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Destination Romance

Page 11

by Barbara McMahon

  She fervently hoped it wasn't Elizabeth Bowman. She stopped suddenly, the person behind her bumping into her.

  'Sorry.' She moved to the edge of the pavement, stunned with her discovery. She was jealous of Elizabeth! She didn't even know the woman, and she was jealous of her, of her spending time with Michael. Of maybe attracting Michael. Was Katie so small that she didn't want him to find happiness without her? She didn't want to stay married, but that didn't mean that Michael wasn't to marry again.

  She'd never thought that far. She'd always pictured him working, devoting endless days and nights to the machinations of big business. But he had lost no time in finding another woman, one, moreover, who would be perfectly suited to his position. One who would probably delight in helping him for business. Be the perfect hostess for social events.

  It was impossible. But it was there, nevertheless—she was jealous of a woman she'd just met. Katie resumed walking, considering this strange turn of events. She’d never been jealous of anything in her life. Of course, it was one thing to imagine Michael in Boston at his endless dinners and meetings, quite another to find he was a personable, sexy man, now dancing attendance on another woman. A pretty woman at that.

  She had no right to feel as she did. Though feelings quite often didn't do as they should. She wished he was still pursuing her. No, she didn't, did she?

  She rather thought she did.

  How foolish. One minute wanting a divorce, starting over, doing things just as she wanted, the next, wondering if she had made a mistake.

  She let herself into her apartment and went to the kitchen to make a large glass of iced tea. She wouldn't think about it any more. She had made her choice and would stick to it.

  She ignored the small ache in her heart.

  Jim called that evening. 'Did you talk to Michael?' was his first question.

  'Yes... I mean no, not about what you want.' She couldn't tell him Michael's condition for the favor.

  'You said you would,' he accused.

  'I will, I will, Jim. But it's a big favor and I have to find the right time to ask him.'

  'From what I hear from Marlise, you may never get the chance. He's all gaga over some rich woman from New York. Maybe her father could help, too. What do you think?'

  Good grief, would he want her to ask Elizabeth next?

  'No, let me ask one at a time. I'll try to talk to Michael in the next few days. How are things going at work now?' Maybe it would be better and she could soften the blow of not getting the recommendation.

  'It's miserable! I've got to get out. Katie, why don't you throw a party? You could get Michael to come to that, ask him there.'

  'I'll find a way, Jim.'

  Katie was exasperated. It wasn't as easy as Jim seemed to think. Why did he keep badgering her about it? Should she just tell him Michael had said no? But what if he asked him himself? And found out Michael had said yes, with a caveat? Surely Jim wouldn't want her to sleep with Michael just to get another job. Or would he care? Especially if Michael told him she was his wife!

  She was irritated when she hung up. First Elizabeth, now Jim. Why couldn't she be left alone? Her days had used to be so carefree. Once Michael had come, though, it had all changed.

  Katie was surprised the next morning to find Michael at the beach when she went for her swim. She smiled involuntarily, then remembered to be on her guard. He had obviously been running and had stopped to wait for her. She watched him warily as she approached the water's edge.

  'Good morning,' he said politely, his eyes skimming down the length of her, then coming back to rest on her lips, which Katie licked involuntarily, wishing he'd kiss her again.

  'Good morning.' She shed her cover-up and waded into the water. Michael joined her, moving a little ahead to dive into the silky warmth, resurfacing a few feet in front of her.

  'This is great—so peaceful early in the morning.'

  'Yes.' She dived beneath the swells and gave herself up to the enjoyment of her early morning swim. When she came up for breath, he was near, but not too near. Content to swim beside her, he made no effort at conversation. Katie relaxed and began to enjoy herself.

  It was companionable with him there—she was lonely sometimes. It was fun to swim with someone.

  'I'm going snorkeling off the coral reef later today; want to go?' he asked.

  Katie looked over at him, wondering if there was any ulterior motive. 'I love to snorkel,' she said slowly. 'When are you going?'

  'About one; can you get off work?'

  'I'd have to see. If I can, I'd like to go. Any conditions?' She faced him, thinking she might as well get it out in the open if there were.

  He smiled the lazy smile she saw often here in Key West, and her heart turned somersaults in her breast at the sight. His teeth were white against his tanned face, his eyes dancing in amusement.

  'Not today, Katie.'

  She thought he was laughing at her, but she suddenly didn't care. She loved snorkeling and didn't get to go to the reef very often. If there were no conditions, she'd grab the chance—if she could get off work early. Maybe Debbie would cover for her and she could swap out with her later in the week.

  As they swam back to shore, Katie expected Michael to suggest breakfast together again. But he didn't. She watched him as he dried off, his body brown from the sun, trim and sexy. His shorts clung to his skin—they would dry as he ran, but now revealed his masculinity with shocking clarity. She felt warmth invade her limbs. Looking up to his face, she was startled to find him watching her.

  Her hands grew clumsy as he took her towel from her unresisting fingers. Slowly he dried her shoulders, moving down to dry each arm, treating her as if she had no will of her own. Docilely she stood before him, delighting in his touch, in the intimate concept. Taking a ragged breath, Michael wrapped the towel tightly around her body, tucking the ends at the top. The back of his fingers brushed the soft swell of her breasts. Katie gasped, closing her eyes briefly.

  When she opened them, he was several feet away, heading for the hotel.

  'Meet me at the front desk about one,' was all he said, then he began running again, back towards the hotel.

  She watched him go, disappointment warring with relief that he didn't want breakfast with her. Was he eating with Elizabeth? The thought came unbidden. She frowned, hoping that was not the case.

  Promptly at one o'clock Katie appeared at the front desk, wearing her swimsuit beneath her shorts, her towel and snorkeling gear in a large canvas tote. She scanned the lobby, looking for Michael. Her heart stopped when she saw him. Happiness swelled within her and a smile touched her lips as he headed her way. His own lazy smile was in evidence as his eyes indolently scanned her from her head to her feet.

  'Hope we're not late.' A voice spoke behind Katie—one she instantly recognized. Her heart dropped as she turned to see Elizabeth Bowman approach with a tall, distinguished older man at her side. Elizabeth recognized Katie at the same moment and her expression was one of polite disbelief.

  'Everyone’s prompt,' Michael said. 'Jack, I'd like to introduce you to Katie. Katie, Jack Bowman, Elizabeth's father. You remember Elizabeth, too, don't you?'

  Katie smiled politely at both of them, turning to glare at Michael. Was this his idea of a joke?

  Elizabeth obviously didn't find it funny either. 'Really, Michael, I didn't realize we were including... others in our outing.'

  'Plenty of room for all—eh, young lady?' Jack Bowman tried to fill the awkward tension. Katie smiled at him and nodded, wishing now she'd questioned Michael further. No conditions, he had said, but he'd made no mention that there would be others either. How civilized was she supposed to be with Michael's–Michael's what?

  'The Reef Excursions boat is at Mallory Dock. It leaves at one-thirty. All snorkel equipment on board.' Michael took Elizabeth's arm and gently turned her towards the door. Jack fell into step beside Katie, but she hardly noticed; she was too intent on the couple before her.

bsp; Her gaze glued to Michael and Elizabeth as they walked to the dock, she could hardly think, only feel embarrassment and mortification . Was Elizabeth his girlfriend? Was she, Katie, just to stand by while he started dating others? Was he rubbing her nose in his newfound dating freedom?

  She caught herself suddenly. Why should she care? She wanted the divorce. She didn't want to be married to Michael, so why shouldn't he find someone else?

  But not Elizabeth, she thought fiercely, jealous again at the attention Michael paid her. Not Elizabeth!

  A large, sleek white boat was moored at the dock at the foot of Duval Street. Several people were already on board and Katie nimbly stepped across the wide gangplank. She tried to keep her eyes from Michael and Elizabeth, but couldn't help noticing how often the woman needed help—help that Michael was all to ready to provide.

  'You a native down here?' Jack asked as he sat beside Katie on the side bench at the back of the boat.

  'No, I've only been here a few months,' she replied.

  'Wonderful place, Key West; I come here each year to try my hand with deep-sea fishing. Went sail fishing yesterday. Last few days, actually. Caught a small one. Not one I want mounted—but we've another week yet. Maybe I'll get the big one.'

  'What will you do with it?' she asked, more to be polite than from interest. Her attention was focused on Elizabeth and Michael, standing near the rear, heads bent close in conversation. She refused to let the sight of them dim her enjoyment of snorkeling. She would have a good time.

  'Mount it then display it in my office. I have a couple at home but Elizabeth really doesn't like them.'

  'And your wife—what does she think?'

  'Don't have one, divorced years ago. Elizabeth’s all I have now.' He beamed proudly over at his daughter.

  Conversation lagged when the big boat started up. Katie turned so that she could watch towards the front as they headed for the Atlantic and the coral reef. The wind blew through her curls, cooling, refreshing. She loved the sparkling water, the clear blues and aquas and greens. Looking down, she could see the bottom, dozens of feet beneath the surface.

  The trip took about forty-five minutes. The captain tied up at one of the approved anchor buoys, designed to minimize damage to the fragile coral reef. The people on board began to don their equipment. There were scuba divers as well as those snorkeling.. Katie would try scuba some day, but for now she was content to snorkel, happy to be here at all. Why had Michael included her? She turned to glance at him. It probably hadn’t been from the goodness of his heart. He didn't have one. Was it to show off his new girl before his soon-to- be ex-wife?

  As she moved towards the rear of the boat, and the platform that stretched out at water level there, she saw Elizabeth hand Michael her sunscreen. Unable to help herself, Katie watched as Michael applied the lotion to Elizabeth's shoulders, arms and back. Was it her imagination, or did he linger over the task?

  She remembered putting the sunscreen on Michael at the beach, and her hands tingled, longing to touch him again; longing to feel his warm skin beneath her fingers, to draw her hands across his strong muscles, feel the movement beneath her. Her whole body warmed at the memory.

  She yanked on her mask and adjusted her snorkel. For a moment she almost asked him to spread some lotion on her back. But how foolish that would be. She'd do better to keep her distance from him.

  Was he having Elizabeth return the favor? Katie glanced over her shoulder once more, just to see.

  Michael's glance caught hers, held it for a long moment, then he dropped his eyes back to the task at hand, his lips lifting in a slight smile.

  Flushing with embarrassment at being caught, Katie vowed she would not look their way again. When it was her turn on the platform, she sat on the edge and pulled on her flippers. Easing herself into the warm water, she momentarily forgot Michael and all her problems as the beauty and tranquility of the sea claimed her.

  Taking a breath, she sank beneath the water and was lost to the delights of the ocean. The sun illuminated the coral reef, the unusual formations bright yellow in the day's light. The colorful tropical fish that lived in its shelter darted here and there, bright yellow, deep blue, fiery red. They swam tantalizingly near, only to skim away when her outstretched fingers came too close.

  Katie lost track of time as she swam and enjoyed the beauty so recently discovered. Occasionally she'd see the shadow of another swimmer, but for the most part she was alone in the sunlight. The delicate beauty of the living coral reef was a constant source of delight to her, its intricate beauty endlessly fascinating. The water was clear, the sun illuminated the soft rose pinks and yellows of the coral. Sea anemones flowered in splendid pinks and blues, their dainty arms moving in the ocean currents as if they were waving to her.

  Turning away from the reef at last, she sought the different species of fish that hugged its shelter. Many she recognized from previous dives, including the bright yellow and blue ones she didn't know the names of; the graceful angel-fish; the tiger-striped ones; the small silver darts.

  Surfacing from time to time to keep track of the boat and the time, she enjoyed the afternoon.

  At last, tired and happy, she slowly swam over to the boat and pulled herself up. Alone on the platform, she removed her mask and flippers and, sitting back, dangled her feet in the water. It was peaceful rocking gently with the boat, enjoying the warmth of the air on her cooled skin, her feet swishing in the tropical sea, listening to the murmur of the people on board, and watching the sun glisten on the water.

  A time for peace, a time for dreaming. She let her eyes drift to the far horizon, her mind pleasantly drifting.

  Another diver surfaced and swam towards the platform. Katie watched as he drew near; it was Michael. She scanned the surrounding water. Where was Elizabeth? Would she be next?

  He pulled himself up beside her, water streaming from his tanned skin. She smiled shyly at him as he drew off his mask.

  'Are you enjoying yourself?' he asked, grinning back.

  'Yes, it's great.'

  'It's remarkable. I've never seen anything like it. I think I'd like to try scuba, and go deeper, stay down longer.'

  'Me, too. One day.' She turned to look back over the water. She felt content, at peace. She'd not get mad at Michael today.

  'When's your next day off?' he asked her.

  'Next Tuesday and Wednesday.'

  'We could try it then.'

  She looked over at him, then glanced back over the water. 'Where's Elizabeth?'

  He smiled and looked out over the water as well.

  'On the boat, I think. She didn't want to go diving- she wouldn't go scuba-diving.'

  'So no conditions, and no others next time?'

  'Does Elizabeth worry you?' Michael countered, slanting her a glance, his eyes narrowed against the sun's glare.

  'No, should she?' Katie gazed out over the sparkling water, hoping he couldn't see the flush she felt rising at the lie.

  'Elizabeth is no business of yours at all.'

  Feeling snubbed, Katie fell silent. Her desire to learn scuba diving vied with her desire to stay away from this disturbing man.

  Two others from the boat approached the platform and Michael and Katie stood up, moving to give them room.

  'Michael, how was your swim?' Elizabeth, lounging on the deck of the boat, sat up when she saw him, smiling at first, but her face losing its appeal when she saw Katie beside him. 'Was it fascinating?' she added.

  'You should have gone, Elizabeth—it was quite spectacular.'

  He climbed to the back deck and went to sit beside her. Katie waited a moment, then climbed aboard herself, moving as far away from them as the limited space would permit.

  She fell into conversation with a young couple from Ohio and sat with them during the cruise back to the dock.

  Once in port, she was reluctant to approach Michael, but good manners dictated she thank him for her afternoon. It had been enjoyable for the most part and she
would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that for her it was anything less than perfect.

  She was one of the last off the boat, and followed the rest towards the hotel. Michael and the Bowman’s were near the lobby and Katie quickened her pace. She knew the management's views of the staff using the hotel facilities, and didn't want to cause any trouble.

  'Michael!' she called, hurrying to catch up.

  He paused, spoke briefly to the Bowman’s, then turned and started back towards her. They met after a few yards. Katie checked to make sure the lovely Elizabeth wasn't waiting before she spoke to him.

  'Thank you for the snorkeling. It was such a pleasure. I'm glad you asked me.'

  'Small enough thing, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.' He stood silently before her, watching her through his dark eyes. She stared back, trying to read his expression. It was hopeless; he gave nothing away.

  'Well, I just wanted to say thank you,' she said.

  'Next Tuesday?'


  'Scuba lessons next Tuesday?'

  'I don't know if I can...' She tried to remember how much money she had in her bank account. Her job didn't pay much and it was proving more expensive than she had ever imagined just to live, especially on her salary. It had been a revelation to her that people really had to manage their money carefully. It was not something she'd had much experience with.

  'Invite Jim if you want,' Michael broke in on her thoughts.

  She blinked up at him. 'Why ever would I want to invite Jim? If anyone would like to come it would be Debbie and Rick.'

  'Thought you and Jim...'

  'You did not. I told you he was only a friend,' she reminded him.

  'You want a recommendation for him.'

  'Not on your terms. Blast it, Michael, the day was going nicely until you brought that up.'

  'At least I can gauge how strongly you want help for Jim by the terms.'

  'I don't care if you never help him!' she protested.

  'You're turning into a feisty thing, Katie. I think I like it.' He leaned over, pausing scant inches from her mouth. 'But don't push your luck, young lady.'


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