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The Billionaire's Sextape: An Adult Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Cj Howard

  But the downstairs section was still the home. It comprised of his father’s bedroom, three spare rooms (of which one used to be his), the large living room, the kitchen, two bathrooms, and Martha’s room. James had been to enough of his friends’ homes to know that a house this size was not considered normal – even though he had grown up thinking this was how the rest of the world lived.

  But despite all of his fame and fortune, his father was probably one of the most down-to-earth and stable men he knew. He was the complete opposite of James, although James put it down to the age difference. He was almost certain that his father must’ve been like him when he was younger.

  When he really thought about it, though, he knew that his dad actually probably hadn’t been much like him even then. His father hadn’t been rich growing up. He’d come from a poor family, and grown up with the idea in his head that one day he would live a different life. He had created his fortune all by himself.

  In the living room, James spotted a magazine with his father’s face on the front. The photo was in black and white and showed him holding a cup of coffee and staring out the window. His father was handsome, even after all these years. The words ‘Jason Elton – Entrepreneurial Genius’ were splashed over the top of the magazine.


  James turned around and saw his father. At the same time, Martha walked in and handed them both a drink. An orange juice for James and a glass of wine for his father. She refused to believe that James was now an adult.

  “You two sit down. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

  “Thanks, Martha!”

  James sat down and held up the magazine. “Entrepreneurial genius, huh?”

  His father dismissed it, “Well, they have to say something catchy to get people to read it. After all, I’m old news now.”

  “Dad, you’ll never be old news.” James had always been slightly in awe of his father, who had done more in his life than most people his age. He’d started his own company when he was only twenty-one-years old and sold it for millions when he was twenty-five.

  By the time he reached thirty, he had invested in around ten highly successful companies, and by the time he was forty, he was a billionaire. He was always busy, and he never stopped creating new and exciting ideas. James could never understand how his father managed to do so much with so little time, yet he did. And he did it well.

  “I’ll just be old then.”

  “I think you may prove us all wrong and end up living forever. I wouldn’t put it past you, to be honest.”

  James’ father laughed, “I knew I had you for a reason. Keep coming with the compliments. I’ve been feeling far too old lately. So, James, how have you been? Have you given any more thought to what you want to do?” James had been promising his father for years that he was going to figure out what he wanted to do with his life.

  His father had been very easy with him, and James was sure it was because his mother had died when he was little. At that time, his his father became very soft with him, and he always did everything to make sure that James was happy.

  James was well aware that he had taken advantage of the situation, but it was hard not to. He’d been working on and off for his father since he finished school. It was mostly just a few hours here and there. His father paid him more than he would be getting paid anywhere else, and he hardly worked at all.

  He kept promising his father that one day he would figure out what it was that he wanted with his life. But the truth was that he barely gave it any thought at all. Especially since, on the day of his twenty-fifth birthday, the money that his father had been putting away for him since his birth had finally been released to him.

  James was now a billionaire without ever having to work for it. Deep down, he wondered why he ever had to work again. Of course, he never told his father that.

  “I’ve been good, dad. I’ve been thinking about it. I have a few ideas, but right now I don’t want to start anything that I’m not completely sold on. I think I’d make a good businessman, though, don’t you think?” He flashed his father a big, toothy grin.

  His father laughed, “James, you’d certainly look the part. But you can’t just be a businessman. You have to actually specialize in something. What are you most passionate about? That’s what you have to look at.”

  I’m passionate about women and having fun, James thought immediately. He looked at his glass of orange juice as if pretending to be giving it a lot of thought. Then he looked up, “I don’t know, dad. Do you think I’ll ever know?”

  “Of course you will. You’ll find your path. But you must be willing to work hard at it. To make it happen. I know you have that drive in you. I have always believed in you. Now, I hope you’re not going out and going crazy every night? I know you’re young, and I know you have money now – but you must also think about your future.”

  “I’m not. I mean, I am going out. Of course I am. I’m still young, like you say. But I’m not going crazy.” Again, more lies.

  “Good. And have you met anyone lately?”

  “No. I’ve just been hanging out with the boys.”

  “The boys! How are Elton, Marco, and Tom doing these days?” James had been friends with them for so long. They knew his father well and used to come over to the house often. Of course, they loved coming over to his house. James always had the best of everything, and his dad let him do whatever he wanted.

  “They’re good. Elton actually asked that waitress out that he’s been going on about for so long. Which reminds me, I need to call him tomorrow to find out how it went. But otherwise, they’re all good.”

  “You must bring them over for dinner next time. I’d love to see them.”

  “I will. They’d love to come over. They know that Martha still cooks better than anyone they know.”

  James sat with his father for the next half hour, just talking, and he felt a strange feeling of sadness come over him. His dad spoke mostly about his business, and James knew that it was because he had nothing else to really speak about. Since James had left the house, the only thing his father had done was work.

  James had asked him once if he would ever re-marry, but his father said no and promptly changed the subject. James didn’t remember his mother very well. He was only eight years old when she died. When he did think about her, he mostly thought of the photos he had looked at growing up.

  The one thing he knew for sure was that his father was completely in love with her. To the point where once she had died, he had sworn never to be with another woman ever again – and to this day he still felt the same way.

  James wished that his father would meet someone, but he knew that it would never happen. Instead, his company had become everything to him. He had more money than he even knew what to do with, and he paid his staff generously. He was well-respected and well-loved by everyone.

  James tried to come over for dinner at least once a week. Lately, it was starting to get more difficult. Simply put, it was because James felt guilty about the fact that his father was working so hard and he was partying so hard. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that it was because he was still young. His father would understand.

  Martha came in and smiled at them. She always took so much pleasure in seeing the two of them together. “Okay, you two, dinner is ready. I made your favorite, James.”

  “Really? You made lasagna?” James loved everything that Martha made but when it came to lasagna, she was the queen. James refused to eat anyone else’s but hers. He still wasn’t sure what she did to make it taste so good. She always joked and said she just added love, but he was sure it had something to do with the type of cheese she used. No matter what – it was amazing.

  “Of course I did. I know you’re not making that yourself at home. Tell me the truth, James – are you cooking for yourself?”

  He looked at her sheepishly. “Uh… sometimes. But mostly it’s quick food or takeout. I’m sorry, Martha – you know I’m a t
errible cook.”

  “No, that’s not true. You can’t call yourself a terrible cook if you don’t even try. Now, what if I give you an easy recipe to take home? Will you at least try it?” She had her hands on her hips to prove that she meant business.

  “I’ll try.”

  “Oh, you talk such nonsense, boy. I know you won’t. You’ll be happy to know that I made double the amount tonight so you can take this home and have enough food to eat for the next two nights.”

  James went over and hugged her. “Oh Martha. You’re the best.”

  She laughed, “Yes I am. And don’t you forget it.”

  “What’s the special ingredient, Martha?” he asked her, just as he always did.

  “Love!” she said and laughed.

  She started to walk off and James’s father stopped her, “Aren’t you going to join us?”

  “No. That’s okay. You two can have dinner together. I’ll eat in my room. Really, it’s fine. You two can catch up.”

  “Nonsense. Set up a place for yourself at the table and join us. And you know I won’t take no for an answer, so you might as well just do it.”

  James laughed as he watched the two of them. They had this same argument every time that he came over. Finally she sighed and went to fetch her plate. But James saw her smiling, so he knew that she wanted to join them. And when the three of them sat together, it was like they were a happy little family. Martha was the only mother he’d ever had. Afterwards, she handed him a bag filled with food and snacks and told him to come back again soon.

  “I will, Martha. I promise.”

  “And no more partying, okay? You’re a good boy, James. But I know that only your father and I can see that. The rest of the world sees you as a party boy who just wants to throw his money around. That part is true, too. But sometimes – let them see the part that we see, too. Okay?”

  Martha was the only person in the world who could put James in his place. He looked down at his feet and promised that he’d try harder. Then he kissed both Martha and his father goodbye and went home. He was feeling good when he got home, determined even to try to make something out of his life. But the moment he got walked in, he got a message from Tom saying Meet me for a drink? The local? And immediately he forgot his resolve and went out.

  Tom was sitting at the same table as the last time, and he already had a beer waiting for him.

  “Beer?” he asked, handing one to James.

  “Thanks man! Ah, this is just what I feel like. I just came back from my father’s place. Martha refuses to give me alcohol still. She gave me orange juice.”

  “Ah! Martha! I miss her. Did she make you something delicious? I don’t even know if I want to know. I grabbed a quick burger on the way here and it was awful.”


  Tom groaned, “Oh, I’d kill for some. She makes the best lasagna! I don’t know what the hell she does to her food, but everything she makes is perfect.”

  “I know. And of course I got some to take home.”

  “You have the best parents!”

  James laughed, “She’s not my mom!”

  “Uh… well duh! But she sort of is.”

  “My father wants you guys to all come for dinner next week.”

  “Oh, I’m in. I’m already drooling at the thought of that food. I wonder if she’ll give me some to take home, too.”

  “You know she will. Hey, so how was the other night? You know… at Betsy’s?”

  A dreamy look came across Tom’s face, and he suddenly looked far away. “Ah… it was good. I was hoping to see you when I came out, but you were gone. Where did you go?”

  “I’ll tell you after. Tell me what happened with you first. And Marco.”

  “Well, we got taken to a room where we could choose the girl we wanted. I’ve never done that before. It was incredibly intimidating. And all the girls were so beautiful. I’ve never seen girls like that before.

  I already knew which girl I wanted. I had spotted her when they were doing that dance. I’m not sure if you remember her. She was the girl that was much shorter than the others. She had short, pixie-like hair.”

  “Oh yeah – she was gorgeous,” James lied. He’d only had eyes for Lilah that night. Delightful Delilah, as he’d started calling her in his head. He’d been having trouble thinking about anything else.

  “Marco took a bit longer. You know him. He was super nervous, and he didn’t want to offend one girl by choosing another. But he finally chose some tall, exotic-looking woman. She was much taller than him, but he obviously loved that. Then we were each taken to separate rooms where we spent the best half hour of our lives.”

  “Did you have sex with her?” James was curious suddenly. He had no idea how it all worked. He’d just been given a bill and had paid without knowing what he was paying for.

  “No, but we did a lot of other things!”


  “Listen, that’s why I wanted to see you tonight. I just wanted to say thanks. I know that night must have cost you a small fortune. And yes, I know you have money, but still – it was nice of you. So… beer’s on me. I can’t afford much else, but thanks. It was good to at least pretend that I was rich for a night.”

  James grinned and lifted up his beer. “No problem at all. And thanks for the beer. Appreciate it.”

  “So, what happened to you that night?”

  “Well, I also chose a girl. Had a bit of fun and went home. I didn’t see you guys, so I assumed you were either still busy or you’d gone home.” James wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to tell him that he’d taken Lilah home. And suddenly he wanted to change the subject. “So… any news on Elton?”

  “No, I haven’t actually heard from him. I’m assuming the night went well. Hey, there’s the waitress. Should we ask her?”

  “Nah, let’s ask Barman Bob instead. Elton will freak if he knows we spoke to her.” They called over Barman Bob who said that, as far as he knew, things had gone very well. The waitress, Ashley, hadn’t actually said anything but had blushed like crazy when he had mentioned it. They ordered another round of beers and cheered for their friend, who was finally taking control of his life.

  “It’s about time!” James said.

  Two beers later, James got up. “I think I’m going to head home. It must be the lasagna mixed with the beer, but all I want is my bed. Thanks for the beer. I’ll call Elton tomorrow, and maybe we can all meet up at my place later this week again.”

  “For a western?” Tom teased.

  James groaned. “Anything but that. Although I might tell Marco that just to get him over.”

  James walked home, feeling slightly unstable on his feet despite only having had three beers. He wasn’t usually such a lightweight. He turned the key, only to find that his door was already unlocked. Did I forget to lock it when I went out? he wondered.

  That was unusual for him. It wasn’t that he lived in an unsafe neighborhood, but he had far too many valuables inside to ever leave the door unlocked. He walked tentatively inside and noticed that the light in his living room was on.

  “Hello? Anyone there?” he called out.

  He stopped short when he saw his ex-girlfriend sitting on the couch.

  “Tammy! What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. You’ve clearly been out having a good time. And who shouts ‘anyone there?’ – what if I was a burglar or something?”

  “Well, you’re not, so it doesn’t matter. And I just met up with Tom for a few drinks. And before that I went for dinner at my father’s. So, not exactly out partying if that’s what you are implying. Not that it should matter to you, anyway.”

  “I’m not implying anything. We broke up, so you have the right to do whatever you want. It’s your life.” She was crossing and uncrossing her legs and giving James a great view the whole time. Then he realized that was probably her intention, so he stopped looking.

  “So, why are you here, Tammy? And how can you ju
st let yourself in like that?”

  “What? Are you afraid that I’ll walk in on you having sex with another girl? Is that it?”

  James looked at her and wondered what he had ever seen in her. Tammy had caught his eye the first time at a club. She’d been dancing seductively to the music and had locked eyes with him the moment he had walked in. She’d been wearing a dress that was so short he had actually wondered if she’d just put on a top.

  He’d danced with her and taken her to a booth, where his fingers had easily found their way between her legs. She’d had a beautiful body and she’d been eager to please him. But, as it turned out, she didn’t have much going for her in the brains department.

  And after two weeks with her, even the great sex couldn’t keep him interested. He’d broken up with her only a week ago, and he’d been trying to get his key back ever since.

  “No, Tammy. I’m not afraid of that. I just want my key back. We’re not a couple anymore, so you really shouldn’t have it.”

  “Why are you so nasty, James? You just used and abused me. And now you don’t even want me to visit.”

  “Seriously? Tammy, you just let yourself into my house. Who does that?”

  “Well you did give me a key!”

  James knew she was right. He’d given her a key after only a week of being with her, and he had regretted it ever since.

  “Fine. I gave you a key. So… are you here to give it back to me?”

  “I’m here to give it back to you. Because you’re an idiot, James. An idiot! I don’t know what I ever saw in you. I came to say goodbye, and I came to take all the things that belonged to me.”

  James noticed the bag next to her and wondered what was inside. He’d seen some of her things lying around, which meant that she had gone through his entire house looking for things.

  He wondered if he should demand to see what was inside. After all, there was a chance she might have also decided to steal something of his. He had a lot of very expensive things that could make her a lot of money. But he knew that it would only cause a scene, and he wasn’t quite sure if she was even smart enough to think that far ahead.

  “Fine. So… did you get everything?”


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