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Don't Break My Heart (Return to Redemption, Book 6)

Page 6

by Laurie Kellogg

  Shaking his head, he knelt on one knee. The band played The Stripper as he slid the lace-trimmed satin over her ankle. He’d forgotten what gorgeous legs Trisha had. As he pushed the garter up, he caressed her nylon-encased calf and then her knee. When he reached her lower thigh, he tickled her a few inches above the elastic and grinned at her shudder. “So you’re still Ticklish Trish, I see. Should I give them all a thrill and move it up?”

  “Don’t you dare.” She squeezed her legs together.

  Santa peered over Justin’s shoulder. “Every inch above the knee is a decade of happiness for the bride and groom. It looks like you’ve only got one inch so far. You want Luke and Sabrina to have more than ten years of bliss, don’t you?”

  Justin raised his eyebrows at her. “I’m game if you are.”

  “Sure you are. If I left it up to you, you’d drive it all the way home.”

  The chanting began low and steadily grew louder. “Higher, higher, HIGHER, HIGHER!”

  “Come on, Uncle Justin! Do it!” Haley yelled from the sidelines.

  When the crowd began clapping in time with their cheering, Trisha pushed his hands away, stood, and yanked the garter clear up to her crotch. As she jumped away from him, Haley and Dani started a new chant, yelling, “Kiss, kiss, KISS.”

  As the guests all joined in, Sabrina pushed Trisha closer while Luke thrust Justin toward her. He shrugged and swept Trisha back over his arm in a crowd-pleasing, tonsil-swabbing kiss that lasted much longer than was probably appropriate with children present. Her arms twined around his neck as her tongue dueled with his in a hungry response. Her lips felt like rose petals—even softer than he remembered.

  When he finally came up for air, her beautiful eyes slowly opened and tears glistened in them. He straightened and steadied her on her feet.

  “That’s just a small reminder of how good it used to be.”

  And how good it still could be.... if he were responsible for just himself. Unfortunately, his freedom to consider only his own needs had come to an abrupt end after Marc became sick.

  After Trisha shoved him away and fled into the crowd, he retreated to the edge of the dance floor and watched as couples resumed swaying to the romantic old Sinatra tune, The Way You Look Tonight. The song had regained popularity with the release of the movie, My Best Friend’s Wedding, the summer before Haley’s parents tied the knot.

  Even though Lindsey had already been nearly six months pregnant, she and Marc waited until right before Christmas to be married so they would have the winter break from classes to take their honeymoon. They’d chosen The Way You Look Tonight for their first dance as husband and wife.

  Justin’s throat swelled closed. The last time he heard it had been the night before Marc passed away.

  To distract his buddy from the pain, he’d spent the evening playing old videos of his friends’ wedding and movies of Haley’s first steps, birthday parties, and their vacations—many of which he and his brother’s family had been part of.

  “Remember how loud mom and Dani’s mother screamed on Space Mountain?” Haley had asked, cuddled up with her emaciated father in his hospital bed, which Justin had set up in the living room.

  Marc smiled. “Yeah, we had to drag them onto—” he coughed violently for several moments, then spit into a tissue.

  Justin picked up the morphine pump’s button from the mattress. “Do you need more?”

  Marc waved his hand. “No,” he croaked. “It’ll knock me out.” He kissed Haley’s forehead. “I want to spend just a little more”—he gasped for air—“time with my sweetheart.”

  Justin laid the button back down next to Marc’s hand.

  A little more time was all his friend had left.

  “I love you, Daddy, and I want to be with you.” Haley hugged her father and sobbed, “But I don’t want you to hurt.”

  “I know, baby.”

  She picked up the button and pressed it for him. A few moments later, Marc’s face relaxed, and his eyes drifted shut.

  Justin turned off the television.

  Haley raised her gaze to his and burst into torrent of tears. “What am I gonna do when he goes?”

  “Shhh.” Justin wrapped his arms around her and rocked her the way he had when she’d been a toddler with a scraped knee. “We’re gonna be all right, Pinky,” he whispered, trying to convince himself as much as her. “I’ll always be here for you. We’ll be a team—just you and me.”

  It turned out Marc never regained consciousness. Haley still regretted administering her father’s last dose of narcotics and denying herself the chance to say good-bye.

  Justin shook off his memories and scanned the tent for Haley. He found her back at her table, laughing with Jamal. At least the boy had distracted her from noticing the song the band had played.


  Trisha stumbled back to the table in a lust-induced daze, touching her swollen lips. Ben pulled her chair out for her. As she sank into it, he smiled at her. “I’m sorry I bailed on catching the garter. I couldn’t handle that whole spectacle.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t take it personally.”

  “If I’d been up there, they would’ve been cheering for me to do you right on the dance floor.”

  “You’re probably right. This afternoon at the beauty salon, all the bridesmaids were egging me on to hook up with you tonight.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at Sabrina. “I have a good idea who put that notion into their heads.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “Come on. Let’s get out there again so she thinks they were successful.”

  He led her to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. “Listen, it’s not that I don’t think you’re beautiful and sexy....”

  “Ben, I understand, really. You love who you love.”

  “And you love who you love. Sparks have been flying between you and Justin all evening. That wasn’t just a kiss for show. It’s not over between you two, is it?”

  “Unfortunately, it is. I agreed to go skiing with him tomorrow, but his obligation to Haley and my personal circumstances are such that our relationship can’t go anywhere.”

  “Personal circumstances? Anything I can help with?”

  “It’s nothing bad.” She glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. “Can I trust you not to say anything to anyone?”

  “Of course.”

  “I went to a sperm bank in October. I’m almost three months pregnant.”


  “Thanks. I’m thrilled, of course. Obviously I never expected to meet a long lost love tonight. Justin has enough on his plate right now with raising Haley and trying to keep his business going. Losing her parents has been hard on her. I can’t expect him to take on the responsibility for my sperm donor’s baby, too.”

  “He would if he loves you.”

  “Now that’s the real issue, isn’t it? I know he wants me, but not on a till death do us part basis. He already told me Haley has to be his first priority.”

  “So it wouldn’t cause any problems for you with him if we let everyone believe we hooked up tonight?”

  “If he doesn’t want to make a commitment to me, how can he object if I’m with someone else?”

  “In that case, would you do a huge favor for me and sleep in my suite tonight? Not in the same bed with me, of course,” he hurried to assure her. “I’ll sack out on the sofa in the sitting room. I’d like Sabrina to leave for her honeymoon, believing I have someone to comfort me in my time of need,” he said with great dramatic flair. “In the morning, you can ask Thomas to drive you back to the resort.”

  She glanced over at Frankie wrapped in Andy’s arms on the dance floor. It seemed unlikely her friend would be going back to their hotel room that night, either. “I’d be happy to. It’s the least I can do to repay you for this wonderful week.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Trisha.”

  “I know. But it’s nice to have a way to express my thanks.” Sh
e touched her necklace. “My pearls are beautiful.”

  “Mostly because you’re wearing them.” He stopped dancing and pulled her toward the table. “I think they’re serving the final course before they cut the wedding cake.”

  “I can’t eat another bite.”

  “Even if chocolate mousse is dessert?” he tempted.

  “Okay, maybe one more bite.” Or five. “But don’t blame me if I hurl chocolate all over you.”


  About a half hour after dinner ended, Justin noticed BJ, Tyler, and Annie disappeared with the bride and groom. The lights dimmed and a disco ball lowered over the dance floor as the music went from soft, romantic love ballads to high-octane disco and rock ‘n roll.

  Santa led a conga line through the tent and gathered the guests to participate in the usual line dances. Darlene and Trisha dragged Cal and Justin into the line with them. After doing the Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide, and the Macarena, Haley and Dani shoved Ryan on stage and begged him to sing Livin' La Vida Loca while they taught Luke’s Explorers and the rest of the crowd a simple dance they’d choreographed. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed Ryan’s performance so much someone requested he sing Achy, Breaky Heart while everyone two-stepped.

  Justin shook his head. So much for the teenagers needing Ben’s rec room to entertain them.

  BJ returned and whispered something in Santa’s ear. As soon as the song ended, St. Nick retrieved the microphone and asked, “Is anyone still hungry?”

  The crowd let out a collective groan.

  “We’re glad to hear that, because apparently the groom whisked the bride away to be alone. So, rather than serve the cake without them, we’ll let them cut it at brunch tomorrow.”

  Deafening applause reverberated through the tent.

  “Thank God,” said Trisha. “I couldn’t face wedding cake tonight.”

  “Let the party resume!” Santa handed the microphone back to Ryan as the band broke into Mambo #5.

  Justin took Trisha’s hand and pulled her off the dance floor. “I’m as exhausted as you are full. Let’s sit for a while.”

  Tyler and Annie were back when they returned to the table.

  “Where’d you two get off to?” Justin asked. “Or shouldn’t we ask?”

  “Ben dragged us into the house to give Annie her Christmas present and Luke and Sabrina their wedding gift.” Tyler took a sip of the coffee the waiter poured.

  “And?” Trisha raised her eyebrows. “What’d they get? This afternoon I thought I heard someone say he planned their honeymoon as their wedding present.”

  “He did,” Annie told them, looking a little shell-shocked. “He bought Sabrina and me a yacht.”

  Justin did a double take. “Seriously?”

  “And not just a little one,” Tyler clarified. “We’re talking Aristotle Onassis sized.”

  “Must be nice to have a billionaire as a best friend.” Justin chuckled.

  “He’s too generous for his own good. One of these days BJ’s gonna realize—”

  “Gonna realize what?” Ben asked as he sank down on the other side of Trisha.

  “Nothing.” Tyler shook his head.

  Ben smiled at Trisha and jerked his head toward the exit. “Are you ready to go up for that cup of hot chocolate, or do you want to stay and dance a while longer?”

  “No. I’m tired.” She squeezed his hand. “Let’s call it a night.”

  Justin glanced between them and frowned. She planned to leave with BJ? Could Trisha really be attracted to the Viking, or had she turned into a gold digger?

  “I have one or two things to take care of here first. You go inside, and I’ll meet you upstairs in a few minutes.” He kissed her on the forehead. “My suite’s at the top of the stairs to the left, first door on your right. I already asked Mrs. Pershing, my housekeeper, to send up the cocoa.”

  “Okay.” She smiled at him. “Don’t be long, or I might fall asleep before you get there.”

  As she left, Tyler grabbed Ben’s arm. “I hope you’re not stringing her along while you’re lickin’ your wounds. Trisha’s a nice woman. She doesn’t need you breaking her—”

  “Relax,”—Ben glanced at Justin—“all of you. We’re simply having a cup of cocoa together. This is just a smokescreen for Sabrina’s peace of mind. I’ll be sleeping on the sofa in the sitting room.”

  Annie dragged her gaze up and down Ben’s tall frame and snorted softly. “Yeah, all six feet, four inches of you will get lots of sleep there. You need to start worrying more about yourself and less about your friends.”

  Justin released a sigh of relief and rose. “Well, I think I’ll say goodnight, too. I enjoyed spending the evening with you all. Thanks, BJ. I really appreciate the invite. Haley had a great time tonight, and so did I.”

  As he turned and strode toward the tent’s exit, Ben followed him and grabbed his arm. “Wait. I just had a better idea. You’re staying alone in your room at the resort, right?”

  “Yeah, why?” he shrugged.

  “Because there’s a beautiful woman in my suite who would rather be drinking hot chocolate with you tonight. In exchange for your hotel key, you can take my place in my suite.”

  “You sure?”

  “Dead sure. She’s into you, and if you play your cards right, I doubt you’ll be sleeping on the couch.”

  Justin dug his room key out of his trousers and handed it to Ben. “Thanks. Now I really owe you.”

  “Just don’t let Sabrina or Luke see you tonight or tomorrow morning. The suite is to the left and is—”

  “—the first door on the right.” he finished for him.

  Ben chuckled. “You were listening. Why do I get the feeling you would’ve been knocking on my door in about a half hour.”

  “No.” Justin raised his hands. “I can’t say I wouldn’t have thought about it, but I never would’ve done it.”

  “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had. Trisha’s a beautiful woman.” He lowered his voice to almost a whisper. “I’ll sneak back right before the brunch to change my clothes. Luke and Sabrina should be with their guests at the resort by then.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll do the same.”

  “You can jump on the shuttle we’re running for Luke’s Explorers to go back and forth to the hotel.” Ben lowered his voice. “And if you need ‘em, there’re condoms in the night table.”

  “Thanks again—for everything.”

  On his way out, Justin swung by the teen’s table to say goodnight to Haley. “Hey, Pinky. I’m tired, so I’m heading to bed.” Naturally, he’d keep the location of said bed to himself.”

  “Look what Santa gave me for Christmas!”

  His heart sank when she waved a replica of the I-pad he’d bought to surprise her with tomorrow morning. Now what would he give her for Christmas? He’d bought her a few other small things, but the tablet had been his big gift.

  “That’s great. I wish I’d thought of buying it for you.”

  “I’m sure what you got me is just as good.”

  Sure it was. But what kid needed two tablets? “Dani’s mom and dad are in charge. When they tell you it’s time to leave, no arguments. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for making me come with you today. I really did have a great time.”

  He planted a kiss on her nose. “I know you did, kiddo. Maybe next time you’ll remember your Uncle Justin usually knows what’s best for you. I’ll see you at brunch tomorrow.”

  In the meantime, he had to think of something else to give her for Christmas.


  When Trisha entered the mansion, the housekeeper was waiting for her. “Ms. Mason? I’m Mrs. Pershing. Mr. Elliott asked me to be on the lookout for you. I can show you to his suite.”

  “Thank you.” Trisha didn’t even want to contemplate what the woman must think of her.

  “Right this way.” Mrs. Pershing led her up an extra wide staircase that looked like
the one Scarlett O’Hara had tumbled down. When they reached the top, they went left and the woman opened the massive carved mahogany door to a powder blue and pale gray sitting room.”

  She pointed to another, smaller door. “The bedroom and bathroom are through there. Mr. Elliott said you should feel free to use the tub. I laid out one of his T-shirts and a robe for you, and there’s hot chocolate here.” She gestured to the coffee table where a silver tray held an ornate thermal carafe and two delicate china cups. “If there’s anything else you need, just press zero on the phone.”

  “Thank you. You’ve been extremely helpful.” Just how often did Ben’s housekeeper take women to his bedroom?

  After Mrs. Pershing left, Trisha wandered through the door the woman had indicated and found a huge dressing room to the left and an immense bathroom to the right with a Jacuzzi bigger than the six-person hot tub next to the pool at her old apartment complex. It actually had two spouts, one on each side to fill it.

  What the heck. It wasn’t every day she had the chance to stay someplace so luxurious. She might as well take a swim. After all, the tub was practically big enough to do the backstroke in it.

  She turned on both spouts’ faucets, adjusted the temperature, and added some of the liquid bubble bath she found on a glass shelf above the tub. While she waited for it to fill, she strolled into the bedroom decorated in navy and light blue accents with a pale gray carpet as soft and cushiony as a memory foam mattress topper.

  She could fit three of her bedrooms into Ben’s. His gigantic furniture probably wouldn’t even squeeze through her doors. The duvet had already been turned down and the lights dimmed. She scooped up the silk paisley robe lying on the foot of the king-size bed and carried it into the bathroom. She kicked off her heels and shimmied out of her dress. After stripping the rest of the way, she tossed all of her clothing on the vanity’s stool.

  She tested the water’s temperature. Perfect.

  Even though the bathtub had filled barely halfway, she spread the thick bath mat on the floor and climbed in. The hot water only covered her to her waist, but the mountain of foam around her continued to grow. Maybe she’d been too generous with the bubble bath.


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