Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 14

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Shooting me one final sexy look, he opens the door and greets Marcus. “Hey, man. Come on in.”

  Marcus swaggers in and they do some sort of male fist pump greeting before he nods to me.

  “I came to apologize for Morgana’s behavior earlier. She can be, spirited. I’ve reined her in though. She shouldn’t give you any more trouble while we’re here,” he tells Asher.

  “Thanks. I appreciate that, Marcus. She simply needs to remember her place,” Asher states clearly.

  Marcus turns his attention toward me. “Hey, girl! How are you getting along with our resident brooding gargoyle prince? Let me know if he doesn’t treat you right and I’ll put in an assignment change for your protection.” He chuckles.

  “Over my dead body,” Asher says in a harsh tone.

  At the sharpness in his voice, both Marcus and I snap our heads to him. “I was just kidding, man. Take it down a notch. It’s not like I’m hitting on your mate or anything.” Marcus watches Asher’s reaction closely.

  I choke on my breath. “I’m just gonna let you guys talk.” I point in the direction of the door, needing to escape. “It was nice to meet you, Marcus. Hopefully we’ll see one another again.”

  He lifts his chin to me with curious eyes. “You too, Eve,” he offers with a wink and strolls into the sunken living room, out of site.

  I turn to leave but not before Asher catches my waist and pulls me back against his hard chest. “I promise we’ll pick up where we left off earlier. I’m intrigued by what else your tongue can do,” he whispers seductively.

  My entire body flushes at his statement. I hurry away as he chuckles and heads back to Marcus.

  14 Dim


  After an endless amount of arguing, I manage to convince Abby to take me out of the building. I want to get some groceries and do a little sightseeing since I’ve been in England for a while and have yet to actually see anything.

  Callan approves the excursion as long as I stick to Abby like glue and promise to adorn myself with my daggers. I’m ready to go and waiting while Callan gives us our last minute warnings before planting a juicy wet kiss on his mate. Gross.

  “Get a room, would you?” I jest.

  Callan gives me a pointed glance. “Listen, cutie, as it is, Asher is going to have my ass in a sling for allowing this little outing. Who knows how long it will be before my lips will be able to kiss my girl after Asher’s fists get a hold of them. I suggest you start kissing my ass for sneaking you out.”

  I roll my eyes. “We’ll be fine.”

  Callan laughs. “Famous last words.” He turns to Abby. “Be safe, baby.” He kisses her temple.

  She nods and drags me out the front door. “If we don’t escape now, he’ll change his mind. Just walk, quickly. Don’t look back at his puppy dog eyes.”

  I giggle. “Okay. Okay.”

  “Alright, the first place we’re going is Harvey Nichols,” Abby informs me.

  “Sounds good.” Shopping isn’t my thing but I’m just happy to be getting out of the flat.

  “Then a visit to Louboutin and finally Whole Foods for groceries.” She continues planning her strategic attack. “Oh, and we need to head to Rococo. Callan loves their chocolates and if he’s going to be getting his ass kicked by Asher, we should bring him a peace offering.”

  “Agreed. Should we get something for Asher too? A bribe?” I question.

  “Maybe we should head to Alfred Dunhill since Asher likes their cologne, Black.”

  My eyes meet hers. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”

  “Stop. Let’s just go have some fun. You remember what fun is right? Two college girls, hanging out, not worrying about anything other than what they’re doing in the moment,” Abby says.

  I smile. “You’re right. What could possibly put a damper on this outing?”

  Four hours of bra and panty shopping with Abby. That’s what could put a damper on this outing. Not to mention, Abby dropped an obscene amount of money on the half dozen or so items she forced me to buy.

  After the intimates’ agony, she moved me onto shoe, chocolate and cologne torment. The good news though, each store will deliver our purchases right to the flat so I don’t have to carry bags around with me. Yippee. Yep, it’s been like that today.

  Finally, after quite a bit of whining, we’re walking home from picking up a few groceries. I inhale, enjoying the cool fresh air. Allowing myself to bask in the feeling of doing something ordinary. In this moment, I can pretend I’m just on vacation as a normal college student.

  “Is it getting easier?” Abby asks, breaking my reverie.

  “What?” I give a sideways glance.

  “The ascension. Aria. Living with gargoyles. Take your pick,” she laughs.

  I’m silent for a moment. “I miss her every day. Time’s starting to heal the void, but I don’t think it will ever be painless.” I shrug. “The ascension is slow going, so it’s been a little bit easier to swallow.” I sigh. “You gargoyles, on the other hand, are a fucking nightmare,” I tease, bumping her shoulder with mine.

  We both start laughing as we walk through the garage toward the elevator. Before I can hit the button a female voice startles us. “I would have to agree, daughter of Heaven. The London clan is a fucking nightmare to deal with.”

  Abby and I turn around and place the grocery bags by our feet. I speak in a loud, menacing voice, hoping Asher or one of the other St. Michaels will hear us.

  “Who are you?” I ask the tall, skinny, older woman standing in front of us with deep black-brown eyes and short grey hair cut in an elegant bob.

  “Dimia. Deacon and Kaiden’s mother, and Lucifer’s playmate,” Abby answers for her.

  At that introduction, Dimia’s eyes grow black with fury. “Mate. I am his mate.”

  Abby lets out a short laugh. “Right. Sorry, she’s ONE of Lucifer’s mates,” she taunts.

  Dimia flashes her coal irises at me and gives me a creepy smile. “So, you’re what all the fuss is about? Why my son is in war mode? And why my other son no longer exists?”

  I cross my arms and tilt my chin up. “Yes.”

  The side of her mouth tips up, the smile not reaching her eyes as she begins to chant in Latin. I can’t make out what she’s saying, but Abby stills. Well, shit. That can’t be good.

  “Dimia.” Abby gives a loud warning.

  “It’s futile to try and get the others to help you. I’ve broken your enchantment and put up a barrier shield,” she explains with her eyes in slits.

  “Shit,” Abby says.

  Dimia turns her attention to me. “I suspect you have the daggers on you that killed my son. I look forward to using them to return the favor,” she states coolly.

  “As you are aware, Royal Gargoyle Council of Protector laws state you are not allowed to harm a human,” Abby says with force.

  “I am aware of the rules,” the woman spits with evil dripping from her lips.

  Without warning, I see Keegan and McKenna appear behind her. I can feel Asher behind me and I’m guessing Callan is next to him. McKenna looks furious and worried at the same time. Keegan is pale, but calm and in control as he scans me for any sign of trauma.

  “Dimia. What can we do for you?” Keegan asks, composed.

  “Well, Keegan dear, you see, your human killed my son. I’m very torn up about it. The only thing that will ease my broken heart is to have her heart beating in my hand,” she answers with an even voice and without turning to face him.

  “Not going to happen,” Asher rebukes.

  “Oh, it will, dark prince. You see, my son will hand her over to Lucifer or there will be war. Either way, Deacon wins. In the meantime, I plan on taking her heart the way she did mine when she destroyed Kaiden,” Dimia says with hatred laced in her voice.

  From my peripheral vision, I see Abby close her eyes, attempting to wield energy. Having no idea what she’s planning, I decide it’s best to take out my daggers. As the metal clinks with my movement, I he
ar Asher hit the invisible barrier behind me. He says my name in a warning.

  This time, I don’t look at him. Unlike the situation with Aria, I keep my focus on Dimia as she steps toward me, chanting under her breath in Latin. I can’t make out the words but it sounds like she’s creating a spell. My eyes shift to Abby, pleading with her in my head to hurry.

  Over Dimia’s shoulder, I see Keegan pull out a sword. McKenna’s eyes never leave me. Both have their wings out. I can only assume Asher and Callan do as well.

  Suddenly, my arms rise of their own accord and release my daggers before they hit the pavement with a clatter and slide across the concrete to Dimia. She watches me with an ominous smile on her face and picks them up. “You’re no match for demonic magic, little girl.”

  “You want me? Come get me,” I taunt, trying to buy Abby a few more seconds.

  Dimia narrows her almost black eyes at me. “Tsk. So quick to threaten.” She taps one of my daggers on her lip in contemplation. “I’m assuming, since you’re human, you have affection for all of them.” She waves the dagger around toward the clan.

  “Your point?” I demand.

  She laughs wickedly before dropping her voice to a low, evil tone. “I wonder, daughter of Heaven, which one will survive? Which one holds your heart strings around their finger?”

  Just then, Abby produces a loud sonic boom, which has us all turning away, covering our ears and squinting our eyes. The sound shatters the barrier as the rest of the clan comes running towards us.

  Once the sound waves have ended, I stand, opening my eyes to witness Dimia within a breath of Abby. My dagger is pointed at Abby’s chest. Everyone stills. Two steps, and the dagger will pierce Abby’s heart, turning her to stone.

  Abby swallows as Dimia turns her threatening smile toward me. She whispers harshly, “Which one, little girl?”

  I panic. Without thinking, I run in front of Abby as Dimia lunges for her, only to be pushed out of the way a millisecond later by a large body. I hit the ground hard as I snap my head up.

  Just in time to see Dimia thrust my dagger into Asher’s heart. His eyes are furious as crimson liquid trickles down the front of his white t-shirt, tainting its pure color.

  “An eye for an eye, little girl. You took someone I love, so I took your heart away. I sensed your love for your protector, a gift of mine. My son will be back to give you to Lucifer,” she warns before Keegan plunges Asher’s Angelic Sword into her back. The weapon rips through her heart and protrudes out the front of her chest.

  Dimia’s face disfigures in shock as she slowly begins to turn into crumbling stone while the light breeze from the garage opening blows away the dust remains.

  Asher’s knees and palms hit the floor in slow motion as I crawl over to him, whispering his name, over and over again. Oh God. This can’t be happening. I tell myself he’s fine and if I just keep saying his name, it will all be okay.

  I make it to him and grab his body. With a moan, he rolls onto his back, lying on the concrete. His black wings are lifeless. Asher’s breathing is labored and his face ashen. His lips are white as his eyes meet mine. I can tell he’s in excruciating pain as he lifts his hands to my cheeks, pulling me down to his face. He exhales and with his last breath says, “You okay, siren?”

  A loud and painful whimper comes from my throat. “Yes. Please stay with me,” I beg in a hysterical voice while fisting his t-shirt. “I need you. Don’t leave me.” My tears drip on his face as his eyes roll back then close and his body goes limp.

  “No. No. No. Asher? Ash? Come on, pretty boy. Come back to me. Asher?” I say over and over again. In desperation, I lay myself on top of his chest and begin to bawl uncontrollably as my heart shatters and my body shakes violently.

  “Eves,” Callan kneels down next to me. “Eves, we need to move him okay? I need you to let him go.” Callan speaks softly while placing his hands on top of mine in an attempt to get me to release my hold on Asher’s shirt.

  My head snaps up at him. “No,” I say firmly as a deep pain rises in my throat.

  Abby’s tear stained face comes into view next to Callan. “Sweetie, you need to let Keegan and Callan tend to him. I promise you won’t be far from him.”

  I shake my head wildly. “I can’t.”

  Callan and Abby look at one another before McKenna squats in front of me, taking my face gently in her palms. “Eve. Look at me,” she commands.

  I don’t. I can’t get my body to stop shaking, or my emotions controlled enough to focus.

  McKenna’s voice is even and calm. “Eve. I said, look. At. Me.”

  I lift my eyes and meet her compelling ones. “Good girl. Now listen very carefully to what I have to say. Asher is hurt. We need to get him back to Wiltshire and get him in the chamber immediately so he can begin to heal. Do you understand me?”

  I hold her eyes. “W-What?” It comes out in between sobbing breaths.

  “He is hurt. See.” She guides my face down with her hands to look at Asher and then with great care, lifts it back up to meet her gaze once again. “He’s not stone, Eve. But he’s injured. He needs to be placed in stone state to heal. That requires Keegan and Callan to move him. You have to let go so they can do that. Once he’s in his stone state bed, we will let you be by his side during his healing sleep. Do you understand me?”

  Slowly it begins to sink in. He didn’t turn to stone. She pierced his heart and he’s still here. Oh. My. God. Once I fully absorb what she’s saying, I move my head up and down adamantly. Still cupping my face and maintaining eye contact, she stands us both up and moves us away from Asher.

  “Take him,” she orders in a firm voice, still focusing on me.

  My eyes flick down to his lifeless body. “Look at me,” McKenna commands, causing my gaze to snap back to her. “We’re going to fix him. You need to be strong, Eve. For him.”

  I nod. Keegan kneels next to Asher. “Abby, you and I will take him back to the manor and get him sorted out. Callan, you and Kenna follow with Eve in the Escalade.”

  Abby moves toward Asher. Keegan lifts him with ease, bringing him to the gargage opening and shoots up into the air, disappearing with Abby following.

  Once they’re out of sight, McKenna drops her hands from my face. “All right. Let’s take a breath and get into the car. We’ll explain everything once we’re on our way to Wiltshire. Callan, stay here with Eve while I bring the vehicle around.”

  As McKenna leaves, Callan walks up to me and wipes my tears away with his thumbs, which only brings more tears. The tender gesture reminds me of something Asher would do. He pulls me into an embrace as I quietly sob into his chest. “I know, cutie. I know.”

  The entire drive back to Wiltshire, I cling to Callan in the backseat while McKenna drives. Once I’ve managed to get my emotions somewhat in check, I swallow the painful lump in my throat. “Explain why he didn’t turn to stone,” I say on a choke.

  Callan shifts me up off his shoulder so he can look at me, but not before McKenna meets his gaze in the rearview mirror. He nods at her before speaking in a low voice.

  “Gargoyles, like demons and angels, don’t have a soul. We’re created for a specific purpose. To protect. Once our purpose is over, we cease to exist. In order for Asher’s soulless body to accept your pure blood, he also had to be injected with demon, dark blood, for balance. Therefore, like half-demon, half-gargoyles, he can only cease to exist or be turned into stone petrifaction by the Angelic Sword or while in stone state,” Callan explains in a low, soothing voice.

  I close my eyes and inhale. “So, that’s what he meant when he said there is only darkness behind his eyes.”

  Confusion flitters across Callan’s face. “When did he say that?”

  “Never mind.” I brush it off, figuring Asher doesn’t want me sharing that. “So he’ll heal and be okay?”

  “Yes. But it will take a while. He’ll most likely be in stone state for a few days,” he says.

  “I don’t care.” A sob escapes
me. “I just want him back,” I whisper.

  Callan snags me in his arms. “He’ll come back to you. I swear, cutie.”

  The minute we pull up to the manor, I have the car door open and I’m running into the house with Callan and McKenna at my heels. I sprint into the library and wait for them to catch up. Callan takes off his shirt and stands in front of the dragon statue so it can scan his tattoo. Once the floorboards open, I take off down the stone stairs.

  I enter the chamber to see Keegan, Abby and Fiona standing around Asher’s stone state bed. The black silk fabric is pulled down, concealing him.

  Keegan walks over to me, and in an odd showing of emotion, places his hands on my arms. “He’s sleeping. Fiona cleaned him up and dressed the wound. Now we wait.” I swear his voice cracked a bit.

  “I don’t want to leave him alone.”

  “Eve, I understand, but his wound was deep. I’m not sure how long he will need to fully heal,” Keegan says in a gentle tone.

  I raise my eyes stubbornly at him. “I don’t care. I want to be by his side the entire time. When he wakes up, I need to be the first thing he sees.”

  Keegan lifts his eyes to McKenna who is standing next to me. Something passes between them and his eyes soften. “All right. I’ll make a deal with you. You allow Fiona and Abby to get you cleaned up and you can stay with him when you’re not sleeping, eating or training.”

  My eyes begin to water. “Deal.”

  Keegan nods once. “Deal.”

  “Come, luv. Let’s get ye all tidied up.” Fiona takes my arm gently.

  “I’d like to see him before I do,” I state, my voice timid.

  Fiona eyeballs my blood stained shirt, untamed hair, blood shot swollen eyes and dirt covered arms and hands before flicking her cat eyes to Keegan. He sighs his agreement and she steps aside.

  Abby moves one of the black fabric pieces to the side and my gaze roams over Asher’s still body, now completely clean. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. I let out a shaky breath and force back the tears. He’s okay. I tell myself over and over again.


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