The Dragon's Den

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The Dragon's Den Page 3

by Katy Katz

  It seemed Haley was as surprised by her instinctive response to Isabela, as Isabela was to the stinging tear that fell down her cheek. She and Haley both pretended not to notice. Haley inadvertently laced her fingers between Isabela's and said she would wait outside. She walked downstairs, her touch trailed behind her.

  Isabela was so rushed she almost left without her third dagger.


  Isabela had been falling behind. Haley felt pretty sure it was a ploy to get her to talk the Isabela one on one. They hadn't spoken since…since she had walked down the stairs of the Hanged Man. They had made an occasional jab at each other, but nothing more.

  Haley whetted her lips and longed for the pirate's taste on her lips. When she'd gone to Isabela's door to ask if she would like to join a few people to share a bit of coin in retrieving lost goods she hadn't expected emotion from the Rivani or herself. It was getting harder to deny her feelings for Isabela and the hunger for sex was driving her mad, but some reason she only wanted Isabela. Haley knew opening that door would be messy, but she was on the verge of giving in.


  Haley let herself get lost in thought of the time she had realized she had feelings for Isabela.

  She smiled inadvertently at the memory of barging in on Isabela in the Hanged Man without knocking. Isabela had taken to entertaining herself, Haley thought she might appreciate more of a helping hand or a helping tongue.

  They had only had sex once before at Haley's estate. She was surprised Isabela had waited so long to bed her, she had naturally assumed Isabela had no interest in her. Isabela generally took what she wanted, and when she wanted some girly fun she ended up at Haley's estate. Haley had spent enough time watching Isabela, and Isabela watching her watching her watch to know of Haley's interest.

  Haley was not subtle in battle, conquest, or bed, but she did have finesse and was quick to learn ways to pleasure her lover. Haley was a bit of a natural though.

  It helped, a lot.

  Isabela wanted no attachments after their first tryst, though she had left an open invitation for more.

  Haley and Isabela's relationship was fun and adventurous, just as much as they themselves were.

  When Haley walked in on Isabela just beginning a bit of fun time for herself she didn't even bother to close the door behind her. "Need a hand?" Haley rarely skipped foreplay, but she didn't even break stride as she knelt on the bed and opened Isabela's growing wetness with her fingers. She went straight for the pirate's clit, which was more or less what Isabela had just been fantasizing about.

  Isabela didn't realize at the time, but sealing the deal on a fantasy in the moment opened her up to more than just great sex.

  Haley ran her hand up Isabela's shirt gently squeezing her nipple as she lapped gently at her clit. Isabela wanted more and harder, but Haley had decided the pace this time, and this time she would make her wait. There was no rush. Isabela was keenly aware of the open door, but it just excited her more. Why would she care if anyone saw her with Haley.

  Haley with her short rumpled hair and deep blue eyes pulled herself up to kiss Isabela. It was the first time she tasted herself oh Haley's lips, and it would become one of her favorite tricks Haley enjoyed. Haley loved to tease, but the payoff was always worthwhile.

  Isabela groaned in anticipation as Haley slowly let her full weight drop on top of Isabela and gradually teasing pushed inside her. Isabela was so wet, her body begged for Haley, and Haley loved every moment of it. Their second tryst had been so simple, much like the one following Haley's drunken stupor. She simply slid in and out of Isabela's while stroking her clit with a well-placed thumb. She ever so slowly increased the pace and pressure, but she make Isabela practically beg for it. When Isabela was trembling so close to coming ,Haley had backed off a couple of times making her wait for it.

  Haley finally let her come while kissing her. It was one of the few times Isabela was spent after only one time.

  "That was just about perfect." Isabela had whispered in her ear. "Talk about your fantasy coming true, the Maker himself could not have planned better timing." Isabela haughty a laugh, but it was filled with merriment.

  Haley had just laid next to her, as new lovers enjoy doing and run her hand up and down Isabela's curves making her smile and occasionally shudder. Haley hadn't wanted anything from her, though, of course Isabela had insisted, and she who was she to argue?

  "I think that was just about perfect, too" Haley purred back in to her ear. Haley had forgotten Isabela had gotten up to close the door and returned to bed, but only to press her head against Haley's shoulder to fall asleep.

  Haley had forgotten about that second session until she stumbled upon it lost in thought.

  They were losing light fast.

  "We should make camp." Haley stated flatly. They had camped in this spot many times. It was easily defendable and no predators. Anything that smelled elf or human ran from this area.

  The four women had done this so many times the relative silence was comforting. Haley made and stoked the fire. It was her favorite part. She tended it far more than it needed tending. The clouds threating rain had abated for the moment. There was cover here, but it would still lead to sopping wet cranky people headed home in the morning.

  Haley stood up and turned right into Isabela. "It's not too late to forage if you'd prefer something fresh rather than rations." Haley was only slightly taller than Isabella, but she seemed to tower over her. She seemed so powerful.

  "Maker be damned, your worse than I was with Donnic." Aveline finally said. "It's pathetic, just kiss her. Andraste's tits."

  Haley did as commanded. She had wanted to, she just needed permission to feel emotions. Was that it? She didn't know.

  Haley kissed Isabela gently on the lips and slowly pulled her toward her. When she pulled Isabela to her Aveline walked off shaking her head and Merrill just watched more intently. She wanted her friends to be happy, and she liked watching them be happy…a little.

  "Merrill." Aveline called from the other side of camp. "Come over here and help me with…I don't know…something…"

  "But they're just getting to the good part." Merrill protested innocently.

  "Yes, that's why I want you over here with me out of the way."

  Haley had forgotten time and place and was lost in the kiss as was Isabela. When Haley fully pulled Isabela cried out, but not in pleasure. It was that damn stich in her side. That flesh wound whatever it was, it hurt.

  "I'm sorry." Isabela stammered. It's a flesh wound. I can't quite see it.

  "Come closer to the fire" Haley said. "Merrill come here." Haley barked at her

  "Aveline said."

  "What's wrong with you Haley?" Aveline said.

  "It's just a flesh wound." Isabela said.

  "It's not a flesh wound." Haley said. "Merrill can you do something?"

  On Isabela's lower back was what appeared to be a small mouth, and it appeared to have a taste for Isabella's flesh.

  "I…I don't think so. I don't know this kind of magic. I could get Marethari the camp is not far." Merrill stammered.

  "Go." Haley said, but Merrill was already running. "Fast."

  "Aveline. Go get Anders in case Marethari fails. There is no better healer in Kirkwall. Maybe she can keep whatever this is at bay until Anders can get here. Maybe she can heal her, I don't know. Just go get Anders."

  "He's not exactly stable lately." Aveline switched her weight from one foot to the other.

  "Has he ever been stable?" Haley asked.

  "Point taken. I'll be as quick as I can." Aveline left.

  And everyone left Isabela in puzzlement. But Haley was near. She was suddenly very tired.

  "Should I be worried about the drama that just occurred. Do I want to know what is on my back?'

  "Have you ever worried with me?" Haley's eye's seemed soft and compassionate. Isabela could lose herself in those eyes. All the harshness was gone.

  "I never worry about a
nything with you Haley…well actually, I only that you'll never give me a chance to be with you again."

  "If you live through this, I promise you'll have your chance." Isabela was lost in the words of hope for a moment before reality slunk back in…

  "What do you mean 'if I live through this'?" Isabela was suddenly quite alert and the pain was increasing.

  "I don't know why you should worry now you should have died of any number of VD by now were it not for Anders, surely this can't be any worse." Haley said hopefully.

  "If VD is you upbeat answer I really don't want to know."

  "You really don't want to know."

  "Well, since no one is around and we have a bit of time…"

  "Rest Isabela, sex will always be available."

  "I'm going to hold you to that." Isabela pushed her chin forward.

  Haley laughed a true laugh for what seemed the first time in ages. "I'm sure you will, and I will truly enjoy it. Just don't fuck it up."

  "What could I possibly do to fuck it up?"

  "Want me to give you past examples."

  "Good point."

  "Here share my bedroll with me until the others arrive. There's nothing I can do for the…wound. I think you should rest"

  "With you?" Isabela purred.

  "With me." Haley said.

  Though it had been years Isabela managed to find her favorite shoulder and go into a comforted sleep after a sweet simple kiss. Haley didn't know if it would be better if Isabela never woke up if the thing made her into something else, or if they could find a way to fight it.

  This required mages and a prayer to the Maker she didn't believe in, but she humbled herself and prayed as best she could.

  Chapter 4

  The night was late when Merrill arrived at the Dalish Camp and the camps flames were down to embers.

  Maren stood guard, memories of their clan's Halla's death still plaguing her she was distracted and nearly attacked Merrill as Merrill was upon her before she realized anyone was there.

  As usual Merrill was of a single mind. Get to Marethari Tales. Ask her for help. Take her to Isabela before it was too late. If it wasn't too late already. That demon mouth on Isabela's back. Merrill had never seen anything like it. People had lived or died being attacked by demons, shades, archane horrors or spirits gone awry, but she had never seen any leave a mark…much less a mouth eating away at…she couldn't think about that right now.

  "Hold." Maren had already drawn her short sword and nicked Merrill's neck. Both women were shocked. Maren's short red hair normally pulled back had pushed forward into her eyes, Merrill gasped and began a spell. A single trickle of blood dripped from the tip of Maren's blade.

  Marethari appeared from nowhere, as she often did when Merrill was in crisis. Merrill found it unnerving. The trickle of blood could have been useful as blood magic, but the moment Marethari appeared everyone clan member knew nothing aggressive would happen concerning Merrill.

  "Keeper," Maren started.

  "It's okay, Maren. Return to your watch. Merrill brings no harm to the clan this night."

  Maren embarrassed retreated, "You always bring luck Merrill, but never the good kind."

  "Marethari, you must come, Isabela is hurt, and it's like something I've never seen before…" Merrill began rambling in her quick-paced way.

  "I know." Marethari stated simply.

  "You know? How can you know? Keeper you must come. Isabela needs you. Haley needs you. I need you." Merrill was near tears and exhaustion. Perhaps she should really invest in shoes with soles, they seemed so confining, but perhaps they were comfortable. Humans wore them. Haley wore them. Haley, how she loved to look at her feet, her body, her head…why was she always thinking about Haley?

  "I heard it on the wind. I knew you would be coming. The pirate woman is in danger it is true, but she is not the only one Da'len. You have no idea the dangers the Eluvian can bring. You must not speak to that Pride Demon." Marethari said evenly. She always appeared so even and unflappable. Was she always this way? Had she been a nervous first the way Merrill had been. Why couldn't Merrill concentrate?

  "It was an Archane Horror, I think. It left a mark, a mouth on Isabela." Merrill started.

  "Did you hear me Da'len?" The Keeper asked simply.

  "Does she ever listen to anyone?" Maren interjected. Merrill had always been a curiosity around the clan. She had always been different. She learned spells while most learned the bow. Maren had always been nervous around her. She was the Keeper's First after all. She would be Keeper one day in her lifetime, but that was before she left the clan. She'd always been curious about Merrill, but they rarely ever had reason to speak. She found herself curious now. Who would give up being Keeper? What was more important than leading a clan? Merrill was frightened; even Maren realized she was brave in the face of danger, even if she was shy around people.

  "Enough Maren." Marethari's simple rebuke was enough to humble Maren. She hated to displease the Keeper, as did everyone in the clan. Why was Merrill always causing trouble? In the low light Maren could see Merrill's dark her shine even in the moonlight. Dread Wolf she was beautiful, if always troublesome. Wait. Did she just think that? Maren certainly hoped she hadn't said it out loud, because suddenly Marethari and Merrill were looking at her in a strange way. She ducked into the shadows, but not out of ear shot.

  "Please, Keeper. Please come with me. I've never seen this magic, but it looks frightening. She needs healing. I don't know what to do." Merrill begged.

  "Give up the Eluvian. Come back to the clan. I will heal the human if I can." Marethari said.

  "Are you bartering with Isabela's life?" Merrill was shocked and angry.

  "No Da'len. The question is, 'are you'?" The Keeper was giving her that even stare. She wasn't budging. This was so infuriating and time was of the essence.

  "I don't have time to argue with you Keeper." Merrill started angrily. No clan member ever dared raise his or her voice directly to the Keeper except Merrill. This was turning into an old fight.

  "Come back to us Da'len. If your friend is as important as you think, at least give up the mirror. I will do what I can." The Keeper almost seemed as though she was pleading with her eyes, but her voice was even.

  "No. It is important to our people. Tell me how to help her. Tell me what to do, and you need not even come. Just tell me how to help Isabela." Merrill was angry. How could she bring up the Eluvian when Isabela was dying?

  Maren watched the argument. Merrill was fearless in her own way. Maren instinctively wanted to defend the Keeper, but the Keeper didn't need anyone to defend her. She found herself speaking the opposite, and couldn't believe the words were coming out of her mouth. "Won't you help her Keeper? Help her friend. Haley has done much for the clan. Even taken Merrill and kept her safe, in her own way as you asked. Why not go to her friend?"

  Merrill had never heard another clan member take her side. Ever. In any conversation with Marethari about anything. It was truly a toss-up as to which of the three women were shocked more.

  "This is Merrill's choice. It has always been Merrill's choice." Marethari started. "It is simple. Give up the mirror Da'len, and I will go this moment."

  "No." Merrill couldn't believe she just said it. "No, I will not be bullied by you. Our people need this even if you don't see it."

  Maren had never actually seen them fight; it was more rumored of than quoted. What was this mirror? She had heard of Eluvians.

  "Then there is nothing I can do for you or your friend. If you bring her to me, I won't turn her away, but the night is dangerous. I cannot put the clan last every time you need something Da'len. This time you must chose, and you have chosen. Maren, keep her safe. Make certain she stays here 'til dawn." Marethari turned to leave.

  "No. Keeper. You can't. She could die." Merrill called out desperately.

  Marethari stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around. "So could you Da'len. Give up this foolishness. Stay with your humans if you
must, but the Eluvian will kill you. It could kill all of them. It could kill me if I let it."

  "It won't. I won't let it happen. Please I'll do anything else." Merrill pleaded.

  "If the price of your dream is higher than the price of your friend's lives, I have nothing to offer." The Keeper walked off in the direction of her fire. "If it means anything to you. I also know nothing of this magic. I can offer no advice. I would have to see it for myself."

  "Keeper." Merrill called out. "Keeper."

  It was no use Marethari had made up her mind and walked off. Merrill started to run off into the dark.

  "I can't let you do that, Merrill." Maren said. "I can't let you leave until daybreak."

  "What? You can't be serious." Merrill had tears in her eyes. She really cared for her friends. Why did she care for this mirror more?

  "You know you couldn't help your friend or you wouldn't have left her. The night is dangerous, even in groups, one elf…I can't let you go." Maren was watching Merrill ready to spring after her if she ran.

  "Why doesn't anyone understand?" Merrill just dropped exhausted in a heap. They had spent the day marching to Sundermount and the whole day fighting before she had walked and fought her way around the mountain to the clan she was exhausted. Even if she ran, she couldn't run far.

  Maren started to grab her up by her arm, but on second thought knelt by her. Merrill's eyes were so filled with sadness. She just wanted to take that away. She wanted to make her feel better. She looked Merrill in the eyes; her eyes were so expressive, even for an elf.

  For the second time that night Maren found herself on the recipient end of finding out what her body was doing right after it was doing it. She reached forward and took Merrill by the chin and pressed her lips against Merrill's own. Merrill's shock was only equaled to her own.

  Maren felt committed to the action and pulled Merrill toward her. Merrill had never actually had a lover. Most of her clan had grown up frightened of her, and Haley had turned her away when push came to shove. She and Haley had spent one night together, and it was an amazing one. Merrill wanted it to mean the world, but Haley had said it meant nothing. Okay, she hadn't said it had meant nothing, but that's what Merrill felt like.


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