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Legend of the Touched

Page 13

by JF Jenkins

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The Inero

  "That was inspiring Father," Matt said as he kept pace with Lynx. The two were heading back to the Inero housing complex to gather their things so they could go home. His father nodded, but didn't say anything. Strange for him to be so quiet. "Is something troubling you?"

  "How did he know so much?" Lynx asked. "I thought you said all of the spies had been dealt with?"

  "As far as I know they were," Matt said. "Perhaps Orion had more information than he let on as well?"

  "No, it's not possible. Orion suspected, but that's why he sent the spies. If they didn't make it back to him, then there was no way for him to be informed."

  "Maybe he sent more than we thought. That is a possibility. I'm sorry I failed you Father." He sighed, his eyes downcast. Three spies seemed like a small number to him, at least when it came to spying on an entire nation.

  Lynx threw up a hand to silence his son. "You are only capable of so much. I wonder if there is perhaps an inside source, a sympathizer amongst our ranks."

  Matt snorted, disgusted by the idea. "Who would want to sympathize with them Father, really? They're practically heathens with the way they renounce their dragon heritage to blend in so well with the humans."

  "I don't know, but I'm not ruling anything out. In order for us to succeed our entire people need to be united. If you know of anyone who doubts, then you must bring them to my attention, do you understand? Whoever is not for us is against us." He stared at Matt, long and his gaze was firm. Almost like he knew something Matt didn't.

  "I will," Matt mumbled. "Forgive my asking, but I feel as though I'm missing something."

  "Bring your brother home. I want him close to me for a while."

  "Jason wouldn't—."

  "I certainly hope he isn't a traitor, but I do know how much he craves peace. I wouldn't put it past him to do something foolish like attempt to bridge a gap between our two peoples. Staying on that island will have made him soft as well. He needs to be back home, just for a little while and then he can return. If he has yet to bed his wife, that will also be another sign," Lynx said.

  He hadn't yet, at least not as far as Matt knew. "I don't see how that has—"

  "They left to honeymoon my son. If that were really the case, he'll return a man."

  "It's complicated," Matt whispered, wanting to defend his brother. But the seeds of doubt were now in his head as well.

  "So you do know some things?"

  "He's happy there. He does like the peace and quiet. It's good for him to be away so he can work out his problems he's having with his woman."

  "I wasn't aware there were any."

  "That's why I said it's complicated." Matt frowned as he reflected on all of his conversations with his twin. "But you're right. He's coming back soon. I can keep him here for a while. Being back in the city will remind him that we are his home, his kin."

  "Yes, make sure he remembers who I am," Lynx said through clenched teeth.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  The Oceina

  Later in the evening, Darien put on the best clothes he had packed. A suit, though he didn't have a tie and he wondered now if maybe he should borrow one. They didn't mesh well with his personality though, and the last thing he wanted to do was come across as fake. The Aero Lord would see right through that. Still, it was important for him to come in with a good impression. He wanted to make sure the Aero Lord knew he was respected. The last time they had spoken one on one, he'd called Darien his friend. He needed to keep maintaining the strength of this relationship.

  I'm going to bed. I just wanted you to know. I know it's probably earlier there than it is here, so hopefully I'm not interrupting anything important. Tai popped into his head.

  He smiled for the first time since the meeting. You're not. I'm just on my way out for a small get-together. We're going to have dessert, I think? That's what Arthur had told him. Dessert and tea since Darien wasn't considered old enough to drink in the Aero's eyes. Back home, once a man married he could indulge in all adult activities. He didn't mind though, because he wasn't a fan of alcohol or its taste. In fact, the Oceina believed it was only truly useful for medical purposes, cooking, and holy rituals. Many of the humans drank, but in the dragons' eyes, it was considered almost shameful to have when it wasn't necessary. Darien loved tea, and he loved the idea of sharing the tradition the Aero had with it. The Oceina had their own tea rituals as well. In a lot of ways, the two cultures were very alike.

  Tai laughed a little. Dessert sounds good. Just thinking about it is making me hungry for something sweet.

  I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Katelyn always hides a stash of ice cream behind the ice cube trays. I found it one time when I was looking for a snack. She has to keep it from Lance since he's got as big of a sweet tooth as her sometimes. Plus, he likes to give it to the kids all the time. I doubt she'd mind if you had some, though, he said. He tried to keep his tone light for her. She still didn't know about what had happened in the meeting. Darien wanted to tell her it all in person.

  Thanks, you're the best. But I did mean what I said about going to bed soon. So enjoy your desserts, and I'll enjoy mine, and I'll talk with you in the morning? she said.

  All right. I love you.

  I love you too.

  His small smile widened, a plan beginning to form in his mind. He could easily fly home after his meeting with the Aero and be there before she wakes up. She'd think it was a nice surprise right? Of course she will. Just thinking about it put an extra bounce in his step as he walked through the forest of the Council Island to the Aero-housing complex. On his way he passed the path which lead to the Inero and he peered through the trees to see what was going on over there. The building was desolate of life. Not one light was turned on through the windows. Good. He relaxed even more as he made his way to see the Aero.

  Lord Patlih was standing outside, gazing up at the stars when Darien arrived. He made sure to bow to the man, who exchanged the gesture.

  "I love them," Patlih said. "The stars, I mean. Don't you?"

  "Yes," Darien agreed in all honesty. "I especially love to look at them out here because they're a lot easier to see. Back home, the city lights drown out a lot of the weaker ones. We can only see the strong, more prominent and popular constellations."

  "The stars can teach us a lot. Their stories are filled with a lot of wisdom, and the science behind their existence, their function, is fascinating as well. Some of those stars we are looking up at now, no longer exist. Yet their legacy lives on."

  Darien nodded, gazing upward so he could take in the blanket of small lights above him. "Which is pretty crazy when you think about it, but cool. I mean, it's nice, good." He didn't know how to talk to the Aero Lord. When he felt more comfortable, Darien forgot to keep up his formal speech. He hoped it didn't come off as disrespectful. Glancing at the Aero Lord, he saw the man was smiling.

  "Yes. First, I want you to see that sometimes beautiful things are easy to tune out, but that doesn't mean they have disappeared. This is important, because it can be applied to a man's life as well. I'm sure you feel as though there is no hope, and that the answer is not obvious, but perhaps that is because it is being blocked from view by a strong force. Finding a clear sky could be where your solution lies.

  "Second, I want you to remember that a legacy has been left to you, and you too shall leave one of your own. Someday, your descendents will look back on all of this, and see the paths that were paved for them through your actions." Patlih shifted his eyes from the sky and onto Darien.

  For another minute, Darien kept staring at the multitude of stars, letting the Aero Lord's words sink in. Then he nodded, before meeting the man's black eyes. "Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement. I truly appreciate it."

  "You're welcome, come and sit." Patlih extended a hand towards a chair.

  Darien sat down and folded his hands in front of him as he waited politely, watchin
g as Patlih poured them both a cup of tea and served him a small cake. "Thank you."

  "I know why you've requested a meeting with me," he said.

  "I'm sure it's obvious," Darien replied with a small laugh.

  The Great Aero Lord also laughed and then closed his eyes. "As much as I want to give you assistance in this great endeavor, I'm not sure I can. Not yet. There are many factors for me to evaluate. What I can offer you is a place of sanctuary should the need arise. You may send your kin, your wives, your children to my home. As your friend, I will not deny what safety I can provide. That act alone will cause retaliation on my nation from the Inero you realize, so I am putting myself at some risk. However, entering into war against them will not help. Our magic is their strength anyway."

  "They allied with the Terran," Darien said softly and took a sip of tea. It was smooth with a slight floral flavor and a tiny bit of sweetness.

  "This partnership will not last long. Lord Kinsley was brutal. Lord Taylor is not. I wasn't aware of their joining forces, but it makes sense now why the Terran Lord seemed so kind, gentle, and remorseful during the meeting. Without his total loyalty, Lord Lynx will not have a long lasting ally. The Terran are known to bolt half way through a fight anyway."

  "They've melded their magic together to make powerful weapons and armor."

  Patlih raised an eyebrow while drinking his tea. "How interesting. I wasn't aware that was possible."

  "It's why the Inero have had poisoned water and poor produce in the city," Darien added. "My father had sent out spies before his death. Five left, and only two returned alive. Two were executed, and the other is missing, presumed dead. I think they are the reason the borders had been closed between our two nations. It made them easier to capture."

  "This is a possibility." He ate his cake and didn't seem troubled by this information in the slightest. "Anything created in poison will end in it. They will regret perverting what God had made pure. He speaks of your people reaping what they sow, but he's setting himself up for a far worse fate."

  Darien nodded, staring down at his hands for a minute. "Is what he said true? About the land?"

  "Not from what I recall, but it's been some time since I last read the Holy Book and the creation story inside of it. If you want to know the truth, I would look inside of there."

  "I don't remember anything like that either. Sometimes, I have a hard time trying to figure out what to think."

  "Then I suppose you should pick something and believe it with all of your being and stop thinking so much."

  With a slight nod, Darien took another drink of tea. This time he had a long sip, letting the flavors linger on his tongue. "I don't have a lot of time. His boldness means he's ready to strike any day."

  "You're probably right."

  "I'm not sure I'm ready."

  The Aero Lord's gaze met Darien's. "You're going to have to be."

  Chapter Forty

  The Oceina

  Tai ate the ice cream, savoring the flavor on the spoon. Darien should have never told her about it, because she'd gorged on it for nearly an hour, slowly devouring it all. It tasted good, and made her feel better about everything. Eating in general did. A small comfort she could count on regardless of what was happening around her.

  "You found it," Katelyn said from the doorway of the kitchen. She was smiling though, so she couldn't have been too angry. Tai didn't know her well. The most they interacted was during meal times, but the young woman was usually busy trying to keep her sons in order instead of talking.

  Tai blushed. "I did. Actually, Darien did. I'll replace it, I promise."

  "No, it's fine. Probably better you're eating it actually since I know I shouldn't." She laughed and sat down across from her. "I have to watch my girlish figure after all."

  Tai scoffed quietly. Katelyn was gorgeous. She was curvy in all of the right ways, with straight, dark hair and dazzling blue eyes. Full pouting lips too.

  "I wanted a lot of ice cream too when I was pregnant with my second. Craved it constantly."

  The woman was clearly trying to connect with her. Why now, Tai wasn't sure. Maybe she wanted a female friend as well. With a small, polite, smile, Tai gave a slight shrug. "I wouldn't say I'm craving so much as comfort eating."

  "Is something wrong?" Katelyn asked. It seemed genuine enough. Tai wanted to trust her. Why shouldn't she?

  She gave another shrug, not wanting to let on just how bothered she was. "I'm still adjusting is all."

  "It takes time," she said. "But you seem a lot sadder than simply having a hard time adjusting. Homesick?"

  "In a way, yes. I miss the island. You were from there too right?"

  "Yes, we all were. It's one of a kind. I missed it for a long time too. Lance was understanding of my pain and tried to do everything he could to make here like there. It helped a little. There's a lot to let go of."

  Tai agreed. She stirred the ice cream in her bowl. "It's harder because I miss him too. I understand why he has to do his work, but it's hard. It's funny because for the first time in my life I feel more normal than I ever did back home. Is that strange?"

  "No, not at all. I'm a firm believer in destiny. I've always thought that once you reach your element, where you're supposed to be, and doing what you were made to do, life feels right. If that makes sense?"

  "Yes," she said. It did make sense because it was how she felt. Everything that had happened to her wasn't how she imagined her life going, but it felt good inside of her gut.

  Katelyn gave her a soft smile. "He'll be back."

  "I know. It's stupid of me, but when we're at school it's my favorite time because it's when he pays the most attention to me. I know he only stays because of me. All I want is for him to do something nice and fun with me. We're so new to this couple thing. I kind of went off on him over not asking me to the school dance, but it's not about that anyway. I just want to be by him. I'm an emotional wreck." She slouched and rested her head on her chin.

  "You're human. You have emotions. Darien is too, even if he also is a dragon. That's what's so beautiful about them. What you feel is okay, and everything is heightened right now. I'm sure he knows you didn't mean to take things out on him."

  "Probably, he's always been a lot more understanding than I deserve. I told him not to worry about it anyway, because I don't have a dress and shopping for one is frustrating for me. Not to mention I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it. School functions have always been more about having the experience. I've had one, and it was fun, but not necessarily what I would consider life changing."

  "It's an excuse to get together and have some fun."


  "He's never been to one."

  "I kind of figured that out." Tai laughed a little. "He said he'd never bothered before."

  Katelyn laughed as well. "Because he was waiting for you. Now you're here. I think you should go. You've yet to do anything fancy, right? I've seen him in a suit. I'm pretty sure you'd like it too."

  "I saw him in a suit too," she said remembering his father's funeral. Darien had worn one then, but she imagined it'd be a lot different to see him dressed up for something more enjoyable. The point Katelyn was obviously trying to make still got through.

  "It still doesn't solve my shopping dilemma," Tai added.

  "You do know I'm a designer right?" Katelyn pointed at herself with a smirk. "Come on back to our suite. I can't make something from scratch, but I can get your measurements, show you what's currently in the shop, and tomorrow I will pick up anything you like when I go in. Then I will jazz it up, and alter it, so it's something brand new and never seen before."

  "You'd do that for me?"

  "Of course!"

  Tai could feel tears pooling in her eyes, again. Stupid hormones. She wiped at her eyes. "Thank you."

  "Any time, you know that right? Anything you need, don't be afraid to ask." Katelyn gave her a hug.

  "It'll be a nice surprise for him," she said with a small smile a
nd things started to feel a lot less helpless.

  Chapter Forty-One

  The Inero

  When Matt had told her he anticipated it being a short trip, she didn't think he meant it. To him, short was much different than how she interpreted the term. Of course, he'd been alive for a lot longer. A handful of days wouldn't be viewed as long to her either if she had been on the planet for around seventy some years. He'd mentioned only being gone for a day or two, but she figured something would come up. Politics were unpredictable.

  Naturally, she was greatly surprised when she saw the Terran dragon transporting him landing on the castle roof just around twenty-four hours after he had left. The meeting must have been incredibly short.

  Kat glanced over at Lenora. They were at the pool, attempting to relax. Kat was having a hard time getting comfortable. Her back was hurting and so were her joints. Lenora had found some servants to give her a massage, but it didn't help much. It was only a temporary relief.

  "I take it things went well," Lenora said.

  "I think so?" Kat couldn't get a read off of Matt's thoughts. They were disjointed and confusing.

  The older woman stretched, and stood from where she had been laying. The servant girl who had been massaging her muscles pulled back startled. Lenora had no shame in her near naked body and casually grabbed a towel to wrap around her. "We should go see our men."

  Kat was much more modest. She didn't move until a robe was put before her, and even then she made sure no one was watching before slipping it on over her shoulders. While Matt may have thought her body was beautiful, Kat didn't always feel it. Even if she had on her underwear, she didn't like the idea of giving off a free show. She then went to her clothes and started to put those on again while Lenora let out a rather frustrated sounding huff.

  She gave her pseudo mother an apologetic smile, trying to be fast. "Thank you for doing this for me today. It means so much. I've missed having time just the two of us here."


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