Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 10

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Ilem jur pri tú-tim, ew tú-tim pri pos-tim ali ide in-zen, mání, vas-wís, ew ter-ort. Esta-de ai esta Ilem de, Ilem pos-tim in-saengkt pri, tú-tim,” he says in his Garish tongue.

  “What does that mean?” I ask in a bare whisper.

  “Forever,” he says while lowering his lips to mine.


  The Eternal Forest

  I’m floating. That’s the only way to describe the feeling I’m experiencing at this moment. It’s difficult to tell where Asher begins and I end. We’re swirling and morphing into one person. I feel every beat of his heart, each breath he takes, and every single emotion that’s running through him. We’re becoming one, mind, body, soul and heart. I inhale and let go, leaving my fears behind. It feels so real. He’s become the only thing that makes me want to live at all.

  Large, warm hands cup my face while a thumb traces my bottom lip. “Open your eyes, siren,” Asher commands softly.

  I have no choice. My body obeys willingly as my eyes flutter open and pull into view his beautiful face. My heart skips a beat as I reach for him.

  His smile is so bright. “I realize it’s a little disorienting. Just trust that I’ve got you.”

  As soon as my eyes focus, I realize we’re no longer in Asher’s bed but lying in dark cerulean moss. My eyes soak in our surroundings as black trees come into view. This realm is nothing like the Kingdom of the Fae. Where that land is full of bright greens, crystal water and blue skies adorned with colorful pinks and whites, this forest is dark and beautifully haunting.

  “Welcome to the Eternal Forest, siren.” Asher breathes in my ear, reminding me his body is still touching mine. Oh my God!

  I take in the shadowy colors of the realm. It’s filled with deep blues, dark grays, and midnight blacks. The trees have black bark and are beyond normal levels of what we consider tall. They’re maybe over a hundred feet high and none have leaves on them. The tall vegetation crosses at the top, intertwining their branches in an arched canopy, shielding the sky. They remind me of the black, leafless decorative trees people put out on Halloween.

  The exotic plant life is low to the ground, clinging to the land like a carpet. The bubbling water glows jade with a light layer of smoke coming off the top. The forest floor is composed of black soil sprinkled with dark gray and olive rocks. Surprisingly, it’s stunning.

  My eyes lock back onto Asher as he begins to stand, holding out his hand for me to take.

  “W-what happened? Why do I feel so…?” My voice trails off in search of the right words for the disorientation I’m feeling.

  Asher assists me to my feet and brushes the hair away from my face. There is worry and pain in his eyes. Through our bond, I can sense he’s scared I will reject him. “It’s the bond. We realm jumped together. The first time always leaves you a little out of sorts because,” he pauses and exhales, “essentially, we’ve become one. It will get easier, I promise.”

  I assess his face, feeling so different. It’s like every time I look at him, he’s my reason for being. “I’m not going to sugar coat this. That’s pretty fucking creepy, pretty boy.”

  He laughs loudly. “Yeah, siren, it certainly is.”

  “Finalllllyyyy. What the hell took you two so long?” Callan announces in fake annoyance as we turn to see he and Abby approaching us.

  “We’re here now,” Asher states, interlacing our fingers.

  “Good. Let’s roll,” Callan says as Abby studies me.

  My brows pinch together. “What?”

  She muffles a giggle. “Nothing. Let’s go meet the priestess.” She offers her arm, linking it with mine, pulling me out of Asher’s grasp.

  “Why do I get the feeling it’s not nothing?” I question, allowing her to drag me forward.

  She stops and leans in. “All right, don’t snap or anything, but your eyes.” Abby pauses looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. “They’re glowing indigo.”

  I freeze. “WHAT?” I whisper shout. “I don’t have indigo eyes, I have hazel eyes!”

  She rolls her eyes before breaking out into giggles. “I know, Eve. That’s what is so funny.”

  “Holy shit! I thought only mated gargoyles have their eyes change to match their partner’s color?” I squeak.

  “Maybe something happened in the stone state that caused this.” The modelesque gargoyle shrugs casually.

  Asher comes up behind me, apprehension rolling off him. “What’s wrong? I can feel you freaking out twenty realms away.”

  I turn and shoot daggers at him, hoping he’ll notice my new eye color. Asher just smirks at me. His cocky face has a proud look all over it. “Did you do this on purpose?” I point to my eyes.

  He almost looks hurt, almost. “Eve, nothing is permanent. It’s simply a side effect of the stone state we’re sharing. In this realm, because we jumped together, it marks you as mine for protection reasons. I promise, once we’re out of the stone state, your eye color will return.”

  After a moment, I huff. “Fine. No more marking me without permission. I mean it, Asher.”

  Asher leans into my space. “Siren, when I do mark you again, I expect you’ll be screaming your permission. Perhaps even in the form of: ‘OH GOD. YES!’” he says in a low voice that vibrates through to my soul.

  I swallow hard. “Christ.” I turn to storm away.

  “Oh, and Eve, I promise it will be because you want it.” His words cause me to blush.

  “Okayyy. Awkwardness now set aside, we’re already behind schedule so let’s get moving. Unless we want to live out the rest of our days as one of the priestess’ white owls,” Callan offers.

  “Waiting on you,” I retort smarmily and begin walking.

  “Ah, siren?” Asher says, holding back a laugh.

  “What?” I turn and snip, mostly because of the heat in my veins from the idea of Asher marking me, making me his completely. Damn his dimples.

  Asher points his finger to the left. “We’re actually taking that path. The one you’re on leads to the trolls and they tend to eat humans.”

  I cross my arms in irritation before storming off to the other path. “Damn gargoyles,” I mutter against the laughter radiating from Callan and Asher.


  I’m tired. And hungry. And maybe a little whiny, if I’m being honest. We’ve been walking for what feels like hours and these heels Abby picked out, not so comfortable. I’ve lost track of time. It’s weird, there are blue beams of what appears to be moonlight coming through the black lifeless trees, but I see no sky or moon. It’s like we’re shut off from the rest of the world.

  “You okay?” Asher asks from behind me.



  “What do you want me to say, Asher? Everything is just dandy. Haven’t you heard? I’m a weapon in the war between Heaven and Hell. I can realm jump to creepy dark forests to meet fairies and priestesses. My good friend was killed by a rival gargoyle clan who wanted to hand me over to Lucifer, oh and I’m being protected at the request of an archangel by a legion of gargoyles, one of whom I just shared a very intimate moment with and may or may not be bound to forever simply because I laid on his bed. Way to show restraint!” My voice drips with sarcasm. Yep, definitely whiny and irritable.

  “Actually, I was just curious if you’re okay, meaning are you hungry and do you want a granola bar, but since you seem to have a lot on your mind, I’ll just snack on it,” he teases while opening the package.

  I stop in my tracks and turn to face him. “You aren’t going to share?” I question as my stomach rumbles.

  His eyebrows lift. “So not only do you want to share my bed, but you also want to share my granola bar?”

  I cross my arms. “I don’t believe I ever asked to share your bed.”

  “You said, and I quote, ‘I would be honored to share your stone state bed.’ Are you trying to take it back?”

  “That’s unfair. I said I would be honored to share it. Not will you share it with m

  “Same difference.”

  “No, it’s not.” My anger is rising. “Please, I’m begging, just give me a bite of the granola bar.”

  “Well, since you’re begging.” His eyes get all smoldering. “With pleasure, siren.” Asher moves slowly toward me as my mouth goes dry. As soon as he is in my breathing space, he lifts the bar to my mouth and waits for me to bite it.

  I sigh then move forward, placing my mouth over the exposed stick of oatmeal and take a bite, savoring the chocolately, oatmeal chewiness.

  “Was that so hard?” he whispers.

  “Are you two going to eye fuck each other the entire hike?” Callan jests as I close my eyes in mortification.

  “Callan, boundaries, babe!” Abby exclaims. “That was so crude.”

  “What?” His eyes go all gooey. “Baby, if I have to watch them do this the entire hike, I’m going to throw up the granola bar I just ate.” Callan laughs as he pulls Abby into an embrace.

  She caresses his cheek. “Don’t you recall how we couldn’t keep our hands off each other the first time we stone slept together?” Now I’m the one going to puke. Ugh.

  “We have to make up some time, so let’s keep walking,” Asher says, his playful demeanor gone as he walks around me, taking the lead and ending the conversation. Thank you, Asher.

  I narrow my eyes at Callan. “You’re mature.”

  “What?” Callan gives me his best innocent face. “The sexual tension is killing me. Cutie, just sleep with him and get it over with. For all our sake, Eves.”

  “Callan, that is so inappropriate and none of your business. Sorry, Eve. Come on,” Abby apologizes while linking our arms and moving us forward.

  “Babyyyy, I was kidding. Technically, she’s already slept with him anyway.” Callan follows like a scolded puppy dog behind us.

  “Is that why I feel all crazy inside?” I ask Abby in a murmur.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I dunno, forget it.”

  “No, tell me,” she prods.

  “Because we’re in stone state together, is that why I want to like, um, jump his bones every five seconds?” I look away, my cheeks stained red.

  Abby just looks at me knowingly. “I think it enhances it. Plus, don’t forget you’re projecting your feelings to him and vice versa. It’s like turning up your hormones times a thousand.”

  “Ugh. Crap.” I exhale.

  “Would it be so bad? I mean, being mated with Asher?” Abby asks in a serious tone.

  “It’s not allowed, so I can’t even comment on it.” It’s a weak answer.

  “Gargoyles can mate with humans,” she reminds me, her tone now stern.

  “Yes. But not bonded protectors, Abby. He took an oath. There’s also the little detail that he’s the next gargoyle king. How would that go over if he took a human mate? Plus, I kind of have a lot on my plate. You know, saving the world and all,” I reply dryly.

  She rolls her eyes. “By the grace, Eve. You’re so damn dramatic. Stone state or not, that boy is one hundred percent head over heels for you. His restraint is amazing. What’s even more astonishing is yours. Most girls fall over themselves trying to sleep with him and here you are, running in the opposite direction.”

  “I’m not running,” I state, pointing to my ‘walking’ feet.

  She gives me a pointed look. “You are. You should run to him, not away.”

  Just as I am about to open my mouth to retort, I trip over a large olive green, scaly rock. Right before I’m about to hit the ground, Abby grabs my arm, preventing me from face planting in the black soil.

  “Thanks. I wasn’t paying attention.” I offer a small smile.

  She looks at the rock and then to Asher and Callan. “It’s serpentine.”

  “What does that mean?” I question.

  “It means the soil you see is toxic to many plants. Hence the trees’ bark is black and everything looks lifeless around the forest,” Callan explains. “It also means we shouldn’t drink the water in case asbestos from the mineral has seeped into it.”

  At that moment, a quiet sound hits my ears, almost as if the twigs are breaking and singeing with heat then turning to ash. I cringe at the sound.

  Asher snaps his gaze to me, shock registering on his face. “Did you hear that?”

  “Y-yes. Why?” I ask, taken aback at his reaction.

  Callan’s eyes widen. “She heard the shadow warriors?”

  Asher shakes his head. “Impossible. Only supernaturals can hear them.”

  Abby moves in front of me, protecting me. “It’s a side effect of the stone state. Perhaps she’s picked up our hearing and sight ability, Ash.” Crap, now I have supersonic hearing.

  “What’s a shadow warrior?” I question the group before a large hissing sound darts out of the black forest.

  “Shadow warriors are an army the priestesses use for protection in the realm. They hide in the shadows, hence the name, unless they sense danger. The top half is a three headed serpent and the bottom half is a man,” Callan explains in plain words.

  My eyes bug out of my head as I dart my frightened gaze to Asher. “Serpent, as in snake?”

  He holds his hands up. “Don’t panic. We’ve got it handled.”

  “No way. No freakin’ way, Asher. I’m terrified of snakes. Like, body completely shutting down scared.” My voice quivers.

  “Take a breath, cutie. I’m sure they just want to confirm we’re not a danger to them, the forest or priestesses,” Callan rationalizes as if speaking to a wounded animal.

  I shake my head. “No, I can’t. I’m like life-will-end afraid of snakes.”

  Asher walks around Abby to me, not making any sudden moves. “Look at me,” he commands. “Eve. Look at me,” he states again when I refuse.

  He grabs my face firmly in his strong hands. “I will protect you, always.”

  “I know,” I croak out. “But snakes? Asher, I can’t!” Am I panicking irrationally? Yes.

  He laughs at me. “There’s nothing for you to fear. We’ve got you, I promise.”

  My heart rate doesn’t slow down but Asher’s touch takes some of my anxiety down a notch.

  “All right but stay close to me.”

  He nods once. “Always.” Asher dips his chin so he’s eye level. “Oh, and this time, Eve, unlike with the barghest, if I tell you to run, you run,” Asher throws out.

  “Why would I need to run?” I ask worriedly.

  Just as the words leave my lips, a large, black figure comes out of the shadows. Six bright white eyes are narrowed at me in anger. My throat goes dry.

  “State your business in the Eternal Forest, trespassers,” the shadow warrior hisses, his forked tongue darting out. Oh. My. God.

  “You are in the presence of the London clan. Priestess Arabella has extended an invitation to meet with the daughter of Heaven. As her guardians, we are accompanying her to the temple,” Asher states authoritatively.

  With one head focused on Abby and Callan, and one directed at Asher, the shadow warrior bends his third head to me, coming within a breath of my face. My body clenches at its proximity. Sensing my unease, Asher grabs my hand and pulls me behind him in a protective stance.

  At the movement, the shadow warrior looks displeased. “I need to read her before I let you pass, dark prince,” it hisses.

  Asher shuffles on his feet. “Read her eyes only, but do not touch her,” he warns. “Guests or not, I will not hesitate to slice your neck open if she is harmed in any way.”

  “Relax, gargoyle,” one of the other heads warns. Crap, they all freakin’ talk.

  The large head of the shadow warrior bends within a millimeter of Asher and I before his eyes begin to search mine.

  “You may have passage.” Then suddenly, all three heads turn in unison and bow to me then to Asher. Odd.

  “Welcome, daughter of Heaven, and your—” The shadow warrior is cut off by Asher before finishing.

  “Protector. I’m Eve’s prote
ctor,” he states flatly. Weird, what the hell is that?

  “Very well then. You and your sentinels are under our protection while in our realm,” the serpent offers.

  “T-Thank you,” I manage.

  The three heads nod once in unison. “You are not far from the Temple of The Seven High Priestesses.”

  “Many thanks for the passage and protection,” Asher offers with a formal and regal tone.

  The shadow warrior bows one final time at Asher and I before slithering back into the forest while I let out a loud exhale.

  “Good job, Eves. You didn’t even pee yourself,” Callan jests while laughing hysterically.

  “Suck it, Callan.”

  “You really did great, Eve.” Abby beams proudly.

  Asher doesn’t drop my hand but instead tightens his grip as he pulls me forward, directing me to follow him down the path. “We’re almost there. Let’s keep moving,” he orders.

  “So, that’s not the first time someone has bowed to you in more of a dark prince manner. Care to elaborate?” I question.

  His focus remains on the path. “They probably just think I’m some spoiled protector because of who my father was.”

  “I see.” I don’t believe him.

  That’s when I get an idea. If we’re in stone state, perhaps since we are feeling one another’s emotions, I could go into his head and see what he’s hiding. Unsure of how to do it, I figure it must be similar to astral projection in the sense of mental focus.

  I focus all my energy on my mind and then listen to Asher’s heartbeat, syncing my pace with his. Allowing my mental focus to float up toward his mind, I see light flashes behind my eyelids and then begin to feel and hear his thoughts.

  Without warning, I’m moving rapidly as something sharp hits my back, causing my eyes to pop open and me to lose any connection I had with Asher.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Asher growls out, his irritated breath fanning my face.


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