Democracy in Chains
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ABC News, 21
abolitionists, xxxi, 3, 5, 9, 33, 69, 98
Academia in Anarchy (Buchanan and Devletoglou), 103–7, 116, 137
ACLU, 122
Acton, Lord, 40
Adolfo Ibáñez Foundation, 158
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), xvi, 90, 213, 214, 229
AFL-CIO, 59, 63, 181
African Americans, 50, 74, 133, 175, 214
Buchanan’s view of, 35
employment and, 90, 220–21
Republican, 89
student unrest and, 106
at UCLA, 100
at University of Virginia, 58, 73, 100–101
voting by, 11, 23, 32, 33, 93, 215
welfare and, 117–18
see also civil rights movement; segregation and integration
Allende, Salvador, 154, 160, 162
Almond, J. Lindsay, Jr., 62
Amadae, S. M., 83, 151
American Economic Association, 97, 171
American Enterprise Institute, 58–59, 68, 174
American Jewish Committee, 25
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), xvii, 210, 217, 220, 230, 231
American Liberty League, 39, 46
American Revolution, 140
Americans for Prosperity, xix, 210, 220
anarchy, 81, 148
Anderson, Gary M., 214
Andrews, T. Coleman, 53, 54, 86, 88–89
Arizona, xxiv
Armey, Richard “Dick,” 190–92, 198, 200
Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 144
Attack on Corporate America, The (Manne), 124
Austrian Economics Forum, 173
Bachelet, Michelle, 168
Bader, Lawson, 203
Baker v. Carr, 75
Baroody, William, Sr., 58–59
Basic Books, 106
Bauer, Peter T., 48, 84
BHC Group, 156–58
Black Panther Party, 102
Black Student Union, 106
Boaz, David, 211
Boehner, John, xxviii
Bolick, Clint, xxix
Boudreaux, Donald J., 216
Boyd, Harold M., 63
Brandeis, Louis, 210–11
Breit, William, 56, 106
Brown v. Board of Education, xiii–xv, xviii, xix, 12, 13–20, 46, 48–52, 74, 133, 208, 217, 229
Brown II, 19
Buchanan-Nutter report and, 65–68, 70, 71
Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County in, 17–18
debates following, 61–73
Goldwater and, 90
Moton High School conditions and student strike, 14–18, 54
planned compliance with, 61–62
political-economic concerns and, 69
private schools and vouchers following, xviii, 21, 25, 63–64, 66–70, 72, 101, 145
resistance to, xiii, 23–25, 50, 61, 71–72
school closures following, xiii, 23, 25, 62–65, 72, 84, 89, 95
Buchanan, Ann Bakke, 35, 161
Buchanan, James, Sr., 32
Buchanan, James McGill, xiii–xv, xxi, xxxii, 1, 5, 12, 29–44, 74, 81, 84, 92, 94–95, 184, 193, 197, 208, 209, 212, 217, 233
Academia in Anarchy, 103–7, 116, 137
black community as viewed by, 35
Butler and, 182–83
Byrd and, 49, 71
The Calculus of Consent, 77–81, 85, 151, 185–86, 227
Calhoun and, 1–2
Cato Institute and, 141, 187
Chile and, 155, 157–64, 168, 187, 220
Darden and, xiii, xiv, xxii, 25, 45, 48, 70, 209
death of, 204
early life of, 29–30, 32
eastern establishment and, 34, 118, 119
education of, 32, 34, 35
Fink and, 199, 201–2, 204
formation of views, 71–72
formative role in rise of radical right, xviii–xxvi
Friedman and, xiii, xviii
George Mason Medal awarded to, 203
George Mason University’s hiring of, 169, 171–74
“government failure” as focus of, 42
grandfather of, 30–32, 118
Institute for Humane Studies and, 138, 187–89
at International Atlantic Economic Society, 115–20
in Italy, 43
James Buchanan Center and, 194, 197–203
Knight and, 36
Koch and, xx, xxv, xxvi, 108, 127, 135, 137–38, 187–88, 190, 193–94, 204, 227
and Liberty Fund, 145–46, 171
The Limits of Liberty, 147–52, 157
military service of, 34, 35, 48, 101
Mitchell and, 72–73
Nobel Prize awarded to, xxiii, 72, 185–87, 189, 199, 203, 233
Nutter and, 41, 44, 45, 61, 70
Orr and, 170–71
photograph of, 152–53
Politics by Principle, Not Interest, 162–63
Choice Society and, 85
public finance chosen as focus of, 41–42
retirement of, 203–4
Rowley and, 207, 209
“The Samaritan’s Dilemma,” 142–43
in school debate, 61, 65–73, 101
school of political economy created by, see Virginia school of political economy
on segregation, 55–56
Social Security and, 178–81
as Southern Economic Association president, 96
Third Century project of, 116, 117, 119–22, 125, 203–4
Tullock and, 76–83
at UCLA, 100, 101, 102–3, 108
universities as viewed by, 103–7
University of Virginia resignation of, 99–101, 170
University of Virginia’s hiring of, 44, 47
University of Virginia’s promotion of, 85
at Virginia Tech, 108–11, 162, 170–71, 184
Wicksell and, 42–43
Buchanan, John P., 30–32, 118
Buchanan, Lila Scott, 32
Buchanan House, xviii–xxi
Buckley, William F., Jr., 55, 86–87, 88
Bush, George H. W., 196
Bush, Jeb, xxix
Butler, Stuart, 182–83
Byrd, Harry Flood, Sr., 12, 21–24, 49, 53, 59, 61, 70, 72, 74, 92, 93, 159, 191, 197, 233
Buchanan and, 49, 71
Wensel and, 62–65, 233–34
Byrd Organization, 19, 21–23, 59, 60, 63, 71, 92, 93, 95, 100
Cáceres, Carlos Francisco, 158
Calculus of Consent, The (Buchanan and Tullock), 77–81, 85, 151, 185–86, 227
Calhoun, John C., xxxii, 1–12, 20, 22, 24, 25, 81, 224–25, 233, 234
Constitution and, 3–8, 20, 217
states’ rights theory of, 20, 51
Cambridge University, 56, 84, 129
capitalism, xx, xxiv–xxvi, xxx, xxxii, 9, 37, 53, 81, 91, 97, 135, 138, 149
Carter, Jimmy, 147, 177
Cato Institute, xix, xx, xxv, 81, 140–43, 145, 147, 166, 174, 183, 191, 201, 203, 209–11, 216, 221, 228–29
Buchanan and, 141, 187
founding of, 140
George Mason University and, 174
Koch and, 140, 142
Social Security and, 157, 178, 181
Cato’s Letters, 140
Cato the Elder, 140
Center for Economic Education, 109
Center for Independent Education, 133
Center for Public Integrity, 230–31
Center for Study of Public Choice, xix, 108–11, 183, 197
Center for the Study of Market Processes, 197, 202
Central High School, Little Rock, 54–56
Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP), 157, 187
Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 125, 126
Changing the Guard (Tabarrok), 218
Charles Koch Foundation, xix, 137–38, 197
Charlottesville, Va., 61, 63, 67, 84, 94
Chicago, Ill., strike wave in, 36
Chicago school of economics, 35–36, 40–41, 92, 135
Chile, 154–68, 178, 180, 220–24, 230
Buchanan and, 155, 157–64, 168, 187, 220
constitution of, 155, 158–66, 168
Chodorov, Frank, 50
Christian Coalition, 192
Christie, Chris, xvi
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 37
Citizens’ Councils, 53
Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), xix, 201, 203, 216
Citizens United, 229
Civil Rights Act, xxiv, 90, 91, 98, 191
civil rights movement, xxii, 46–47, 52, 55, 75–76, 80, 82, 89, 91, 92, 98–99, 225
Montgomery bus boycott, 74–75
sit-ins, 93–94
see also segregation and integration
Civil War, 10, 20, 33, 117, 132, 225
Clague, Christopher K., 111
Clark, Ed, 146–47
Clark, Kenneth, 18
Clark, Mamie Phipps, 18
climate change, xxiv, 215–17
Clinton, Bill, xxix, 191, 193
Club for Growth, xix, 216
coal miners, 30, 31, 59
Coase, Ronald, 83, 84
Cold War, xxiv, xxxi, 43, 196
collectivism, 46, 47, 49, 53
Columbia Law School, 25, 47, 123
Columbia University, 48
Commons, John R., 97
Commonwealth Club, 81
Communism, xxx, 37, 91, 98, 102, 106, 131, 138
Competitive Enterprise Institute, xix
Congress, U.S., xxxii, 75, 82, 92, 118, 191, 200, 216
House of Representatives, 191, 225, 226
Senate, see Senate
conservatism, xxvi, 40, 45, 50–51, 96, 140, 142
Constitution, U.S., xxv–xxvi, xxxii, 2, 4, 11, 22, 69, 81, 151, 155, 184, 190, 222–29
First Amendment to, 4, 102
Tenth Amendment to, 20, 226
Fourteenth Amendment to, xiv, 11, 48, 228
Twenty-Fourth Amendment to, 75
Twenty-Sixth Amendment to, 107
Calhoun and, 3–8, 20, 217
Commerce Clause in, 51, 69, 229
and Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 82
Constitutional Convention, 4
Constitution in Exile, 82
Constitution of Liberty, The (Hayek), 159
constitutions, xxvi, 71–72
of Chile, 155, 158–66, 168
Contract with America, 190–92
convict lease system, 31
Cornell Alumni Committee for Balanced Education, 111
corporations, 227
universities and, 103–7
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), 219
Cowen, Tyler, 1, 202, 204, 212–13, 221, 223–24
Crane, Edward, III, 139
creative destruction, 135
Cronon, William, xvii
Cruz, Ted, xxviii
Cruzat-Larrain, 156
Cutting Back City Hall (Poole), 145
Daley, David, 231, 232
Danton, Georges, 125
Darden, Colgate Whitehead, Jr., xiii–xv, 25, 46–47, 82, 83, 93, 101, 117
Buchanan and, xiii, xiv, xxii, 25, 45, 48, 70, 209
Virginia school of political economy and, xiv, xv, xxiii, 45–47
dark money, xvii
Davenport (Jones), Inez, 13, 15, 18
Davidson, Donald, 33–35, 52
Davis, Angela, 102–3
Davis, Dorothy, 17
Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, 17–18
de Castro, Sergio, 158, 161, 164
Declaration of Independence, 9, 11
Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties, 65
democracy, xv, xx, xxv, xxx, 6, 23, 31, 48, 68, 88, 101, 148, 151, 210–12, 223, 230, 232, 234
The Calculus of Consent and, 79–81, 151
Calhoun’s critique of, xxxii, 1–5
Kemp-Roth tax cut and, 175–76
liberty and, 1–4, 152
privatization and, 182
pure, 8
veto players and, 226
Democratic Party, Democrats, 31, 51, 53, 61, 86–87, 93, 192, 232
Depression, Great, xxii, xxiii, xxx, 29, 34, 39, 41, 47, 52, 81, 117, 125, 131, 136, 148, 225, 227, 228
Devletoglou, Nicos, 103, 116
Academia in Anarchy, 103–7, 116, 137
Dickens, Charles, 97
Director, Aaron, 38, 39
Disquisition on Government, A (Calhoun), 2
quisition on the Constitution and Government of the United States, A (Calhoun), 2
Dorfman, Ariel, 166
Douglas, William O., 75
Downs, Anthony, 85
du Pont, Irénée, 46, 47
DuPont Company, 46
Dure, Leon, 83, 94
Earhart Foundation, 100, 126, 187
Eastland, James, 24
Eckford, Elizabeth, 54
economic constitutional order, 81
education and schools, xvi, xxiv, 50, 51, 53, 60, 62, 72, 92, 94, 139–40, 192–93, 196, 217–18, 233
Brown v. Board of Education and, see Brown v. Board of Education
Buchanan’s views on, 61, 65–73, 101
charter schools, 218
in Chile, 157, 167
law schools, see law schools
Little Rock Central High School, 54–56
lunch programs, 213
private schools and vouchers, xvi, xviii, xxxii, 21, 63–64, 66–72, 83, 90, 101, 132–33, 145, 157, 167, 218
teachers in, xvi, 217–18
taxes and, 53, 68, 76, 104–5, 150
universities, see universities and colleges
Edwards, Laura, 5
Einhorn, Robin, 7
Eisenhower, Dwight, 52–55, 70, 91, 129, 131, 178
elderly, xxii, 62, 221, 233
Electoral College, 70, 91, 226
Ellig, Jerry, 203
Ely, Richard T., 97
employment, 131, 220, 228
African Americans and, 90, 220–21
child labor, 131, 140
Fair Labor Standards Act, 51, 191
right-to-work laws, 24, 59, 220, 233
unemployment compensation, 48, 118
wages in, 52, 90, 131, 140, 190–91, 229, 230
see also labor unions
Engler, John, 215
environment, 92, 193, 195, 216, 230
climate change, xxiv, 215–17
Environmental Protection Agency, xxiv, 140
equalitarianism, 46
Fabian Society, 144
Fair Deal, 43
Fair Labor Standards Act, 51, 191
Falwell, Jerry, xxvii
Farmington Country Club, 94
Farmville Herald, 18
fascism, xxx, 37, 38, 91
Faubus, Orval, 54–55
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 110
federalism, 82, 217
Federalist Society, 189
feminism, 196
Feulner, Edwin J., 198, 207
fifth column, xxx–xxxi, 127, 223
financial crisis of 2008 and Great Recession, 164, 221, 222
Fink, Richard H. “Richie,” 173, 197–99, 201–4, 209
First Amendment, 4, 102