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All Hell Breaks Loose (Hellscourge Book 9)

Page 21

by Diem, J. C.

  Nodding in agreement, they scurried into action. We didn’t have time to wait around to help them. There were enough of them to swarm over the lesser demons and take control of the carts without our assistance.

  “Let’s go,” I said to the lords and Sy. Rashida and Max were sitting on the roof of the carriage that I climbed into. Their hearing was acute enough to be able to hear me tell the tale of meeting Satan and putting the key together.

  “Show me these markings,” Morax requested. I held my arm out and drew back my sleeve. I’d pulled the curtain away from the window and Rashida and Max’s heads popped into sight as they peeked inside. Even upside down, their surprise at seeing the marks were evident. “It all makes sense now,” Morax said almost to himself.

  “What makes sense?” I asked.

  “I overheard Satan talking to Dantanian a few months before he disappeared,” he replied. “He mentioned that the Princes were more than just the rulers of the outer realms. He said that the demons who attained the highest ranks were cursed by God himself. He warned that if they were killed, that it would mean the demise of mankind.”

  “Did he mention anything else?”

  “He said that it was a pity Hellscourge had not yet risen. He postulated that an ordinary human could never become powerful enough to kill our kind. He hinted that it would take a special kind of being to achieve the required magic. He said that he would be willing to sacrifice the Princes if it meant we could leave hell. He planned to enslave humans and make them our servants.” I knew that was a lie. Satan had planned on destroying mankind all along.

  I shook my head in weary wonder. “He set this up right from the beginning. He played Dantanian like a harp. The Head Scribe must have run straight to the demon who was planning on becoming the new Hellmaster and told him everything. They devised a plan to harvest angelic essence to hold Satan captive without realizing they were playing into his hands. The only special beings they could create are Nephilim, so they hatched a plan that resulted in me being born. They thought the cage would be able to hold him forever, but they didn’t realize that the key could break through the spells as well as unlock the door.”

  “Why would Satan go to such lengths?” Sy asked. “Why did he not just orchestrate the creation of the Nephilim himself?”

  “He could not without suffering harsh punishment,” Morax replied. “God directly forbade our master from doing so.”

  “I guess God didn’t extend the ban to all demons,” I said dryly. “Satan manipulated Dantanian into creating me. I’ve been dancing to his tune ever since I became trapped in New York.” I wasn’t just being used by Fate, I was also the Devil’s puppet.

  “How are we going to stop our kin from destroying Earth?” Flauros asked.

  I looked at her in surprise. “Why do you want to stop them? Don’t you want to join in the fun?”

  She scowled and the lords were suddenly looking everywhere but at me. “We no longer wish to see humankind being eradicated,” she admitted.

  “Why not?” I asked in genuine confusion. Sy snorted out a laugh, then cringed when Morax glowered at him. “What aren’t they telling me?” I asked the scribe.

  Unable not to respond, he risked their wrath by replying. “Is it not obvious? They do not wish to harm humans because you do not wish them to be harmed.”

  “That makes no sense at all. Why should what I want have anything to do with it?”

  Morax huffed out a sigh and crossed his arms. He was sitting directly across from me and met my eyes squarely. “Our attitudes have changed to match yours due to your influence over us.”

  His answer just confused me even more. “What are you talking about?”

  “You are not just my master,” Sy told me. “You are their master, too.”

  My mouth dropped open and I looked at Morax for confirmation. “Is this true?”

  He inclined his head reluctantly. “Our allegiance has switched to you, Hellscourge.” He was the strongest Demon Lord in existence and he was able to resist the urge to call me master.

  Flauros shook her head morosely that they’d come to this. “I always thought I would be at the front of the line to flay the flesh from the pitiful humans when we invaded Earth. Instead, I will be fighting to save them.” She glared at me unhappily that she wouldn’t get to wreak havoc.

  Stunned that they had become my servants, it didn’t do much to lift the sense of hopelessness that was beginning to overwhelm me. We were so few in number and we would be facing tens of thousands of demons. I was certain that more hell spawn would invade once the other gates were opened. Satan had the key to let all of his soldiers loose on my world and I couldn’t do anything to stop him.


  Chapter Forty-Three

  It should have taken us nearly six weeks to reach the hellgate. By switching carriages frequently to give the nightmares a rest, we made it there in four weeks. My strength and size didn’t increase and I remained in my human form. Just as I’d feared, I needed demonic souls to bring my evil half to the surface. Without the legion, I was almost powerless. At least we would be fighting the demons on Earth where the angels could lend me their grace.

  One of the imps pounded on the roof of the carriage to get our attention when we were nearing the hellgate. I slid the window up as Rashida hung upside down to talk to me. “We have a problem,” she informed us. “Demons have amassed near the gate.”

  “How many have gathered?” Morax asked.

  “Several hundred,” the imp replied. The carts that carried her kin were a couple of days behind us and they wouldn’t be able to come to our aid.

  “Can you see who is in charge of them?” I queried, dreading the answer. This was the closest hellgate that led to New York and I feared Satan would be leading them. I wasn’t ready to face him again.

  “There appears to be a number of captains without anyone specific being in charge,” she told me.

  That made sense. If Satan had reached the gate ahead of us, he wouldn’t be standing around waiting. He would have used the key to unlock the gate. The captains would have to challenge the gate and defeat it before they could take their entourages through. Apparently, none of them were brave enough to take the risk of losing.

  “We will battle the lesser demons,” Morax said confidently. “Between us, we can defeat several hundred of our kin.”

  Rashida’s face appeared again and she gave us some more bad news. “There appears to be a convoy of carriages behind us. Most of them belong to lords.”

  Morax’s confidence disappeared at that news. “We will become trapped between them,” he said unhappily.

  “We don’t have time to find another gate that will take us to New York,” I said. Desperation had me trying something I never would have contemplated if it hadn’t already worked to take me to the shadowlands of my mind.

  Closing my eyes, I imagined myself standing in the nowhere lands. Darkness formed around me, lit by the oil lamps that I’d created. My alpha hellhound barked in greeting and bounded over to me like a puppy. His tail wagged madly as I thumped his side. “Hey, boy. Did you miss me?” From his enthusiastic reaction, I assumed he had.

  Huge and far from cute, he was loyal and even affectionate. Hellhounds vaguely resembled Rottweilers, but had scarlet eyes and far too many teeth. Their bodies were inky black and almost appeared to be made of shadows.

  The five other members of his pack crowded around and I made sure to pat them all. Leaving my carriage, my two nightmares approached me so they could also receive the attention they deserved. “I could really have used your help during this trip to hell,” I said to both hellhorses as I stroked their soft noses. “Can you believe I’ve had to rely on nags to carry me across the first realm?” They rolled their eyes in horror that I’d had to sink so low.

  Seeing the queen of the crab beetles in the distance, I teleported myself over to her. “Hi,” I said out loud and with my mind. “Thanks for sending your kin to rescue me from the

  Knowing I was aware of her telepathic abilities, she responded by talking inside my head. It was the least I could do for my ally. You are not like other demons. You have retained your human compassion and empathy.

  “It comes from my angel side,” I told her. “I’m in a bit of a bind right now and was wondering if you could help me again.”

  What assistance do you require?

  “I need to clear a bunch of demons away from a hellgate so I can return to Earth. More demons are coming and they’ll be here soon.”

  Her mandibles moved slowly as she considered our options. I would rather my mate and I do not join in the battle. I will soon need to leave the nowhere lands and lay my eggs.

  “You’re pregnant?” I asked in astonishment. I couldn’t help but worry that she would breed so many crab beetles that they would end up overrunning the nine realms.

  I have learned from the folly of my ancestors and I will not make their mistake, she assured me. I will keep our numbers small and we will only feast on hellbeasts in the wastelands.

  “That’s probably a good idea. The demons will most likely leave you alone if you don’t eat them.”

  As for assisting you to clear away the rabble, you have all the servants you require at your beck and call. She gestured with her claw and I turned to see hundreds of pairs of scarlet eyes watching me. Hellhounds and hellhorses had gathered around to wait for my command.

  “I don’t have the power to call on them right now,” I said regretfully. “I was hoping you might have some kin nearby who could come to our aid.”

  Of course you have the power to call on them, she responded. You now hold the key to every realm and dimension that is linked to your version of Earth. I do not think you will have any problem drawing your servants to you, even if you do not have demonic souls infesting you any longer.

  “I’ll try,” I said doubtfully and opened my eyes just as the carriage coasted to a stop.

  Remembering her request not to be included in the fight, I tried to call on my hellhounds. Something clicked inside my head and my shadowy hounds appeared. Then another pack popped into existence and was quickly followed by more. Far more than the thirty-six dogs that had become my servants came at my call. All of the hounds that had been near me in the nowhere lands had appeared.

  Gasps and cries of fear came from the imps that still clung to the carriages. “It’s okay,” I said as I climbed out. “They’re mine.”

  Only a hundred yards away, several hundred demons stood between us and the hellgate. They grasped their weapons nervously as they eyed the hounds. They knew they were no match for my servants’ ferocity. My alpha lifted his head and howled and hundreds of his kin responded. It was fascinating and horrifying to see them overrun the captains and soldiers and tear them apart.

  Within minutes, the demons had been defeated. Lying in bits and pieces, it would take them some time to pull themselves back together. We were already in the first realm, so they had nowhere to be drawn to. Stepping over their severed, chewed limbs, I patted the hounds that surged towards me until I reached my alpha. Dropping the foot that he was mauling, his tongue lolled in happiness as he approached me. “Good boy,” I said and patted him on the head. “You guys did an awesome job.”

  His ears perked up when he heard more demons approaching in their carriages and he looked at me hopefully. “Go ahead,” I told him. “Chase the bad demons away.”

  Howling joyously, the hounds surged towards the fresh wave of hell spawn. Realizing they couldn’t win against so many hellbeasts, the lords turned tail and ran with my hounds yipping at their wheels.

  Wiping away a tear of laughter, I turned to regard the gate. He was staring at the twitching limbs of the defeated demons in distaste. “Ugh, what a mess!” he complained. “Who is going to clean that up?” he said in an accusing tone.

  Seeing two stone gargoyles perched on the top of the gate, I realized how the demons had known where he was. “You should have thought of that before your gargoyle led them here,” I said flatly.

  Eyeing me slyly, he grinned. “You appear to have lost your power, oh great and mighty Hellscourge.” His tone was mocking.

  “I still conquered the master gate, which means you have to open when I tell you to.”

  One of his brows rose. “That was before Satan took possession of the key. Now he is the only one who can command us.”

  His snotty tone infuriated me into closing the distance between us. “Are you sure about that?”

  “I am quite sure,” he replied snarkily. “My master is approaching one of my brothers as we speak. He and his soldiers are poised to invade your planet. Soon, your kind will we wiped out like the vermin they are.”

  His gloating tone put my teeth on edge and made me want to wipe the smirk off his face. “I think you’ll find Satan isn’t the only one who can command you,” I said then held my hands above his weathered metal face. “I am Hellscourge and I order you to open.”

  The moment I touched the gate, a hollow boom sounded and the ground shuddered. I felt it spread out like a Hellquake, but I had a sinking suspicion it would have an even more catastrophic result.

  A flash of intuition hit me. The gates sounded so similar because they were one and the same. Each one was a part of the master gate. They were just his clones. They were linked, which meant that my order had spread to every single gate that led to and from hell. I hadn’t just unlocked this one, I’d unlocked them all.

  Pulling my hands away as if it could somehow undo my colossal mistake, I knew it was far too late for that. The gate grinned in triumph as he burst open far faster than I’d ever seen one move before. “My master thanks you, Hellscourge,” he said with false courtesy. “You have just ensured the death of every human on Earth.”

  “I order you to close and not to let any demons through,” I said in desperation and touched him again.

  “It is too late,” he replied. “The master gate has withdrawn his magic from us. Even now, I can feel my sentience fading.”

  I turned to Morax as the gate began to cackle in laughter. I wanted the lord to deny what had just happened, but the pity in his scarlet eyes said it all. I’d once again danced to the Devil’s tune. He’d used the snarky gate to manipulate me into opening the gates to hell. I’d unlocked them all, exactly as he’d wanted. Now that the master gate had withdrawn his magic from his clones, I didn’t have the ability to relock them. Just as the princes had warned me, I’d doomed my own people to extinction.


  Chapter Forty-Four

  Panicked, I reached into the nowhere lands of my mind and called on one of my nightmares. The shadowy steed appeared before me a moment later. I scrambled up onto its back and it took off while Sy, the lords and the imps were running for the carriages. It shouldn’t have been possible for them to follow me to Earth, but I’d seen a vision of demons in their true forms swarming through New York. I didn’t know how it would happen, but I knew that it was going to occur.

  Galloping madly, the nightmare fled from the hellgate’s laughter. I glanced back to see the rudimentary face fading until it disappeared. The gate was no longer sentient and was now just a lump of rusty metal.

  I held on for dear life and we reached the portal far faster than we ever had before. The lichen covered walls closed around us and the horse skidded to a stop at the end. I gave the steed a grateful pat for not bucking me off then slid to the ground. The concrete wall on the other side of the tunnel was only a few feet away. I would have been knocked out, or worse, if I’d hit it head on.

  My legs were wobbly from the frantic ride and I staggered through the portal. Arms came around me. I barely had time to register that it was Nathan before he teleported us back to our new base.

  The small kitchen was crowded with my friends and allies. Brie and Leo stood side by side, holding hands like frightened children. Dom and Jed were also there. They looked just as scared as the twins. Sophia, Elijah and Reynolds wer
e sitting at the table. They all turned to stare at me when they realized we’d returned.

  “We heard a disturbing sound about twenty minutes ago,” Sophia said in trepidation. “It was so loud that even the humans heard it. They have gathered on the streets, trying to discover its source.” She knew what the sound had been. They all did, or they wouldn’t have come together like this. “Have the gates to hell broken open?” she asked.

  Covering my face with my hands in anguish, I nodded. Nathan put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn’t deserve his comfort. Dropping my hands, I had to tell them the truth. “It’s my fault. I’m the one who opened them.”

  Shock spread through the small group. “How?” Brie demanded.

  “Satan was behind everything. He was the one who orchestrated the ‘object of power’ to be distributed throughout the nine realms of hell. He let the new Hellmaster lock him in a cage that was guarded by angelic grace.”

  Sophia looked at me sharply then stood and moved closer. Her hand came to hover over my heart. “You have my essence inside you,” she said with utter certainty.

  “I have all of the harvested grace,” I confirmed. “I know how to release them, but there’s no point doing it right now.”

  “They would just return to you if you expelled them,” she realized with a heavy sigh.

  Feeling a tingle at the back of my head, I went still. “Something is happening,” I said. “I can feel magic on a huge scale being performed.” Now that I was no longer in hell, I could call on the angels’ power. I wasn’t sure why it allowed me to sense demonic spells. Maybe because of my dual nature as Hellscourge.

  I could feel it all over the city and knew that something big was about to happen. I figured out what it was when Brie, Leo, Dom and Jed were suddenly expelled from their hosts. Unconscious, the empty vessels fell to the floor. The angels coalesced into solid forms. They took on their true appearances, complete with white robes, wings and halos. They stared at each other in shock at their abrupt eviction.


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