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The Prize: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Diamond Lake Romance Book 3)

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by K. L. Middleton

  K.L. Middleton

  Cassie Alexandra

  Copyright ©2020 by Kristen Middleton

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of this copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  The characters and events portrayed in these books are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. The author acknowledges the trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which has been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner



  It was just past seven when I arrived at the Diamond Lake public beach on my rollerblades. I was supposed to meet Blair, my best friend, at seven-thirty and was fifteen minutes early.

  Noticing a group of older guys parked in the lot next to the beach, I groaned.

  The parking lot was a popular partying spot for some of the seniors. Mostly guys. They’d gather around their cars, with the hoods popped, staring down at their engines while passing around brown-bagged bottles of booze.

  I recognized one of the cars, an older souped-up red Firebird, and knew that I needed to get the hell out of there. It belonged to Adam Knight and he was the last person I wanted to run into. Ever since I’d embarrassed him, in the sixth grade, he had it out for me. He was a couple of years older, cocky, popular, and a total asshole.

  Praying that he didn’t notice me, I skated behind the restroom building and took out my phone. As I was typing Blair a message, I heard male laughter and voices approaching.

  “Yeah, I think I saw her go this way,” Adam said, a smile in his voice.


  He had to be talking about me.

  Why couldn’t he just leave me the hell alone?

  Not the most skilled rollerblader, I knew I’d probably fall flat on my face if I tried making a run for it. So, I skated into the women’s bathroom. Unfortunately, it was unbearably hot and smelled terrible. Not the best hiding spot.

  The guys stopped outside of the bathroom and I could hear them talking.

  “Maybe she’s in there waiting for the big Johnson,” Eric Johnson joked. I could almost see him grabbing at his crotch. “I’m telling you, she wants me.”

  Adam snorted. “Dude, you’re trippin’. You think everyone wants you. Even your Chem teacher.”

  “Seriously, though, the woman keeps looking at me with those come-fuck-me cougar eyes. I think I could fuck an ‘A’ right out of her.”

  The guys laughed and then lowered their voices.

  Were they planning something?

  My cell phone suddenly went off, Blair answering my text.


  “Chloe, you in there?” Adam hollered, sounding amused.

  I didn’t respond.

  “Dude, just go in there,” one of them whispered loudly.

  I started trembling. I didn’t know what they were intending to do, but I needed to get the hell out of there. If the smell wasn’t going to get me, those assholes would.

  Taking a deep breath, I skated out of the bathroom and slammed right into Adam, stunning both of us. For a brief moment, I was actually in his arms until he let me go.

  Eric, who was now standing between me and freedom, grinned. “If it isn’t Chloe Maverick. What’s up girl?”

  He was almost as bad as Adam and I knew he wasn’t trying to be friendly.

  “Not much. Can you please move?” I asked, avoiding eye contact.

  He moved, but only slightly. “Yeah, sorry. My bad. Oh, by the way, I know this guy who has the hots for you. He’s wondering if you’ll go out with him tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah. Sure,” I mumbled.

  “Seriously.” He turned and looked at Adam. “Right? You wanna take Chloe out don’t you?”

  Adam nodded.

  I snorted. He was bluffing. There was no way that Adam Knight wanted to take me out. “Right. You want to take me out.”

  He stared at me silently and for a split second, I felt my stomach get fluttery. The asshole was way too good looking, with his blue eyes, wavy dark hair, and muscular body. But then he smiled that cruel smile of his and I remembered that trusting him was foolish.

  “Actually, I don’t take out freshman bitches. Unless… they need practice giving BJs,” Adam said.

  I knew it.

  They were messing with me.


  “Does that mean you’ll bring your knee pads and show me how it’s done?”

  His friends laughed.

  Adam’s eyes hardened. Before I could blink, he had me backed up against the building.

  “Get the fuck away from me,” I snapped, feeling his breath on my cheek. It smelled like booze, which didn’t surprise me. No wonder they were bothering me more than usual.

  Adam’s lip twitched. “You think you’re pretty cute, don’t you?” he said, studying my face.

  I glared at him. “Let me go.”

  “Honestly? You’re not as ugly as I thought.” His eyes lowered to my chest. “Sadly, you have no tits or ass though. You sure you’re not a boy?”

  “Oh, man. That’s fucking evil, dog,” his friend Vaughn said, laughing.

  My face turned red.

  “Relax. I’m kidding. You’re definitely a girl.” His eyes lowered to my lips. “Here’s a question for you. Have you ever been kissed, Chloe Maverick?”

  I could hardly breathe.

  Was he actually going to kiss me?

  He smiled. “Wouldn’t it be crazy if the first guy who kissed you was me?”

  “I’ve been kissed before,” I lied.

  “Probably not like this.” His lips came down on mine and I was so stunned, I couldn’t think straight. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and I tasted the alcohol and something sweet. I suddenly became lost in the moment and started kissing him back.

  Adam stiffened up and pulled away. For a second, he looked as confused as me. Then he regained his composure, straightened his shoulders, and turned to Eric.

  “Pay up. She gave me some tongue. That means you owe me double,” he said.

  Eric pulled out his wallet. “She looked like she was enjoying it, man.”

  “Yeah, which is why you should probably pay me triple,” replied Adam. “Hell, she was practically humping my leg.”

  They all laughed.

  Humiliated and angry, I pushed away from the wall and skated away. I hated Adam Knight with everything I had and vowed that one day, he’d get exactly what was coming to him.

  Five Years Later



  “Where are you going all dollied up like that?” Grandma Rae asked, peeking her head into my bedroom.

  I looked over my shoulder. “Just this college fund-raising event Blair talked me into attending.”

  “That’s nice dear. Well, you certainly look lovely.”

  I smiled. I had on a slim-fitting black party dress that hung just below the knee and showed a hint of cleavage. It had capped sleeves, black lace around the hem and a slit in the back. I had to admit, I felt pretty. “Thank you.”

  “What are they raising money for? I might want to donate to the cause.”

  “It’s for a women’s shelter somewhere in the area

  Her light blue eyes widened. “Oh? Let me get my checkbook. I’ll be right back.”


  I turned back to the mirror, finished applying my mascara and then added some lip gloss. Satisfied, I put my makeup away and thought briefly about my ex, Shawn. Another reason I’d moved back to Diamond Lake. We’d attended the University of Minnesota together and I’d caught the asshole cheating on me. Although I was over him, for the most part, I sometimes wanted to send him a selfie, just so he could see that I was doing great without him.

  Instead, I grabbed my phone and posted a picture to Instagram. I hash-tagged it “fundraiser” and a few other words. As I was posting it my cousin, Mackenzie, walked into the bedroom. She was a year younger and both of us were living with Grandma Rae. Her parents had died the year before in a horrible car accident. It had been devastating and she’d gone through a pretty dark period. Fortunately, things were a lot better and I’d never seen her smile so much. I knew part of it had to do with her new boyfriend, Chase Adams. The two were inseparable and clearly… in love.

  “Wow, look at you, Miss Minnesota,” she said, smiling in approval. “You’re going to kill that pageant.”

  I laughed. “Right.” I was grateful for the compliment though. After being cheated on, my self-confidence was shit.

  “Where are you going all dressed up anyway?”

  I told her.

  “Oh, yeah. You really do look pretty. Can I borrow that dress sometime?”

  “Of course.” I shoved my phone into my purse and turned around. Mackenzie waitressed at Herschel’s Diner, an old fifties diner. She had her teal car hop uniform on. “Bummer. You’re working tonight?”

  “Yeah. Unfortunately. I’d rather be going to the fundraiser myself. Have fun.”

  I snorted. “Right. I’m honestly not in the mood. I promised Blair I’d go, though. Plus, it’s for a good cause.”

  “Yeah. I heard those college fundraisers are cool. They give away a lot of great stuff. You’ll probably end up really enjoying it.”

  “I hope so. How’s school going?”

  As she filled me in on the current drama happening at Diamond Lake High, I grabbed a pair of black pumps and then we headed downstairs together. When we reached the living room, Grandma Rae walked out of the kitchen.

  “You working tonight?” she asked Mackenzie.

  “No. I just really love wearing the uniform.” She sniffed the collar. “The best part is that no matter how many times I get this thing dry-cleaned, I still smell like a greasy burger. Gotta love it.”

  Grandma Rae chuckled. “Smartass.” She then handed me a check. “Here, you go. My donation.”

  I took it from her and looked at the amount. It was for one-thousand dollars. My jaw just about dropped to the ground. “Wow, that’s very generous of you.”

  She shrugged. “It’s for a very good cause. I’d give more if I could.”

  Mackenzie leaned over and looked at the amount. She smirked. “I should call Gus and see if he’d like to contribute.”

  Grandma and I laughed. Gus was a guy who’d waged a bet with her boyfriend, Chase, to try and sleep with her. Chase changed his mind, feeling shitty about it, and had tried to back out of it. Gus, however, refused to end it so Chase admitted everything to Mackenzie. Furious, my devious cousin played a game of her own and ended up donating a huge chunk of Gus’s money to a Me Too fundraiser at his school. That was after she gave him the date from Hell, which we were certain he’d never forget.

  My phone went off with a message from Blair. I read the screen and found that she was already waiting for me outside.

  “Blair’s here. I gotta go.” I slipped my phone into my purse, walked over to the closet, and pulled out a black wool coat.

  Grandma Rae watched me put it on. “What time is this thing over at?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t really know.”

  “Just be home at a decent hour.”

  Smiling, I buttoned up the coat. “Explain decent.”

  It was always the same thing. I loved my grandmother but she was a worry-wart. She always said that nothing good happened after midnight, which wasn’t exactly true. Especially when you were in college. Sometimes midnight was when the parties were just starting to pick up.

  She pursed her lips together. “You know exactly what I mean, kiddo.”

  I picked up my purse and headed toward the door. “I’m not driving, so I’m not exactly sure what time we’ll get back. Don’t worry, though. We’ll stay out of trouble. It’s just me and Blair.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She sat down in her favorite recliner and picked up the TV remote control “As for avoiding trouble, nobody ever goes looking for it.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” Mackenzie answered. “I’ve met a number of douchebags in town who live for it.”

  Grandma grunted and smiled. “You can say that again.”

  “Is John coming over tonight?” I asked.

  He was Grandma’s boyfriend – a journalist she’d met in the fall. He’d interviewed her for an article in the paper, about successful Diamond Lake businesswomen. Grandma owned a tackle-slash-taxidermy shop. She did very well, although lived pretty frugally. You’d never know the woman had money. Anyway, they’d hit it off right away and now he was practically family. John was a good guy and treated her like a queen. Mackenzie and I were both happy for her.

  She smiled sadly. “No. He’s under the weather. I brought some chicken soup over to him earlier. So, it’s just me and Netflix tonight.”

  Not really in the mood to go out myself, I was a little jealous. “Tell him ‘hi’ from me and that I hope he’s feeling better soon.”

  “I certainly will.”

  I told them goodbye and then headed out to Blair’s car. As usual, the moment I got in, I was engulfed by her Giorgio Armani perfume.

  “Hi. Sorry it took a while. I was talking to Grams and Mackenzie.”

  She smiled at me. “No problem. You look nice.”

  “Thanks.” I glanced at her outfit – a dark red dress we’d picked out together. It was gorgeous and accentuated her curves. “You look great, too.” She also had her hair up and, like me, wore a little more makeup than usual.

  “Thank you.” She watched me put on my seatbelt. “By the way, I heard they’re raffling off some interesting things tonight at the fundraiser.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t exactly know. The email was vague. Just that they were trying something new and that tonight was going to be full of surprises. Did you bring any cash with you?”

  “Not much. My grandmother gave me a check though.” I told her how much it was for.

  Her eyes lit up. “Wow. I bet you could use it for the raffles. It’s all going to charity anyway, no matter how you spend it.”


  “And, whatever you win, you just give to her. She’ll love it.”

  “Great idea. And whatever she doesn’t want,” I smiled, “you and I can share. It was your idea, so it’s only fair.”

  “Whatever you want to do. But, she gets first dibs.”

  “For sure.”

  Now I was actually excited about the event.

  “Oh, by the way. Tony Ganza invited us to an after party tonight. Sounds like there will be a lot of hot guys going.”

  Tony went to our college and was super sweet. “Where’s the party?”

  “His place. I’ll have to get the address. I told him I wasn’t sure if we’d go or not.”

  I thought about my grandmother’s warning about staying out too late. But, I was almost twenty years old. Plus, Blair was driving and I wasn’t going to be a party pooper. “I’m game if you’re game.”

  “Cool. I haven’t been to a party since last fall. Anyway, I think it will be good for both us. Especially you.”

  I knew what she was getting at.


  “I’ve actually been doing just fine.”

She gave me a funny look. “Right. You’re still not over the asshole. Admit it.”

  “No. I am definitely over him. I’m just not looking for a hookup or relationship right now.”

  “I’m not either, but I wouldn’t mind being surrounded by some hot guys tonight.”

  Blair, and her boyfriend, Matt, had broken up the previous summer. She’d been on a couple of dates since, but nothing serious.

  “Yeah, and knowing Tony, he’ll invite as many as he can.” Tony was gay and super outgoing. He had a lot of friends, both straight and gay.

  “Regardless, we’re going to have fun tonight. I mean, look at us. We look fabulous. If anyone deserves it, it’s us.”

  I grinned. “I just can’t be home too late. Grandma Rae was already issuing warnings.”

  “I know. You could text her now and just say you’re sleeping over my place. I mean, we’re going to that party. May as well cover your ass now.”

  I pulled my phone out. “Good idea.”



  “Come on, Adam. It’s for a great cause,” my father repeated sternly.

  I still couldn’t believe he’d sprung this bullshit on me. Had I known what my parents had been up to, I would have lied and said I was out of town.

  “I realize that, but I’ll feel like a fool.”


  I stared at him in disbelief and laughed harshly. “You don’t think that being a raffle prize is weird? I mean, who is going to spend money on a ticket just to win a date with me?”

  “It’s not just a date. It’s a weekend getaway. To anywhere in the country. Plus, it’s for charity.”

  I didn’t know if that made it worse or better. Not only would it be a date, but a weekend with a stranger.

  “Anyway, we’ve already signed you up for it. You can’t back out now.”

  I groaned in irritation. “What the hell?”

  He let out a frustrated sigh. “Look, if you don’t like the prize winner, you can always go your separate ways during the trip.”


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