he knew her fears of the baby and her career. They were in this together, bonding, growing closer...and that scared her to death.

  “I don’t want this child to ever worry about where she stands with us.” Lily slid her free hand over her stomach, silently vowing protection over her innocent baby. “I saw the torment in your eyes, Nash. I saw the vulnerability when you were talking to Damon. You’re a strong man, but family is something that I can see you take very seriously. I guess I’m worried where we’re headed, not just you and me, but this baby. I don’t want her life torn between ours.”

  Nash moved farther into the kitchen. The closer he came, the bigger he seemed to get. Those tanned, bare, broad shoulders, wrapped over muscles from working hard on a farm, would make any woman’s knees weak and toes curl. She was no exception.

  His hand slid over hers on her stomach. “This child will never question how much we love her. No matter where we are, this child takes top priority.”

  Thrilled that his level of passion for protecting and loving this child was the same as hers, Lily smiled. But she didn’t miss the fact he avoided the topic of them as a couple.

  One day at a time. She still had months to think things through. Ian was totally understanding in her taking a bit of time off since she’d just wrapped filming and was coming to terms with the pregnancy. She couldn’t be happier that she’d taken him on as her agent.

  So while he was figuring out her next career move, Lily was trying to get a handle on her personal life and how she could keep her career, raise the baby and figure out her feelings for Nash. Whatever they had went beyond lust, beyond sexual, but she couldn’t identify it quite yet.

  Without another word, Nash took the cold glass from her hand and took a drink. Milk settled into his mustache before his tongue darted out to swipe it away.

  She’d never been attracted to a man with a scruffy beard and unkempt hair before, but something about Nash had been intriguing from the second she’d met him. Lily had actually found his ruggedness sexy and a nice change from all the pretty boys in Hollywood who worried too much about their looks.

  “You’re right,” he told her. “This is good.”

  Reclaiming her glass, Lily took another drink and made a mental note to go to the store for syrup first thing in the morning. A woman had needs, after all.

  Speaking of needs, the way Nash’s heavy-lidded eyes raked over her silky chemise made her shiver with arousal. She’d worried about staying with Nash because she’d been afraid all they would do was act on all this sexual chemistry they had instead of figuring things out. But staying with him had forced them to evaluate what was going on between them and open up a little more each day.

  The sex was just icing on the proverbial cake.

  Without a word, Nash took the glass from her once again, but instead of taking a drink, he set it on the counter. The clank of the glass on the granite echoed in the silence. His strong hands glided over her silky gown at her sides as he eased her closer to him. The warmth of his fingers burned through the thin layer of material.

  “I know something else that cures insomnia,” he murmured. “It’s quite a bit more grown-up than chocolate milk.”

  With a firm hold around her waist, Nash leaned forward, sliding his lips over her jawline and down her neck. Trembling against his touch, Lily gripped his biceps and tilted her head back as he continued his path on down toward the slope of her sensitive breasts.

  Nash cleverly reached up, easing the thin straps of the chemise down with just the brush of his fingertips. Lily lifted her arms, ridding herself of the straps and in a swift whoosh, the flimsy garment puddled at her feet, leaving her wearing nothing but his arousing touch.

  Nash quickly took advantage of her state of undress and bent his head to continue his torture with those talented lips. Lily arched into him as he claimed her with only his mouth. While Nash thoroughly loved on her breasts with his hands and lips, she slid her thumbs into the waistband of his pants and shoved them down. A sense of urgency overwhelmed her.

  Nash pulled away from her breast and before she could protest, he slammed his mouth onto hers. Wrapping her arms around him, she threaded her fingers through his hair and held him in place. Without breaking contact from her mouth, Nash lifted her off the ground, keeping her flush with his body.

  Encircling his waist with her legs, Lily locked her ankles behind his back and clung tighter as he moved from the kitchen toward the hall. Lily clutched at his shoulders, angling her mouth to take the kiss deeper in an attempt to take some control. When h
e tried to break the kiss, her lips only found his again. She needed his mouth on her, needed that contact with a desire she’d not known before Nash.

  He backed her into the wall before they made it to the bedroom door. Grabbing her hands from his shoulders, he plastered them beside her head and held her in place with only his hard, firm body.

  “None of that,” he whispered against her lips when she tried to capture his mouth again. “You’re supposed to be relaxing, which means I’m in control.”

  Lily smiled, tilted her hips toward him, pleased when his lids shuddered closed as he let out a low groan.

  “You would tempt a saint,” he growled.

  “I only want to tempt you.”

  Nash’s eyes opened, focused on hers as he slid into her. Those cobalt baby blues demanded her attention, held her captivated as he set the pace. Lily couldn’t look away if she wanted to.

  Everything about Nash was demanding, yet attentive, bold, yet bed and out.

  As her hips met his and her hands continued to grip his shoulders, Lily watched Nash’s face. A myriad of emotions crossed before her eyes: determination, arousal, need...and love. She saw it as plain as she could feel him. The man loved her, but whether he was ready to admit it to himself was an entirely different matter. He had enough going on right now without professing his love to her.

  Still, she couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved that he may have developed such strong feelings for her. Because she had already started falling for the simple groom with a complicated life.

  Lily continued to hold his gaze as she trembled with release, and as Nash followed suit, he didn’t look away. Those bright blues stayed transfixed on her, sending a new wave of shivers coursing through her.

  And when their tremors passed, Nash leaned his forehead against hers and whispered, “You’re more than I ever thought I was looking for.”


  Nash had no clue what the hell had transpired in the hall just moments ago, but as he lay holding Lily in his arms on the bed they’d shared for a week, he realized two things: one, she was more vulnerable than she wanted him to see; and two, he’d let some of his own feelings slip out when his guard had been let down.


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