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Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance)

Page 6

by Checketts, Cami

  Maddie was by his side, staring back through the open doors. “Will they catch us?”

  “They shouldn’t be able to.” He squeezed her shoulder, hoping he looked confident. “My boat is definitely faster, but we can’t maintain this speed long enough to get to America. We’ll have to try to hide.”


  “I have a friend in Cozumel.” He almost smiled thinking of his hilarious friend, Brooks. Then his smile disappeared as he realized Brooks would be hitting on Maddie nonstop, and if she was anything like any other female Zack knew, she’d fall for Brooks within minutes of meeting him. The women always came for Zack initially, but Brooks’ charm swayed them pretty quickly.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Zack pulled her against his side. “It’s okay, Maddie. I’ll protect you.”

  She clung to him. Zack felt all his protective male instincts fire. His rational mind was telling him to slow down, but the beast inside was telling him he’d fight with everything he had to keep her safe. Maddie glanced up at him, and he wished they weren’t being chased by pirates so he could kiss the daylights out of her.

  She gave him a squeeze, then released him. Zack felt the loss, but knew he needed to focus. He reconfigured the coordinates for the small island of Cozumel, just east of Cancun, instead of blowing past it.

  “How long?” she asked quietly.

  “About two hours.”

  She blew out a breath. “Guess I’d better get praying.”

  “Don’t worry.” He flashed her a confident smile that he didn’t really feel. “This boat is so fast, they won’t even know where we’ve gone.”

  * * *

  Seeing her father’s boat behind them brought back all the terror of last night, and Maddie had to swallow to keep the granola bar down. Her breaths came in little pants. She couldn’t face forward but stared continuously out the back, praying and hoping that the boat wouldn’t gain on them.

  What would Bello do to Zack? She gnawed at her lip. She’d gotten Zack into this, even though she hadn’t meant to, and now he was in danger. She glanced at the chiseled features of his face. He was more handsome than any man she’d been around, but there was so much depth to him. He’d helped her without thinking of his own safety or the cost to his property. To return the favor, she brought more misery down on him.

  Zack caught her eye and motioned her to his side. He gently ran one hand down her arm. “It’s okay, Maddie. We’ll lose them. I promise.”

  “How can you be so sure?” She hated that her voice was so shaky. Zack had to know how terrified she was, and that wasn’t going to help him or the situation.

  “Because I made sure to have one of the fastest boats around.”

  Maddie forced a smile. She wanted to beg him to hold her again, but she stayed strong and walked toward the open back area. Squinting out into the ocean, she couldn’t see the boat anymore. A wave of relief swept over her, but she couldn’t quite relax. Picking up the binoculars that Zack had left sitting on the table, she searched and searched and finally saw a white shape behind them.

  Zack was right about the speed of his boat. For the next hour, she paced and stared through the binoculars, but she couldn’t see any sign of the other boat. Maddie felt her racing heart calm. Maybe they really could ditch Bello at Cozumel and then keep going to America. Maybe he wouldn’t kill them both. The thought of him hurting Zack brought a sting of tears to her eyes. It would be all her fault.

  She rejoined Zack in the cabin. Though she couldn’t relax, she was able to sit and sip from a bottle of water and talk to Zack about his Olympic training. And she shared her experiences playing high school and college volleyball and the hard work and enjoyment she’d found in that. Volleyball had started as another quest not to be clumsy, but she’d grown to love it and been good enough to walk onto the college team and play a fair amount.

  Zack pointed out the window and she about cried with relief to see land coming up on their left—or portside, as her father would have corrected. Surprised again at the sorrow she felt for her father, Maddie hoped that something on the flash drive would give her some explanation of why he acted the way he did.

  They followed the Mexican coastline for a while before they saw the island of Cozumel. Zack maneuvered his boat expertly into a yacht club. “I come here often enough that the port authorities won’t do a thorough check of my boat. You’ll need to go down below while they board and talk to me, though. People who work in ports have this crazy obsession with passports.”

  Panic tightened Maddie’s chest. “What if they check the whole boat or see me when we get off?” She hadn’t thought about dealing with Mexican authorities, only being safe from Bello.

  “They know I’m a loner.” His cheek crinkled. “Plus, Mexican government isn’t as regulated as America. For a little cash they’ll always look the other way.”

  “Here’s praying.”

  “You do that.” Zack smiled encouragingly at her.

  Maddie hurried down the steps and went to the farthest bedroom. Just to be safe, she slid into the closet and closed it. Maybe she was being melodramatic, but if they searched the boat and found her, she didn’t think it would bode well for her or Zack.

  Footsteps sounded above her head. She strained, but couldn’t understand their conversation. Did Zack know Spanish? Maddie was grateful for Zack’s quiet confidence, because she was a nervous wreck as she wrung her hands together and waited in the dark. Even though it was cool down here, sweat beaded on her forehead and chest. She bowed her head and muttered a prayer for help over and over again. The boat engine started, and she could feel the soft vibrations as it moved. What did that mean? Did the port authorities reject them? She didn’t dare leave her safe spot.

  A few minutes later, the boat stopped and the motor cut. The lack of circulation and the heat that had built in the small space had perspiration dripping down her back. She held perfectly still and imagined worst-case scenarios, trying to believe that Zack would do the right thing for her. He had so far, but experience with her father and other men had taught her that trust was a dumb thing to give them. What if she’d pushed too far kissing Zack like she had when he had flat-out admitted his disgust of women who threw themselves at him? What if he’d stopped at Cozumel so he could turn her over to the authorities and jet back to his island?

  Footsteps came again, and Maddie’s entire body tensed when the door to the room she was hiding in opened. They were coming for her. She scrunched into the back of the closet, wishing there were clothes or something to hide behind. Closing her eyes, she panted for breath and prayed more fervently.

  “Maddie?” Zack called.

  All her breath rushed out. He was here. She pushed open the closet door.

  “Hey.” His face was filled with concern. “You okay?”

  “Yes, I just … got scared.” She tripped as she came out of the closet, but Zack was there to steady her. His strong arms held her up, and she wanted to lean into him and not let go. The past week and a half she’d had no peaceful familiarity, no one to talk to or comfort her. In less than twenty-four hours she’d become as comfortable with Zack as she was with any of her friends from home, and once again he’d proven he was there for her.

  Zack pulled her closer and simply held her. “Everything’s good,” he said against her forehead. “The authorities cleared me, and I requested an out-of-the-way spot so we can get off the boat without drawing attention. If the guys following you somehow come to the island, they’ll have a hard time finding the boat.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Maddie lifted her head and glanced at his handsome face. “You’re a smartie and a very upstanding guy, you know that?”

  Zack chuckled. “I haven’t heard that often, but thank you.”

  Maddie straightened. “You should hear it more. You’re amazing. Sacrificing so much for someone you don’t even know.”

  His eyebrows arched in a teasing way. “I know a little about you. You’re fu
n to talk to and even more fun to kiss.”

  Maddie laughed, but the lightness faded away as his gaze held hers, and she felt warm and light-headed from the depth in his eyes. Was it possible he was as interested in her as she was in him? Could this be real, or was it just the result of being thrown together in a high-intensity situation and having no choice but to rely on each other? Maybe these feelings were just superficial and would fade as soon as they parted.

  His head lowered toward hers, and Maddie wanted to slow down time and savor the way he seemed to desire her. Their lips connected. His full mouth maneuvered hers in a pattern that was both as heady as riding a rollercoaster and inhaling the scent of lilacs in the springtime. Maddie clung to him. Zack released her lips and his hold on her. He took her hand. “We’d better get going.”

  She nodded, unable to think or speak after that kiss. They made their way through the boat and out into the bright sunshine. Maddie was impressed with his foresight, as they were between several larger yachts on an out-of-the-way ramp. Trees butted right up to the water, their thick foliage making her feel even more hidden. Bello would have to search every slip to find their boat.

  She kept her head down and hurried along beside Zack, hoping no one would stop them and question where another passenger came from on his boat.

  Zack squeezed her hand. “It’s going to be great. We just have to get into town and rent something to go to Brooks’ house.”

  “How far is town?”

  “About two miles south of here.”

  “Two miles?” She didn’t mind walking or running, but without shoes it would be miserable. She also wanted to be safely at his friend’s house as soon as possible in case Bello showed up.

  “We’ll find a ride. We’re lucky like that.”

  Maddie nodded, focusing on positive thoughts. “We have been lucky, haven’t we?”

  “I know I have been. You landed on my island.” He smiled at her.

  “Thank you.” He was so great. How blessed had she been to find someone like Zack last night? Maybe her father wasn’t in Hades and was guiding her as a guardian angel or something.

  They walked through the busy yacht club, and Zack found a taxi driver to take them into town. As they settled into the musty-smelling car, she whispered, “Why don’t we just have him take us to your friend’s?” She was dying to be somewhere safe. A heavy fear pressed down around her like being forty feet underwater without scuba gear. Zack will protect me, Zack will protect me, she kept repeating to herself.

  “I like to have my own car. Plus I don’t want anyone seeing where we go, just in case.”

  She understood his logic, but it still seemed like too long to be exposed.

  They drove along a two-lane road with the ocean on one side and thick foliage on the other. Occasionally, Maddie would glimpse an opening in the trees and a building or hotel. Within minutes they were in the middle of what she assumed was the main street of town. The ocean was still to her left, but the other side now housed shops stacked on top of and next to each other. Everything from jewelry to hammocks was displayed. Traffic slowed to a crawl. “Cruise ship,” the driver muttered, gesturing out his window.

  There were several massive cruise ships docked in the port, and the people spilling down their ramps clogged up the streets with rental cars, taxis, bikes, and pedestrians.

  “It’s okay,” Zack said. “We can walk through the market to the rental shop.” He pressed some money into the driver’s hands, and he pulled over to the curb. They both slipped out Zack’s side of the car.

  Maddie scanned the busy street, seeing all kinds of bright clothing, sunglasses, and toys for sale. Shopkeepers shouted lower and lower prices when an American walked away from a deal. She wished they were tourists and could enjoy the sunny day and bartering for treasures, but it definitely wasn’t that moment. Glancing back at the cruise ships, she saw a yacht making its way into the harbor and up to a massive stone pier. A white yacht with an Italian flag. She gripped Zack’s arm, the terror washing over her anew. How could her father’s yacht have followed them here? It didn’t seem possible, but that was definitely Bello and his men.

  “What?” He glanced at her. “You okay?”

  She pointed.

  Zack’s eyes widened, and he cursed under his breath. “They followed us here instead of into the yacht club,” Zack muttered as the yacht sailed right into the harbor. “Their radar should’ve taken them to the yacht club. That’s why I came here.”

  Radar? How would Zack know if they had radar?

  They backed away and hid behind a street vendor’s cart, the smell of cinnamon and grease unsettling Maddie’s stomach. Zack peeked around the cart at the boat.

  “The flash drive.” Zack whirled on her. “It has to be the flash drive. Unless they’ve bugged you.” His eyes swept over her. He lifted her hair and probed her neck.

  “Nobody’s bugged me. What are you doing?”

  “Looking for some kind of incision. Did they knock you out or drug you at any time you were on that ship?”

  “No. I think I would remember that.” Maddie felt like she was in some sci-fi movie. Could somebody have injected a bug into her without her knowing it?

  Zack’s lips thinned. “Give me the flash drive, Maddie. We’ve got to get rid of it.”

  “I can’t.” She placed her hand over her breast as if to protect all she had left of her father. “It’s got the information I need to give to the authorities. I’ll never be safe from Bello without it.”

  Zack exhaled slowly and glanced back out at the ocean. The pirates were getting closer. Their boat aligned with the dock. An authority ran up to their boat, gesturing with his arms. “They shouldn’t be able to dock there,” Zack said.

  They both watched as some money exchanged hands, and the authority walked away.

  “What about that packet?” Zack whirled back to face her. “You said it had the information, too.”

  “It’s under the water back at your island!”

  “We’ll double back and use my snorkeling or scuba gear to find it. We have to get rid of that flash drive. Now. We can still make it to Brooks’ house. When it’s safe, we’ll take his boat or mine back to the island and find that packet. Then I’ll take you wherever you want to go. If they’re not tracking us, we can lose them easily.”

  Maddie closed her eyes and prayed. She had to trust Zack. He’d proved himself trustworthy, and honestly, he was all she had.

  She pulled the flash drive out and placed it in his hand. He squeezed her hand briefly. “Stay here.” Running for the pier, he ducked low to avoid Bello’s group seeing him, even though they shouldn’t be able to recognize him from the brief glimpse they’d gotten as they passed boats this morning. Zack got in the middle of a group of tourists. Maddie saw him slip the flash drive into an older lady’s oversized beach bag. He hurried back to Maddie and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

  “What about that poor lady?”

  He frowned. His brow furrowed. “They’ll recognize as soon as they see her that she’s not you.”

  “I hope they don’t hurt her.”

  “Me too.” His grip tightened.

  They speed-walked away from the harbor and toward a street filled with small shops packed with merchandise. Little pebbles irritated the soles of Maddie’s feet, but she tried not to let that show. Zack had been so good to her; he didn’t need to listen to her complain.

  Maddie heard some shouts behind them and about fainted when she recognized Bello’s men. Oh no. Zack’s plan didn’t work. They weren’t following the lady. Could Maddie possibly have a bug in her body or something crazy like that? Wouldn’t she have known? She’d locked her door every night and was a light sleeper. Could they have drugged her and she didn’t even remember?

  “They’re coming,” she told Zack.

  He glanced back and upped their speed. They ducked into a shop that featured hundreds of beautiful sundresses. Zack tugged her toward the back of the shop and a d
ressing room. He pulled a few hundred-dollar bills out and gave them to the young female shopkeeper. “Can you bring her a few pretty dresses to try on and some comfortable sandals?” He looked to Maddie. “Size …”

  “Four for the dress. Seven shoes.”

  The shopkeeper nodded.

  “And if anyone comes looking in here, you didn’t see us.” He added a couple more hundreds.

  She smiled. “Got it.”

  Zack grinned at her and pulled the curtain closed behind them. Maddie’s heart was thumping out of control. “How are we going to get away?” She panted for air.

  Zack enfolded her in his strong arms. “Let’s get you changed into something different and maybe a hat to hide that pretty hair.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled at her.

  Maddie took long, slow breaths, thankful for Zack’s calm presence. How was he not freaking out when those men were still tracking them? “Maybe we should get a hat to hide your lack of hair and that handsome, famous face.”

  He chuckled at that. “Good idea.”

  The girl brought several long, flowing dresses and some strappy white sandals. Zack released Maddie and turned his back so she could change.

  Suddenly, they heard loud voices out in the store. Maddie slipped a dress over her head just as Zack turned to her. He pulled her into his arms, and they waited in tense silence. After several charged seconds, Maddie wasn’t sure if she could take the stress much longer. Wasn’t there a back door or somewhere they could run? This standing and waiting was killing her.

  The voices faded, then disappeared. Maddie left the clothes she’d been wearing in the dressing room and slid on the sandals. The red-and-white-striped sundress molded to her curves, and she felt prettier than she had since taking a plunge into the ocean last night.


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