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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “The council is very disappointed with you,” the first man says with a sigh. “We expected great restraint from a member of this council. You have tarnished the protector duties we are bound to. You have embarrassed this council and your race. But most disturbing, you have tainted your family name.”

  The prisoner says nothing in response.

  One of the other male council members speaks from the stage. “And for what? A human girl? Pathetic.”

  “I love her,” the captive says in a low but solid voice, which resonates in my ears as my heart rate increases.

  Realization hits me as I move closer to the stage. In the light of the flames, I see the dragon tattoo on the inmate’s bare back. “Oh shit.”

  “It is forbidden,” a female retorts loudly, her long, grey hair unmoving.

  The elderly man steps forward, bending so he’s eye level with Asher. “Your punishment has been decided, dark prince. You shall suffer an eternity in stone. Watching her, knowing she is alive, but never allowed to touch her. Bring me the Angelic Sword,” he orders with finality.

  Asher positions himself straighter, as if accepting this fate. I try to run to him but am rooted in place. An unseen force holds me back as I try to fight to get to him.

  The older gargoyle is handed the sword and walks slowly toward Asher. “Last words, your highness?” he asks coolly.

  “I love you, siren. I will protect you, always,” Asher says as if speaking directly to me.

  My eyes widen in horror as I thrash around, trying to break free from the invisible hold keeping me in place. My ear-piercing scream ricochets off the stone as the elderly man pierces Asher’s heart with the Angelic Sword.

  Immediately, the granite begins to form around his body. Simultaneously, the council members all lift their heads to me.

  “Impossible,” the old gargoyle whispers in awe.

  I keep thrashing. Something is holding me down firmly and it won’t let go. My hysterical screaming isn’t scaring it away. All I know is I need to get to Asher before he turns to stone.

  “Eve. EVE, WAKE UP,” a deep, male voice orders in a firm tone.

  At the recognition of Asher’s voice, I force my eyes open. The moment he comes into my watery sight, I jump on him, holding onto him for dear life. Tears stream down my face as my body shakes uncontrollably.

  Asher increases his grip on me, molding me to his body as his hands cradle the back of my head, murmuring in a soothing voice, “Everything’s alright. I’ve got you, siren. You’re safe. It was just a dream.” He continues to just hold, rock and whisper to me until the tears stop falling, and my body ceases trembling.

  Once my breathing evens out, Asher pulls back and pushes the wet hair off my face. Gentle eyes scan mine worried about the emotional trauma I’m exhibiting. He plants a soft kiss on my lips and mumbles against them, “Be right back.”

  I grab at him. “Don’t leave me here alone.” I panic in an irrational moment of fear.

  His face softens. “I’m just going to snag a washcloth. I swear. I’m not leaving.” He waits for the okay.

  I nod as he slides me off his lap and tries to stand beside the bed, but he can’t straighten. I look up at him through wet lashes as he places his hands over my fists clutching his shirt to pry me away. Once I let go, I notice the two wrinkle spots in the material marking where I held on for dear life.

  “Be right back,” he says softly then turns the bathroom light on. The water runs and a few seconds later, he’s back with a warm, wet cloth that he uses to wipe the tear stains from my cheeks.

  Once satisfied, he throws the towel on the floor and pulls me back into bed, holding me while I gain control over my emotions. “Talk to me.”

  I take in a sharp breath and relive the dream. Asher is motionless and silent the entire time. Listening intently. Once I’m done, he kisses the top of my head. “It was a just a dream. It’s that simple.” Though I don’t miss the edge in his voice. “Just close your eyes. You’re safe,” he vows.

  “Ash?” I whisper.

  “Yeah?” he answers, speaking softly into the dark room.

  “I’ll take that lullaby now.”



  I was frustrated, to say the least. The hopeless feeling that comes from having no control is starting to sink in and worm its way through my veins, affecting the way I’m thinking. I need to focus and figure out how to get out of this situation. Trapped, I take in a deep cleansing breath before releasing a lame girlie growl. Abby releases the invisible air hold she has on me.

  “Sweetie, we’ve been at this for hours. You just can’t break an invisible hold.” She sighs tiredly from the crazy she’s dealing with this afternoon, in the form of me.

  I pin her with my stare. “I need to figure it out.”

  “Why?” the red head asks with her purple manicured fingers resting on her slender hips.

  “I just do,” I bark.

  She watches me for a moment. “Does Asher know you’re down here?”

  I stand straight and cross my arms. “He isn’t the boss of me, Abby. He doesn’t need to know where I am twenty-four seven.”

  “Wow, you’re bitchy today,” she mumbles and grabs her water bottle, sucking down the last bit of liquid.

  “Sorry, rough night,” I apologize, not the least bit sincere about it.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I want to learn how to get out of an invisible hold,” I bark out of frustration versus anger.

  “By the grace, blood of Eden. Have you learned nothing?” McKenna’s snide voice filters in.

  “I’m not in the mood for your crap today, McKenna,” I mutter.

  “Careful, she’s feisty,” Abby warns as I shoot her a death glare.

  “Why?” McKenna asks, already bored.

  “It’s really none of your business, Malibu Barbie,” I retort angrily.

  McKenna straightens and analyzes me, shock rushing across her perfect face.

  “What?” I ask because now her face is scrunched in a weird mask.

  The sides of her mouth tilt upward. “No one has ever dared call me a name before.”

  I squint my eyes. “Maybe not to your face.”

  She shrugs. “People find me frightening.”

  I exhale. “Well, right now you’re just in the way. Move it or lose it.”

  She doesn’t move. “I can help.” Her voice is quiet but commanding.

  Abby chokes on her water. My eyes dart to her then back to McKenna.

  “Why?” I ask, gauging her motives.

  “Why what?” she inquires with annoyance.

  “Why would you help me?”

  “I’m sort of obligated. You know, gargoyle oath and all.” She rolls her eyes, emphasizing her lack of interest. “Fuck, do you want my help or not?”

  My eyes shift again to Abby. Her mouth is hanging open, eyes wide, stunned. I sigh. She’s obviously not going to be helpful in pointing out McKenna’s true intentions. I turn back to the supermodel gargoyle. “All right. I accept,” I say.

  McKenna unzips her black hooded sweatshirt and peels it of her shoulders before gracefully moving her warrior body toward me. “The secret is…you can’t fight your way out of the invisible hold.” She motions for Abby.

  I raise my voice. “Gee, thanks for your insight.” Super helpful.

  The blonde goddess places her hands on her hips and throws me a stern sapphire look. “I can show you how to wield powers which will release you if you’d stop fucking running at the mouth.”

  “KENNA!” Abby exclaims. “He will kill you for this,” she warns.

  McKenna ignores her, keeping her eyes locked onto mine. “It will entail dark powers which might taint the archangel soul spirit. Are you sure you want this?”

  I tilt my chin up, trying to show courage. “Yes.”

  She nods once. “Abby, please pull in the air energy you were using before to hold Eve.”

  Abby whines. “This is so goi
ng to end badly.”

  “Just do it,” McKenna and I say at the same time, causing Abby to glare at us.

  “Never thought I would see the day you two would be on the same page.” She huffs.

  McKenna and I catch one another’s glance. I offer a small smile before the air in the room begins to whirl and I’m pulled tightly into the force.

  “The key, blood of Eden, is not to panic and thrash around like a lunatic,” McKenna begins. “Take in a deep cleansing breath and relax your body. Don’t focus on the entrapment.” She pauses before giving me a face that people who are about to drop bad news give to you. “Focus on your connection to Asher.”

  At that explanation, I pull my brows together and look at her in confusion. “Asher?”

  She blows out her annoyance on a sharp breath. “He’s already transferred his healing abilities to you. Ash also manipulates darkness and shadows.”

  “What does that have to do with my current predicament?” I question impatiently.

  “I overheard him telling Keegan about the dream this morning,” she says.

  My throat constricts and I clench my teeth. I’m ticked that she knows and reeling at the image.

  “The council chambers are full of both darkness and shadows,” she says as if to calm me.

  Abby looks me over but I don’t return the glance. Instead, I nod once to McKenna in silent understanding and she continues the lesson.

  “By itself, darkness is mainly used to blanket an area in total blackness. However, if you can access Asher’s dark energy, you can channel it into a variety of effects such as the absence of light or a solid substance. You can also control the beings that exist in the dark and create and dispel shields, as well as teleport through massive distances via shadows.”

  “By the grace, McKenna. Ash is going to flip that you’re not only telling her this but you’re showing her how to do it.” Abby exhales.

  I ignore her freak out. “So, you’re saying if I can pull Asher’s gift, I can encase the chamber in darkness and teleport out of the hold through the shadows?” I ask, thinking I’ve got it.

  “Bingo, blood of Eden. Well done,” McKenna praises.

  “Let’s try it,” I say excitedly.

  “Shit,” Abby answers.

  “All right. How did you transfer the healing ability last time?” McKenna inquires.

  I bite my bottom lip. “I don’t recall. We fell asleep, realm jumped to the Kingdom of the Fae and when I woke up, I was healed.”

  McKenna thinks for a moment. “Let’s try this. Close your eyes. Sync your mind and heart beat with Asher’s as if you were planning to astral project to him.” She waits a moment. “There?”


  “Good. Now, allow yourself to feel the darkness running through his blood and the shadows he hides behind. Pull them toward you. Once you feel them flowing through your veins, picture the training room draped in blackness,” McKenna instructs.

  After multiple tries, the room goes dark. “Well done, Eves,” Abby encourages.

  “Open your eyes and search for the shadows in the room. Once you find one, focus on it. Push all the energy you have to the shadow. Visualize your body slipping out of the force and materializing into the shadow. Allow yourself to be embraced by the dark,” McKenna continues.

  After a couple of solid tries, I feel myself moving and appearing in the shadow, out of the hold.

  “Holy shit,” I say in awe as Abby claps.

  “Excellent,” McKenna actually praises.

  The celebration is short lived when Asher’s heated voice bounces off the walls. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” he yells from the doorway.

  “Damn. So close to getting away with it.” Abby blows out. Unexpectedly, the lights come back on as a giggle forms in my throat. I can’t help it. It releases on its own accord.

  Asher’s head snaps to Abby. “Get away with what?”

  Like a wave, Abby and then even McKenna start laughing hysterically, which only makes Asher even more upset. His anger causes us to laugh harder as tears roll down our cheeks. The more we try to stop, the funnier it becomes.

  Finally, he gives up, throwing his hands up in frustration and storming off.

  “Crap. Let me go talk to him,” I say once the laughing fit is over.

  “Good luck,” Abby says, making a glad-its-you-and-not-me face.

  I turn to McKenna. “Thank you. What you showed me how to do today…well, it really means a great deal to me, Kenna.”

  She nods and smiles. “I know you’ll protect him.”

  “I will, every time,” I say in a firm promise before turning to face a very angry gargoyle.

  To say Asher is mad would be a gross understatement. He gives me the cold shoulder and silent treatment the entire afternoon and evening. The stubborn mule has not said one word.

  As a peace offering, I’ve decided to make him dinner. I figured it couldn’t hurt. Dressing the salad, I turn my head to the left and see Asher standing in the doorway just watching me.

  He has his arms over his head, leaning on the frame. The position forces his t-shirt up so I can see some of the muscles of his six-pack. His face is unreadable and his focus is locked on me, following every movement like he is memorizing me. Mouth dry, I wet my lips.

  Asher steps away from the doorway without a word. The emptiness of his retreat hits me like cold water. I swallow the burn in my throat and continue with the dinner preparations.

  The brooding gargoyle sits in complete silence the entire meal. Doesn’t even make eye contact. After a silent dinner, he stands, places the dishes in the sink and walks to his room to mope. Buying myself some time, I do the dishes. Then, I get mad.

  I’ve had enough of the sulking and decide to take matters into my own hands and face him, head on. I storm into his bedroom without knocking and throw my hands on my hips and narrow my eyes, ready to yell at him. My anger is squashed the moment I see him. He’s laying on the bed, ankles crossed in his jeans and a white t-shirt. The bedside task light is on and he’s reading a book. I inhale a sharp breath.

  “What are you reading?” I ask with a cautious look.

  He doesn’t look up. “A riveting book. It’s about a male protector. He’s bonded to this frustrating and stubborn woman. She keeps getting herself into trouble, mainly because she acts with reckless abandon and neeeever thinks. It’s going to get her killed one day.” Touché.

  I exhale and sit on the edge of the bed. “Asher. Look at me.”

  He doesn’t.

  “Asher!” I say with more force behind his name.

  At the sharpness in my tone, he snaps his eyes to me. “I overheard you talking to Keegan this morning. You told him you believe I’m coming into seer abilities because after my dream, I explained the council chamber and members in perfect detail. If that’s true, and what I saw was a premonition and not a dream, then I need to be equipped to handle things.”

  He closes the book with a scary calm. “I saw you wield the darkness and teleport into the shadows in the training room earlier. I felt my gifts pull to you, hence why I went down there.” It was an even statement, but the implications behind his words caused me to shudder with nervousness.

  “Is that the reason everyone keeps calling you the dark prince? Because you can manipulate the darkness and shadows?” I question, avoiding his accusation.

  “Don’t. Change. The. Subject,” he warns through a tight jaw.

  Our eyes remain focused on one another before I cave. “If what I witnessed was a vision, then I need to learn how to protect you.”

  “I’M THE ONE WHO PROTECTS YOU!” His voice raises in exasperation.

  “I won’t allow the council to turn you into a stone statue,” I say, my tone unyielding.

  “Stone petrifaction is the punishment for breaking my oath. I’m a gargoyle.”

  “I will not survive if you spend an eternity like that.” I stand, clenching my fists at my sides.

  Asher throws the book on t
he bed. “What?”

  “My heart and soul would be wrecked,” I yell back.

  He stands slowly, his eyes wild. My hands begin to tremble at the intense way he’s stalking toward me before he begins to mutter to himself. I take in a shaky breath as he stops in front of me.

  “Why?” he lowers his voice.

  “Because,” I mumble under my breath.

  “Why, Eve?”

  “Because…I LOVE YOU!” I shout.

  He stills. Oh crap.

  The weight of my words hangs in the air. Neither of us moves or says anything.

  “Say that again,” Asher requests in mere whisper.

  I swallow, hard. “I. Love. You,” I repeat softly, terrified he’s going to bolt.

  He closes his eyes, nostrils flaring and he still hasn’t moved. To be honest, he isn’t breathing.

  “Take it back,” he demands, surprising me.

  “No.” I hold my stance. What the fuck?

  He opens his eyes and narrows them at me. “You have to. It’s not allowed.”

  I tilt my head and throw my shoulders back, channeling my inner Kenna. “I don’t care.” I take a step to him.

  Asher retreats a pace. “You can’t.” His voice is firm but I don’t miss the hitch.

  I move forward, he moves back, matching my pace. “It’s true, I do.”

  He moves his head from side to side, adamantly. “Eve.” My name is a warning.

  The back of his legs hit the bed as I stand within a breath’s reach from him. “I know it’s forbidden. I realize it goes against every law you’re bound to as both a protector and royalty. So you don’t have to say it back. Just know, I. Love. You.” I force the tears back.

  Asher stands there motionless. His glowing eyes never shift from mine. My throat tightens, forcing me to gulp down the painful lump climbing up it. I nod my acceptance of the rejection and take a step back.

  In an instant, he jerks his hand out and snatches my elbow, forcing me to stop. We just stand there, eyes locked. He heaves me to him, pressing my body against his as he slides his right hand behind my neck, moving me toward him.


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