The Dragon's Den

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The Dragon's Den Page 2

by Katy Katz

  It was everything she had missed in bed, with desire, and a familiarity of trust. At least enough trust that no one was getting hurt as long as they were fucking.

  Haley pressed her body against Isabela's. Haley kept her fingers pulling in and out of Isabela, and added her thumb to massage her hard wet clit as she moved up to kiss her erstwhile lover. Isabela tasted herself on Haley's lips. She loved the taste of fresh sex, but it had been years since she tasted herself on Haley's lips.

  Haley was drenched in hard won sweat. Their bodies were slick with it and sex.

  Haley kissed Isabela with more passion than she thought she had left in her life. She kissed the Rivaini deeply, as if she was trying to drink of her soul…if she had one. Haley managed to convey emotion in the kiss even after all the fucking. Haley kissed her with whatever love she had left in her.

  Haley's thumb continued to run across Isabela's clit sending little electrical shots of pleasure through her body; Isabela had been building to this for hours. She grabbed hold of Haley shoulders pressing her body up against Haley's. The sweat was so hot and slick her body felt vague, which made it all the more fun. Vague or not she was there, fucking her, kissing her, touching her in the most intimate way anyone could.

  Of all things, a kiss was the last thing she would have thought that was going to send her over the edge.

  This was exactly the type of orgasm Isabela never had. The kind where you just had to let go and trust the other person. She was going to get off either way…the rumbling in her throat gave way to a shriek that caught her a bit by surprise. She knew she was close, she just hadn't thought it was going to be right now.

  She didn't care anymore. Isabela let go and let Haley have her. She could have whatever she wanted. Isabela screamed in pleasure as she let herself go practically laughing that this is what it took. Three years of crap sex and a spurned lover later she was having starting the hardest orgasm she could remember. It had been a while since she was this…Maker, Haley bit at her neck fucking her harder with her fingers. By all rights it should have hurt by now but it didn't.

  Isabela's body was jerking of it's own accord and Haley clung on to her neck with her lips. Sweat was running down her face, and her arm ached from the angle she was at, but Isabela felt incredible and she wasn't going to break the rhythm at any cost. Isabela was a bit more buxom and soft compared to Haley's body make of hard muscle and tension. She had missed the way her body felt against her own.

  Isabela's world went black for a moment and she choked on the breath she had just taken in. Isabela often gave voice to her orgasm, but this shriek just slipped out. It sounded different, felt different. Her ears were ringing and she clamped down on Haley's fingers. Isabela's world went from black to covered in white static as she came. Her body was so taunt, and then it just started bucking, just reacting to what she felt.

  Haley felt her coming, but this time it seemed different than most. It was intense, but it was always intense. Haley looked up at her normally snarky Isabela she had known over the years and it almost looked like it was replaced with a trusting lover. The orgasm felt amazing. And she was seeing sheets of color when she came. She didn't feel that connected to her body, but she felt connected to Haley, and that was all that mattered.

  In that moment she let Haley take her body mind a soul. She handed over the keys to the house and Haley took them.

  Isabela rode wave after wave of orgasm and realized that loud noise was still her screaming. Tears slipped out of her eyes and she grabbed Haley holding on to her. Haley felt everything shift and stopped. She reached around Isabela and pulled her tight.

  "I missed you, Bela." Was all she managed to say as she held her. Her pirate queen rode through the aftershocks of her orgasm. Haley simply held her tight. The sweat was still hot, but it was starting to cool when Isabela rode through the last wave of pleasure.

  She wanted to say something to Haley. What would she say? Hi? It's been along time? I missed you fucking my brains out? Would you like to kiss me now?

  Haley said nothing else; she wrapped the pirate up around her body and carried her back over to the bed. Isabela could have put down her feet and walked, but she tightened her legs hold around Haley's waist. Haley pushed her down roughly on the bed. She kissed her slowly, deeply, and deliberately. She pushed the pirate's body to her the slightest bit closer.

  Then something changed. Haley froze for a moment, and pushed herself off Isabela.

  Tired Haley flopped over on her side of the bed. Isabela remembered she always favored the right side of the bed. What an odd thing to remember. The pirate wished she hadn't gone so far away.

  She sidled up next to Haley. Haley pushed a hard breath out.

  "Maybe we should let this go." Haley said it. The words hung in the air. Isabela was confused.

  "Are you kidding? That was the best fuck in a decade." Isabel was incredulous.

  "That's the problem." Haley said wiping the sweat away from her eyes. Haley ran her fingers through her short cropped messy hair. "It wasn't just a fuck."


  "Wait. No one walks away from sex that like that." Isabela was having a hard time reacting to competing emotions. "Well most people don't walk for a bit after sex like that." She said half joking. What was Haley on about? That was the best all around romp she could remember.

  "Maybe they should." Was Haley getting up and getting dressed? Really?

  "Haley." Isabela started softly. She'd loved the way everything was going until now. "I can't let you leave that horny. Imagine what people would say." She purred in Haley's ear.

  "No one I know cares what people say, you least of all." Haley looked at her for the first time without the lust. There had been a whole lot of hunger covering a whole lot of hurt. Isabela saw it in her eyes before she turned away. The glance was fleeting, but there was much more pain than Isabela would have imagined. For some unselfish reason, she felt bad, and just wanted to hold Haley and tell her it would all be okay.

  But Isabela chastised herself. She knew she was a shit. She knew she was bad for Haley and always had been.

  She just loved the way Haley made her feel when they were together. She made her feel like more than a back alley fuck. Haley had never showed any sign of shame or pride when they had been together in Kirkwall. It could have been a friend mentioning it in passing or someone yelling crap from the street. She had just been with Isabela. Isabela had been neither her trophy nor albatross. She showed her genuine affection in bed, and out in public, at least in her own way. Haley was more private, but she never treated Isabela as anything other than a woman she was happy to be with…and Isabela had run away from Haley without even a goodbye.

  While Isabela had gotten lost in thought, Haley had gotten dressed. Isabela grabbed clothes and fumbled with putting them on, "Wait." She said to Haley as Haley fastened on her sheathed sword.

  Haley didn't turn around. She had built up momentum getting ready and she wasn't going to let anything slow her down.

  Isabela put herself between Haley and the door. Haley wouldn't go through her, but she started to go around her. The Rivaini placed her back up against the door. "Haley, wait, here me out."

  "There isn't alot to talk about, Isabela. You've seen me at my worst. You just saw me at my worst last night."

  "I know. I know I've been a shit. Okay, I've been worse than a shit. I know, I left you alone for the last few years, but I came back. I came back because I missed you." Haley's eyes had glazed over, she wasn't really listening to her. She was waiting for her to clear the door.

  "If what we just had were feelings, I'm okay with it. I'm not accustomed to feelings being fun." Isabela felt her throat synch shut in a painful ache. Tears were welling in her eyes, threatening to spill. Maker, what was wrong with her?

  Haley's gaze snapped to Isabela's eyes. Haley's watery blue eyes were now like ice, and could cut just as deep. Cold eyes locked on to Isabela's. Underneath the ice was bitter hurt. Hurt Isabela had caused.r />
  "Haley we've had great times together. We could have great times again." Haley was damned sexy. Anger just complicated it and made her sexy in a different way.

  "I think that ship has sailed, Isabela. When you left…I didn't know it would hurt so much. I know there was nothing we had that was more than…"

  Isabela couldn't let her keep talking. Haley was talking herself right out of the room and Isabela's life. Haley hadn't completely closed herself off yet. She could still get her to listen to reason or listen to her body.

  Isabela rushed to Haley and kissed the slightly taller woman. Haley reacted instinctively kissing her back as she had 1,000 times before. While Haley was distracted she needed to keep her distracted. There had always been a small gap in the armor where she could push her small hand passed it and reach in and stroke Haley. It wasn't comfortable, but the bit of pain that came with it made it a tab bit more interesting.

  Haley had been fucking Isabela for hours and her body betrayed her excitement at Isabela's touch. She swallowed whatever sound started to come out of her body.

  Haley had wanted a clean exit. She didn't think she could go through this again.

  Isabela only got a few simple strokes in before Haley's body started to react. She was definitely in need of attention. Haley grabbed Isabela wrist and composed herself. "I should be going. I don't need a pity fuck."

  "Is that what you think this is, because that is simply not something I have ever done. And even if I ever had in my life, it wouldn't have been with you." Isabela was close to her. Too close. She could feel her breath on her, and it was almost enough for her to give in right then. "I'll stay with you no matter what, if you ask." Isabela breathed.

  "I shouldn't have to ask."

  Isabela swallowed hard, and thought about what she was saying. "Then I'll stay with you no matter what." She was searching Haley's face for forgiveness.

  Haley would eventually give in to lust. She had been Haley's lover for too long. The woman was near her breaking point when it came to sex no matter how pissed off she was. There was always a chance she could win Haley back in bed.

  "I'll think on it." Haley managed growl as she pushed Isabela out of the way and toward the main staircase at the Hanged Man. Isabela gave chase and was surprised at how easily Haley had let her catch up. Then she saw why.

  It was a motley group of hodgepodge at one of the larger tables. Merrill was smiling and waving vigorously to her. Next to her was Aveline, who looked anything but pleased, Fenris had never looked pleased, and Anders was next to him. Who thought up the seating arrangement of death. Varric, good humored as always raised a mug, "Champion." He nodded.

  "It's so great to see you back. To see you both back together, if you are together. Are you together? I've missed you so much Isabela…and your stories. Well, I've missed your stories too, but not as much as I've missed you, of course. I'm going on and on aren't I."

  "Haley?" Isabela asked.

  "We'll finish talking about this later." Haley said under her breath.

  Varric brought over two fresh drinks and put them down on the table. Haley sat next Aveline, and Isabela followed suit and sat next to Haley. Without thinking she put her hand high up on Haley's thigh, as she had often done when they drinking at the Hanged Man.

  Haley either hadn't noticed or hadn't cared. It felt good to be touching Haley.

  In truth, Haley had noticed when the Rivani had slipped her hand on Haley's thigh, but she had missed Isabela terribly. Isabela touching her felt familiar, comfortable, and gave her a false sense of stability.

  Haley was pretty sure they were over. Sure Isabela was a great fuck, but there were plenty of those to be found in Kirkwall.

  She had almost instantly removed the offending hand from her thigh, but what harm could a little contact do? It did feel nice to be next to Isabela, again. She was almost lulled by the touch for a moment. She had forgotten how much she loved the subtle smell of fresh flowers Isabela often wore on her skin. It was intoxicating. Without thinking Haley slipped her hand into the small of Isabela's back. Stroking her back, comforting her, as she had always done after a hard day's…well anything: killing, fighting, searching, whatever.

  Isabela decided to press her luck and move slightly north to the top of Haley's thigh. Her hand was definitely retractable, but she wanted to see what Haley would do.

  "So are the two of you back together?" Merrill intoned. "I was just wondering, I know it's been years, but it seems like Haley has been waiting for something for a longtime. I don't know what it was exactly, but now that your back I wondered if it were you."

  "No." Haley said, but she didn't remove Isabela's hand from her leg. It gave Isabela a desperate last hope.

  Chapter 3

  "Isabela, what is wrong with you? You'll have to cut down on your extra curricular activities if you can't keep up." Haley said laughing at Isabela's trip over a small stone. "I don't know what you've been doing…sorry…who you've been doing since you've been back in Kirkwall, but it must be good to have you this distracted."

  Dammit, Haley was the distraction, didn't she realize that? Of course she realized that. Isabela wasn't the only one who could be a bitch. The light-hearted jab at her was not making things easier.

  It always amazed her that the whole of Thedas wouldn't open up and swallow her when she needed it to… It seemed willing to do it at other random times.

  "Jealous?" Isabel had nothing. It wasn't even a good bluff.

  "Nope." Haley retorted without looking back.

  Merrill looked confused amongst the friendly fire. "I don't understand. If you both care for each other then why aren't you two together? I'd be with Haley in a second if she'd have me, but she won't, it tried…I'm talking out loud again aren't I?"

  "Yep." Haley stated absently kicking a rock.

  Isabela sighed heavily, "You see Kitten, people aren't designed to make sense, that would take all the fun out of the world."

  "More like," Aveline stopped to turn around to Merrill "Haley is being fussy, Isabela hurt her, so she has to hurt her back for an unset amount of time making us all suffer under the awkwardness. Then one of the other of them will get tired of the game, and the other will pick up and chase the other."

  "I am right here you know." Haley stated.

  "Yes, but your no good for gossip especially about yourself." Merrill turned to Aveline "That makes no sense." Merrill said.

  "Just add in the fact that they are both women," Aveline said starting down the trail again.

  Merrill took pause for a moment. "Oh, that I could see."

  "That is so sexist of you big girl, but you might have a fair point." Isabela decided to join the camaraderie.

  Isabela and Haley was by no means an item, in fact other than a visit today Isabela hadn't seen Haley at all. She'd been drowning her sorrows at the Hanged Man. Even the local whorehouse had no appeal, and for Isabela that was near impossible. She'd never gone two weeks without sex much less a month.

  She'd even sunk to asking Varric if Haley was sleeping with anyone.

  "If she's not sleeping with you, then I doubt it." Varric had offered her a seat for a round of Wicked Grace, but beating Anders was such a bore.

  They were in the process of leaving Sundermount for the Kirkwall. Everyone was caked in her usual amount of gore, and everything had been going fairly straightforward until now.

  Kill bad guys around the mountain, pick up stolen cargo (bury it where it's owner's could easily find it later), and kill a few slavers, bandits, and giant spiders on the way. Aveline had picked up a rather nice new shield off a dead giant spider…where did they hide those things? Giant spiders eating armor always seemed terribly strange. Very strange straightforward mundane stuff.

  Haley had been trying put a new two-handed sword to work that she recently had had recently forged and had been pleased with the easy it cleaved people in half. No need to stay the body with your foot and pull the weapon out, just swing and ready for the next fo

  They had run into a couple of Shades and Haley and Aveline had dispatched them quickly. Isabela had been watching Haley slice one in half in her sleeveless armor entranced be her sleek well-defined trim muscles. She had loved when Haley had used those same muscles for careful stroking. She never needed much power to pleasure Isabela, just the right tenacity. She longed for Haley's touch though she hated to admit it even to herself. Lost in thought she hadn't noticed an Arcane Horror appear beside her.

  "Isabela." Merrill called out.

  Isabela easily rolled away from its initial attack, but not before she felt something unpleasant flick at her side. She had mostly dispatched the horror before Merrill too far from Aveline and Haley hit it with some sort of freezing spell. Isabela never knew what it was she did, but she like that it would shatter into a thousand pieces with the quick work of her blade.

  Damn, her side hurt. It was just behind where she couldn't see. She was sure it was a flesh wound, but it stung.

  They were losing light, and they weren't even close to the Dalish camp. It looked like they would be camping overnight…and by the look of it overnight in the rain.

  Isabela had rushed at the chance to accompany Haley, again. She was trying anyway to prove herself worthy of Haley's attention. Right now she had Haley's attention in a way she didn't want it. She was slowing the group down.

  Merrill had tried to help Isabella earlier when she noticed the pirate was favoring her right side, but the Rivani shoed her away.

  Aveline stopped and stuck her battered shield in the ground and leaned against it. She finally looked dead on at Isabela.


  When Isabela opened her door at the Hanged Man earlier that day and found Haley on the other side of it she had stood there and stared at her dumbly for possibly a full two seconds.

  When Haley had started to speak, Isabela rushed to her, kissing her, lashing at her with her tongue. Initially, Haley had taken Isabela in her embrace and kissed her back fully as she had done for many years. If it was true Haley had no lover, she would be in need by now. Haley was never one to hold out, until now. Then Haley changed. She grew cold and pulled away from Isabela. She muttered something about coin and Sundermount. Did Isabela want to go?


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