Page 35
religious sciences, 117–118
religious tolerance, 120–122
Repenters, 41–42
ridda, the, 9–11, 23
Rob, 47–48
Rus, the, 91
Rusafa, 55, 156
Sabā’iyyah, the, 68
sābiqa, 23–24
Sad b. Abī Waqqās, 10
Saffāh, Caliph (Abū’l-Abbās), 67–68, 70, 99
Saffarids, the, 85
Saladin, 151, 152, 204, 236
salaf, the, 43, 200
salaries, for bureaucrats, 105–106
Samanids, 93, 137–138, 141
Samarra, 84, 85–86
Santarem, 240
Sayyida, 87
science, 112–117
seal of the Prophet, 259
Sebuktagin, Sultan, 138
Selīm the Grim, Sultan, 251, 252
Seljuqs, the, 138, 149–150, 158, 166, 168
9/11 attacks, 216
Seville, 237, 238–239, 242
Sèvres, Treaty of, 265
Shah Rukh, 250, 252
Shahrazad, 77
sharīa, 134, 161, 168, 169, 176, 270
shawkat, 167, 170
and Abbasids, 92–93
and Buyids, 130
caliphate of, 173–177
definition, 175
division with Sunnis, 8, 131–132, 134–136
early caliphs, 8
and Family of the Prophet, 175–176, 180, 191
fundamental questions, 175–177
as heretics, 173–174
Isma’ilis (see Isma’ilis)
in Kufa, 181–182
legacy of Alī b. Abī Talīb, 26
and Mongol invasion, 159
prayer, 200
and Qur’ān, 175
revolt, 182–183
strands, 177
succession, xvii, 74
Twelver Shiism, 177, 178–180, 187
Zaydis, 177, 180–184
See also Fatimid caliphate
shīa and shīī, meaning, 175
shūra, 16–17, 20, 22, 224
Siddīq, Abū Bakr as, 10
Siffin, battle at, 26–27
sikka, 133
Sind, 55
singing girls (jāriya), 111, 154
slaves and slavery, 24, 86, 111, 125, 199, 248
Sophronius, 15
Spain, 205
See also Andalus
Subh, 224
Sulaymān, Caliph, 53–54
Sulayman the Magnificent, Sultan, 251, 252
sultanate, abolition, 265, 267–268
sultans, definition and other titles, 253
sunna, the, 54
caliphates, 173
division with Shiites, 8, 131–132, 134–136
early caliphs, 8
and Fatimids, 189–190
and Mongol invasion, 158–159
and Qādir, 135–137
and Qur’ān, 175
succession, xvii–xviii
and Turks, 138–139
and Uthmān, 18
and Abd al-Malīk, 46–47
and Andalus, 206–207
army, 46–47
caliphate, 262–263
conquest, 8, 10
and Fatimids, 191–192
palaces, 56, 57
rivalry with Iraq, 25, 26–27
and Umayyads, 45
Syriac language, 113
Tabarī (Abū Jafar al-Tabarī), 34, 118–119, 121, 253
Tāhir b. Husayn, 81, 82
Tā’ī, Caliph, 130, 132
takf īr, ideology of, 29–30
Talas, Battle of, 106
Talha b. Ubayd Allah, 21, 22
Taliban, 232, 271
tālibs, 232
taqiyya, 178–179
taxes and taxation, 12, 13, 46–47, 52, 54, 57, 96
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 77
Thaqīf, tribe of, 21–22
Tigris river, 72–73
Timothy, 120
Tinmal, 232, 233, 242
Toorawa, Shawkat, 106
Topkapi Saray collection, 258–260
Traditions of the Prophet, 64, 85, 117–118, 162, 167
translations, 112–114
transliteration, xx–xxi
Transoxania, 137, 141
travel narrative, 91–92
Tughril Beg, 162
Tunisia, 188
Turkey, abolition of sultanate, 265
Turks, 82–83, 86, 138–139, 148–149, 199
See also Seljuqs, the
tyrannicide, 19
Ubayd Allah b. Ziyād, 41, 185–187
ulama, the, 34–35, 51
Umar b. al-Khattāb, Caliph
campaigns and conquests, 8, 11
death, 13
in Jerusalem, 15
opinions on, xix
‘pact of Umar’, 12–13, 54–55
as Redeemer, 15–16
and rejection of Islam, 9
reputation, 13–15
revenue system, 11–12
succession, 5, 16
Umar b. Shabba, 182
Umar II, Caliph, 52, 53, 54–55
Umar (son of Abd al-Mu’min), 238
Umayyad caliphate and Abbasids, 207
achievements, 34
in Andalus, 34, 205–210
criticisms of, 34–35, 60–61, 68–69
death of Uthmān, 21
decline and end, 66, 67, 68
establishment, 33–38
fay system, 12
and hajj, 80
inauguration of caliphs, 35–36
laws and law-making, 51, 52
murder of Husayn, 41–42
palaces, 56–58
public rituals, 194
seven-year crisis, 55–56
size and conquests, 33–34
social views, 45–46
and Syria, 45
See also Córdoba, caliphate of
umma, the, xii, 88–92, 97, 120–122, 210
Usāma b. Lādin, 216, 271
Uthmān b. Affān, Caliph
as early caliph, 7–8
murder, 17–19, 21
opinions on, xix
Qur’ān of, 19–20, 237, 259
rule of, 17
selection by shūra, 16
succession, 20–22
and wealth, 18
Uthmān (son of Walīd II), 58, 59
viziers, 164–165
Wadad al-Qadi, 190
Wāhid, 242
Walīd I, Caliph, 49, 51, 53
Walīd II, Caliph, 34, 56, 57–59, 60, 120
Walker, Paul, 202
wall-paintings, Qusayr Amra, 58
Wasīf, 125–126
Wasit, 47
Wāthiq, Caliph, 104
women, 111, 122–123, 154, 224
World War I, 264–265
writing and writing materials, 106–108
Yahya the Barmakid, 78
Yaqūb b. Ishāq al-Kindī, 114–115
Yarmuk, Battle of, 10
Yathrib. See Medina
Yazīd I, Caliph, 39–40, 41, 42–44
Yazīd II, Caliph, 55
Yemen, 183–184, 206
Yūsuf b. Tashfīn, 150, 230
Zallaqa, Battle of, 230
Zanj, the, 86
Zayd b. Alī, 181–182
Zaydism, 177, 180–184
Zayn al-Abidīn, 177
Zindīqs, the, 75
Zirids, the, 223
Zoroastrians, 121
Zubayda, 80, 101, 102–103, 104, 111
Zubayr b. al-Awwām, 20–22
Zubayrids, 45–46
HUGH KENNEDY is a professor of Arabic at SOAS, University of London. The author of many books, including The Courts of the Caliphs and The Great Arab Conquests, Kennedy lives in London and Scotland, Great Britain.