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Gateway to HeVan

Page 12

by Lucy Kelly

  The warrior in the lead rushed ahead to clear the corridor as they knew of the emergencies and the area surrounding medical was very crowded.

  As Addie was being carried to medical, Catherine and Rapha were working feverishly to save the life of Makor. He’d suddenly gone into cardiac arrest. Also, BianCa’s heart had decided to give up; it wasn’t healing. Delpha and Zephyr hoped they could keep her alive long enough for the heart they were growing to be ready for transplant. They needed another four days and were worried they wouldn’t make it.

  Maggie and Natalie were still holding hands, whispering to each other when they heard a noise coming from the corridor. The warriors who filled the space began to move back, pressing into the walls. Many were forming a line and streaming out of the room to the left. Natalie was wondering why none were leaving the room and going right, when she saw a bright glow.

  She recognized the warrior who ran in as one of Addie’s door guards. Next, she saw Kylan and then Rune carrying Addie through.

  Arjun stepped forward and halted. “Addie! Is it the babies? We shouldn’t have made love to you so vigorously.”

  Rune started to go through the doorway to get to the delivery room which was always prepared when Addie spoke again.

  “Take me to Makor’s surgery room! I’m fine, I promise you. But something is wrong with Makor; he’ll die if you don’t get me to medical right away,” she said.

  Arjun was about to argue when he saw she was glowing and letting off golden sparks. He turned and led the way down the hall. When they got to the surgery, Arjun stepped to the side. Addie motioned Rune to set her down. Rapha and Catherine didn’t pay attention to what was happening at the doorway; they were losing their patient and trying desperately to keep him alive.

  Addie took a step forward. She closed her eyes and stretched her hands out to the side. The aura around her became so bright that Rune, Arjun, Rapha, and Catherine had to step back and shield their eyes. A light burst from her chest in a wave of gold and washed over Makor, surrounding him. He rose from the table, wrapped in the golden light, his body turning around in the air. The body turned a total of three times and then floated back down to the table. The golden waves flowed back into Addie’s body. She put down her arms and turned back to her mates.

  “Take me to BianCa now,” said Addie in a soft voice.

  Rune stepped forward and picked her up again. Once again, Arjun led the way. He was in awe of his mate. What she was doing now was amazing. He’d never heard of any previous Nam-Nin having the amount of power Addie held.

  It didn’t take long to reach the other surgery. This time, Rune didn’t wait for Addie to tell him to put her down. Once again, Addie began to glow. She repeated her actions of before and the glow became so bright the medicals had to step back and cover their eyes. BianCa also rose in the air and was enveloped in the golden glow flowing from Addie’s chest. Like before, the body turned in the light three times before slowly settling down once again. The light waves flowed back into Addie’s body. She lowered her arms and opened her eyes.

  “Okay, I’m very tired now, take me—” she passed out before she could finish her sentence.

  After the medical assured them she was only asleep, Rune caught her to his chest and the three of them left to get her back to her quarters so she could rest. They would stay awake for the remainder of the night and monitor her.

  Catherine and Rapha uncovered their eyes as the light faded and quickly turned to their patient. Resting in the tray filled with about six inches of thick blue healing gel, was Makor. All of his burns were healed; his skin held no scars or wounds. Addie and her Ankida had left the room. Both took up instruments and began to scan his vital signs when he opened his eyes.

  “Ejecting fuel―life support is low―fire, fire!” shouted Makor, sitting up.

  “Easy, you’re fine. Everything is going to be fine,” said Rapha, laughing with pure joy. He wasn’t going to have to tell Maggie her mate was dead.

  Makor looked down at his body in shock; he was completely healed. “Did you keep me unconscious until I was healed? Am I going to need much therapy to strengthen my muscles?” he asked.

  Rapha couldn’t help the grin on his face. Looking at his mate, he could see Catherine was smiling through her tears. She was as amazed and thrilled as he was. She went to the wall and pressed a panel; it opened. She reached in and removed a set of surgical scrubs.

  “You were injured a little over a month ago,” Rapha started to say.

  “A month―how can this be possible?” he asked as Catherine handed him the scrubs.

  As much as he wished to continue staring and touching his newly healed skin from the charred blackened mess he had seen in his cockpit before he lost consciousness, he also knew Rapha wouldn’t appreciate him remaining naked in front of his mate.

  Once again, he was surprised when he was able to jump down from the table with ease. He hadn’t used any of his muscles for a month and yet it felt as if he were in top shape.

  “You may want to wash off the gel before dressing,” said Catherine.

  Rapha showed Makor where he could cleanse himself. There was an alcove where the doctors washed before surgery. Makor used it but he kept Rapha in sight; he had questions.

  “How?” it was the one and only question he needed answered as Catherine slipped from the room.

  Rapha grinned again and then he explained how the Nam-Nin had saved his life.


  Down the hall in the other surgery, BianCa woke. The last thing she remembered was jumping in front of Natalie before her husband could blast her.

  “There’s a bomb!” she shouted, sitting up in the bed.

  “Relax, it was taken care of. Right now, we’re more concerned about you. How do you feel?” asked Zephyr.

  It was at this point when BianCa realized she was naked in front of two men. She bent her knees and wrapped her arms around them.

  “Why am I in this room with no clothes on?” she wanted to know.

  She was nervous and confused. What did they want with her? What were they going to do?

  “You took a shot of some type of projectile to the chest. Your heart was severely damaged,” explained Delpha.

  As Zephyr went to a wall panel, he took out a sheet and some surgical scrubs. He put the scrubs on the table and then opened the sheet, handing a corner to Delpha as he continued to explain.

  BianCa scrambled into the scrubs as she tried to understand what they were saying. Then she remembered the pain. After she had put on the pants, she ran her hands over her chest and between her breasts. There wasn’t even a scar.

  “How is this possible?” she asked.

  “It was the Nam-Nin; she healed you,” Delpha said in a quiet voice filled with awe.

  “There was a voice, talking to me. I remember hearing stories. Whose were they?” she asked as she put on the top.

  “Commander Thors was placed in your room as your personal guard, as a precaution. Are you finished dressing?” asked Zephyr.

  “Oh, yes. You can lower the sheet now,” she said, hopping down from the table. “Where is he now?” she asked as they lowered the sheet.

  “Probably in the waiting room,” said Delpha.

  “Show me,” she said, and they left the room.

  It didn’t even bother her that she wasn’t wearing any shoes or undergarments. She rushed behind them and turning a corner, saw another patient coming from the other end of the corridor. He was much larger than she and closer to the doorway of the waiting room. As she approached, she heard the commotion his appearance created. People were shouting; someone was crying; someone was laughing.

  She was only a few steps away now. Standing in the entrance, with his back to her, was the tallest man she had ever seen. Long dark hair ran down his back in a complicated braid or woven pattern. She could see a gold earring in his ear. Along with everyone else, he was clapping and cheering. When she quietly stepped behind him, she saw the other patient h
olding one of the women to his chest as he kissed her deeply.

  “I need you now, please. Let’s go home; I need you.” BianCa heard the woman say. It was then she recognized her. This was the woman whose husband had been burned so badly when his fighter jet was coming through the Gate. BianCa was amazed and realized Addie must have healed him, too.

  “Excuse me―are you Commander Thors?” she asked.

  Even with all the noise, he heard the voice. A voice he’d been longing to hear for days. Turning swiftly around, he was so happy to see her standing instead of lying so still in her bed, that he picked her up and swung her around.

  She put her arms around his neck as he crushed her to his chest. Putting her legs around his waist, she hiked herself up and laid her mouth on his. After listening to his voice for days on end, she knew this man. One of the things she knew is that he wanted her. No one had ever wanted her before. She was going to take this for herself before her brother or anyone else told her she was duty-bound to do something else.

  Neither of them heard the cheering going on around them, they were so engrossed with each other.


  Hakor led the way through the corridor filled with cheering warriors. Makor followed, carrying Maggie in his arms. Maggie was too busy kissing every spot on Makor’s body she could reach. In her heart, she knew he would live. But in her head, understanding the seriousness of his injuries, she had believed he would die. So her heart and her head battled constantly. Now she had him in her arms she could feel his heart beating. The clothing he wore was in her way so she tried to take it off him, even though they hadn’t reached their quarters yet.

  Hakor opened the door to their quarters and then closed it again when Makor and Maggie came through. Makor made his way to the bedroom and gently put Maggie down on the bed. Not wanting to let go, she grabbed the back of his shirt. He bent over, allowing her to pull it off him as he shucked his pants. Maggie pulled her dress over her head. In their hurry of getting to the medical bay when the alarm sounded, she hadn’t put on a bra or underpants. Makor feasted his eyes on her.

  He stood at the end of the bed, proudly naked, his cock jutting out in front of him. Maggie reached out with her hands and took hold of his hips as she took him deep in her mouth. It wasn’t enough. As good as it felt, she needed his heat, his touch. She needed him surrounding her and inside her. Pulling back, she turned and crawled to the middle of the bed on all fours. Turning over onto her back, she spread her legs and spoke, “Hurry, cover me, fill me. I need you.”

  Makor heard the tears in her voice and needed no more urging. He could easily see by her glistening fold she was ready for him. She was offering herself to him.

  He came up over her and fitting himself, slowly entered her. He wanted to go slowly; he wanted to prolong the feel of her wrapped around him, pulling him in.

  Maggie lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his hips. Makor rested his weight on one hand while he used the other to touch every part of her he could reach. Her body had changed since he last touched her. Her breasts had grown larger and the areoles around her nipples felt different to the touch. Next, he ran his hand over the swell of their unborn children. She had also grown here in the month he’d been in the tank. He continued slowly moving in and out of her body as he rediscovered her body.

  Hakor had also removed his clothing. He didn’t join his brother and his mate on the bed. Ever since the two of them had been bonded so they could be matched to the same mate, they also had a deeper connection to each other. He was getting more enjoyment watching his brother and his mate reconnect than he would have if he joined in at this time.

  “Makor, please, I need more,” Maggie moaned.

  He heard her pleas and raised himself up to where he could get greater purchase. Taking hold of her hips, he began moving faster. The room was filled with the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Hakor was so enthralled with what he was seeing―he began fisting his own cock in a rhythm to his brother’s thrusts.

  Makor could tell Maggie was close. He was close, too, but he wanted them to go over together. He reached down and found her clit. He began pulling and pinching her clit with his fingers. Maggie cried out his name as her orgasm rolled over her. Makor followed as her orgasm triggered his own, her inner muscles milking him of his seed.

  In the chair, watching them, Hakor groaned out his own release. He saw Makor ease Maggie down on her side, then came down on his own side, facing her. Maggie traced her fingers over his face. He leaned over and kissed her lightly as Hakor got into bed on the other side of her and molded himself to her back.


  BianCa was being carried in Thors’s arms down the corridor as she pointed out the way to her quarters.

  “I’m so glad you’re real. I thought I was dreaming you. All those stories you told me. You made me believe I was important to you. I’ve never really been important to anyone before. You care about me—for me and not because of who I am. I remember you telling me that, too. I know I’m babbling but I’ve been quiet for so long and I have a lot of things to tell you.”

  By this time, they had reached her quarters. She passed her hand over the scanner and opened the door. BianCa didn’t even have a second thought. She knew she should have died and didn’t want to die without experiencing joining with someone who was her choice.

  “We will talk. Right now, I need to celebrate the fact that you are healed,” he said.

  “The best way to celebrate a healed body is to use it in a very pleasurable way,” she answered, in full agreement with his plan.

  They undressed each other slowly, each taking pleasure as more and more skin was revealed.

  “You’re so tall and strong,” said BianCa as she ran her hands over his bare shoulders.

  “We’ll start out this way,” he said, laying down on the bed and urging her to straddle him.

  “How does this work? I’ve never had sex this way before.”

  “I’ll show you. We won’t be having sex; we’re going to be making love,” he said, and she nodded her head.

  Putting his hand between her legs, he tested her readiness. Feeling how wet she was, he guided her down onto his cock. After helping her rise and fall a few times with his hands on her hips, she got the idea and started to move on her own. Allowing her a chance to explore the sensations on her own, he stopped trying to guide her and instead let his hands roam over her perfect breasts.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured to her.

  He wasn’t sure she heard him; she was involved with what she was feeling as she moved up and down on his shaft. Rising up until he was just at her entrance and then making small movements that drove him crazy before sinking deep again. Then she would rock her pelvis, using her muscles to squeeze him before rising up and repeating her actions.

  He wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this teasing so he reached between her legs once again to find the hidden nubbin’ of pleasure within her folds. He began stroking lightly and then increased the pressure. Suddenly he realized moving slowly wasn’t doing it for her. She threw back her head, arching her back and thrusting her breasts forward as she moved faster and faster.

  Thors kept up with her, never letting his fingers move away from her clit.

  “Thors―what’s happening? I feel so close to something―” she shouted even as she moaned.

  Realizing she’d never experienced an orgasm increased his need to give her one. He began lifting his hips on each downward movement of hers, increasing the force of their joining and pushing deeper within her. He could feel the tension increase as she came right to the edge and then toppled over into oblivion. Shouting out his name, she slumped over him.

  He gloried in her pleasure, but he hadn’t followed her. Now he rolled them over. Curling his upper body, he wrapped his arms underneath her thighs and hooked his hands over the backs of her shoulders. She was spread open. Her hands were free but she could not break out of his hold. She didn’t want to.

  His hips began moving in and out, faster and faster. Slamming hard and going so deep, he touched her womb. She lifted her hands to his shoulders as he pounded into her. His hands kept her in place as he increased his pace.

  “Open your eyes. I want to see your eyes as I spill my seed into your warm, welcoming body,” he grunted out. He was shocked he could still speak coherently.

  Her eyelids felt like lead but to please him, she opened them, looking directly into his, even as she felt herself nearing another peak.

  “Again, come again, now!” he shouted as he slammed home and stayed there.

  It was too much, she followed him over. Her spasms gripped him, holding him inside her as her body shook with the power of her orgasm.

  As he moved to the side so as not to crush her, she moved with him. She didn’t want him to leave her body; she wanted to stay connected to him. Understanding what she wanted, because he was in no hurry to leave her either, he pulled her leg over his hip and once again rolled onto his back.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as their breathing slowed to normal. Within moments, they were both asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was the middle of the night and once again, Natalie was awake. Her menstrual cramps were very severe again. She went to the bathroom to change her tampon and pad because she was up, anyway. Her bleeding was so heavy she needed to change every three to four hours, even using both.

  After dealing with that, she went to the sink to wash her hands. Looking in the mirror, she was not surprised at how pale she’d gotten. Dark circles stood out beneath her eyes.

  I guess this is what happens when you stop taking birth control and have your first period in nearly six months, she thought.

  She was standing at the sink when a really severe cramp hit and she cried out, falling to the floor. Peet and Reeko rushed into the room to find her on the floor.

  There was already blood staining the long T-shirt she was wearing.

  “Reeko, call the medical bay. I don’t care how normal this is supposed to be for Earth females; I want Lady Catherine to scan her for an illness,” said Peet.


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