Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 15

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  I walk over and allow the palm of my hand to caress the stubble on his jawline. Leaning down, I place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper in his ear. “I would give up everything for just another moment with you.”

  Fiona leads me out of the chamber with Abby and, to my surprise, McKenna in tow. They bring me to my room in the manor. Fiona starts the shower while Abby pulls out some pajamas and places them on the counter. McKenna sits on the bed, watching me from a distance. I just stand there watching, my body numb from tonight’s events.

  As soon as the water is to Fiona’s liking, she motions for me to get in before allowing me privacy. I automatically undress and slide into the warm stream. After a bit, I dry off and get into my tank top and flannel pajama bottoms. Abby enters and brushes and blows out my hair while I focus on breathing and keeping my emotions in check.

  Once pulled together, McKenna moves closer to me, looking me in the eye. She stands tall and pushes her shoulders back before clearing her throat. “No matter what happens, we will take care of you and protect you, always.”

  My water filled eyes flick to hers. “Thank you,” I whisper.

  She offers a small smile before it slips. “Come on. I’ll take you back to him.”

  I inhale, and swallow the tears before they leak out. Pushing my shoulders back, I follow McKenna, allowing her to lead me back to Asher.

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  I brush a piece of the black silk curtain aside and examine the bed. Memories of the last time Asher and I were in here infuse my mind. I close my eyes and immerse myself in the flashes of Asher’s face as he watched me come down from my blissful state. A small smile touches my lips at the memory.

  With great care not to disturb him, I crawl onto the bed and hover over his face, taking in his good looks. I lean down and brush my lips against his unmoving ones, silently thanking whomever will listen that he’s still alive before I position myself under the covers. Needing to feel him, I curl into his side, hugging his arm. I could swear I heard him sigh in contentment.

  I close my eyes and drift asleep.

  “Open your eyes, siren.” Asher’s voice drifts through me.

  “Asher?” I murmur, stunned.

  He chuckles. “Who else would it be?”

  At the sound of his laughter, I open my eyes to see him positioned above me. Eyes twinkling as he bites his lip.

  Shocked at the sight of him, my hands cup his face. “Oh. My. God. Asher.”

  He lets out a low grunt. “It’s so fucking hot when you say that.” He briefly closes his eyes. When they reopen, the blue hue is darker.

  A tear escapes my eye as he follows it, pulling his brows together. “I never thought I would see you again,” I choke out.

  He brushes the damp bead away with his thumb. “Don’t ever think that. I will always come for you.”

  “Is this real? Am I dreaming?” My voice is barely above a whisper.

  His mouth tilts in a mischievous smile. “Are you telling me that you dream of me?”

  I roll my eyes. “Hardly.”

  He raises his brows. “Hardly, huh? I guess we’ll have to change that.”

  Watching me, he leans into my neck as his lips graze my skin. I sigh at the contact. The tip of his tongue flicks over my pulse as my body jerks from the touch. He releases an appreciative sound in response.

  In a muted whisper, he says, “Prepare yourself, siren. I’m about to take your breath away.”

  My mouth goes dry and I wet my lips. Inch by slow inch, his lips close the distance between us. The first stroke causes a pulse to shoot through each corner of my body. He tilts his head, deepening the kiss as my heart begins to pound with each caress.

  I try to hold back the rest of the tears that are threatening to come. I never thought I would feel his lips move against mine again. Sensing the change in my emotions, Asher stills and lifts his head. His eyes lock onto mine.

  “What’s wrong?” His knuckle brushes my cheek.

  “I’m in deep with you,” I admit quietly.

  He doesn’t react, just watches me with an intense stare. “When I wake up, I plan to bury myself so deep inside of you that I might never find my way out.”

  Before I could think about my actions, I lift my hands to his face and run them over his jawline and then entangle them in his hair, pulling him back to me. I lift my lips as he fuses his to mine. A small moan escapes me as he presses his body firmly against mine, pinning me in place. His knee bends in between my legs, forcing mine to fall open. Wait. What did he say?

  “Asher?” I breathe out against his lips.

  “Siren?” He pants.

  “Wait. Wait a second.” I push against his chest to get his attention.

  He lifts his head, concern marring his face. “What’s wrong?”

  My eyes dart to where my hand is over his heart. Where the protector mark is. Where Dimia stabbed him. “You said, when I wake up. What’s going on? Where are we?”

  He follows my line of vision to my hand resting over his heart. “Don’t freak out.”

  My eyes snap back to his. “Asher.”

  “We’re in stone state. Dream walking,” he says, watching my reaction.

  I sit up, forcing him to sit back on his heels. “So this isn’t real?”

  “No, Eve, it’s very real. When you and I are in stone state, our bond allows us to reach out and interact with one another mentally when we aren’t able to physically. Everything that happens here is actual, I swear to you.” All I see is honesty in his eyes.

  I fist his shirt in my hands. “I need you. Wake up, please.”

  His face softens as he rubs my arms up and down in a soothing motion. “Soon. I swear. I’m okay, just healing. Dimia pierced me pretty far with the dagger.”

  My eyes glisten with tears. “Why did you push me out of the way? You would be okay if you just let me jump in front of Abby.”

  A growl resonates out of his throat. “It’s my job to protect you. No matter what the end result. You’re my first priority, Eve. I will protect you, always.”

  “I thought you were dead. My heart…” I place my hand over my heart and rub the ache.

  He takes my chin between his fingers and lifts my head. “Hey, I’M OKAY. Just healing. When I wake up, I’ll be better than I was before, I promise.”

  “Callan told me about the demon blood,” I say with caution.

  His face unreadable, he nods once. “We’ll have that conversation once I’ve fully recovered.”

  “Can I stay here with you in the dream walk until you wake up?”

  “Not for much longer. It takes energy for me to heal and to dream walk. If I stay in this state, I can’t focus that strength into healing,” he answers with sadness.

  My eyes widen in panic. “What the hell, Asher! Then I need to leave so you can heal.”

  He chuckles. “I wanted to see you and assure you I am okay.” He swallows and looks away. “I heard you screaming for me after I was wounded. It nearly killed me. Even though my eyes are closed, I can hear.” His eyes lock into mine. “I heard every one of your cries, every plea, everything.” His voice trails off.

  “Then you know I need you. Let me leave so you can heal,” I say with strength.

  He nods his head in agreement before pulling me to him and kissing my lips with unspoken words.

  I pull away a bit. “Oh. My. God. Asher, you were going to sleep with me in a dream walk?”

  He gives me his signature sexy smirk. “Siren, we’re already sleeping together.” All of a sudden, his face gets serious. “When you give me that gift, I plan on both of us being awake to enjoy it.”

  I blush. His thumb brushes across the coloring. “I love when you blush. It’s so fucking adorable.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “All right, gargoyle. I should go. How do we do this?”

  “We’ll snuggle and fall asleep. You’ll wake up when you’re ready and so will I.”

  I just stare at him. “I’m scare
d you won’t wake up.”

  He takes my cheeks in his palms. “I swear to you, I will.” Then he places one last kiss on my lips before pulling me into his arms as I inhale him.

  “I’ll be the first thing you see when you awake,” I vow against his neck.

  He chuckles. “I should hope so. When I do, I’ll have lots of energy to burn in this big bed,” he jokes before dropping his voice to a low, seductive tone. “Plus, I’m still very anxious to see what else that sharp tongue of yours can do.”

  I groan in embarrassment and hide my face in his side. “Oh. My. God. Asher.”

  “I love when you say that, it’s so fucking hot,” he teases again. “Do me a favor and don’t tell the clan that I can hear them. I’d like to see what they have to say, yeah?” He drops a kiss on the top of my head.

  Before I can reply, I jolt awake and look to my left to see Asher’s sleeping body.

  “Do you see now why I told you to be strong?” McKenna’s voice hits me from the end of the bed. She rolls her eyes at me. “Don’t pretend you didn’t dream walk. I’m mated, remember.”

  “How long was I out for?” I ignore her accurate assessment.

  “About ten hours.”


  “Yep. Keegan sent me down here. He wants you to get up, eat breakfast, shower and meet him in the training room. You can come back later tonight after you take care of yourself,” she orders.

  “Take care of myself?” I repeat, not understanding why it’s a priority.

  “I know he can hear me, so heed my warning, blood of Eden. He needs you to be strong for him, to help him heal. You flourish off of one another’s abilities. He’s given you the gift of healing, so when you’re near him, you pass on some of your healing abilities to him. The more you do it, the faster he’ll recover. But you need to be sure you’re healthy. Rested. Fed. Strong. Do you understand?”

  I push my shoulders back. “Yes.”

  “Good. Now, I’m on babysitting duty. I have a lot to say without him mouthing off to me. So for fucks sake, get going before I have to deal with Keegan this morning,” she barks. Nice to see the old McKenna is back.

  I make my way to the stairs and stop before I begin to climb them. I turn around one last time.


  “What?” she barks, annoyed that I’m bothering her.

  “Thank you.”

  Her lips tilt into a tight smile. “Well, someone had to snap your sorry ass out of it.”

  I grin back. “I’m glad it was you.” With that, I ascend the stairs and feel ten pounds lighter.

  “We’re still not friends.” Her voice, laced with disdain, travels up to me.

  “We’ll see,” I sing and head to start my day.

  Once upstairs, Fiona steps in my path. “Mornin’, luv. How’s da lad doin’?”

  I smile. “Good. He’s healing.”

  She assesses me. “I trust ye visit with him ‘twas nice?”

  I arch a brow at her. “Yes, Fi.” Does everyone know?

  She claps her hands together. “Delightful. Come and get ye some breakfast before dose der animals eat me outta me supply.”

  Fiona pushes me toward the kitchen and forces me down by my shoulders into a chair before placing a small buffet in front of me.

  Callan comes in, followed by Abby and Keegan. They all plop down around me and start digging in.

  “How is he?” Callan asks, giving me a side-glance.

  “Same,” I offer with a casual shrug.

  He smirks. Damn gargoyle already knows I’m able to dream walk. Keegan pulls out a piece of paper and slides it over to me. “What’s this?” I question.

  Keegan grins. “Read it.”

  I open the letter and skim it. “Is this a joke?”

  Callan claps his hands together once then rubs them in pleasure. “Nope.”

  “In the event I no longer am capable of protecting Eve Collins, she is still to be put through twelve hours of training each day?” I look around at the group.

  They’re all holding back laughs. “That’s what he wrote.” Keegan points to the paper.

  I narrow my eyes. “You mean to tell me Asher left instructions for you in case something happened to him and one of those line items is for me to continue to train?”

  “I believe that is what the letter states. See, he signed, dated and time stamped it here.” Callan points to those items.

  “You all suck. So while he gets to sleep the day away, I have to train with you?” I pout.

  “Not just us. Tadhg is back too!” Abby squeals.

  I roll my eyes. “Awesome.”

  After breakfast, a quick shower and a brief check-in on Asher, I head to the training room.

  “Hello, Eve,” Tadhg greets me with a big hug. “How’s he doin’?”

  “Getting stronger. How’s Leo?”

  “Same. ‘Tis hard on ‘em,” Tadhg offers. “He’s missin’ da lass sumtin’ fierce.”

  I swallow down the reminder of Aria and how this mess has caused so much heartache.

  “All right, cutie, get your ass on the treadmill,” Callan teases. He’s clearly enjoying himself.

  I scowl at him. “Fine.”

  After warming up, Callan leads me to the mat where Keegan and Tadhg are both waiting. “Weapons training today, Eve.” Keegan flips his wrists. Lying in each palm are my daggers, the ones that pierced Asher’s heart. I shrink away.

  Keegan frowns, eyeing me as I back away. His hands hang in the air. “Eve?”

  I force myself to swallow. “I…I c-can’t.”

  Tadhg steps forward. “Eve, lass. ‘Tis okay. ‘Tis hard. Asher wants ye ta practice wit dem.”

  My hands start to shake. “I’m not ready.”

  Callan gets closer. “You need to face it head on, cutie.”

  I close my eyes to keep my breathing in check. “No. I’m not ready,” I repeat.

  Callan shifts his worried gaze to Keegan who drops his hands and walks the weapons back to a table behind him, placing them down.

  “Eve, ‘tis okay, luv. Not taday.” Tadhg bends so he’s eye-to-eye with me.

  I can’t catch my breath to answer him. Instead, I offer a curt nod as a sudden sharp sting hits my chest above my heart, causing me to cry out in pain.

  Callan runs over. “Eves?”

  I drop to my knees, my heart clenching itself into a knot. All the blood drains from Callan’s face as I try pull in oxygen. The pain travels from my heart to each limb in a punishing manner. “Asher,” I manage to get out.

  Keegan picks me up and turns to Callan “Let’s get her down to Asher. Something’s not right.”

  Callan takes a step back, allowing Keegan to pass with me to the chamber. As soon as we enter the room, Fiona runs over. She must have been with Asher while I was upstairs.

  “By de grace, what ‘tis wrong?” she inquires.

  Keegan places me on the bed beside Asher. He takes in a deep breath then releases it through his nose. “We’re not sure.”

  As soon as I lay down, the pain subsides. I signal to Keegan I’m okay and try to keep my expression neutral as he steps back and I close the curtain.

  Feeling better, I exhale before turning to Asher. Whatever happened, I know he felt it or sent it to me. “I’m here, pretty boy,” I say, caressing his cheek. At my announcement, warmth starts to fill my veins. I know he’s pushing it to me. I smile and snuggle into Asher’s side. “I’m okay. Keegan wanted me to use the daggers and I wasn’t ready. That’s all. I swear I’m okay.”

  “Eves. You okay?” Callan asks through the silk fabric.

  “I’m fine. I just want to spend some time alone with Asher okay?”

  He pauses then agrees. I listen for their footsteps as they retreat. “I’m going to close my eyes but don’t pull me into the dream walk. I want you to use the energy to heal. I promise I’m alright,” I say to Asher’s sleeping form.

  I slip out of my sneakers and throw them off the bed, repositioning m
yself back into his side. I close my eyes and let slumber pull me under in contentment.

  “You have a listening problem,” I say heatedly as I open my eyes.

  Asher just stares down at me, his eyes gleaming with anger. “What the fuck happened? I felt you panic all of the sudden. Are you hurt?”

  “Did you make that stinging sensation over my heart, where you got stabbed, so I would know to come to you?” I accuse.

  He cocks his head to the side as a smile forms on his lips. “Did it work?”

  I throw my hands up in frustration. “Yes, it worked, you ass. And it was painful.”

  A curious expression settles on his striking face. “Oops, sorry. I just meant for you to feel a twinge so you’d know I wanted you.”

  “Well, here I am.”

  His gaze drifts up me slowly. “Yes, here you are, siren.”

  “Snap out of it. I told you not to pull me in, because I’m fine. I don’t want you wasting energy on this,” I bark.

  “Talk to me.” His voice is edged in concern.

  I sigh. “Keegan wanted me to use the daggers. I wasn’t ready.”

  He glances down at me, his brows knit in confusion. “That’s it?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, that is it. I don’t want to pick up something that hurt you.” My gaze shifts to his heart.

  “When I wake up, we’ll do it together,” he says without hesitation.

  I swallow hard. “Okay. Then wake up already,” I demand.

  He laughs then bites down on his lower lip as his eyes pierce mine. He inches closer and lowers his voice. “Kiss me and I’ll wake up.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Seriously? Who are you, Sleeping Beauty?”

  His grin spreads. “I want you to kiss me, siren. You’ve never done it.”

  “I’ve kissed you before.”

  “No. I’ve kissed you and you’ve kissed me back,” he explains.

  I groan into the pillow. “Fine. If I kiss you, will you stop wasting energy?”



  His eyes dip down and run the length of me before returning to my hazel ones. “On how good of a kiss it is. Convince me you want me to wake up.”

  “Fine. Take off your shirt and lay down,” I instruct.

  Asher throws me a wink and a smile. “Kinky, siren. I like it,” he teases while pulling off his shirt then lays back.


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