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You're My Little Secret

Page 5

by Chenell Parker

“Why did you get down?” He asked sounding aggravated.

  “You know I don’t like all of that. Let’s just do it how we’ve been doing it,” I replied embarrassed.

  “Damn Kennedi, you not tired of just laying on your back getting fucked? That shit is boring as hell,” he complained.

  “Well, I didn’t know that I was getting fucked. I thought I was making love to my future husband,” I said getting up from the bed. I grabbed my clothes and stormed off to the bathroom.

  Dominic was really starting to piss me off when it came to sex. If he wasn’t trying to do some freaky ass position, he was trying to do it on the balcony or in the car. He even tried to get me to talk dirty to him during sex, but I never did. Then he had the nerve to get mad when I said no. I kept reminding him that he was marrying a lady and not some street whore. I figured I’d maybe try something new on our honeymoon if I was ready. Until then, he had to play by my rules or we wouldn’t be playing at all.



  I went into the office the next morning sexually frustrated and sleep deprived. I usually didn’t work on Sundays, but I decided to get a head start on some of the things I had to do on Monday. After Kennedi and I had our disagreement, I ended up pleasing myself. It wasn’t as good as being up in a woman, but it still relieved some of my stress. I needed somebody to talk to, so my brother was on his way to the office too. While I was waiting for him to show up, I grabbed my desk phone to call my parents.

  “What are you doing at the office on a Sunday?” My mother, Liz, said when she picked up the phone.

  “I had to do some paperwork, but I won’t be here long,” I replied. “Where’s my daddy?”

  “He’s at the grocery store with your brother and sister. You can call him on his cell if you need to talk to him.”

  “No, I wanted to talk to you too,” I said.

  “Oh okay, I hope nothing is wrong,” she said concerned.

  “No, not really, but Kennedi is pregnant,” I blurted out.

  “Oh, well congrats,” she said unenthusiastically.

  “Well, damn ma, you didn’t have to sound like that,” I chuckled.

  “Nic look, you know I wish you and Kennedi all the best and I pray for a healthy grandbaby, but I can’t keep going through this. I end up getting excited and ready to start shopping and something always happen. I’m not getting excited this time until it’s almost time for her to have the baby. My heart can’t take anymore,” she rambled.

  Elizabeth Roberts was the most outspoken person on the face of the earth. If it was on her mind, she was going to say it. As bad as I wanted kids, she wanted grandkids even more. She was a stay at home mom and wife now, so a grandchild would complete the package for her. She already appointed herself as the official babysitter. No grandchild of hers was going to daycare if she could help it.

  “I understand ma, I feel the same way. I know it’s wrong, but it’s hard for me to get excited too,” I said honestly.

  “It’s not wrong, it’s a fact. You can’t help how you feel. I’ll be happy when I do get me some grandbabies. I hope y’all don’t wait until I’m too old to enjoy them,” she said seriously.

  “You are not old. You and daddy haven’t even made fifty yet,” I said laughing.

  “So what, I still want me some grandbabies,” she laughed.

  The door opened and I smiled as David came strolling in with two huge cups of coffee.

  “Alright ma, I got to go. I’ll call you later,” I said before disconnecting the call.

  “Nigga you better be dying for you to get me out of my bed this early on a Sunday morning,” he complained.

  “Nah man, I just need to talk. Nigga what the fuck you got on?”

  I laughed when I saw how he was dressed. He threw a pair of green gym shorts over his pajama pants and had a pair of wheat colored Timbs on his feet. Add a grey hoodie to the ensemble and he was a hot ass mess.

  “Don’t worry about what I have on. When you look this good, you don’t have to dress up. And your ass ain’t slick! I know why you called me over here,” he replied.

  “I told you I needed to talk.”

  “That’s bullshit, we could have talked over the phone,” he said calling me out.

  “Alright you got me, so what happened?”

  “I told you I was going to handle it. Don’t start doubting me now,” he said as he threw a balled up paper at me.

  I grabbed the paper and smiled when I read what was on front. I don’t know when he did it, but my brother had managed to get Brooklyn’s phone number for me. I only had to ask him once and he was more than happy to do it.

  “That’s what’s up,” I said smiling like a schoolboy.

  I couldn’t even front, Brooklyn is the shit. Not only is she pretty, but her body is nothing short of perfection. She has a natural beauty that doesn’t require makeup. She looks like the conceited type, but she’s far from that. I was both shocked and pleased when I learned that she’d prepared most of the food that was served. She didn’t look like the type that knew her way around the kitchen. Kennedi was right, I watched Brooklyn the entire time I was there. I was attracted to her the minute I laid eyes on her. When I finally got a chance to talk to her that sealed the deal. She had this innocence about her that I couldn’t resist. It was going to be hard to get at her, especially with her brothers around, but I was damn sure going to try.

  “And when was the last time your lying ass went to the school to shoot hoops? You haven’t done that since I was going there,” David said laughing.

  “That’s just gon’ be my excuse to cruise back there sometimes if I have to. I saw how you looked at me when I said that. I’m glad you didn’t bust me out,” I replied laughing along with him.

  “You know that’s not how we do it. I caught on. That’s why I stopped trying to flirt with her. That’s more of your speed anyway,” David said.

  “What you mean by that?” I asked.

  “She’s a good girl, the kind you like. If she was a hoe then, I would have been all over her. I need somebody that’s just like me,” he replied. “But Brooklyn is cool. I wouldn’t mind having her for a sister-in-law.”

  “I didn’t say all that. Besides, you already have a sister-in-law.”

  “Nigga please, you know I can’t stand her ass. That’s why I worked overtime to get Brooklyn’s number for you.”

  “What did she say when you asked her for her number?” I wanted to know.

  “She kind of hesitated at first. I guess she didn’t want her brothers to see. When I went to the bathroom right before we left, she slipped it to me. You better use it too,” David replied.

  “What! I’m about to use it in a few minutes,” I said seriously.

  “That’s what’s up, but what did you want to talk to me about?” David asked.

  “Man, same old thing. Me and Kennedi got into it again. She acts like a damn drill sergeant or something. Everything has to be the same way all the time. I like to try new shit sometimes,” I vented to my brother.

  “I really don’t understand why you even marrying this broad. She doesn’t cook, clean or give head and then she’s boring as fuck in the bedroom. Help me understand why you haven’t run for the hills yet.”

  “Man because I love her. Kennedi helped me out when nobody else would. I can’t just forget about that. It’s because of her that we’re sitting here right now,” I replied.

  “No, hard work is why we’re sitting here right now. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the help that Kennedi gave us, but she was paid in full a long time ago. She caught you when you were at your lowest and she preyed on that shit. You might love her, but I know for a fact that you’re not happy.”

  “Why you say that?” I asked curiously.

  My brother was always brutally honest so I expected nothing, but the truth.

  “Look at the number that’s in your hand,” he replied before standing to his feet.

  Once David left, I sat around an
d thought about some of the things he said. Just like our mother, he didn’t hold back when it was time to speak his mind. Although I hated to admit it, David knew me better than anyone else. When I first approached him about Kennedi and I getting married, he disagreed from the start. He promised to be there for me no matter what even if he didn’t approve of it. True to his word, he’s always there when I need him.

  I picked up my desk phone and dialed the number that was scribbled on the paper. After ringing three times, Brooklyn’s sweet voice came on the line.

  “Hello,” she said sounding just as cute as she was.

  “Good morning, Brooklyn?” I asked just to be sure.

  “Yeah, this is Brooklyn.”

  “Hey, this is Dominic.”

  “Oh, hey, what’s up?”

  “Not much, just calling to holler at you. What you doing?”

  “Nothing, I just finished doing some homework. What are you doing?” She asked surprising me.

  She seemed so shy when we were face to face, but maybe it was because her family was around.

  “Nothing, I’m trying to hook up with you today. You think that’s possible?”

  She paused before answering and I thought she was about to say no.

  “I have to see something first. Can I call you back at this number?”

  “No, this is my office number. Write down my cell number.”

  After rattling off my number to her, we disconnected our call. I finished up my paperwork and prepared to leave the office. It’s been almost two hours since I talked to Brooklyn and she still hasn’t called me back. I almost gave up on the idea of seeing her until my cell phone rang, displaying her number.

  “I thought you forgot about me,” I said when I picked up the phone.

  “No, I didn’t. I just had to make sure I could get away for a while,” she replied.

  “So are you free to go? I wanted to take you out to eat or something.”

  “Yeah, I can go. Where are we going?”

  “That’s up to you. Wherever you want to go is cool.” I almost wanted to take that back. I didn’t want her to pick somewhere where Kennedi or one of her people would see us. It was like she read my mind because she had the same feelings. Only she was worried about her brothers finding out.

  “Let’s go somewhere far. I don’t want to run into anybody.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way. Where are you?”

  I almost died when she told me that she was at Candace’s house. I knew exactly where that was, but I was leery about going over there. Brook must have sensed my hesitation because she agreed to meet me around the corner. I hopped in my black Range Rover and sped all the way towards Candace’s house. I tried calling Kennedi for the third time today, but she still wasn’t answering. When she was mad, she didn’t call or answer her phone until she was good and ready. The minute she called and I didn’t answer we always had a problem.

  When I got to the meeting spot, I called Brooklyn and told her I was parked at the meeting spot. I sat for about five more minutes before I spotted her walking up through my rearview mirror. She had on a cute sundress and some heels that made her look even sexier than she already was. Her long hair was curled expertly and draped around her shoulders and down her back. I never described anyone as being perfect, but she was slowly making me change my mind.

  “Hey,” she spoke when she hopped into my truck.

  “Hey,” I spoke back with a smile. “So where are we going?”

  Brooklyn wasn’t playing when she said she wanted to go somewhere far. We ended up driving over an hour away to The House of Seafood in Bush, Louisiana. I’ve been here several times before with Nadia and I’ve always wanted to come back. Unfortunately, Kennedi didn’t think it was classy enough so we never made a trip out here. Brooklyn and I talked while we ate and I found out a lot about her. She was the youngest and only girl so that explained why her brothers acted the way they did. I loved her down to earth attitude and I felt comfortable just being around her. Kennedi pissed me off when she tried to make me act a certain way so this was a welcomed change. It really didn’t feel like I’d just met her yesterday.

  “Don’t start acting brand new on me either,” I told Brooklyn as we headed back home.

  “I’m not going to act brand new, but you do know that it’s going to be hard for us to hook up,” she replied.

  “I know, but we can make it happen. People make time for something they really want,” I said winking at her.

  “So when is your baby due?” She asked me out of the blue.

  I didn’t want to be rude, but I really didn’t want to talk about Kennedi. It pissed me off that I’d been gone since this morning and she hasn’t tried to call me one time.

  “I don’t know, she hasn’t gone to the doctor yet. That’s if she even has the baby.”

  I said the last part more to myself than to her. I was still feeling doubtful about the whole thing.

  “Why you say that? You don’t want the baby or something?” Brooklyn said looking at me sideways. I must have sounded foul for even saying what I said, but it was the truth.

  “Hell yeah, I want it!” I said louder than I needed to.

  “Calm down, I was just asking,” Brook said in her own defense.

  “My bad for yelling,” I apologized. “Kennedi has a hard time holding a baby past four months. This is her third time being pregnant and she always miscarries.”

  “Aww, I’m sorry to hear that,” Brook said solemnly. “So when is the wedding?”

  “It won’t be anytime soon. She wants to do it in two years so she can have enough money saved for her dream wedding.”

  “So I guess you’re trying to get it all out of your system before then,” she replied shocking me.

  Brook seemed so shy and innocent in front of her brothers, but she was really outspoken when she wanted to be.

  “It’s not even like that,” I said hoping she didn’t think any different of me.

  “Hey, I’m not trying to judge you. I got enough on my plate as it is,” she replied with her hands raised.

  We rode in silence for a while until Brook started looking through my cd case. She flipped back and forth in the book until she came across something she liked. I looked at her and laughed at her choice of music.

  “Girl, what you know about Jeezy?” I asked as she put on my old Soul Survivor Cd.

  “What! I went to his concert when he was down here a few months ago,” she replied.

  I smiled as she sat next to me and rapped every word right along with the cd. She surprised me more and more. I would have never thought that she liked anything, but slow jams. She just didn’t seem like the type. When we got around the corner from Candace’s house, I hated to see Brooklyn go. This was the best day I’ve had in a while and I didn’t want it to end. No doubt about it, I was definitely going to be seeing her again. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t about to let her leave without securing a spot.

  “I had fun,” Brooklyn said smiling at me.

  “I did too. So when am I going to see you again?” I asked grabbing her hand.

  “Whenever we can both get away I guess. I don’t have class on Friday,” she replied.

  “Well, Friday it is. I’ll make a way. Just make sure you answer when I call.”

  “I will,” she said as she leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

  Ms. Brooklyn was just full of surprises, but I didn’t have any complaints. I watched her until she was out of sight before I pulled off to go home. As soon as I hit the bridge, Kennedi called with her bitching.

  “Where are you Dominic?” She asked with her usual attitude.

  “Oh, so now you worried about where I am? If you were so concerned, you should have answered the phone.”

  “I was sleeping so I turned my ringer off,” she replied.

  “Yeah alright, but I’m on my way home.”

  “Well, I made an appointment to see the doctor on Friday. I’m not going to work so maybe we can s
pend the day together since we haven’t done anything in a while,” she said hopefully.

  Before she even finished talking, I got pissed off. She would pick the exact same day I’d just set to chill with Brooklyn. I would hate to break my date with her, but that looked like exactly what I would have to do.

  “Alright, that’s cool,” I replied trying to hide my disappointment.

  “Oh, and you need to pick us up something to eat because there is no food in here.”

  I guess there was no food in there if she never went to get any. If I didn’t go to the store, Kennedi and I would either eat out or starve. The only time we didn’t eat out is when my mama cooked and brought us something to eat.

  “I’m full, but I’ll stop and grab something for you.”

  “What did you eat?” She asked me.

  “When you didn’t answer I stopped and grabbed me something,” I lied.

  When I ended the call with Kennedi, I immediately called Brook and told her to be on standby just in case I couldn’t make it Friday. She was cool with it and that only made me like her even more than I already did.



  “Hello,” I answered my phone as I drove towards my house with Nadia in the car.

  “Candace it’s me,” Brook said on the other end. “I need a favor.”

  “What’s up Brook?” I asked even though I already knew.

  For the past month, it’s been the same routine with her. She would call and ask me to tell Bryce that I was picking her up from school and bringing her to my house. She did spend a few nights a week at my house, but I never knew how she was getting there. Co-Co and I love having Brook around because we always get a couple of good meals when she’s there. I had a feeling that she was messing with one of them little boys, but we never really talked about it yet. It was sad that she had to sneak and lie, but her brothers made it that way.

  “Tell Bryce that you’re picking me up from school. I’m coming to spend the night over there,” she said.

  “Yeah, okay Brook, but we need to talk when you come over later. You got me lying for you and I don’t even know what’s going on. If something happens to you, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”


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