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Like a Fox, Ridgeville Book 7

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  He was hers.

  They were both panting, trying to catch their breath after their fierce lovemaking. She slumped against him, letting her new magnificent mate take her weight. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her even closer, and released a moan-tinged sigh.

  “Mine.” He nuzzled her neck, and she did the same.

  “No, mine.” She smiled against his sweat-dampened skin.

  They lay there together, and she was content to remain in his arms, bodies still connected. Then the A/C kicked on.

  She shivered, groaning as the first puff of chilly air ghosted over her moist skin. “Mmm… Cold.” She buried her face even deeper.

  “Cold. Sweaty. Bloody.”

  She nodded.

  “We could fix that with a shower.”

  She shook her head. “Nuh-uh. Get clean, then dirty. Then clean. It’ll be a vicious cycle. I don’t think we’ll leave the apartment ever again.”

  “We’ll have to order in food, take breaks between sex and showers.” She heard the smile in his voice, and he nipped her neck. “Maybe another bite over here so everyone knows you’re mine.”

  “Mmm…” She sighed; that idea had merit. She wiggled her ass, moaning when his cock twitched within her pussy.

  Gavin answered with a groan and flex of his hips, his dick swelling once again. “Maybe shower later?”

  “Uh-huh.” She pushed back with his next gentle thrust, relishing the feel of him hardening.

  Sweat coated them, blood was smeared on their mouths from the claiming, and cum filled her pussy; but she didn’t care. She had her mate. And she was about to have him again.

  Then the heavy thud of a fist hitting the apartment door stilled them mid-thrust.

  She sighed. Or maybe not.

  Growling, Gavin flipped them, rolled her beneath him and pinned her to the bed with his body. “Stay here. I’m going to kill them, and then I’ll be right back.”

  Another roll and he rose from the bed, scooping up his jeans as he padded toward the bedroom door.

  Damn, the man looked as good going as he did coming. Yum. She’d take time to nibble his bubble butt when he returned.

  The click of the front door’s knob being turned reached her and the soft sound was immediately followed by screeching. Lots and lots of screeching. With a sigh, she rose from the bed, intent on saving her mate from the females of the pride.


  The Ridgeville women were ruining his post-mating buzz. Destroying it, actually.

  The moment the door opened to reveal the gathered group of lionesses, rabbit, squirrel, and fox, they’d started in on him.

  “Elise said you’re going to Chicago. Chicago is evil. You can’t take Gina anywhere!” Well, Maya was pretty blunt.

  “Over my dead furball butt!” From what his sister had told him, Carly was always a bit overdramatic.

  “Look at all those muscles. Elise, you never said he was hiding all that yummy.” He rolled his eyes at Maddy’s words. The woman had broken out of her shell and then stomped on the thing.

  “Dude. That’s gross.” His sister wrinkled her nose.

  “Will somebody tell me why we’re yelling?” The little squirrel, Elly, sure could scream. But, she got ’em quiet. Thank God.

  The scent of his mate reached him before her delicate hand slid around his waist. She pressed her body against his, slinking beneath his arm so it was draped over her shoulders, the smooth fabric of one of his shirts sliding against his palm.

  Only problem was that her appearance started them all again.

  “You can’t leave! It’s an evil place, I tell ya. Evil. Ricker tried to do that with Maddy and she bit him.” Maya snapped her teeth. “Well, I think she did. If she didn’t, she should have!”

  “It’s the foxiness, isn’t it? It’s just like a fox to be all…foxy.” Now Carly clicked her little rabbit teeth at him.

  “Hey, Gina, how’s the lickin’?” Maddy’s comment had his mate hissing and then it was quiet.

  Utterly silent.

  “Madison?” Gina spoke through her teeth and his cock twitched in his jeans, perking up at his mate’s anger. He couldn’t help it. He was twisted that way.


  “Zip it.” His mate snapped the words then took a deep breath. A soft shudder went through her, a slight flex of her muscles, and then she calmed. “Now, what’s the number one reason y’all don’t want me to leave?” They all opened their mouths, and Gina held up a finger. “A real reason, not just a ‘because I said so’.”

  Four mouths snapped shut and then Maya spoke. “Because I’m the Queen of Booblandia?”

  Gina growled. Really. His cock went hard. Right there. Six to midnight in an instant.

  “No, you used to be, but the twins aren’t nursing anymore. They’re coming up on two. Try again.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Fine.” Maya glared at him and then turned her attention to Gina. “Because, I might, you know… Maybe. Could be.” The lioness looked at the sky. “Did you know there’s a chance of sun showers? And what’s with the weathermen being wrong all the time? And is it weatherwoman or weatherlady?” Gavin should have remembered that Maya tended to babble about nothing before she got to the point. “And, hey,” the next words were whispered. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Aw, you know she’s a bitch when she’s sad. You can’t do that to us.”


  “Not enough ice cream in the world to fix it.”

  The women all spoke on top of each other, and he had a hard time figuring out who said what. But, the bottom line was: the Prima would be upset.

  Gina turned her attention to him, a hint of tears shining in her eyes and his heart melted. Their move would tear her from her home, from her friends and family. He could see the unasked question, recognized her silent begging, and he relented, willing to do anything to keep her happy. Even invite half the town to come to Chicago to visit.

  “Okay, no more than four of you at a time, and the twins count as two regardless of whether the airlines charge you for their seats or not. Honestly, I should count them as three since they destroy damn near everything.”

  Maya glared at him for a moment, but he stood fast. His fox couldn’t stand against a lion when shifted, but human-shaped Gavin could take the tiny female. Maybe.

  Finally, Maya nodded and stepped forward to brush a kiss across his cheek. His mate hissed and snapped at the woman, and then the ladies were gone. All of them tromping back the way they’d come.

  “Did you see that? It’s just like a fox. He hypnotized her with all that foxiness.”

  “Carly, do you even know what you’re talking about?” He could hear the frustration in his sister’s voice.

  There was a slight pause, “Not really, no.”

  Unwilling to listen to any more of the women’s banter, he pushed the door closed and leaned against it while staring at his mate. His gorgeous, beautiful, too-good-for-him mate.

  “C’mere.” He opened his arms and she stepped forward, falling into his embrace. “I suppose you’re gonna miss them.”


  “And we’ll end up with more than four at a time?”

  She nodded, a grin playing on those freshly-kissed lips. “Probably.”

  Gavin growled and nipped her nose. “Fine. But right now, I’m gonna drag you back into that room. We can deal with the rest tomorrow.”

  He slipped past her, snagging her hand as he brushed by her seductively lush body, and tugged her toward the bedroom. More importantly, the bed.

  Gina pulled her hand from his grip. He heard two heavy stomps, and then she was on his back, thighs wrapped around his waist and hands clutching his shoulders. She nibbled his earlobe and whispered to him, heated breath fanning his ear. “You gonna be all foxy? Like a fox with the foxiness?”

  The happiness and pure joy were evident in her words, and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life mated to her. “Yeah,
baby. Just like that.”

  Forever and ever, like that.

  The End

  About Celia Kyle

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fallback, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her online at:

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