A Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Serendipitous Love Book 1)
Page 18
“And I don’t want you saying “no” because you think that’s why I’m doing it,” I said, taking a step forward to grab her hand. “Simone, I would have proposed to you… soon.. pregnant or not, because I want you to be my a wife. You don’t feel ready right now, but that’s okay. You don’t have to accept the ring. And if you do want to keep the ring, it doesn’t mean we have to get married right away. Hell, I don’t want to get married right away. We’ve still got some growing to do, I get that.”
Her shoulders sagged in relief as I led her to the couch, where we sat down, and I clasped her hands in mine. “This,” I said, pointing to the ring, “Is my way of letting you know I’m committed to you. Not just this baby… you. I mean… you see how it is with Leah, right? Yeah, we’re back at a good place now, but there’s no love there. Not like what I have with you. I need you to understand I’m not just… adding you to a list of accidental baby mommas, you know?”
She laughed, reaching up to stroke my face. “I don’t think that at all, Roman.”
I nuzzled my chin against her hand. “I’m making sure. Whatever happens, you know you can count on me to care for our child, but… this ring is my saying to you that our relationship is about more than that. It’s not to pressure you into something you don’t want to do. There’s no deadline. I have no timeframe in mind.”
“Okay. I get that.” Simone dropped her eyes, shaking her head before she lifted her gaze again. “I’m sorry for freaking out. I just… I don’t want you to propose because you feel like you have to. I want you to… want to.”
Resting my hand on her belly, I leaned forward to kiss her. “I want to. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So… let’s make a move in that direction. Okay?”
Nodding, she raised her lips to mine. “Okay.”
— & —
“Roman, will you relax? Geez-Louise, man.” Simone grinned as she tugged her hand away from mine. “Help Zahra. I’ll be okay.”
I wasn’t so sure, but I kept my mouth shut. Simone had just lit into me not even an hour before about babying her, so it was probably best to heed her wishes. Besides… I’d spent the entire pregnancy — according to her — bugging the shit out of her about health and safety. I could give her one day off.
Still, I stayed close beside her on the snowy sidewalk, keeping a slower than normal pace to accommodate Zahra. She slipped a little on a patch of ice and I reached out to steady her. Behind me, I heard a high-pitched yelp, then a soft thump as Simone landed on her butt in the snow. Her eyes were wide when I turned to her, and I hurried seating Zahra on a nearby bench so she wouldn’t fall while I got Simone.
When I turned back to her, she was still on her butt, looking… adorable with her belly making the front of her bright orange wool coat stick out, and snow flurries sticking to the hair that framed her face under her winter hat. She was starting to laugh now, and Zahra joined in. Soon, I was laughing too, as I reached down to scoop Simone into my arms.
My laughter died down when I felt a warm liquid soaking down the front of my legs. “Simone! Are you peeing on me?!” I knew from the pregnancy experience with Leah, and now Simone, that at nearly full-term, bladder control was a problem, and I hoped like hell I was imagining it.
“Um…,” she said, shrugging her shoulders with a sheepish grin. “I don’t think so. But… I’m definitely wet.”
Our eyes found each other at the same time, both growing wide as our mouths gaped open.
“Your damn water broke, Simone! You’re in labor!”
She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out as she grimaced in pain, clenching my shoulder so hard I nearly dropped her. When she finally began to come out of it, her body relaxed. She gave a playful roll of her eyes and a weak grin crossed her face. “Oh. Is that what these contractions all morning have been?”
— nine months later —
“She’s not in here bothering you, is she?”
The sound of Leah’s voice made me look toward the door, and there she was, eyes focused across the room on Zahra.
“No, not at all. She’s playing with the other kids.” In the mirror, I looked behind me to where Asia and Zahra were systematically destroying an extra bouquet I’d brought along for this occasion. On the floor beside them, nine-month old Roman junior was stuffing flower petals into his mouth, spitting them out, and then doing it again as he laughed.
Chuckling, I shot a dirty look at Vivienne, who was supposed to be watching the kids, but was instead embroiled in a heated phone conversation with Carter. Leah stepped into the room as I stood, rushing over to get my baby and remove the residual flowers from his mouth.
“Here,” she said, reaching for him. “Let me get him, before you get something on your dress.”
I happily handed RJ off to Leah, inspecting my dress for stains I hadn’t even thought about before picking him up. He looked from me, to Leah, then back to me, and finally back to Leah before he grinned, obviously deciding he was content with the choice, and I was glad. Since Vivienne was… otherwise occupied, I needed someone to hold the baby.
I mean… I could walk down the aisle holding a baby, but I didn’t really want to.
A rush of relief blew through me as April, Logan’s new wife, stepped back into the room, triumphantly holding up the shoebox I’d left at home in my rush to be here on time. I slipped the sparkly, crystal-covered shoes on as the other women gathered up the kids and left to get into place, leaving me alone with Leah and Zahra.
“You look so beautiful, Simone,” Leah said, offering me a genuine smile. “Roman couldn’t have chosen a better person to share this day with.”
I smiled back. Leah and I weren’t exactly friends, but I’d like to think at some point, we could be. True to her word, she’d backed off, and all of my interactions with her had been pleasant. We could talk and laugh together, she trusted me implicitly with Zahra, who I loved like she was my own, and Leah had even babysat RJ for us more than once so Roman and I could have a date night. We were in a really good place… and it possibly had a lot to do with the diamond ring and wedding band on her finger, the new house Justin had bought her, and the cute little baby bump making the front of her dress poke out. She was too busy with her man to be worried about mine. That little tidbit worked wonders in her favor.
After a little hug and a thank you, Leah rushed Zahra along to take her place as flower girl. I followed them slowly, taking my own place just out of sight. Roman’s cousin, Jai, had offered us the use of her restaurant, Honeybee, for the ceremony and reception. I knew I wanted a soft, summery color scheme, and Honeybee’s cream, soft gold, and white decor lent itself well to that. It was perfect. All of it was perfect.
The opening chords of Beyonce’s 1+1 began to play, and I positioned myself in front of the double doors that led to my husband[1]-to-be. Somehow, even though I was shaking with joy and excitement, I managed to begin walking at the right time.
Damn my man is fine.
I couldn’t help breaking into a cheesy grin at the sight of Roman in a beautiful grey suit. It fit him deliciously, and I blushed as the thought rushed through my mind that I couldn’t wait to get him back out of it. He wore a smile similar to mine as I made my way to him — on Carter’s arm. My father had passed away nearly a year ago, following a
fatal [2] heart attack, but I honestly think I still would have chosen Carter to do this for me. He’d become like a brother to me, much closer to family than I’d consider my father in a long time. I was surrounded by love, from my family, and friends, and most of all… Roman.
He gave me that sexy smirk of his, flashing his dimples when I stood in front of him. Throughout the officiator's opening remarks, I kept catching Roman staring at me, smiling, and what could I do except give it back? When it was time for him to say his vows, Roman took a deep breath, then looked me right in the eyes.
“Simone… Two years ago… I walked into a flower shop with my friend, an
d I had no idea that trip was going to change my life. From the moment we met, you’ve kept me on my toes, kept me wanting more… kept me wanting you. Nobody but you. Today… I’m giving my life to you. Not just as a husband, but as a friend, co-parent, lover, confidant… anything you’ll allow me to be for you, I want to do it. I promise you love, fidelity, loyalty, and whatever else you need from me, for as long as you’ll have me… hopefully forever. Simone…I love you with all of my heart, and I give you this ring as a token of my love, a symbol of my promises, and a reminder of my devotion to you.” He lifted my shaking hand, sliding the ring onto my finger.
I nodded as tears welled in my eyes, pinching my lips together in an effort to hold my composure. “I will wear it gladly.” I smiled at him, then took a deep breath before starting my own vows. “Roman…You smelled like coffee, and I wanted to know why. Before I ever even saw you, you had my interest. Before I knew what hit me… you had my heart, and you filled it up with a crazy little thing called love that I never even knew I was missing. I give my life to you today. Not only as a wife, but as a friend, co-parent, lover, confidant… anything you’ll allow me to be for you. I promise you love, fidelity, loyalty, and anything you need, for as long as you’ll have me.” I stopped, looking up to smile through the twin streams of tears running down my face. “Hopefully forever. I love you, with everything in me, and I give you this ring as a token of my love, a symbol of my promises, and a reminder of my devotion to you.”
He grinned, his own eyes looking a little soggy as I pushed the ring on his finger.
“I will wear it. Gladly.”
If you’re on Spotify, you can check out Simone & Roman’s soundtrack by clicking here!
I would love you know what you thought about Roman and Simone’s story! You can share with me by leaving a review, visiting me at my website http://www.BeingMrsJones.com/ (you can email me there from the contact page), liking my Facebook page, at https://www.Facebook.com/BeingMrsJones or connecting with me on Twitter, at @BeingMrsJones.
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Other titles by Christina Jones:
Love and Other Things
Strictly Professional
Unfinished Business
The Trouble With Love
Finding Forever
Chasing Commitment
Coming Soon:
The sequel to Love and Other Things: Nothing But Love (Nov 2014)
— acknowledgements —
Thank you to God, for the ability… and my life.
Thank you to my husband, for the nurturing and love.
Thank you to my kids, for the kisses and hugs.
Thank you to my friends, for the laughs and fun.
Thank you to my author friends (who are very much the same as friends, just with a fancier title), for the encouragement and guidance.
Thank you to my beta readers, for the time and attention.
Thank you to my editor, for the diligence and care.
Lastly, but not nearly least, thank you to my awesome readers, for your enthusiasm and support.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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[1]soon-to-be-husband or husband-to-be? since this IS the wedding
[2]makes it clear that "gone" means "died"