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Legend of the Touched

Page 26

by JF Jenkins

  Patlih greeted the three young men in the entryway of the castle. Darien bowed.

  "My Lord, I'm surprised to see you. To what do I owe this visit?" Patlih asked and bowed as well.

  Darien took in a breath. "I'm on a quest of sorts, and I was hoping perhaps you'd be able to provide some information."

  "I will do my best." The Aero Lord waved for them all to follow him deeper into the castle. "You can rest here for as long as you need."

  "Thank you, that's very generous of you. I promise we will not be intruding on your family for long. A few hours at the most. There's a bit of a time crunch. It pertains to stopping the war." Darien paused, trying to figure out the best way to start this conversation. "My father came to me in a vision telling me to unite the Touched. With the Inero combining their magics, I believe he means for the four elements to do the same to combat their attacks. As you know, I'm Touched; this man with me, Jason, is as well. We also know of a Terran who is too. What I'm asking is: do you by chance have a Touched son? Or know anything about someone who is?"

  For a while, no one said anything. Patlih's body stiffened as he walked and he wouldn't look at Darien anymore. Usually the man was polite and attempted to maintain as much eye contact as possible. Now he only stared straight ahead.

  Patlih shook his head quickly. "No. I do not have a Touched son, nor have I ever met one who is."

  Darien's heart sank. He'd been so sure that the Touched one of the Aero would be from their royal line. After all, the others followed a similar pattern. The tension in Patlih's body suggested it was a sore subject for him. Darien couldn't tell if the man was lying or not. He knew enough about the Aero culture to not press on the matter, not with the Lord at least.

  "I'm sorry if you feel that you've wasted your time with this trip," Patlih continued.

  "No, not a waste in the slightest," Darien said. "I'm confident the answers are out there and will make themselves known to me." He glanced sideways at the Aero Lord and watched as the man clenched his fists. A strange reaction for someone who didn't know anything.

  Patlih brought them upstairs and into a long hallway. "These are the guest rooms. Please make yourselves comfortable in any that you please. Rest, and I will do what I can to help you with your quest, though I cannot guarantee a thing."

  "Thank you." Darien bowed again, and then stepped inside the nearest room. Jason and Chris followed him in and shut the door.

  Darien looked between the two. "He's lying."

  "I could smell it on him. It's disgusting that he thinks we're too dumb to pick up on it." Jason sat on a bed. Chris didn't say anything, but Darien was learning that the man didn't say much of anything. It was a good quality sometimes.

  Darien leaned against the door. "I don't think he believes we don't notice. He's prideful, and the reason he's hiding this information probably has something to do with that. Which means we'll have to do some solid searching while we are here. Maybe ask around town and—."

  He stopped when he heard a knock on the door, causing him to jump where he stood. Glancing back at the others, he opened the door with a shaking hand worried that perhaps Patlih had overheard their conversation. Instead of the Aero Lord though, he saw a man in his thirties. His dark, almond-shaped eyes gazed at the floor.

  "Pardon the interruption my Lord. My name is Cualli. My father is Patlih, and he told me of what you're searching for. I'm part of the priesthood and have done a lot of studying of the Holy Book. I've been wondering if this is the preparation days of the Great Dragon. Your request makes me think it's true." The man bowed. As he did this he thrust a folded note at Darien. "This should help you. It's all I know."

  "Thank you." Darien tried to mask his surprise. He didn't want to be rude. Cualli glanced over his shoulder and then left without another word.

  Jason had both of his eyebrows raised. "This is a peculiar people."

  Darien shrugged and unfolded the note. He smiled when he read the words on the paper. "This should be a good lead." He handed it to Jason so he could see.

  "Go to the place on the map. Ask for Eztli. Tell him his brother sends you, and he is missed and loved. Mother is still well."

  Chapter Eighty-Five

  The Inero

  Kat didn't want to go to the wives' pool, but Lenora did. She didn't want to discourage the woman from going out in public for the first time since Lynx died. Kat was feeling a little anti-social though. There was a lot on her mind.

  Most of the women at the pool tried to come and offer Lenora condolences. All of them were turned away. Only Kat and Ashley were allowed to be nearby, which was too bad because Kat still didn't know what she thought of the blonde Oceina woman. She'd be tolerated for Lenora's sake.

  "The fresh air is nice," Lenora said.

  Gently, Kat touched the woman's arm, rubbing it slowly. "You'll let me know if you need anything?"

  "You're a sweet a girl." She touched Kat's hair. "Your husband tells me he's going to march over the Oceina border and burn everything he sees."

  Kat had yet to hear about this plan. Matt had been busier than ever lately, and she didn't dare ask him to give her attention again. After all, last time it cost him so much. If something were to go wrong because she wanted him to take a break again, then he might never forgive her. She preferred knowing little about his plans now. The more he talked about violence and revenge, the less she wanted to listen to him. It broke her heart to think about all of the people who still had to suffer before peace would come.

  The feud was starting to feel stupid to her. She understood the motivations behind it, but the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if God would want a holy war. Why would any loving deity want to destroy an entire people? It didn't make sense to her, but who was she to question?

  She nodded at Lenora, making sure it was clear she was listening. Ashley played with her long golden hair. The woman stood out so much in the city.

  "Imagine, he could be the next Great Lord. Wouldn't that be fantastic? Josiah said there's a campaign to push for it. After all, he's the one who knows the most of Lynx's work. He'll be leading us to victory. You could be a queen." Ashley nudged Kat gently.

  Shifting awkwardly, Kat gave a polite smile. Did Ashley have no sense of tact? Lenora had just been like a queen. They did not need to discuss this gossip in front of her. And why was Ashley standing closer to Kat? What were these power games being played? Kat hugged Lenora, moving away from Ashley. She glanced over at Tiffy and Ariana, missing her friends and the happy family they used to have. The question was how did she go about getting it back without losing everything?

  Chapter Eighty-Six

  The Oceina

  Darien followed the coordinates on the map Cualli had given him. It brought him to the eastern border of the Aero nation, deep in the mountain range. The snow-capped peaks were difficult to maneuver around at times because he had to fly much higher than he ever had to before. There was no other way to get to his destination in a timely fashion. Driving would have taken at least a day, and that was a day he did not have to waste. Thankfully, they were all able to get there in one piece.

  The location on the map was a cabin a few miles outside of a tiny mountain town. He straightened his clothes and took a good look around. It was cold and misty. Snow crunched under his feet as he made his way to the door of the cabin. Jason was shivering so loudly behind him, his teeth chattered. Darien was used to the cold, for the most part, so it only bothered him a little. He knocked on the door. There was no answer. It took several knocks until he heard someone on the other side shouting.

  "Hang on a second!" The lock turned, and the door opened revealing a young Aero man around Darien's age. "Who are you?"

  "My name is Darien." He offered a small smile before motioning at his two companions. "This is Jason and Chris." He paused and pulled out the letter. "Are you Etzli?"

  The young man folded his arms in front of him. "Maybe."

  "Your brother sent me to find you." />
  "Did something happen?"

  Darien unfolded the letter. "It depends on what you mean by did something happen. But, he said to tell you that your mother is fine." Darien handed it to the man so he could read it for himself.

  The young man's eyes moved back and forth as he did so, and then he folded the paper again. "Yeah, I'm Etz. I'm not sure what I can help you with though, or why I want to. Come in. It's cold out." He opened the door wider and stepped out of the way. They all walked inside, and the warmth was welcoming.

  "Thank you." Darien followed Etz into the den. They all sat down.

  "So, talk." Etz crossed his legs. His gaze never left Darien.

  "We heard this rumor you were Touched," Jason said, getting the ball rolling.

  "Yeah, and?" Etz raised an eyebrow.

  Darien let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. We are Touched as well." He waved at himself and Jason. "There is a Touched Terran dragon as well. We're from the other nation; I'm—"

  Etz leaned in towards Darien and studied him. "Let me guess. You're Oceina with your pretty blue eyes and creamy skin, and he's Inero with his dark tan and the fact that he can't handle a little snow. Chill man, it's not that cold. Ha, chill! I crack myself up. You're not really answering my question though. And this means what to me?"

  "I don't know how in the loop you are with everything going on in the rest of the world, but there's a war breaking out between our nations," Jason said.

  "Still not interested."

  Jason looked at Darien and shook his head. "We're wasting our time. We can do this without him."

  "If the Terran are in allegiance with the Inero and combining their magics? I'm not so sure we can," Darien said and made eye contact with Etz. "Look, without your help, an entire nation could die. It says in the Holy Book that—"

  "I still don't care," Etz snapped.

  Darien blinked and then glared at the Aero man. "I see now why your father didn't tell me you existed. I'd be ashamed of you too."

  "And I'm sure now you see why he disowned me and exiled me from home." Etz glared back.

  With a sigh, Darien ran a hand over his face. "Have you ever wanted to do something with your life? Don't you feel it inside of you? Don't you wonder if you were Touched for a reason? This was prophesied hundreds of years ago."

  Etz leaned forward. "Well if it's destiny, then why are you even bothering to ask?" He paused and sat back again. "But yes. I have wanted to do more. My father had my life all mapped out for me. I left home because I didn't like where that life was heading. He was going to keep me from the woman I loved."

  "I see. I can't fault you too much for that then." He paused. "Maybe it was a waste of time to come seek you out, but I'm desperate. The Inero are talking genocide. Only one of them is on my side and he is in the room with me. This is more than a spat between two nations though. There are dark forces at play, and only we, the Touched, can stop them. When we do that, then the war ends and—"

  "Everyone lives happily ever after," Etz finished. Darien shrugged. Etz half smiled. "Has anyone ever told you to get your head out of the clouds? Fairy tales aren't real."

  Jason's fists clenched, and his brow furrowed. At first Darien thought he was angry, but then he noticed how Jason shook his head and grabbed at it. Almost as if he was in pain. Was this the demon he was talking about? Jason's eyes closed and when they opened again, they were completely black.

  "What...?" Etz frowned, eyes widening slightly, and his head tilted to the side.

  "Good thing it's not a fairy tale then," Darien said casually. "I didn't mention that this evil is possessing my friend here, did I? You can choose to believe it's a fantasy, or you can believe the truth. We were born for a purpose. I am asking you to embrace it and help us. To do something big. Maybe it would help you win back the honor lost in your family. If not for your father, then your mother? I'm not sure what the story is there, but she's obviously important to you." He'd noticed how Etzli had reacted when Darien had first come to the door.

  Etz shook his head. "You don't know my father very well if you think that. Lucky for you I have enough of a sense of adventure to consider it. Fighting something dark and evil might be a nice break from chopping wood."

  What a peculiar man. Darien shrugged. He'd take what he could get. "Thank you I—"

  "I said I'd consider it. Not that it was a yes. In the end it's still my decision and no flowery talks about doing the right thing, following my destiny, or doing something big with my life will persuade me. Now, I suggest you leave my home." Etz stood. The others did the same.

  That was when Tai's voice popped into his head. Darien! I just heard from the Terran Lord. You won't believe this. The Touched of his nation, he wants to meet with you. He wants to help! You're supposed to meet him at the Council Island in three days.

  It might be a trap, Darien replied, but he couldn't help but feel a little uplifted at the possibility.

  I thought the same thing, but I've talked with your brothers. Two of them will be joining you, as well as a number of your cousins. If something fishy happens, you'll have back up.

  He laughed in amazement. The others in the room frowned or raised their eyebrows in surprise. I love you Tai. Thank you. He faced Etzli. "If you change your mind and decide you want to help, come to the Council Island in three days."

  "Ooh, the Council Island. That sounds so official," Etz said with heavy sarcasm. "Gonna hold a big meeting?"

  "Nope, a small one. Exclusive invite only party," Darien said with a smirk.

  "Right, sure, see you later." Etz pointed for them to go out the door.

  The three young men walked out of the cabin and back out into the cold.

  "He's a pleasant fellow," Chris muttered under his breath.

  "I told you, waste of time." Jason's voice grew darker in tone. It was deeper, almost inhuman. "You won't win."

  Watch me, Darien thought, determination filling him. He had hope. After all, Etz had said "see you later".

  Chapter Eighty-Seven

  The Inero

  After a long and emotionally exhausting day with Lenora, Kat was spending time alone. Not something she would have wanted to do even two months ago. More often than not, she didn't like to be by herself. Her life wasn't the only thing that had changed. Everything about her was different. She'd grown up fast.

  She wandered the hallways of the castle with her daughter's egg, making sure to keep to the more secluded areas. A door opened and Matt walked out, but he didn't see her. He went in the opposite direction. As tempting as it was to chase after him, she noticed how tense his body was and decided against it. He might have needed some time alone as well. Slowly, she made her way down the hall and noticed the door to the room he'd been in was still open. Curious as to what he was doing in there, she peeked inside. There was a boy sitting on the floor in front of a fireplace.

  "Great One, hear me. Your time is coming, and I need your guidance," the boy pleaded softly.

  "I can hear you. Be quick with your troubles. My host is fighting me again," a deep voice replied, and it sent shivers down her spine. Especially since the boy was alone, and she was pretty sure the second voice came from inside of the fire.

  "I have convinced the Touched to slay the Oceina."

  "That is not a problem. That's what we want. With the Oceina gone, then the Great Dragon will not be able to come."

  "And your eternal reign will begin. He's still connected to your host, loves him even though he'd never admit it. It's hindering his drive," the boy said. Were they talking about Matt? And who was the host? Who was the stranger the boy was talking to?

  There was a quiet growl that caused Kat to whimper quietly. She put a hand over her mouth. These two men were obviously bad news.

  The boy started to scream, and Kat bit into her lip to prevent herself from joining in. Who would want to hurt a child like that? She clutched her daughter closer to her body.

  Then the voice began to bellow. "Do not ever
bother me with these petty problems. You are my servant. I have given you power. Use it, you idiot."

  The door slammed shut, and Kat fled for home. She had to get back to Matt and warn him, but would he believe her?

  Chapter Eighty-Eight

  The Oceina

  They flew straight to the Council Island, and Darien took the next three days to relax and prepare for his meeting with the Terran. He had to focus on not being angry or lashing out. Believing the best in someone who was indirectly involved with destroying his family was not the easiest thing to do.

  Three days was the perfect amount of time for him. He remained calm until he saw the lone Terran dragon flying through the sky preparing to land on the shore. Darien went to wait at the dock. His brothers were nearby to help protect him. If they failed at doing so, Etzli was somewhere on the island. His wind magic would weaken the earth dragon's.

  Unless there was a secret ambush happening elsewhere on the island, Darien was pretty sure this Terran was alone. It didn't take long for the dragon to land and then shift into his human shape. He was around Darien's age, maybe a few years older. Tall and thin, he didn't look all too strong. There was a gentleness about him in fact. His dark brown eyes locked on Darien's, and he smiled. The man walked over to Darien with a slight bounce in his step. He appeared so harmless it made Darien put his guard up more.

  "Lord Oceina." The young man bowed.

  Darien returned it briefly. "You wanted to talk? I'm sorry I don't know your name."

  "Taj, I'm Lord Taylor's son. And yes, he sent me to talk with you on his behalf."

  That news definitely surprised Darien. "Okay, I'm all ears. Come on up to the library with me."


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