Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 9

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  A quiet knock on my door pulls me from my reverie as I release the curtain, allowing it to partially fall back over the window, blocking the lake.

  “Come in.”

  Abby slips into the room, closing the door behind her. She fidgets awkwardly with her hands as she stands across the room from me, assessing me. “Hi. Asher asked me to come in and make sure you’re ready for today. See if you need anything.”

  I offer her a bright smile. “Abby, I promise, I’m okay. Yesterday’s events are not your fault. Neither was my nightmare. Please, stop acting like I’m breakable or angry. I’m not either of those things.”

  “I know.” The angelic gargoyle sighs and walks over to the bed. She sits while folding a piece of her red hair behind her ear. “It’s just, I’m in charge of the charms and I didn’t even consider that Saraphina might be trouncing around the lake. I’m truly sorry, Eve. I dropped the ball on your protection. I swear to you, it won’t happen again.”

  I frown and sit next to her on the bed, taking her hand in mine. “You didn’t let me down, Abby. I know all of you would give your life to protect me. Besides, Asher did tell me to go back into the house. Now I know to be a bit more careful around supernatural beings…and lakes.” I let out a slight laugh, causing Abby to smile.

  “Are you excited to meet Priestess Arabella?” she asks, sitting up straighter.

  “I guess. I’ve never met a priestess before, let alone one that is revered amongst the supernatural world for her seer abilities.”

  “She’s the most powerful of all the oracles, or foreseers. Kind of like a psychic on crack,” Abby explains.

  “Great.” I grimace. “Hopefully, she won’t see anything too depressing.”

  “Nothing bad will happen. Ash will be with you. So will Callan and I,” she says with girlish excitement.

  My mood just picked up. “You’re coming too?” I question with a spark of hope.

  “Asher asked Callan and I to join you guys as ‘backup’. Cool, huh?” she states, smiling at me.

  “Backup or a buffer?” I retort.

  She puckers her brow. “Does it matter?”

  “Nope. I’m thrilled you and Callan are coming. Thank you,” I offer, giving her a huge hug.

  Abby claps her hands like a little girl. “Great. Let’s get you changed and then we can head downstairs to begin our realm jump.”

  I scowl. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask defensively, looking at my clothes.

  “Nothing, if you’re going to class but jeans and a black shirt is not appropriate to meet a high priestess, especially one that sits on the Royal Supernatural Court.” Abby moves toward my closet.

  Twenty minutes later, and a lot of ducking out of the way of flying clothes, Abby decides she is pleased with my outfit, consisting of a black Free the People Elle Lace mini dress and black, open toe, knee boots that tie but have a square heel so I can walk on grass easily. Feeling a little overdressed, I look at myself in the mirror.

  The mesh, sleeveless shift with crochet and lace detailing all over it is trimmed with a scalloped lace bottom hem. The entire outfit makes me feel overwhelmed. She adds bangle bracelets because apparently priestesses love jewelry.

  “Are you sure I’m not a little overdressed?” I ask, throwing her a worried look.

  “Eve, you look amazing. Trust me, I know what the appropriate attire is for meeting a priestess,” she says passionately.

  It’s then I notice she is also wearing a black, sheer lace button down style dress with a high neckline and black, open toe flat sandals that tie up with a ribbon to her ankle.

  “I have faith in you,” I promise in a hushed voice.

  She nods once and grins though it doesn’t reach her eyes. Obviously, she’s still a bit sensitive about yesterday and doesn’t think I fully trust her. I grab her arm, forcing her eyes to meet mine.

  “Hey, I entrust my life to you, Abby. You’re a great friend and an amazing protector,” I say with as much sincerity as one can.

  She gauges me for a moment before giving me a genuinely bright smile. “Thanks, Eves. Let’s find the guys and go meet the high priestess then. Shall we?”

  I muster up as much excitement as I can. “Can’t wait.” My voice trails off as I follow her out of the room.

  As soon as my bottom foot hits the last step, I hear a drawn out whistle. “You ladies look amazing,” Callan offers, beaming before heading over to Abby and planting a soft kiss on her lips. Odd. Why does this feel like a double date?

  “Thanks, baby,” she replies, taking him in.

  Feeling a tinge jealous of their intimacy, I look away only to lock eyes with Asher, as he stands there open-mouthed. His eyes roam the length of my entire body before he actually swallows. His visual caress burns my skin like flames, marking me as his once again.

  Both he and Callan are wearing black dress pants and black dress shoes. Callan is wearing a crisp white button down dress shirt. I guess you dress up to see a priestess. Asher’s dress shirt is black with his sleeves rolled to his elbows. I clench my hands at my side, digging my nails into my palms in an effort to curb my desire to go over and touch him.

  Predatorily, he stalks over to me, leaning into my space. God, he smells good. “You look perfect, siren.”

  Without thinking, I lick my lips and tilt into him. “Thank you.”

  “All right, gang. Are we ready to realm jump to the Eternal Forest?” Callan breaks the moment.

  Asher’s eyes don’t leave mine. He holds out his hand, waiting for me to take it. I feel like the gesture means more. Like he’s changing the rules somehow with that one simple offer. I slip mine into his as the humming from the bond runs through my veins, causing my eyelids to flutter and my breath to hitch.

  “I’ve got you, siren,” he assures me.

  “I believe you, pretty boy,” I retort.

  Asher gives me a beautiful and cocky smirk as he tightens his hold on my hand.

  “To the chamber then,” Callan says cryptically.

  My brows lift as dread consumes me. “Chamber?”

  Asher winks at me and tugs my arm, forcing me to follow him into the library. Once in, the four of us walk over to the back right corner where there is a white granite dragon statue sitting on a black marble table. Callan begins to unbutton his shirt, and with some assistance from Abby, takes it off. Amused he turns around, facing us so his back is to the dragon.

  I pull my eyebrows together in question as Callan smiles and winks at me. “Wait for it, cutie.”

  The eyes on the statue turn green and a green light beams out, scanning the dragon tattoo on his back, which symbolizes the St. Michaels’ family crest. Once the statue finishes, Callan puts his shirt on and then speaks in their gargoyle language. “Anvolde lem ansa lók, esh anten skítas de volde lem.”

  Asher leans in. “It means: The wingless ones cannot speak, and lack the intelligence of the winged ones.”

  “Charming.” My response causes Asher’s lips to tilt up.

  “We thought it was clever.” He gives a cocky smirk. More like insulting to humans.

  I’m about to retort when the wooden slats on the floor spread open, revealing a stone staircase that leads down into a dark tunnel. My eyes slide to Abby and she smiles and nods with encouragement.

  As if sensing my unease, Asher presses his chest to my back and guides the hair off my left shoulder, over to my right side, allowing him access to my ear so he can whisper.

  “It’s a secret chamber we have in each of our homes. Do you recall us telling you that as gargoyles there are times we need to be in stone state?” he inquires. His breath tickles my cheek.

  With my eyes fixated on the dark staircase, I nod. My body is frozen in fear, recalling the nightmare that haunted me for months where I was trapped in an underground passage by a demonic belker named Nero. He was an evil spirit created from smoke who tried to kill me before Asher executed him with an Angelic Sword.

  “This chamber allows us
to go into our stone state, to heal or realm jump under protection since our physical bodies remain. Remember, if we are injured or pierced in the heart during stone state, we are trapped for eternity in stone petrifaction, so this chamber protects us. No one but the London clan can enter or exit. That’s all it is, okay?” He waits for confirmation.

  I swallow hard and scan Callan, Abby and finally Asher’s eyes. “Okay,” I manage with shaking hands.

  “I’m right here with you, siren,” Asher vows.

  I grip his hand tighter. “I trust you.” I lift my chin.

  He smiles, lifts my hand and kisses my fingers. “Good girl. Callan and Abby will lead, you follow Abby and I’ve got your back.”

  I turn to follow Abby down the flight of stone stairs, into the dark abyss. My hands glide over stone walls. The only light comes from medieval sconces that are lit with flames. A little gothic for my taste but whatever works for the gargoyles. As we make our way further down the stairs, the temperature drops and it becomes damp and smells musty. I force my eyes open and shut, trying to brush off the flashes of my Nero dream.

  After what feels like a hundred stairs, the room opens up, becoming brighter and warmer. Even more flames light the tomb. The floor is made of large black marble tiles and the walls are a dark gray stone home to twenty or so alcoves filled with gargoyle statues. Large black candles are lit everywhere. The wax drips in intricate patterns, flowing like lava onto the stones. Randomly, in the center of the chamber are three large king-sized, four poster beds. Each draped in the most exquisite red, green and black silk fabrics. They’re breathtaking.

  Noticing my focus, Asher steps in front of me. “Those are our stone state beds. The red is Keegan and Kenna’s. The green Callan and Abby’s and the black is mine. The silk drapery matches our protector tattoos and healing stones.”

  Abby pops up next to me. “There are also rubies, emeralds and onyx embedded in each of the posts.” Her voice is quiet as if speaking in a church. “This is a peaceful sanctuary for us to come and heal, astral project, or realm jump, and it also serves as a final resting place for many of our ancestors.” She points to the statues of different gargoyles.

  My eyes roam around the chamber in awe. Creepiness aside, it’s actually really beautiful and peaceful. There are three large fireplaces that Callan is lighting before turning toward Asher.

  “Why don’t Abby and I pull through first to the realm, then you and Eve?”

  “Sounds like a good plan,” Asher agrees before turning to face me shyly, piquing my interest.

  “Um, not to make this stranger than it already is for you, but each bed has been charmed for protection. That means only a gargoyle and their bonded are permitted to sleep in the stone bed that has been created and enchanted for them.” His eyes are fixated on the ground.

  “Okay,” I answer fretfully. Totally not following him.

  “Therefore, Abby and Callan have to share their stone state in the emerald bed since they’re mated.” He stretches his neck to each side. “Ah, because we’re blood bonded, we need to share the onyx bed,” he says, indigo eyes meeting mine with a level of nervousness.

  “Are you asking me to share your stone state bed, Asher?” I tease, responding to his odd behavior.

  Asher swallows with what seems like difficulty. “I guess I am,” he says tensely.

  Not understanding why this is a big deal since we’ve sleep next to one another in beds before, I lightly jab his hand. “It’s not a big deal. I totally don’t mind,” I say and move toward his bed.

  He grabs my arm and spins me around so quickly I get dizzy for a moment. “Wait,” he says in a sharp tone. “Only mates share the stone state bed. Once in stone state, you physically and mentally become one with your bonded partner.”

  “Asher, you’re being really cryptic. What are you trying to say?” I prod, trying to make sense of the inarticulate information.

  “Let me. Eve, come here for a moment,” Abby says as I make my way over to her, confused. She guides me away from the bed and toward a large dragon gargoyle statue. She leans in, giving the impression we’re the only two who can hear one another. Though we aren’t.

  “What’s going on, Abby?”

  “Okay, don’t freak out or anything,” she states calmly.

  My eyes narrow at her. “Too late.” Why do people say don’t freak if they don’t want you to freak?

  “The stone state bed for a gargoyle is a very personal haven. A male gargoyle only invites his mate to share the bed with him, usually on the first night of their bonding ceremony to consummate their unification. It’s very intimate once in the stone state, and something that is normally only done when two people are bonded forever. How can I put this? It’s very similar to you giving Asher your virginity. By inviting you into his stone state bed, he’s basically giving you his gargoyle virginity. No one, not even a gargoyle mate, will ever be able to share it with him. Only you.” Her eyes plead understanding.

  “Do you mean to tell me he will never be allowed to bring his mate into his stone state bed because he’s already shared it with me?” I attempt clarification.

  “Yes. Even if you are not his forever, the dragon spirits will only allow one,” she says sadly.

  My eyes shift to Asher. “Holy shit.” I look back at Abby. “Why do I have to stay in the chamber? I mean, I understand that you guys do for safety reasons, but can’t I realm jump from my bed upstairs?”

  “No. To get into the Eternal Forest, a human must be with a supernatural being. In your case, with your bloodline, you must be with your bonded protector while realm jumping and the only safe way to do that is from the chamber.”

  “Crap.” I exhale as the tension in the chamber just skyrocketed tenfold.

  “Knowing this, Michael approved this visit to the realm?” I ask, astonished.

  “Yes. At the council meeting everyone, including Asher, gave their approval.”

  “Um, ladies, not to rush this, but we shouldn’t keep Priestess Arabella waiting when we’re expected. Once in the Eternal Forest, we have quite a bit of a hike before we get to her, meaning we need to start the realm jumping process,” Callan informs us all.

  Abby squeezes my hands reassuringly before walking to Callan. “Alright, babe. Let’s do this. We’ll see you guys in the realm,” she throws over her shoulder casually while I internally panic.

  I turn and watch as Callan plants a very seductive kiss on her lips and helps her into the bed before untying each of the pieces of fabric. The drapes sway out of their ties and close, shielding the inside of the bed from our outside eyes. Callan turns to me and wiggles his brows before climbing in and becoming unseen.

  Asher walks over to me and takes my hands, which are shaking. “You don’t have to do this, Asher. I didn’t realize how significant this would be,” I say, choking on my words. Oh my God. I sound ridiculous and scared out of my friggin mind.

  “Shh-it’s okay,” he hushes me, leaning his forehead to mine. “Hear me when I say this to you. There is no one in the world, gargoyle or human, I would rather share this with, siren.” He pauses and cups my face, forcing me to meet his glowing eyes. “There’s no reason to be afraid. I’m honored to share my stone state bed with you, forever,” he says in a soft but firm tone, holding my face tightly.

  “Forever is a long time,” I whisper, my throat tight.

  He gives me his signature sexy smirk. “Yes. It fucking is.”

  I let out a strangled laugh as my knees go wobbly on me. “Asher St. Michael, I would be honored to share your stone state bed,” I say, looking him in the eyes.

  Asher growls and the soft glow from his eyes burns brighter. “Fuck, that was so hot.”

  I roll my eyes. “Come on. Abby and Callan are waiting for us.”

  He blows out a sharp breath. “That just killed it.”

  I smile at him while he takes my hand and leads me to the bed. His eyes never waver and his hand never drops mine as he begins to untie the silk ribbons k
eeping the large pieces of fabric open. One by one, they fall, enclosing the bed. I swallow at the intimacy of it all.

  Once all the pieces of fabric have fallen, Asher takes the hand that’s in his and brings it to his lips, kissing my fingers.

  “Is there something special we have to do?” I question with a shaky voice. “I mean, do you just want to sleep with me? I mean take me to bed?” God, Eve, shut up.

  Asher moves closer to me, brushing the hair off my shoulder. “I could spend eternity lost in the depths of your hazel eyes,” he murmurs.

  Without thought, I move closer to him. My hands are splayed on his chest, over the protector tattoo as it hums with energy under my touch. I know we’re supposed to be showing restraint, but it’s so hard when he’s this close and smells so good. Asher’s right hand comes up and gently brushes my cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  “There’s nothing more I want than a forever with you, siren.” His eyes search mine.

  My lips part at his declaration. Before I can speak, Asher leans down, kissing me at a painfully slow pace. He pushes all his feelings into the kiss, causing a single tear to escape my eyes, inching its way onto my cheek.

  With the pad of his thumb, he brushes it away and helps me step up onto the platform at the end of the bed. I push away the meaning of this entire moment and how significant it is for him, for us. After this, there is no turning back. It’s all or nothing. Everything is about to change.

  He releases my hand and moves a piece of the draped fabric to the side, patiently waiting for me to climb onto the mattress. I turn to face him. My pace is slow as I place my palms down on the bed and sit, causing him to inhale sharply. Keeping constant eye contact, I swallow down the fear and move back on the bed so I’m facing him while lying back on my elbows.

  With hooded eyes, Asher just looks me over, taking me all in as his lips part. After what feels like an eternity, he unhurriedly moves toward the end of the bed. Releasing the curtain behind him, he climbs over me until we’re face-to-face. The weight of his body pressed onto mine causes my skin to go up in flames. My throat goes dry and my breathing becomes erratic. Asher’s eyes search mine before he takes my hands in his, interlocking our fingers. He lifts my arms above my head, allowing our combined hands to rest on the pillows that my hair is splayed over.


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