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The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve

Page 7

by C. R. Daems

  Todd's face couldn't hold his scowl as we left the office. "I think that's an unofficial promotion to fighter pilot," he said, forcing himself to look like he wanted to cry, but then laughed. "I heard you are working with the police unit." It was a question rather than a statement.

  "Because of Carl and Doug," I said. "You heard that threat Doug made and Carl echoed. Bradley was concerned weeks ago after our first exercise. So he contacted the police training unit and got me admitted."

  "They are a nasty pair. Be good getting away from them," Todd said and began practicing his sad face expressions.

  The next day, Todd and I reported to the Saker fighter pilots' area for their daily exercises.

  "Guys," Bradley shouted to get the current eighteen pilots' attention. "This is Kayla and Todd. I'm including them in our regular exercises since they have officially passed their basic training. I'm particularly interested in determining how Kayla's unique style of fighting does against seasoned pilots and whether those techniques would be useful against the Tullizor."

  "Welcome, Kayla. I'm Jesso. I saw your first exercise. I thought my five-minute time was good until I saw your exercise. That one-minute-twelve-second time will never be duplicated. The first time Bradley ran the tape, I had gone to get something to drink and missed the entire exercise. Bradley has refused to show us your subsequent exercises, but they must be impressive if he has qualified you and Todd a month early."

  "Her style is unique, and I want to see how you handle it the first time and how you evolve to counteract it over time," Bradley said, which had everyone sizing me up. "All right, no classroom work today as no one would be listening. Mount up, and let us begin today's exercise." I didn't bother leaving the area, just spent the half hour warming up with rolls and spins. I managed four kills before they ganged up on me.

  "I suggest her call sign should be Witch because that broom she is on sure is hard to target and kill. She never flies straight, always rolling, spinning, and turning. It took three of us to outmaneuver her for a kill. I don't know how she manages to change directions doing that reverse back roll," Jesso said while duplicating the motion with his hand.

  "I think you are right, Bradley. That reverse rolling technique may drive the Tullizor crazy. They prefer nose-to-nose dog fights," Tyler said. He was a tall, lanky young man with carrot-colored hair and a permanent happy expression. Whereas Jesso was short, had long-straight-black hair, and always looked as if he was deep in thought.

  The change in schedule to three days a week versus the seven-day fighter training class gave me more time with Joseph and more opportunities to practice with the other three police trainees. By the end of two months, I was gaining some confidence in my ability not to embarrass myself and how to use the laser and stun baton.

  "Look," I exclaimed when my Sleeve dinged, and it showed one star over my black eagle. The message was an official letter promoting me to fighter pilot effective immediately. That got me hugs from Hanna and Hyun.

  "I'm jealous," Hanna said. "We have several more months of training."

  "Me too, for my police training. Like on the Bridge, there is a lot more to learn. Fighters are simpler; there are only two buttons to fire your missiles, and knowing which missile to use is not complicated." I laughed.

  Chapter 12

  'The Enemy In The House

  "What the hell is that bitch doing here?" Doug shouted as I walked into the room. "This is for real fighter pilots. She is in the police unit."

  I couldn't help it. I held up my Sleeve with its black falcon and one star, not the silver eagle which designated the police, and sat.

  Bradley spoke before Doug or Carl could comment. "We have been evaluating Kayla's style of fighting versus our more traditional style. I have discussed it with the Anixians, and they agree a test is warranted. Therefore, we will be the next house to engage the Tullizor and not the Kestrel."

  I noticed Carl and Doug with their heads together, looking furious, and I idly wondered what they were discussing. They certainly didn't like the idea of being next to face the Tullizor or being tested against me. Of course, the test wasn't about them or me. It was about which technique would benefit Anixia and the Phoenix. They didn't appear to care about the Anixia, just themselves, and didn't like me getting recognition. Then the light went on. What if I were injured? Would the test still be run, or would the Kestrel be put back into their normal rotation? Now I was really scared and glad I was enrolled in the police. I wasn't ready for Doug or Carl, but I wasn't completely defenseless as I had been.

  The day's exercise made things worse. Carl and Doug were the first two fighters killed while I had three kills and lasted near to the end. The tunnel back to my room seemed longer and spookier than normal.

  The next several days, I tried to stay with groups and not to go anyplace alone. Finally, I decided I was being paranoid and worked at relaxing. That turned out to be as nerve-racking as worrying, and I was exhausted at the end of each day.

  That night walking back to my quarters after police training, I was dazed from days of worry, tired from a strenuous workout, and nearly walked right into Doug. The two stood blocking the tunnel.

  "Well, if it isn't Bradley's fuck-mate back from fucking the men in the police unit," Doug said, excitement in his voice and on his face. "Carl, I think it's our turn." He grabbed my wrist with a vice-like grip I knew I couldn't break. "Carl, didn't you just hear her invite us to take her someplace private?"

  "Our room is very private," Carl said with a laugh.

  Doug pulled me as he turned to go back to their rooms. When he did, I stepped into him, driving my foot toward his instep. I missed, but his grip loosened and a quick twist against his thumb and I was free. I ran back the way I had come like rabid dogs were chasing me. I didn't look back, knowing that would slow me or cause me to lose my balance and maybe fall. At the door to the police unit, I literally fell into the room and scrambled on my hands and knees into the training area. Fortunately, Joseph and a few others were still loitering after the class.

  "My God, Kayla, what's wrong?" Joseph scooped me up into a standing position and stood inspecting me.

  "Doug and Carl attacked me," I blurted between attempts to gulp in air. Joseph gently looked at both my arms. The left one was black and blue near my wrist.

  "Check the hallways," Joseph said, and two men ran to the door and exited. "Of course, it is going to be your word against theirs."

  I nodded in resignation. Even if they were found in the hallway, they could say it was someone else, and I couldn't prove it wasn't. It would be two against one. Bastards. I can't live like this. They were going to win in the end. I put my head in my hands and cried.

  He put his arm around my shoulders, led me to a table, and had me sit while he fetched me a glass of water. "I'll be right back. Don't move." He wandered into the equipment room and was back in minutes. "This is a police camcorder, Kayla," he said. The device was round, less than five centimeters across, and looked like a large amber-colored eye. "Once I activate it, it will record all sounds and images within several meters, night and day, and the recording will be immediately sent to Administration. So, if you are attacked again, you will have proof, and your attacker will pay the price. The Anixians do not tolerate attacks against their police or police trainees. Remember you are also being recorded, so think before you speak. Any case against them will be based on the recording."

  "What if it's dark in the tunnel or room?"

  "These are police camcorders. The image will be clear enough to identify the individual, and the device will pick up the information from his Sleeve. So, even if the person had a blanket over you, he and anyone within a few meters would be identified."

  "Will you get in trouble giving this to me?" I didn't want him to get in trouble, but I was petrified.

  "No, my mandate is to weed out the trouble makers. The Anixians know from experience that we get a few each trip, and they can cause a disproportionate amount of damage and imp
act our odds of survival. One such person years ago talked a group of men and women into stealing a cruiser. They failed, but we lost a cruiser and good men and women who died fighting them. Consequently, the Anixians are very tolerant of our methods. There is no assumption of innocence or guilt. You will be safe. Doug and Carl are evil, but neither of them wants to be banished. It's not a good way to die."

  Eventually, I stood, and Joseph put the belt around my waist and locked it in place. "A policeman's unit can be turned off when he is not on duty; yours cannot. That will be awkward, but it's for your protection. I will be the only one reviewing it, and I will erase it when you report that you had no incidents that day."

  "Thank you, Joseph. I was going crazy with worry, and this latest incident would have destroyed me."

  After I had calmed down, Joseph walked me back to my room and explained to my roommates about the incident and the camcorder. I slept badly that night. Waking up in a sweat after dreaming Doug had caught me and dragged me to his room. And later, that Doug and Carl attacked me in a lonely tunnel and crippled me for life.

  When I reported to the fighter training area the next day, Doug gave me an evil smile. Oblivious to the camcorder, he leaned close to my ear and whispered. "Quit the fighter unit, or Carl and I will make your life Hell." He leaned back so I could see the hate in his eyes.

  "I got away last night," I said and smiled.

  "You won't next time, bitch, and next time–" he stopped and looked around.

  "Thank you, Doug," I said and pointed to the camcorder on my belt. "I would ask you to quit the fighter unit, but that would ruin the upcoming test and your chance to prove your technique is better than mine." I smiled and continued toward the group talking with Bradley. "Good morning, sorry for the police camcorder. Two men accosted me last night. Fortunately, I got away." I held up my arm to show my wrist, which had turned an ugly green and purple. "Joseph thought it best I wear a police camcorder in case they try again. Last night's incident would have been my word against theirs."

  Bradley carefully lifted my arm and inspected it, looking up in the direction of Doug and Carl, who looked ready to run. "Good, the faster you get rid of people like that, the better. Can you fly?"

  "Yes, it's sore, but it's my left, so it shouldn't be a problem." I grinned, and Bradley nodded.

  The next month passed without any incidents. Joseph saw the camcorder record of Doug's comments to me and saved it for evidence if anything else happened. He felt Doug's comment might not be enough for the Anixia but enough to keep Doug and Carl away from me and supporting evidence if anything else, even minor, happened.

  Chapter 13

  Wounded People Are Also Dangerous

  "That fucking bitch," Doug screamed when they had entered their room.

  "She has enough to get us banished," Carl said, pacing the room like a caged animal.

  "Not quite. But even if we did talk our way out of banishment, we would be under intense scrutiny from then on. We wouldn't have a chance at stealing a cruiser. That is far more important than that bitch Kayla. Besides, when we steal a cruiser, we might be able to kidnap her, and we would have something to play with on the way back to Earth." Doug laughed, helping him to relax a bit. "Stay away from her. We need to work on convincing more people to help us secure a cruiser. I want off this dead, prison planet. That's the priority."

  "What about the Tullizor?" Carl asked, looking pale at the prospect. "I'm not doing all that well against the other newbies."

  "From what the old pilots said, the first line will be first-time Tullizor pilots. We at least have had a good deal of practice."

  "First-timers or not, they won't be shooting paintballs at us," Carl shouted. "I don't mind slugging it out with some guy in a bar, but I'm not looking forward to a duel with heat-seeking missiles. A tie in a bar fight isn't the same as a tie in a missile duel." Carl pressed on as sweat formed on his forehead, "They are all psychotic lizards in a killing frenzy and too stupid to turn tail and slither off. More like fucking Komodo dragons."

  "Carl, calm down," Doug finally interrupted Carl's increasingly panic-stricken tirade. You're scaring me with this hysterical rant. We can't leave the fighter unit without getting assigned to another house and maybe losing our chance to get back to Earth. We need to manufacture a way to get out of the assignment or of getting safely through it. But for now, I have a couple of guys and a gal who would also like to return to Earth. I told them to meet with us here. They are due within the next ten minutes or so."

  Several minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Three persons stood waiting when Doug opened the door.

  "Carl, this is George, Fred, and Mary Lo. This is Carl, my roommate and someone like you who wants to leave this prison and their insane war," Doug said as the three entered the room.

  "We did kind of sign on when we agreed to let them cure us," Mary Lo said just above a whisper, which sounded like a whine. She was a small thin woman, with long mousey brown hair and a very plain round face that looked perpetually tired.

  "They didn't tell us the alternative was fighting a war for them," George said. "Besides, if they were such kind people, they would have cured us then asked if we would help them. I, for one, don't owe the sneaky bastards." George was in his early forties, a good thirty pounds overweight, with a round face that was beginning to sag.

  "Of course, curing us first, they would be lucky to get one volunteer," Fred said. "I did volunteer," he laughed, "but I reserve the right to change my mind. Especially when I consider the fame and glory anyone bringing Earth a space going ship will receive. For that prize, I will lie, cheat, and kill." Fred had an athletic build, angular face bordering on good-looking but with evil eyes, which said he was unpredictable and dangerous.

  "Good," Doug said. "Carl and I are fighter pilots and may be able to help acquiring or defending the cruiser." Doug looked to Fred.

  "I'm being trained as a navigator, which will come in handy getting the cruiser to Earth," Fred said and grinned. "Right now, I'm working on getting the coordinates for Earth and understanding the method needed to travel between planetary systems."

  "I'm being trained as a countermeasures or ECM operator," George said. "Hopefully, you won’t need one, but that position is also trained in the radar and communications specialties. Any of those could be useful initially and will be when we reach Earth. I know how to shoot if you can find any weapons. I'm not afraid to fight or kill if necessary."

  Doug looked to Mary Lo.

  "I'm being trained as the cruiser's pilot. So I will be able to fly the cruiser," Mary Lo said in a low squeaky voice. "I can't fight, but I can be useful." A shy grin appeared.

  "Good. Let's meet here weekly for an update," Doug said. "We need to know how many cruisers they have, what kinds if they are not all the same, their schedule, and where they are kept. That will be necessary to formulate a plan. Time is critical since we don’t know when the Tullizor will attack or their plans for Anixia." He would prefer to be gone before then and avoid having to fight them.

  "I wonder when we will get our weapons," Carl said. "Remember, Doug, they said the officers carried weapons."

  "Good question. A few weapons could be useful, maybe necessary, in capturing a cruiser. Particularly useful when only a few people are authorized to carry them." Doug lapsed into silence as his thoughts went back to the Tullizor and having to participate in the next confrontation with them. That damn Kayla was untouchable with that police camcorder on her day and night. If it were not for the possibility of going back to Earth, he might try anyway. Maybe an accident that kept him from flying for a while, but Carl would also have to have one, and that would look fishy. He didn't want to abandon Carl; he was a fighter and had no ethics and therefore flexible and useful. He chuckled to himself. He would just have to get better at flying that damn fighter so he could survive the battle if he had to participate.

  Chapter 14

  The Tullizor

  For the next two months, lif
e settled down into a comfortable routine: fighter exercises and discussions around strategies and tactics, and three full days of police training each month. Doug and Carl barely looked at me and seemed to be working hard in the training exercises. I couldn't help thinking they were up to something, but so long as they didn't bother me, I was content.

  I was facing Eric, a stocky man in his late twenties, waiting for him to move, which was my normal predilection, rather than attacking, which most of the police candidates preferred. Suddenly, he took a quick step toward me then stopped just as quickly. I had almost stepped backward, which I tend to do, not being much of a fighter. Well, to be honest, I don't like to fight, and I'm easily spooked. But I'm learning, and this time, I managed to stay focused on my opponent and continued to wait for him to commit. A second later, he did, rushing at me with his shoulder pointed at my chest. I managed to pivot ninety degrees to my right, changing my profile. As he passed by me, my left hand found his back, and I pushed. His momentum and my push sent him off the mat and almost into the wall.

  "Good move, Kayla," Joseph said, nodding in approval. "Never take on someone directly who is bigger or heavier than you. That gives them the advantage–"

  Just then, my Sleeve lit, and a loud buzzing followed. When I looked down,

  EMERGENCY, report to the fighter bay immediately.

  appeared on the Sleeve. I exited the room at a run and saw Todd running just in front of me. "I guess this is the day we become seasoned pilots," I shouted between gasps for air.


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