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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Come, my love. Let me take care of you.” She coos while licking her lips.

  I move forward in an irrational need to feel her closer to me. The logical part of my brain is screaming danger but it’s currently being held captive by my raging desire. My body is begging me to allow her hands to touch me the way her eyes just did.

  As if I am a fly trapped in her web, I’m helpless against her advances. Confusion sets in when images of Asher flash through my mind. His strong hands and brooding lips brand every spot on my body.

  “Come,” she bids again. “I know you want to feel me as I care for you. I can take you places you have never experienced before. Make you feel things,” she whispers like a lover.

  I release a soft sigh and close my eyes in response. My brain is not functioning properly. It’s full of fog and lust for her as images of Asher keep invading my thoughts. It’s like my body is confusing her for him. When I open my eyes, she is unhappy, like a shark ready to snap.

  “Eve, move away from the water,” a familiar, masculine voice says in a smooth, seductive tone. I don’t want to go to him. I want to go to the beautiful woman standing in front of me and giving me bedroom eyes. Don’t I?

  “Saraphina, release her from the spell at once,” the deep voice orders.

  “Or what, gargoyle?” She laughs and it sounds like angels singing. I lick my lips in response as she smiles seductively at me and nods.

  “Or I will kill you myself,” the male voice threatens.

  She turns her chocolate eyes on the man behind me, attempting to seduce him too, lowering her voice to a sexy octave. “It’s a shame, really. You used to be so much more fun. Do you recall all the good times we’ve had together, lover?”

  “Your seduction won’t work this time, so save the effort. I’ll kindly ask you one more time to release Eve from the spell before I discharge my powers,” he says cockily.

  She pouts and it makes me sad. The need to comfort her overwhelms me until she darts her angry eyes toward me. Without warning, the chokehold she had on my body is gone. I stumble back, almost landing on the snowy ground before two strong hands wrap around me. As the haze in my brain begins to lift, I start to see and think clearly again.

  “Next time she comes to the lake, I will take her to Lucifer,” Saraphina threatens then dives into the water, splashing us. It only increases the coldness running through my bones.

  A pair of brawny hands grab at me, pulling me away from the water’s edge. “It’s all right. I’ve got you.”

  My lips chatter from the cold and I’m unable to speak. The scent of cigarettes and spice pulls me out of my speechlessness.

  “Gage?” His name comes out as a choked whimper.

  He smirks. “Hello, love.”

  My eyes flicker on his enigmatic face before everything goes black.


  My Soul

  My body feels heavy, but it’s finally warm as I snuggle deeper into the soft blanket that envelops me. Against my will, my eyes open and I notice the blazing fire. A slight smile crosses my lips, knowing I’m safe. The moment is fleeting as my eyes shift and land on a large lion tattoo, which is staring back at me as if personified from the lean muscles of the bare back that is home to the animal.

  I sit up an inch, holding my breath as the gargoyle turns his sea green eyes toward me then offers a charming smile. Shit. Asher is going to kill me, that is, if Gage doesn’t first.

  “You’re up.” It isn’t a question.

  “You’re shirtless,” I retort.

  He looks down before grinning. “Yes, love, I suppose I am. My attire was wet after saving you from being seduced by that nut job of a selkie. No thanks are needed though,” he finishes in a light-hearted, sarcastic tenor.

  I roll my eyes and look around, noticing we’re in his concrete loft. “So you kidnapped me and brought me back to Paris?”

  “Yes.” He blows out his cigarette smoke with the word then flicks the remains into the fire before bringing a short glass to his lips and swallowing the last sip of golden liquid. We both watch the remnants of the cigarette burn. “I brought you back to my home.”

  “Those things will give you cancer, you know.” I point to the now destroyed stick of nicotine.

  He gives me a crooked smile and shrugs. “I’m a gargoyle. We don’t get cancer.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Convenient.”

  “Would you like some brandy to warm you?” he asks.

  “That depends.”


  “On whether or not you’re planning to hand me over to Deacon after I drink it.” I stare him down.

  He holds my eyes, unwavering. “Have some. It will both warm and relax you while I mull it over,” he suggests as he walks over to a built-in bar. Gage pours the amber liquid half way into a short glass before approaching me with it.

  I reach for it and take a small sip. At first, it burns going down my throat but then almost immediately, warmth flows through my blood and suddenly, I’m unexpectedly grateful he found me. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the council meeting?”

  His bark is short and boisterous. “No, love. It’s a Spiritual Assembly meeting and I’m not a member of that particular assemblage.”

  I watch him. “You’re part of the Secular Set then? No affiliation to either Heaven or Hell?”

  “No.” Gage feigns disinterest and sits down on a black leather chair that’s positioned across from the couch I’m on.

  Damn, he really needs to put a shirt on. His corded stomach muscles are beckoning me to run my hands over them. Focus, Eve. He’s dangerous. “No associations then?”

  “Relationships and loyalties are messy,” he offers, his tone spiteful.

  “Why did you save me from the selkie? Aren’t you inclined to hand me over to Deacon?” I’m trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

  “Inclined?” He plays with the word as if he doesn’t understand the meaning. “I don’t know, love. I have yet to decide what I’m doing when it comes to you,” he claims, more to himself than me.

  I swallow my frustration and try to sit up. That’s when I realize I’m not wearing any clothing. I grit my teeth and clench my jaw. “What the hell? Where are my clothes, Gage?” I snap.

  His right eyebrow lifts in amusement. “They were drenched and frozen from the snow and the splash Saraphina caused so I’m having them laundered for you.”

  I snarl my agitation. “So you undressed me then?”

  He shakes his head. “Love,” he says in a disappointed voice, “I’m more of a gentlemen than that. My housekeeper, Isla, did it before she left. She’s also taken care of washing and drying the items for you. They’re finishing up the dry cycle as we speak.”

  “You didn’t think to maybe have her throw a t-shirt or something on me?” I ask, annoyed.

  He stares at my bare shoulders for the briefest moment. I think I see his face soften with what could be mistaken as want before he schools his features and flicks his aloof eyes to mine.

  “You were on the verge of hypothermia. Your body warmed faster without the clothing.”

  I wrap the blanket tighter around myself. “Well, thank you. For, you know, saving me.”

  He shrugs. “I’m a gargoyle. It’s what we do. We save the human race and all.” He waves his hand as if it’s an effort to help mankind.

  I scoff. “Then why are you so adamant about handing me over to Deacon when he means me harm?”

  Gage pauses, looking thoughtful for a moment. “I owe him a favor. It’s business, not personal.”

  “And I’m the favor?” I study his face and body language, trying to figure him out.

  He nods once, his face impassible. “Yes.”

  “So then where is he?” My eyes search the loft.

  “As I mentioned, love, I’ve yet to decide if I’m going to fulfill my obligation or not. I find you very illicit and intriguing. I need some time to decide.” Gage’s voice sounds far off.

  I watch him, remind
ed of what Fiona said about his past relationship with the London clan. “Asher will figure out I’m here.”

  “Your protector is with the Spiritual Assembly which means your bond is temporarily on pause, if you will. It’s why he didn’t save you from Saraphina himself,” he offers cockily.

  “How did you know where I was?” It comes out harsher than I meant it to.

  “I’ve been following you. Watching from the shadows.” He smirks as memories from our last conversation about watching me from the shadows enter my mind. My cheeks flush at the recollection and our intimate dance at Katana, Asher’s nightclub.

  “Why?” I question sincerely.

  He blows out an exaggerated breath. “Why do any of us do what we do, Eve? I have my reasons. None of which I’m interested in sharing with you.”

  Ouch. I take a larger sip of the brandy. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night and I’ll need it. My head starts to ache. I lift my hand to rub my temples, attempting to ease the pressure.

  Gage sighs, gets up, and disappears from the room before returning a few moments later with two aspirin. “The headache is an effect of the selkie’s charm wearing off. It will subside in a bit. These should help.”

  “Is that what she did? She put me under some sort of spell?” I take the aspirin.

  “Yes, she enhanced your feelings and twisted them, making you think you felt them for her. It’s what selkies do. They have great seductive powers,” Gage answers, watching me closely.

  My face goes crimson recalling the images of Asher she planted. “What exactly is a selkie?” I ask, avoiding the current state of my mortification.

  “A mythological creature. Although they’re often confused with mermaids, they live as seals. Once on land, they can normally shed their skin to become human. Our little Saraphina has been a very naughty selkie and was punished centuries ago. Hence her new title as Lady of the Lake. She is bound to lakes until her sentence has been fulfilled,” he explains.

  “Sounds lovely. What did she want with me then?”

  He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “I suppose what all supernatural creatures want with you, love. Leverage. My guess is she was offered freedom if she handed you over to Lucifer.”

  “She mentioned having known you, in the ah, biblical sense. You really know how to pick girlfriends.” My cheeks are burning. I need to learn tact. Why am I even bringing this up?

  He laughs and his eyes twinkle. “Saraphina is good at many things, especially in the bedroom.”

  I swallow the bile threatening to come up. “Would you mind checking on my clothing, please?” I’m suddenly too hot and very aware I’m still naked.

  “I would be happy to. Would you like a refill while I’m up?” He points to my glass.

  “No, thank you.” I really need to keep a clear head around Gage.

  He walks down the long hallway as I stand, wrapping myself tightly in the blanket. I make my way to the wall of windows that overlooks the Eiffel Tower then close my eyes. I try to feel the hum of energy I get from Asher but it’s not there. All of a sudden, I’m terrified, cold and alone.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I focus my energy and center myself the way Michael showed me, willing my body to reach a hypnotic state. I let my mind wander and focus on my heart, visualizing it. Every beat that it takes, every ounce of blood it pushes through my veins and organs, my body pulls toward the link that connects my heart to Asher’s.

  All my other thoughts fall away and I focus on my heartbeats as they align with his and my body enters a state of vibration. My soul lifts and I imagine Asher’s face, his smile and the five o’clock shadow I love so much.

  I move toward his sparkling eyes and concentrate on his heartbeat as my body’s soul floats through the astral plane, guiding my spirit toward him.

  Within seconds, I notice I’m in a large, circular room. It’s similar to a stadium where the seats are in a ring formation and taper off, each step is another row down to a main floor where Michael and Uriel are speaking. I can’t hear what they’re saying. It’s like they’re on mute.

  The ceiling is vaulted and has the most beautiful mural of angels painted on it. Blue and green brush strokes enhance the entire piece. The large hall boasts crisp white walls highlighted with stunning gold gilded moldings. The sanctuary has natural lighting, though I can’t tell where it’s coming from. Beams of brightness bounce off the gold accents, creating an ethereal setting which appears to glow.

  My eyes scan all the people that are seated. It looks like an ancient Greek senate meeting. There must be a thousand men and women in this room. I scan the faces until I see Asher and take in a deep sigh of relief.

  As if he senses my presence, Asher’s eyes lift and catch mine going completely wide as he stands abruptly and stalks toward me. My heart increases at his proximity It’s like I feel whole again, and safe. My entire body relaxes knowing he’s here. He is my oxygen, my lifeline.

  Once he reaches me, he takes my elbow and drags me out of two large bullion doors into a white marble hallway that’s gleaming with sunlight. Huh, who knew we could touch in this state.

  “What are you doing here, Eve?” he asks, alert and surprised while he scans my face. His eyebrows knit together, confused as to how I got here and why I am translucent.

  “How come I can hear you but not the others in the room?” I question.

  “It’s protected by the Angelic Council. Only members can hear the discussion,” he offers. “Are you astral projecting?” he whisper shouts in awe.

  I nod, chewing the inside of my cheek, unsure if he’s upset I’m here or glad to see me. “Yes.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Where are Abby and Kenna?” he shoots off a mile a minute.

  I swallow. If he wasn’t mad before, he’s going to be really pissed when I explain. “Um, I had a little run in with a goblin and a selkie. I’m okay. Gage saved me and brought me to his loft in Paris, where I am now.”

  He just stares at me. Mouth agape and face pale. Crap. I can’t tell if he’s angry or about to pass out. Asher exhales, trying to calm himself. I fidget, waiting for the shouting.

  “Start. From. The. Beginning,” he says too slowly and more for his benefit than mine.

  “After you left, Godry came out of the woods,” I begin, unsure how much I should tell him.

  “Godry? The goblin from Yester Castle?” he confirms, puzzled.

  I nod. “Anyway, he said he owed you a favor and since you’re here at the meeting, he wanted to warn me about Saraphina. By the way, that little goblin needs some serious lessons in manners. He’s extremely rude and tactless. I almost squished the life out of him.”

  Exhausted, Asher runs his hands over his face and through his hair. “Eve.” It comes out as a warning growl. “Focus, please.”

  “Right, sorry. I was prepared to leave when Saraphina called to me. Apparently, the creepy selkie put some sort of seductive charm on me. I was just about to walk into the frozen water when Gage caught me and pulled me out.” I stop and wait for the yelling that surprisingly doesn’t come.

  Asher just inhales and watches me. Then with great self-control he says, “So, now, you’re with Gage?”

  “Yes. In Paris, at his loft.” I study him, watching me. Why is he so composed?

  “I’m assuming Saraphina wanted to turn you over to Lucifer for her freedom. Is Gage in contact with Deacon?” Asher asks, his voice calm. Too calm. It’s unnerving.

  “No. That’s just it. He said he owed Deacon a favor but now he isn’t sure if he’s willing to fulfill it.” I pull my brows together. His quiet demenour is freaking me out.

  Asher’s still for a moment longer while he contemplates what I’ve told him. His eyes roam down me and stop on the blanket before his face morphs into fuming anger. “WHAT. THE. FUCK. EVE. Where are your fucking clothes?” he shouts in a controlled whisper.

  Seriously, I’ve been standing here for like fifteen minutes and he’s just now noticing the blanket. I
forgot when I project it’s in the items I’m wearing. “Um, they were wet from the snow, so they’re being washed and dried,” I say, gauging his reaction.

  Asher’s eyes narrow at me in fury, but his voice is oddly gentle. “I’m presuming since Gage saved you and is keeping you quietly at his loft, he isn’t going to bring Deacon in tonight. That said, for the love of all that is…when you get back, put your fucking clothes back on.” He regains control of his temper before continuing.

  “Then wait for either Abby, Kenna or I to come get you. Understand?” He waits, eyes in slits.

  “Yes. Dress and wait,” I repeat with a quick nod.

  “And by the grace, siren. Do not fucking go anywhere else with that piece of shit. Got it?” he quietly shouts, his eyes wild and raw.

  “Yep, crystal clear.” I smile, trying to help keep his emotional state even.

  “We’ll discuss this when I get back from the meeting. Once sworn into the summit, we’re not permitted to leave. Under any circumstances.” His eyes flicker to the doors then back to me and soften a bit. “If I’m gone too long, they’ll come looking for me and notice you’re here. Which, by the way, is completely breaking the rules. Also a discussion for later,” he scolds.

  I cast my eyes down. “I’m sorry. I was just afraid and didn’t know what else to do.”

  Immediately, Asher’s entire demeanor changes. The hardness is gone as he pulls me into his arms. “Shit. I’m sorry, siren. Of course, you’re frightened. You did the right thing coming to find me. I’ll get you out of Gage’s place as soon as I can. If what you said is true, then I’m sure he’s not going to hurt you. For now, you’re safe. That doesn’t mean you can let your guard down with him though, Eve. He’s in a tenuous state right now and is unpredictable.”

  I nod, wishing I could inhale his scent to help keep me calm. “I promise to be careful.”

  “Good girl, thank you. I need to return to the meeting. Are you okay to astral project back?” Asher’s hands cup my face, his thumb brushing back and forth across my skin.


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