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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Keegan, McKenna, Asher, Abby and Callan all stand in front of the council. Everyone but Asher takes a knee before rising. No one looks my way. They’re all tense and stiff, wings out.

  “Lord Falk, council members, please accept my deepest apologies for my lack of presence. I am here now, a day early, and ready to proceed with the trial. Miss Collins is incorrect. I do not require clemency,” Asher says in an even voice.

  I go to step toward Asher but Rulf wraps his hands around my upper arms, preventing me from moving. I snap my head toward him, showing my displeasure. In response, he shakes his head, telling me not to intervene. His grip tightens as I give in and stay put.

  Lord Falk just stares at Asher for a few moments. “Very well, Prince. The council will grant a short break to allow you to inform Miss Collins of our tribunal rules,” he says formally.

  Asher tenses. “I would prefer if Miss Collins not be present during the hearing. She’s human and a simple charge. There’s no need for her to be in attendance,” he retorts and I clench my teeth.

  The elder gargoyle takes his request into consideration before responding. “Denied. She will be in chamber during the trial. After all, your highness, this trial is about her.” His answer is final. “The rest of the London clan will remain with the council while you take a moment to discuss the process with your charge. We will send Rulf to retrieve you when we are ready to begin.”

  Asher’s body is rigid as he dips his head. “Thank you, Lord Falk.” He turns and faces me. His expression is furious. “Release your hold on her.” He seethes at Rulf. At his order, Rulf lets go of my arms. Asher prowls to me before taking my elbow and guiding me out of the hall.

  My protector says nothing as he drags me down several stone corridors and into a private, dark hallway that’s out of sight. Without warning, he pushes me against the wall and presses his body against mine before placing a knee between my legs and dropping his forehead to me. Confused, I just stand frozen. I expect yelling but not this.

  His breath fans over my face while he closes his eyes, attempting to control his emotions. “Are you okay?” he asks on an exhaled shaky breath.

  Reveling in the feel of him, I chance moving my arms to the front of his chest. “I’m fine,” I answer in a quiet voice.

  He nods his head against mine and lifts his gaze. “Fuck, I don’t know whether to kiss you or strangle you, siren. What the hell where you thinking? We’ll discuss the shit you pulled later. Now is not the time or place.” He stares at me, his anger subsiding.

  My throat tightens with nerves. “Okay,” I answer weakly.

  Asher’s hands cup my face, tilting it back so he can get a better view of my hazel eyes. “Whatever happens in that room, Eve, DO NOT REACT. Do you understand?” he asks, his tone stern.

  I just watch him. “Yes.” My heart lurches at the thought of what could actually happen in there.

  He blows out a stressful breath, but his body doesn’t relax. “I mean it, Eve. You can’t act in response. If I sense, even for a moment, that you’re about to, I will have that dumbass Rulf yank you out of the chamber so fast, you won’t know what hit you,” he warns firmly.

  “I understand,” I say, trying to get him to believe me.

  Asher’s eyes just scan mine. “You will walk out of there with me today.” He holds my gaze, waiting for me to say I understand what he means.

  I nod.

  Asher steps away from me, releasing each part he’s touching as emptiness floods my body. After a few moments of composing himself, Rulf appears.

  “The council is ready for you,” Rulf says from behind us in a no-nonsense tone.

  We follow my guide back into the council chamber, side-by-side but not touching. The room is laced with tension as my eyes scan the clan’s solemn faces. Callan offers me a wink before Asher and I stand before the assembly again.

  “Miss Collins, please step to the side with Rulf,” Lord Falk instructs as the good-looking gargoyle ushers me closer to Abby. At Rulf’s touch, Asher’s face snarls. The anger he’s emitting sends shivers down my spine.

  Lord Falk turns to Asher then to the council. “Asher St. Michael, elite council members, we are here today to hold tribunal on behalf of the gargoyle community. Since there is a human present, we will continue not in our native tongue of Garish, but in English for the proceedings.” At his announcement, the members dip their heads in agreement.

  He turns back to Asher. “Mr. St. Michael, it has been brought to the council’s attention you are in violation of our laws. You have been accused of having infringed upon the oath you swore to uphold with regard to your loyalty to both the human race and your charge, Eve Collins. What say you?” The older gargoyle waits for an answer.

  Asher stands tall and speaks in an authoritative tone. “As a member of this council, and next in line to the throne, I take my oath and loyalty to both my race and my charge very seriously. With respect, I ask the council what proof the accuser provided to initiate this hearing?” He waits as the council shifts their focus to Lord Falk.

  The tall leader smirks. “The petitioner has provided two eye witnesses to your breach. We’ve interviewed both and they have corroborated the accuser’s claims. As a member of this council, your highness, you are aware that the punishment for such forbidden defiance is stone petrifaction.” My heart drops into my stomach at this reminder. Images from my vision flash into my mind and I begin to sweat.

  Asher doesn’t seem phased. “As you and the council are aware, the punishment is not enforceable without physical proof. You have none because none exists. The alleged accounts from two unnamed witnesses are not enough to impose the sentence. We all know that, Lord Falk,” Asher says confidently.

  Lord Falk pales. “No. There is no physical proof, only verbal,” he answers with annoyance.

  Asher bobs his head. “Then, I think we’re done here. Make no mistake though, no mercy will be bestowed to anyone who attempts to hurt Miss Collins. It is my right as her protector to eliminate anyone, human or gargoyle, who might bring her harm. Therefore, if Deacon Baptise is the accuser, I suggest you investigate him for the kidnapping and severe beating of Miss Collins instead of wasting everyone’s time with a frivolous tribunal,” Asher says with malice laced in his statement.

  At this, the council turns to one another. “Do you have proof of this alleged charge against Mr. Baptise?” Lord Falk queries.

  “I can provide the same amount of evidence as he has given to you of my so-called breach of my protector oath,” Asher says with sarcasm.

  The elder narrows his eyes. “Fair enough. We will open an investigation into your allegation,” Lord Falk agrees.

  Asher motions for me to join him. I move to his side, anxious to leave. “Thank you. Then we are done,” Asher states.

  The older gargoyle lifts one side of his mouth. “Not quite so fast, Mr. St. Michael. The gravity of this situation is deep. As a council member and next in line to rule our race, you are aware of how seriously we take our protector oaths and laws. Therefore, we must take an accusation such as this under extreme consideration, regardless of evidence or who the petitioner is.” My stomach falls and I pale at his words. Asher tenses next to me.

  Lord Falk stands taller. “It is the council’s ruling that you shall be temporarily removed as Miss Collin’s protector until we can either clear you or charge you further.” Suddenly, the air is sucked out of the room and I can’t breathe.

  I can feel the anger radiating off Asher though he schools his face and body. “I accept the council’s ruling, conditionally.” The words are rushed out of his mouth, his eyes locked onto Lord Falk.

  “The council agrees to hear your conditions, protector,” the leader acquiesces.

  Asher takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes before opening them and focusing on Lord Falk. “I would like to ask the council to remove Miss Collins from the chamber before I state my conditions.” No!

  Lord Falk nods. “Granted.” He motions to Rulf to
take me away. I turn to face Asher, panicking. He doesn’t look at me. I clench my teeth as Rulf takes hold of my elbow, attempting to get me to leave the chamber. “Wait,” I bark at my escort.

  I don’t budge because I’m heartbroken. I lower my voice to a whisper and lean into Asher. “You said we would walk out of here together. How could you?” He doesn’t acknowledge me, his jaw muscle thrumming as I am escorted out of the chamber without Asher by my side.


  We’re surrounded by darkness as the cold, wet rain descends from the night sky, prickling my skin. My breathing is deep as my chest rises and falls quickly. Beyond the cliff’s jagged drop and past the wall of stone is the Atlantic Ocean. I train my eyes straight ahead and focus on the body of water shrouded in black.

  Asher stands motionless next to me. I’m not sure if he’s even breathing. I slide my glance to his face. At the sight, my throat constricts. The light provided by the inky sky bounces off the ocean, reflecting in his face.

  “We have five minutes before they come to escort me away,” Asher says coolly.

  I turn to face him. “I need you,” I whisper in a pathetic voice.

  His eyebrows draw together as pain crosses his face. “When I realized you were nowhere in the house, siren, I thought Deacon had you again and it almost fucking destroyed me.”

  A tear slides down my cheek. “I-I didn’t know what to do. I just reacted.”

  Asher says nothing as the rain drips off his face and mine, soaking into our clothes. He just stares at the water while draped in darkness.

  “All I knew was I needed to save you,” I say, my voice uneven.

  “No, you didn’t.” His voice is low but has the same effect as if he shouted.

  “Ash—” He doesn’t let me finish.

  His head snaps to the side, his eyes filled with distress. “Did you even stop for one second to think about how your actions affected me, or the rest of the clan for that matter? Let’s not even discuss the fact that you drugged us all with fairy potion and then snuck off into the night without a protector while Deacon is God only knows where and could have done who knows what if he caught you again.” His voice is eerily calm.

  As the rain pelts against my skin, I shift my eyes back to the ocean because I can’t stand his disenchantment with me. Instead, I try to form the right apology while the frigid droplets of water run down my face.

  I let out a quick laugh. “Like you considered me when you had me removed from the chamber after promising you’d be by my side. You’re always so guarded. You constantly ask me to trust in you but the truth is, Asher, you don’t trust in me. If I had just been included in the strategy meetings, plans or your general thought process of attack, maybe…just maybe I wouldn’t need to go off and do stupid things like tonight,” I offer as a lame argument.

  Asher’s indigo eyes glow, illuminating the resentment and disappointment in his face. “That’s your defense, Eve?” Doubt laces his every word.

  I exhale. “What do you want me to say, Asher? What do you want me to do here? What can I do to make you realize this isn’t about me?” I beg, my voice hysterical now.

  Asher turns sharply toward me, his eyes narrow as he takes a step at me. “THIS. IS. ALL. FOR. YOU. EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR YOU!”

  I take in a sharp breath. I need him to understand the depth of what I feel for him, because it’s the motivation for my actions this evening. “I couldn’t survive if anything happened to you. If you no longer existed in my world, it would destroy me.” My voice is soft.

  He contemplates my words for a moment. “By the grace, you are the most infuriating woman,” Asher grounds out in exasperation. His gaze meets mine and his hand reaches out to touch my wet cheek.

  In that moment, I look into his dejected eyes and my heart breaks into a million pieces. I mourn the life we had and the one we’ll never have. “I love you,” I speak softly into the rain filled night air. I hope it’s enough and he’ll embrace me, but I know the minute I told him how I felt, it was all over.

  I don’t even notice the coldness anymore because I’m empty inside. In the depths of my soul, I know any second he’s going to walk away from me, this, us.

  Rain pelts against his face. My body leans toward him as the tears escape my eyes, rolling down my cheeks, mixing in with the frigid rain.

  Asher’s eyes scan my face, memorizing every detail. I need him. I need him like I need air. He pulls away, leaving me vacant and chilled.

  “I will protect you, always,” he promises.

  My eyes shift up and lock onto his. “By leaving me?” The question is harsh.

  He exhales a shaky breath. “If that’s what it will take to keep you safe, I’ll do it.”

  My body trembles with fear of losing him, so he grabs my upper arms to still me.

  “Listen,” he commands, tightening his grip around my body so I can’t flee.

  I shake my head in terror. “No, you can’t. Who will protect me if you leave?” I sound hysterical.

  I clench his wet shirt, not wanting him to go.

  “The clan will until I can come back to you, and siren, I swear I will come back to you,” he


  “I can’t do this without you,” I say, begging him.

  “You won’t have to. My family will watch over you. I have no choice, siren. They’ve made their ruling. As a member and royal figurehead, I must oblige. It’s the only way until I can clear things up with the council.” He exhales before speaking again. “Even if that means walking away and living the rest of my life off our memories.”

  I pull him closer. “No, Asher,” I grit out through clenched teeth, the tears flowing.

  He holds me firm as he looks into my eyes. “I don’t regret one moment with you, not one second. I will always choose you over me. I will protect you, always.”

  “It sounds like you’re leaving forever,” I say through my tight throat.

  Pain marring his face, he grabs my wrists and pries me off him, taking a step back.

  I stand there wet and speechless, about to watch him walk away from me.

  “Ash—” He cuts me off by opening his wings. “Don’t do this,” I plead.

  “Ilem jur pri tú-tim, ew tú-tim pri pos-tim ali ide in-zen, mání, vas-wís, ew ter-ort.

  Esta-de ai esta Ilem de, Ilem pos-tim in-saengkt pri, tú-tim,” he says in Garish.

  It’s the same thing he said to me the first time we went into stone state together.

  My eyes plead. “Asher…”

  He watches me, his face stoic. “Forever,” he says before he disappears into the rain filled dark sky.

  My knees buckle as I fall to the ground in shock and disbelief that he actually left. My breath is gone. My hand goes over my heart, trying to relieve the ache of emptiness that’s forming.

  He’s gone.

  I’m alone in the darkness.



  Quí an-mání ú por lem, í ku an-in ú dur: Any harm you bring her, I will destroy you for (Garish)

  Lem-de an-wís dur ú re kat ante ámo ku ulem hiúman, in-saengkt: It’s unwise for you to fall in love with your human, protector (Garish)

  Gres-por ku ágra-lem, rap: Leave with your protector, now (Garish)


  Cartref merch Croeso duw: Welcome home Daughter of God. (Welsh)


  Anvolde lem ansa lók, esh anten skítas de volde lem: The wingless ones cannot speak, and lack the intelligence of the winged ones (Garish)


  Ilem jur pri tú-tim, ew tú-tim pri pos-tim ali ide in-zen, mání, vas-wís, ew ter-ort. Esta-de ai esta Ilem de, Ilem pos-tim in-saengkt pri, tú-tim: I promise you forever, and forever you shall have my heart, soul, mind and body. With everything that I am, I will protect you, always. (Garish)


  Dia duit (pronounced dia gwit): Hello (Irish)

  Nice tae meit ye, Eve!: Nice to me
et you, Eve! (Scottish)

  Coming Soon


  The Revelation Series

  Volume 3

  Keep reading for a sneak peek at the first chapter of Redemption.

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  Excerpt from


  On the morning the darkness first descended, it settled into every fiber of my existence. The emptiness materialized deep within my veins, wrapping itself around each organ. Starting with my heart, then my lungs, and finally, it crept its way into my soul.

  The empty days are consumed by loneliness and the nights by endless grief. The darkness pushes me further and further into desolation and I feel as though I’m treading water, and at any moment, my body will just give up, forcing me to sink into the murky rivulet.

  I’m drowning, because in spite of everything, I still belong to my gargoyle protector, Asher St. Michael. Each and every heartbeat belongs to him. Every single one of my breaths, they’re all for Asher. Though I’m the one who was left behind, I know in the deepest corners of my heart, he’s hurting too.

  Sitting on the window bench in my room, I inhale a shaky breath, while using the back of my hands to wipe away the escaped tears. Crap. I didn’t think I had any left to shed.

  As my fingers brush over the surface of my cheeks, I’m reminded of the lifelessness my skin now suffers from. It used to be filled with heat and desire. Now, it’s cold and unfeeling. The large organ is enveloped in an invisible armor, preventing life and warmth from penetrating it.

  My gaze lifts to the dreary clouds, my only connection to my protector. Large hazel eyes reflect back at me in the glass windowpane. Mocking me, filled with sorrow. Without thought, I rub my chest, trying to relieve the emptiness his absence is causing. I keep my focus trained upward, at the heavens. “I miss you, Ash,” I whisper into the empty room.


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