Carrying the Lost Heir's Child

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Carrying the Lost Heir's Child Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  He had to keep his emotions close to his chest. He couldn’t afford to reveal just how fast he’d started falling for Lily.

  She was right when she’d said family meant everything to him and that’s why he had to remain in control. He had to grip tightly with both hands: the Barringtons in one and Lily and his baby in the other.

  She shifted against his side, her hand drifted over his abdomen as she slid one smooth leg over his thigh. He’d carried her back to bed after they had frantic sex in the hallway.

  Yeah, he was a real classy guy not being able to hold back long enough to take those few extra steps to get her into bed. She didn’t seem to mind. Actually if her moans and nails biting into his shoulders had been any indication, she’d rather enjoyed herself.

  As frantic and aggressive as they’d been together, something had passed between them...something silent, yet significant. He’d seen so much in her eyes and he worried what she’d seen in his.

  Lying in silence for several minutes, Nash knew Lily wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon.

  “I’m sure you see the parallel in my mother’s pregnancy and yours,” he told her, breaking the silence. He glided his fingertips along her bare arm across his body. “You’re not here because of that. You’re here because I want you here.”

  Lily’s body softened against his. “I know. I know we started off as just a private affair and suddenly we’re both thrust into a world we have no clue how to face. One day at a time is all we can do right now.”

  Relieved that she knew that much, Nash wished he could tell her the rest. Wished he could fully disclose his identity. But telling her now would certainly murder any chance he had of being with her. He needed more time.

  “But, I do need to make some decisions soon,” she said after a minute of silence. “I can’t stay in Virginia forever and avoid my responsibilities.”

  Forever. Was he ready to use such a word when thinking of them in terms of a couple? He’d never considered forever with one woman before, but something about Lily made him reconsider his list of priorities. She made him want to be a better man, not always putting business first and really focusing on life. But he’d already dived headfirst into this plan before he met her and, unfortunately, there was no turning back now.

  Damn it. He’d had every intention of coming out of this charade unchanged and besting his rival.

  “Have you told your mom about the baby?” he asked.

  Her warm breath tickled his side as she blew out a sigh. “Not yet. This isn’t something I want to just tell her over the phone. Besides, I’d like to go visit her, anyway. I try to get there between films.”

  Moonlight filtered through the crack in the curtains, slanting a soft glow across the bed. So many things raced through his mind, from the buying of Damon’s horses to the baby, but one thing was certain. He couldn’t let Lily go. He kept having images of her in his home, his real home, on his grounds and in his stables. She would fit in perfectly and his staff would be just as charmed by her as he was.

  “What do you say we go on a picnic or horseback riding tomorrow...well, today.” He stopped, wondering if that was even a possibility. “Are you even allowed to ride horses pregnant?”

  She turned, fisted her hand and rested her chin on it. “I’m not sure, really. Are you asking me on a date?” she asked with a smile.

  Smoothing her hair away from her face and shoving it behind her shoulders, he trailed a fingertip down her cheek. “Yeah. Kind of working backward, but what do you say?”

  “I’d love to go on a date with you. Let’s just stick with the picnic for now, okay?”

  Why her bright smile and upbeat tone sent his heart into overdrive was beyond him. They were having a baby, they’d been intimate and she went with him to offer support with Damon. Now he decided to ask her on a date?

  “If we have a big date planned, I better get some sleep,” she told him around a yawn.

  “Need more ice cream and milk?” he chuckled.

  “Oh, no.” Her delicate laugh filled his room, his heart. “Your way worked so much better to cure my insomnia. You wore me out.”

  Nash couldn’t help but smile as he kissed the top of her head. “That’s the idea. Now rest.”

  He pulled the thin comforter up around her shoulders and held her tight until her breathing slowed and her hand beneath his went lax.

  Nash couldn’t wait for the sun to rise, to get in some time at Stony Ridge, then go on a date with Lily. He needed her to see who he truly was before she found out about the other side to him. He needed her to see that there was so much more to him than his millionaire businessman and millionaire persona. He was still the man who tended to horses and enjoyed the simple ways of life.

  But first, he needed to find out where Damon stood on selling those thoroughbreds. Little did Damon know, his newfound son was also his most hated rival in the racing industry.

  * * *

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Lily cupped her hand and scooped up the cool, refreshing water, playfully sending it in Nash’s direction.

  “Come on,” she teased. “You’re a country boy. Don’t let a little creek water scare you.”

  After a filling picnic consisting of sandwiches, fresh fruit, lemonade and chocolate chip cookies, Lily had toed off her sandals and stepped into the brisk creek to splash and play around. Nash still lay propped on one elbow on their blanket, watching her with a huge, devastating grin.

  “Oh, I’m not scared,” he retorted as he sat up and pulled off his cowboy boots and socks. “It’s you who should be scared.”

  Shivers raced across her body at his threat. She slid her toes gently over the creek bed in an attempt to avoid the sharp pebbles.

  Nash came to his feet, reached behind his head and yanked his T-shirt off and flung it to the side. Oh, my. Those taut muscles all tanned and perfectly sculpted had her belly quivering. He knew how to fight fire with fire...he poured gasoline on it.

  “Keep looking at me like that and I’ll clear off that blanket in two seconds and make better use of it,” he warned as he stepped closer to the creek.

  At the edge, he stopped and rolled up his jeans. Lily propped her hands on her hips, loving this playful, relaxed day. With the sun high in the sky, the warmth of summer was in full swing and the country setting was just what the doctor ordered. Nash had told her about this creek that ran through the back of his rental property. It was simple, private and perfect for them. And from how he kept eyeing her in her short tank-style dress, she figured privacy was going to be to their benefit very shortly.

  Would she ever tire of how he watched her? How his eyes seemed to drink her in, in one sweeping glance? Each time she caught him visually sampling her, her need for him sharpened even more.

  “Damn, that’s cold,” he complained as he put one foot in. “You didn’t tell me that.”

  Rolling her eyes, Lily laughed. “It’s refreshing. Don’t be such a baby.”

  “I’ll show you baby.”

  He bent down, scooped up handfuls of water and trickled a stream down her bare legs. The coolness did nothing to ease the heat rushing through her. Everything with this man turned intimate and aroused her like nothing else she’d ever experienced.

  He made her laugh, made her appreciate how a relationship between two totally opposite people may actually work.

  And she found herself wanting that more and more each day. She wanted to be with a man who wasn’t afraid to lean on someone else when he needed to, a man who could also protect and take charge without being overbearing. She wanted Nash.

  Still bent down, his hands lingered on her legs, those bright eyes came up to hold her gaze. “You’re right,” he said. “This was a great way to cool off.”

  “You turn everything into sex,” she laughed, even t
hough she wanted him to rip her clothes off and have his way with her on the creek bank.

  His hand stilled, that naughty grin widened. “I’m a guy. Of course everything is about sex. It doesn’t help you’re looking at me like you want to gobble me up.”

  Lily couldn’t help herself. She took her foot and tapped his chest with just enough force to send him butt first into the water. Crossing her arms, she tried her hardest not to double over with laughter as he glared up at her with a smirk on his face.

  “Thought you needed to cool off,” she quipped with a shrug.

  “Oh, baby, I always need to cool off around you,” he told her as he started to come to his feet. Water dripped off his hands, his thighs as he wrapped his wet arms around her and pulled her flush against him. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me for my body.”

  Lily’s hands were trapped between them, so she laid her palms against his bare chest. “You have a very fine body, Nash. No denying that.”

  “Gee, you make a guy feel really wanted.”

  Lily slid her hands up to his shoulders, around his neck and laced her fingers together. “I think your ego needs bringing down a notch sometimes.”

  Those kissable lips offered up a sideways grin. “And you’re the woman to do that?”

  “That I am,” she said. “I bet you’ve used this body to get what you wanted from women before. I can’t blame you, though, you’re a sexy man. All those muscles from manual labor, the scruffy, rugged beard and shaggy give off a sense of mystery. But I want more than the body, more than the seductive exterior.”

  She nipped at his lips, loving the sensation of his soft beard feathering over her skin. “I want to uncover the mystery,” she whispered against his mouth. “I feel there’s so much more to you than what you’re showing me.”

  Nash stiffened in her arms, those bright eyes narrowed in on hers. “Be careful what you wish for,” he told her. “What if you don’t like what you uncover?”

  What started out as playful had taken a turn into an area she wasn’t sure about heading into. While she’d been half-joking, his tone implied he was dead serious. Was he implying there was something she wouldn’t like about him? Was he hiding something else? Everyone had secrets, but the way he’d issued that warning, Lily couldn’t help but wonder what he meant.

  “How much more do I need to uncover?” she asked, swallowing the lump of fear in her throat.

  Those strong hands on her back slid down to cup her backside. “You could spend a lifetime unraveling me.”

  Arousal slammed through her, but something else, something akin to love spiraled right along with it. Was he indicating he may want forever? Were they honestly ready for that type of talk?

  All of a sudden black dots danced in front of Nash’s face as the world tilted. Her heart rate kicked up and her stomach flipped with nerves as she broke out into a sweat.

  Lily heard him call her name before her world went black.


  Cradling Lily in his arms and beating a path through the field and toward his house, Nash said a prayer with each step he took. One second he’d been ready to confess his life to her, the next she’d slumped against his body. A fear like nothing he’d ever known slammed into him.

  Never before had Nash been so consumed with worry or gut-wrenching panic. She was pale, too pale. Those pink lips were white and she was deadweight in his arms.

  As he reached his patio, Nash laid her down on the cushioned chaise lounge which was thankfully shaded by his house this time of day.

  Lily’s eyelids fluttered, her face turned toward him and Nash eased down beside her, smoothing her hair back from her face, which was starting to regain some color.


  “It’s okay,” he assured her, cursing his shaking hands. “You passed out on me. Just lie here for a bit. I’m going to run in the house and get my cell to call the doctor.”

  Her fingers wrapped around his arm before he could move. “No, please. I’m fine. I think it was just the heat.”

  “I want the doctor to come and make sure you and the baby are healthy.” Uncurling her fingers from his arm, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “I need to know.”

  He didn’t wait for her to argue, it wouldn’t matter if she did because he was up and in the house in seconds. As he placed the call, he went back out to Lily who was still lying down, now with her arms wrapped around her abdomen.

  The doctor assured Nash he would be there within ten minutes. Sometimes money wasn’t the root of all evil.

  Nash’s hand slid over hers. “Are you in pain?”

  Shaking her head, Lily squeezed her lids together. A lone tear streaked out, sliding down her temple and into her hair. Nash eased back down beside her, swiping the moisture away.

  “Talk to me,” he urged, placing his palm against her cheek. “Are you hurting or still dizzy?”

  She opened her eyes and stared up at him. “I feel fine. I just got scared. What if something is wrong? I mean, just because I feel fine now doesn’t mean something isn’t going on inside my body.”

  He shared her dread, but refused to be anything less than strong for her, for their baby. Had his mother gone through this type of fear and worry? Nash couldn’t even fathom his strong, vibrant mother being alone and facing all this uncertainty without support.

  “Everything will be fine,” he assured her. “The doctor will give you a clean bill of health.”

  Her dark eyes filled as her chin began to quiver. Damn it, he hated being so helpless. What could he offer her right now but promising words and a shoulder to cry on? Even paying for the best doctor to be at their beck and call couldn’t prevent something unexpected from happening.

  Nash was used to getting his way, getting what he wanted, whether it be through his power or financial control. But this child and this woman he was coming to deeply care for couldn’t be handled in the same manner as his business dealings.

  The fact he was putting them above everything else, even his end goal, should tell him he was falling in deeper and deeper with this Hollywood starlet.

  “What are we doing?” she asked, her voice trembling. “How can we raise a child when we live on opposite sides of the country and our lives are so different?”

  Nash knew enough about pregnancy to know that her hormones were all over the place and with the scare she’d just had, Lily’s mind was going into overdrive. Treading carefully with each word was the only way to keep her calm.

  “Right now, all we’re going to think about is relaxing because our baby is depending on us to keep her safe.”

  That misty gaze held his. After a moment’s hesitation, Lily nodded and smiled. “You’re right. As long as she’s healthy, we can figure out the rest.”

  Nash slid her hand between both of his and squeezed. “You know we keep referring to this baby as ‘she’?”

  Lily’s smile widened. “I know. Honestly I don’t care what the sex is, but something just tells me this will be a girl.”

  The image of a baby with Lily’s stunning, natural beauty gripped his heart. No matter if the baby had his bright blue eyes or her dark features, Nash knew one thing, this baby would be loved, would know her place in the family and would want for nothing...and he didn’t just mean monetary things, either.

  * * *

  After the doctor had come and gone, giving Lily a clean bill of health, Nash had still insisted she lie around and do nothing. Absolutely nothing. This hero act was sweet for about five minutes, but she was really getting tired of him jerking around to see if she was okay with every move she made.

  Lily settled deeper into the propped pillows behind her back and crossed her ankles. She probably should warn Nash she didn’t plan on staying in this bed the entire time she was here. Tomorrow she would
get up and do...something.

  Her phone chimed on the nightstand and Lily glanced over to see a text from Ian. She hadn’t checked her phone since this morning, considering she’d planned on a more fun-filled day she hadn’t wanted to be interrupted. But when the events had turned more worrisome, she’d not even given work a second thought.

  Reaching for her phone, she quickly read his text.

  Did you get my voice mail?

  Lily went to her messages and listened, her heart thumping as she realized Ian was presenting her with a role made for her and she had to make the decision rather quickly. As in, by Monday morning.

  After she listened fully to his message, she fired back a text stating she’d listened and she was definitely interested and he would have a decision by tomorrow night. She didn’t go into details of her day’s events because even though he knew she was expecting, he didn’t need to worry she couldn’t do her job.

  As she was pondering the role and how wonderful the opportunity would be for her, Nash rounded the corner with his phone in hand.

  “Still feeling good?” he asked, coming to stand beside the bed.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m lying in this bed for months,” she informed him. “I’m going to have bedsores.”

  Nash lifted her legs and sat down, placing her feet across his lap. “Yeah, well we had one outing and you went out like a light. I don’t think my heart could take too much more of that.”

  His heart. That was an area they’d yet to explore. She honestly wanted to know what was in his heart where they were concerned.

  “I just got off the phone with Damon.”

  Lily perked up. “Did he call you?”

  Nash smiled. “Yeah. He wants us to come out to the estate for lunch tomorrow. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Don’t feel obligated.”


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