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My Love Break

Page 12

by Antonia, Anna

  Her thin smile didn’t make me feel any better. I waited, preparing myself to counterattack if needed.

  “I would say this is good. In ordinary circumstances. But we are not in ordinary circumstances. How do you want to handle her protection?”

  I understood the need for Gretchen’s security. While we were discreet, I had left a trail between myself and Gretchen. But Risa was merely an employee who’d just started her job before I got myself a bullet in the brain.

  She wouldn’t know anything except in regards to Black-Price Holdings or the Bridgewater National parent company. And apparently not even that much. It didn’t escape me that Risa was clever, but obviously hadn’t had the opportunity to have a great deal of training or experience in her position.

  There was nothing she could offer anyone. Yet, when did that stop a criminal?

  Elaine must’ve taken my silence as an opportunity to confer her opinion. “I suggest we secure a temporary apartment as well. Same security firm. Leon will stay with her. He can protect her better than anyone else.”

  What the fuck did she just say to me?

  I didn’t have to look in a mirror to see the rage hardening each line of my face. “Absolutely not.”

  “You’re being unreasonable, Damian.”

  “My word is final on the matter, Elaine! Leon will not be assigned to Risa.”

  My guardian sat back and crossed her arms. “Very well. What do you suggest?”

  I didn’t care for her tone or the fact I knew she was treating me as she’d done when I was in the throes of a temper-tantrum as a child. Even if my reaction was irrational and completely unlike me.

  Running a hand through my hair, I spit out my thoughts as furiously as they appeared. “I do not want Risa far from me. She is my PA. There’s nothing unusual about her keeping close. My place is a virtual mausoleum. There’s no reason why she can’t stay with me. If she’s there then she doesn’t need Leon.”

  “Wouldn’t it make better sense for Gretchen to stay with you? I can easily arrange for the apartment to be Risa’s instead.”

  “Risa is staying with me.”

  “Very well, but what’s wrong with Leon?”

  “Nothing. Find someone else.”

  “She is used to him,” Elaine argued. “She won’t need to go through the process of accustoming herself to someone new.”

  I slammed my fist against the table. “I do not care who she is used to! I said no to Leon already and that is final! She will stay with me and that is also final! Do not press the point with me! Otherwise, this conversation is over!”

  I only released I’d raised my voice when I saw a passing nurse stumble to a jerking stop before continuing on her way.

  Elaine didn’t seem surprised by my loss of control. Her near-colorless gaze remained as placid as ever. But watchful.

  Forever watchful.

  “Do you feel better now that outburst is out of your system?”

  Inhaling deeply, I waited until I pushed my volatile feelings deep, deep down. “Risa does not need additional security beyond what Wolffington offers. She has me.”

  “She is a young woman, Damian. Surely you cannot expect her to stay glued to your side, do you?”

  “Yes, I do. It’s her job to do so.”

  That would be a hard sell for anyone, but I’d damn well make it happen before I made it any easier for Leon to find a clear path to Risa’s bed.

  Why I was so sure my brother was interested escaped me. If my head was clearer my viewpoint might’ve been different, but all I knew was I wanted Risa with me.

  Not him.

  Not any other man.

  I’d keep her safe even if that meant chaining her to me.

  “Put Leon on Gretchen. He is to concern himself with her solely, understand?”

  “Why don’t I order a cage for Ms. Kelly while I’m at it?”

  “Can you guarantee it in time for our arrival?”

  I was only half-joking. The idea of keeping Risa under lock and key roused something dark. The urge to possess her slithered through me.

  I imagined a cage made of gold, a pretty perch for her to lounge on, while a delicate but unbreakable chain encircled her little ankle.

  Profane. Delicious.

  My cock swelled. I shifted in my seat, knowing I’d soon revisit the fantasy of a smiling Risa beckoning for me to join her in our cage.

  “You play with fire, Damian. Keep your distance from Risa. If anyone sees you together in any way beyond professional, you don’t just put yourself in danger. Remember that.”

  “I do not need the reminder, Elaine. Your worries are unfounded. There is nothing between us as it is. There won’t be anything between us. Not as long as she is my PA.”

  I left too much unsaid. Only a fool wouldn’t be able to read between those lines and my guardian was far from a fool.

  “I see. I trust you won’t be giving Risa her pink slip anytime soon.”

  Choosing not to answer, I asked instead, “Is our business concluded here? I am eager to let this room see the back of me.”

  “We’re done.”

  Good. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could continue to act as if the thought of keeping away from Risa wasn’t driving a spike behind my eye.

  Elaine leaned forward, gaze suddenly hard. “You’re pale. What’s wrong? I will call the doctor.”

  “There’s no need.” I stood up and moved about the room with purpose. Despite the nausea churning in my gut. I was probably thirsty. Losing my temper probably didn’t help either. I got a bottle of water and offered one to my guardian. “Calm yourself, Elaine. I’m fine. I wouldn’t be released otherwise.”


  I finished the bottle with just a few short pulls. I permitted myself a small smile. “There. I was just a little thirsty.”

  Before she could answer, Risa appeared at the door. I shot forward and met her, Elaine’s presence already forgotten.

  Dressed in a charcoal suit to set her curvy figure to perfection along with little black heels, Risa took my breath away. All the stress from my conversation with Elaine rolled away as if it never was.

  “We’ll be leaving within an hour. Are you packed and ready to go?”

  Risa’s dark gaze darted to the woman seated behind us. She tightened her lips and then nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” I then added, almost as an afterthought, “By the way, do you own any pets?”


  “Do you have any roommates?”

  Clearly bemused, Risa cocked her head. “No, Sir. It’s just me.”


  I let the silence tease for me. I should’ve been inconvenienced and irritated at the very least by my decision. Instead, I felt exhilarated by the unknown. It was the same sensation I felt as a teenager right before I jumped out of a plane for the first time.

  “May I ask why, Sir?”

  It was difficult to keep my face expressionless but I managed.

  “Nothing other than I need you to clear your calendar for the next month or so because I need you full time.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand…”

  “Simple. The next month is going to be killer, Risa, and I’ll need you at a moment’s notice. Therefore, you’re moving into my penthouse.”


  “Have anything you need immediately delivered. I cannot take time out to take you shopping today, but my schedule should allow for a few hours the day after next.”

  Standing there in my immense living room overlooking Central Park, Risa nodded but remained silent. She’d been that way ever since I dropped my logistical surprise on her. I couldn’t tell if she was upset or surprised.

  I couldn’t read her and that was a first for me.

  After I laid out her upcoming month this morning, Risa didn’t say a word of protest or joy. Instead, she dropped her gaze. I almost tipped her chin so I could take a good look into her eyes. Knowing Elaine was watching kept my hand sti

  Now I wished I’d done it anyways.

  Although Risa tried extremely hard to hide her emotions from me, she was innately expressive. She gave away so much of herself every day. If I could’ve looked into her eyes, then I’d know if my plans for her were a wanted surprise or a despised nightmare.

  Instead, Risa had drifted out of the room.

  I hadn’t seen her again until we left the clinic. Even then we were separated. Me in one car and she in another.

  All I had was Gretchen’s company.

  Things were awkward between us now that she had said too much and I responded too little. I closed her out by burying myself into work. She closed me out by looking out the window.

  A part of me wondered if it would’ve been like this if I’d never been hurt. Did the bullet in my brain, and the resulting secrecy of how it got there, hasten the end of us? Or was it my inappropriate fascination with Risa?

  I didn’t know but it didn’t change the end result. Now we were both stuck.

  Once I explained what I could to Gretchen about the need for her to stay in New York, she hadn’t fought me as much as I expected considering it was clear to me she’d taken the night to second-guess her desire to stay with me.

  “This is only temporary. I need to lean on you in order to keep appearances. If word got out that I was in the hospital, Bridgewater would be affected negatively.”

  “Is everything okay on that end, Damian?”


  “And the people or person who did this to you?”

  “It appears I was the unintended victim of a fringe lunatic cell. It’s being taken care of as we speak.”


  I needed to steer her away from that kind of talk. “You’ll be staying in your own apartment, Gretchen. Naturally, my accounts are yours to use. Think of it as an all-expenses paid extended vacation.”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “I know.”

  “Damian, I’m sorry for pushing things between us yesterday. Our relationship has been over for a long time, hasn’t it?”

  What to say but the truth when I had the rare freedom to exercise it?

  “Yes. I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you. I did not enter into our relationship lightly. I respect you, Gretchen, and will always think fondly of you.”

  She let out a little huff of hurt. “Always a gentleman until the end.” Gretchen folded her hands. It may have outwardly been a gesture of submission, but I knew it for what it was.

  Strength from that acceptance.

  “You can count on whatever you need from me to help, Damian. We were friends before we were ever lovers. I hope that can continue.”


  I meant it. Gretchen was one of the few women in the world I respected. I’d once thought she might have been my wife. Now I could clearly see it would’ve caused her nothing but pain.

  Gretchen arched on tiptoe and kissed me on the cheek. “Please understand I need some time to myself to process this change. Can you do that for me?”

  “Of course.”

  It may have been bittersweet to end our relationship right when we were going to perpetuate a lie, but I couldn’t deny the relief I felt in knowing it was over. As soon as I got this mess cleaned up Gretchen would be free to live her life as she pleased.

  I also didn’t have to worry that she would read more into my precautions. Let her think I was willing to bend the SEC’s rules concerning the health and well-being of a publicly traded company’s CEO.

  Still the plane ride had been an exercise in discomfort. Gretchen kept her distance and I encouraged it. Leon barely exchanged a full sentence with me, but it was obvious to me he wasn’t pleased with his assignment. And Risa…

  Risa remained seated in the back like an abandoned toy.

  The little dark-haired beauty was the supreme cause of my discontent. I didn’t like it.

  Still, I wanted her up front with me. I wanted to feel the warmth of her arm against mine. I’d even tolerate it if she chose to stay silent.

  Tolerate it but not enjoy it.

  This was a departure for me considering silence had always been my preferred state of being. I didn’t need to say much, nor did I need to hear the senseless cacophony of people expending their voices and breaths but not adding anything important. Besides, I was far more interested in the unspoken because I found it to be more honest.

  However, I missed hearing Risa’s chatter. I missed hearing all the seemingly random thoughts she chose to share with me. I hadn’t heard them since I asked her the question that changed everything.

  “Who are you?”

  Risa’s voice had been near-silent ever since. The young woman who murmured, “Yes, Sir. No, Sir,” bore little resemblance to the chatterbox of before. That woman laughed, smiled, and fluttered about me, completely focused on spending all her time with me and taking care of me.

  It was novel to be the focus of such unfettered joy. I was honest enough to admit she’d spoiled me terribly in that time before I ruined it all with a simple question.

  This woman wasn’t like that at all. Although my memories of Risa were a false-start, I missed that Risa nonetheless.

  But I couldn’t let her see it. I couldn’t let anyone see it.

  I had to be Damian Black-Price, CEO and billionaire extraordinaire. Upstanding pillar of society, completely aboveboard, and nary a skeleton in the closet.

  I had to be the man I was before. The lie to save my truth. A creature comprised of fractured pieces, always in limbo, and never allowed to fully be.

  The illusion to be the man I presented to the world meant far more than the rarely-discovered truth of me. It had always been that way.

  It wouldn’t change now.

  Which meant I was not going to treat Risa any differently than the thousands of employees I was responsible for. I had to be aloof. Ruthless in my fascinating feelings for a woman I’d only known for a short period of time.

  I knew I could and would do it publicly.

  But here alone in my home, away from prying eyes, was the challenge.


  “Are you hungry?”

  She flinched before turning around to answer me. “No. Thank you for asking.”

  This wouldn’t do.

  “Risa, it was a long flight. You refused lunch. It’s been over twelve hours since you last ate, correct?”

  The answer came out slowly, grudgingly even. “About that.”

  I pointed to the couch without saying a word. I didn’t speak again until she sat down.

  “The choice of what you eat is purely up to you, but make no mistake—you are going to eat.”

  “You don’t have to worry about it, Mr. Black-Price. I’ll get something to eat after I’m settled in.”

  “No. You will eat first, Risa. I can hardly in good conscience allow you to starve under my watch.”


  I held up my hand. “Do not argue with me, Risa. I’ve had a long day and I’m hardly in the mood to convince you of something we both know you need.”

  Risa bit her lip, eyes gone liquid soft with yearning before she looked away. It hit me in the gut.

  If only she belonged to me.

  I could sit her on my lap and seduce her into submission. I’d then feed her morsels of food from my hand, treating her like a beloved pet, and calling her my little girl.

  And she would be my little girl. I’d take such good care of her because it’s obvious she won’t do it for herself. She needs me to watch over her, to let her just be my sweet girl whose sole purpose is to please me by letting me take care of her.

  Immediately, my dick got hard. Temptation to lean closer, to nuzzle her small jaw and brush a kiss against her neck before nipping the soft skin there, pounded seductively.

  Clearly living with Risa was going to be a testament to my strength of will. We’d only been alone for a few minutes and already I wanted to make her mine. This was dang
erous in a way I willfully blinded myself to.

  Putting a finger to her pointed little chin, I guided her attention back to me. “What is it?”

  She closed her eyes and answered in a watery voice, “I’m sorry. I think it’s been a long day. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Risa, that answer is unacceptable. Look at me.”

  Obviously reluctant, she obeyed me. Risa couldn’t contain the sadness in her eyes. Something inside my heart tightened in response.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Mute, she continued to stare at me. The darkness of her gaze pulled me down like the still depths of a bottomless lake. They were dangerous yet almost impossible to resist. I knew then she was the keeper of terrible secrets.

  Just like me.

  Instead of pressing my advantage, I took pity. Risa could keep her secrets for now. In this way I would take care of her.

  “Tell me what you want to eat.”

  Risa opened her mouth, closed it, and then started again. “Fried chicken. KFC.”

  My brow rose at her request. She could have anything the city had to offer and this was what she chose? Fried, greasy chicken? Why ever would she want that?

  “All right. I’ll order it and have it delivered. Will mashed potatoes and gravy suffice?”

  She gave me a tiny smile. I would make her give me another before the night was through.

  “Yes, please.”

  “So sweet.” The words left me before I could give them thought. Pleasure dusted her cheeks. Risa leaned in. My hand slipped behind her neck. “I’m going to work you hard, Risa, but I take care of what’s mine. Don’t let yourself get this hungry again, understand? I won’t like it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I could let it go. I should.

  “Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand.”

  It was like the first illicit hit. It hadn’t even worn off but I wanted more.

  “Tell me what you will do in the future.”

  “I will eat when I’m supposed to. I won’t let myself get this hungry again.”

  “And why not?”

  Risa’s soft voice poured over me, delighting the darker side of my desires. “Because you will become displeased with me.” She licked her lips again, blushing pink as if I’d already spanked her bottom silly. “And I want you to be pleased with me, Sir. I’ll do anything I can to make you proud of me and to never regret keeping me by your side.”


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