Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 11

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Realization hits me. He has me pinned against a tree and seems pretty pissed. He must have felt me prodding in his head.

  Confused, I stutter. “I-I was j-just…”

  “You were just what? Trying to get into my head, using the stone state to do it because you didn’t like my answer?” He seethes. “Don’t. Ever. Do. That. Again,” he spits out with venom.

  Ouch. Before I can even apologize, he gently pushes off me, and storms back onto the path.

  My eyes dart up to meet Abby’s sympathetic ones. She tilts her head in the direction Asher is stomping off in. “Come on. We’re almost there.”

  “What the hell did I do?” I ask in disbelief at the anger rolling off Asher.

  “Well, for starters, you violated his trust. You don’t read someone’s thoughts unless you have permission, Eve. Even you must realize that is wrong,” she scolds.

  “I didn’t even think of it that way. I just assumed…” I trail off, feeling guilty. Damn, she’s right. I suck.

  Callan puts his arm around my shoulder. “Abs, why don’t you go get Ash to cool off while I chat with Eves for a second.” Abby nods and runs to catch up with Asher.

  “He didn’t mean to be cruel. I think we all forget sometimes that you’re human and don’t always understand the ramifications of your actions, even Asher. Gargoyles only allow their mates access to their minds. It’s very private. Once you open that connection, it can’t be closed. If he allowed you in, no matter how much he wants to, cutie, and believe me he wants to, that door can’t be closed. Your bond would be tighter, forever. As it is, he already feels as though he’s increasing the link between you two and the more secure it becomes, the less likely it can ever be severed. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Callan asks.

  “He doesn’t want me for forever?” I ask, swallowing the feeling of dread crawling its way inside my heart.

  Callan’s brows lift in surprise. “Is that what you want, Eves? Asher forever?”

  I sigh. My eyes fixate on Asher’s back. “I’m whole when he’s near and empty when he’s gone. I’ve felt this way even without the stone state. But all this self-control we have to show, it’s wearing on me.”

  Callan draws me in and kisses my temple. “I know, cutie. Him too. Him too.”

  We come to an opening in the forest with a huge white marble Grecian Temple. There are four large stairs leading to the entrance. Urns lit with fire are sprinkled throughout the statue-like building.

  “Welcome to the Temple of The Seven High Priestesses,” Callan says.

  It’s at that moment I see sparks of white light behind my eyelids, causing an excruciatingly sharp pain in my head. As if watching an out of focus movie, flashes of images keep moving too fast in my mind, making me nauseous. The force of the pain and the movement of the imagery cause my knees to buckle. I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to ease the ache. Callan catches me before I fall to the ground.

  Holding me, I listen to the painful screams of someone, only to realize it’s me who’s screaming, as if I’m being stabbed in the head by a thousand knives.

  “Give her to me. NOW!” Asher orders.

  With great care, I’m moved from Callan’s arms into Asher’s and he rocks me. “Sshh, I’ve got you, siren.” He strokes my hair. “Do you feel my calming energies? Focus on that energy running through you, yeah?”

  At his command, I feel the warmth and calm that Asher’s pushing into me.

  “It hurts.” I whimper.

  “I know. I’m sorry, siren.” His voice is laced with pain as he tries to comfort me.

  It’s then the white light consumes me and I feel nothing but peace.

  11 Priestess Arabella

  I’m standing in a temple. It’s so bright I have to force my eyes not to squint. The walls, floor and ceiling are made of a smooth, pallid white marble. I spin around, trying to figure out where I am. Over my right shoulder, I realize someone is standing behind me, shielded by a black hooded cloak. I turn to face the concealed being. It’s as though they materialized out of thin air.

  “Who are you?” I ask, dropping my eyes to a pair of bare feet.


  “Where are Asher and the others?” I attempt again.


  The stillness is shattered by the flapping of wings. I turn to see a large, majestic owl fly into the mausoleum and land on one of the columns near the cloaked creature. Its striking white plumes are a stark contrast to its pitch black eyes that, at the moment, appear to be assessing me. Then it lets out a low-pitched hoot that carries on the silent air.

  At the sound the bird is making, the cloaked figure disappears and a white light hits my body with such force I stumble back.

  “Eve.” Asher’s voice sounds scared. “Come on, siren. Answer me.”

  I shift my eyes to his and blink slowly, realizing I’m outside the temple and in his arms.

  “Welcome back, cutie.” Callan smiles from over Asher’s shoulder.

  “What just happened?” I ask with a slight panic to my voice.

  “You went into a trance state, fully awake but motionless in his arms.” An accented voice from behind us answers my question. Asher helps me up and we all turn toward the temple entrance.

  Standing on the last step of the temple is the most beautiful young Indian woman. Her eyes are deep amber with flecks of honey, a shade I’ve never seen before.

  “Priestess Arabella,” Asher states as he takes one knee. Callan and Abby follow suit. I stand there, stunned and recovering.

  She twists her wrists so her palms face toward the skies and lifts them in an upward motion, signaling for the clan to rise.

  “May I present Eve Collins, Priestess,” Asher offers quickly.

  The priestess lifts her honey eyes to me and bows her head. “Daughter of Heaven.” Her long, straight, thick brunette hair falls forward.

  Arabella’s crimson and gold-jeweled headpiece dangles in the middle of her forehead. When she returns to her full height, I notice her entire body is decorated in ruby and gold jewelry. A heavy-looking choker rests around her neckline, matching a pair of chandelier earrings that hang from each lobe. Multiple gold bangle and cuff bracelets adorn her wrists and several ankle bracelets and toe rings decorate her bare feet. The beautiful woman is dressed in a scarlet and gold sari that highlights her taut, bare stomach. Her golden skin gives off a slight glow. She’s absolutely lovely.

  I smile and offer a slight wave since the gargoyles seem to have left out high priestess etiquette in my training.

  “Welcome, guests, to The Eternal Forest and The Temple of The Seven High Priestesses. I’m certain your journey was extensive and you all could use rest and refreshments. Please, come.” She motions at us to follow her up the stairs and into the temple.

  Once inside, I realize we’re in a room identical to where I just observed the owl. As we walk through it, Priestess Arabella rotates her head in my direction, dipping her chin and speaking to me in a low voice.

  A rueful look flashes over her face. “I do apologize for the trance. This temple is sacred ground. Very few are permitted to enter. I had no choice but to pull you into a trance state in order for Krea to assess you.”

  “Krea?” I ask.

  She smiles. “My owl.” As soon as she enlightens me, the white bird joins her, resting on her shoulder. I swear the creature tipped its head at me in acknowledgement.

  “White owls have been companions of The Seven High Priestesses for many centuries,” Abby clarifies.

  “They are quietly intelligent and extremely loyal attendants,” the priestess finishes.

  Tongue-tied, I just smile politely and nod. Absorbing everything, the owl just watches me in an unsettling manner. Actually, the creature’s behavior is starting to freak me out, so I move closer to Asher. He snags my hand in his but doesn’t make eye contact.

  We enter a white and gold chamber inside the temple. It has four large Greek columns, one at each corner that runs from floor t
o ceiling. In the middle of the room is a circular pool with steam coming off the top of the jade water. Hanging from the ceiling, in various patterns, is white sheer fabric, swaying every so often. The floor is covered with large silk pillows and crystals are randomly placed throughout the hall.

  Six bare foot individuals enter the chamber. They’re all wearing black cloaks, their hoods pulled to conceal every part of them. They’re holding plates of fruit and bread and carrying pitchers of water.

  Priestess Arabella motions toward the comfortable floor cushions. “Please, rest. It is our privilege to offer the daughter of Heaven and her protectors refreshment while we convene.”

  We follow Arabella’s lead and all take seats while the covered individuals present the trays to us, placing them in the middle of our circle before they quietly leave. Asher sits so close to me, for a moment I think he might sit on my lap. His hand rests on my lower back, protectively. The contact doesn’t go unnoticed by the priestess.

  “Eve, I do hope you are not frightened by the veiled priestesses. It is customary for us to conceal our identities from those we do not know. Our seer and foreseer gifts are quite sought after and often place us in grave danger. In the wrong hands, knowledge of our identities puts our lives in peril,” she explains.

  “I understand. So they are the other six priestesses?” I confirm.

  “Yes. Since I hold a seat on the Royal Supernatural Court, my identity is known amongst the mystical world therefore allowing me to present myself to you,” Arabella clarifies with a warm smile.

  “Priestess Arabella, the queen of the Fae realm informed Michael you’ve had some visions with regard to the Declan clan and Lucifer we should be made aware of,” Callan says.

  “It is true. Myself, and Marguerite, the eldest priestess, have both opened our powers of knowing. Our clairvoyant sight has manifested immeasurable dangers and betrayals. I do hope my dear friend Lady Finella also made clear that sorceress Lunette confirmed the accuracy of the predictions.”

  Asher nods curtly. “She did.”

  Arabella releases a heavy breath. “We perceive Lucifer and his dark army are strategically working to ensure Eve does not succeed in her ascension. He’s planning to wage war, even if he gains possession of Eve. It is our belief he has shown great patience all this time, and has been making deals with the supernatural world through the Declan clan to ensure their assistance in preparation for the end of days.”

  “Shit.” It just came out. I cover my mouth quickly in embarrassment.

  Abby snaps her head at me and widens her eyes in warning. I mouth an “I’m sorry” to her.

  “Fear not, daughter of Heaven. We’ve also seen that you will ascend, furthering the evolution of human consciousness and souls. You will harness divine forces along with positive intention to help influence the course of reality in ways that serve the greatest good,” Arabella assures.

  It’s silent for a moment before Asher breaks the quiet. “Thank you, Priestess. We are grateful for your insight.”

  She motions her head once. “Whatever we can do to assist, we shall. Understand that.” Arabella turns her attention to me. “Eve, while you are here, it would be my great honor to read you, if you will allow it.”

  “Read me?” I question.

  “A simple process. I take your hand and use my gift of foresight to interpret your path.”

  “Okay.” My answer is unsure.

  “I am grateful. Please.” She reaches for me. Her palm is flat, facing toward the sky to indicate I should place my hand on hers.

  I swallow my fear and rest my palm face down on hers. I can feel Asher’s stare on the side of my face, but I can’t look at him. I’m too anxious.

  Priestess Arabella closes her eyes for what seems like an eternity before opening them. When she does, her amber eyes have turned a freaky shade of light honey. I fight the urge to pull my hand away.

  “I have seen your past, present and future, daughter of Heaven. Trust your instincts. The world has many secrets to be unlocked. Do not take the less obvious path, as that is the route favored. Your future is not what is being presented to you as ‘truth.’” She closes her eyes again and drops her hand from mine. When she reopens them, they are back to their normal color but her face is masked in concern.

  Unsure of what to say, I just place my hand back in my lap and shift my eyes to Asher. Before he lifts his to mine, Arabella speaks again.

  “I wish to read both you and your protector. It’s of great importance I read you at the same time due to the bond.” Her voice is firm and urgent.

  Asher shifts uncomfortably as I squirm. I risk a glance at Callan and Abby. Both have paled and their eyes are too wide. Crap. This can’t be good. Asher nods his consent and I have no choice but to follow his lead.

  Once again, Arabella places both palms up and closes her eyes. Asher and I place our palms on hers. Both of us look straight ahead, motionless. I don’t even think either of us is breathing.

  Arabella’s eyes open and she looks in between us in a trance state. “Restraint.” It’s the only word that falls from her lips before the tension in the chamber rises, suffocating me. The word comes out loud, sending a chill down my spine. From my peripheral vision, I see Asher swallow hard. “Restraint is good, but redemption is better. Forever has happened,” she says, confusing us.

  “Emotions must be kept in check through times of transition. You must constantly be aware of one another’s purpose and the motives of others. One of you will embrace change, while the other will fear it. The gift of healing has been transferred, as will others.” With that, she opens her eyes and her face softens.

  I pull my hand away before Asher snaps his back. Neither of us speaks or moves.

  “Thank you for granting me the privilege of reading you both,” the high priestess says while bowing toward us. “The Eternal Forest Realm and The Seven High Priestesses offer our cooperation and support to you in any way we can.” She stands, as do Abby and Callan.

  Realizing we’re both just sitting, Asher and I jolt up. Asher finds his voice first.

  “Thank you, high priestess, for your hospitality and insight.” He smiles, but it’s forced.

  “It was nice meeting you,” I offer lamely.

  “I bid you all a safe journey back.” With that, she glides out of the room.

  The four of us just stand there in awkward silence. Feeling self-conscious, I go to say something but Callan beats me to it.

  “We should start back to the gateway,” Callan says in an odd tone.

  “Yes. The gateway…let’s go,” Abby agrees, her voice a little too perky.

  My glance slides over to Asher. His jaw is ticking in rapid motion. With arms folded, his muscles are wound so tight they’re jumping under the skin. I turn and follow Callan and Abby.

  The entire hike back is silent. Asher and Callan walk ahead of Abby and I the whole time. He never looks back. He never speaks. He never attempts physical contact. To say I feel ill at ease would be an understatement. Even Abby, who’s usually chatty, is quiet.

  Once we reach the area in the forest where we first arrived, Callan turns to Abby and I, offering a small smile. “Abby and I will head back first. We’ll see you guys in a bit.” He reaches out his hand and she takes it as they make their way into the dense vegetation.

  I finally muster up enough bravery to look at Asher. His face is ashen and his eyes are looking everywhere but at me. His demeanor is rigid and aloof.

  “Um, how do we get back?” I ask, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

  His eyes finally land on me. “The same way we came. We will need to merge mentally so we can return. It’s easiest to do in a comfortable position.” The answer is laced with annoyance.

  “Okay. Show me,” I say with a little more force in my voice.

  He fidgets. “It’s best if we sit and face one another.”

  I tilt my head toward the cerulean moss. “Here?”


I sit. Then he sits. Fuck, this is uncomfortable.

  “Asher, if we need to merge spiritually, maybe you should tell me what is going on,” I plead.

  “Not now, Eve. It’s not the time,” he states in a final manner.

  I narrow my eyes. “Fine.”

  “It will be easier if you sit on my lap and place your legs over mine,” Asher says as he wraps his long fingers around my waist, pulling me forward so I’m draped over him. He sits crossed-legged, my thighs hugging his before he repositions them around his waist and brings my arms up around his neck. His large hands press on my back, forcing me closer so our chests are touching. Anyone who saw us would think we are lovers fully entwined with one another. The intensity of the moment makes my heart stumble.

  Asher’s expression darkens as he gazes into my eyes. “Ready?” His voice is thick.

  I nod, not trusting my own voice.

  He begins to move his lips toward mine. My breath hitches. “Ash?”

  “We need to come together emotionally, so you’ll just have to trust me, siren. No matter what else we’re experiencing in this moment, we have to be one another’s sole focus.”

  “All right,” I whisper, feeling like we’re plunging into dark waters.

  Asher shifts closer. His hands lift and tangle in my hair, tugging once so my head tips toward his, the gesture commanding. He never breaks our intense eye contact. My breathing picks up as Asher bites his lip. In a slow, methodic movement, he leans forward and places a gentle kiss on the left side of my mouth then lightly brushes my lips with his as he moves to the right side, mirroring the action. My heart races as my eyes close in pleasure.

  “Look at me, siren,” he demands, forcing my eyes open.

  Staring into the depths of his blue eyes, I feel almost dizzy. His tongue darts out and runs over my bottom lip then the top, causing my lips to part. Asher sucks in a ragged breath as he bends forward and nips my bottom lip, pulling it toward him before allowing his tongue to soothe the pricking sensation his teeth caused.

  Finally, his lips press into mine, causing a raw and sexy sound to rumble from his chest. My hands clench the front of his shirt, pulling him closer as he yanks my hair back hard, forcing my mouth to allow him access. His lips are demanding and bruising, searing me with unspoken passion.


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