Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It

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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It Page 26

by Brenda Hampton

  She gave me a fake grin and nodded. After she left, I showered, put on my clothes, and jetted.

  When I got home, Nanny B was on her knees, scrubbing the hell out of the kitchen floor. I stood in the doorway and shook my head.

  “You don’t have to clean the floor like that. I know my floor ain’t that dirty, is it?”

  She squeezed the wet sponge in the bucket and stood up. “I’m trying to keep myself busy. Why didn’t you come home last night?”

  “Because I had something to do. Where are Scorpio and Mackenzie? And did anybody call?”

  “Why ya asking? You don’t return anybody’s calls anyway. And Scorpio took Mackenzie to dance class.”

  “Did Nokea call?”

  “No, she hasn’t. But everybody else has. Shane and Ray-Ray said call them when you get a chance; a few of your lady friends called, but I’m not relaying any names to you. And Delores and Jeffrey called. They wanted to know if you still planned on going to the family reunion. If so, they said for you to call them.”

  I put my hands in my pockets and looked down. “No, I’m not going. I’m not in the mood.”

  “Well, suit yourself. What’s wrong with you anyway? Why the long face?”

  I looked at Nanny B, as the look of hurt was still fresh in my eyes. “She bailed out on me.”


  “Nokea. I think she married Collins.”

  Nanny B took a deep breath and reached for my hand to hold it with hers. “Just let her be, Jaylin. If that’s what she wants, then there’s nothing you can do.”

  “I know. But, I thought—”

  “Well, you thought wrong. You can plan your life out all you want to, but the Man upstairs has the final say so.” She lifted my chin and looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. “Move on, Jaylin. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

  “There’s not much that anyone can do right now. I’m just praying for some kind of miracle.”

  Nanny B crossed her fingers and I headed upstairs to my bedroom. I got more irritated when I saw the bed hadn’t been made up, Scorpio’s shoes weren’t in the closet where they belonged, and her nightgown was laid across the chaise. In the bathroom, she left her make-up on the counter and a towel was lying in the middle of the floor. I snatched it up and tossed it in the hamper where it belonged.

  As soon as she got home, I inquired about Mackenzie. Scorpio had dropped her off at Megan’s house, so that gave me a moment to address my concerns.

  “If you’re going to continue to live here, please pick up after yourself. I’m not your fucking maid and neither is Nanny B.”

  “I didn’t have time to make up the bed because Mackenzie ran late for her dance class. As for the towel, maybe I should have picked it up. The shoes and the nightgown—don’t be so petty.”

  “I find it quite odd that when I don’t come home, you always find little shit like your uncleanliness to tick me off. Stop playing games with me, okay? The next time you leave my room in this condition, I might not be so nice.”

  She put her hand on her hip and rolled her neck around. “And the next time you decide to stay out all night long, I might not be so nice either. Anyway, where were you? You could have called to let me know you weren’t coming home.”

  “Call to tell you that I was at a hotel getting my dick sucked? I thought that might be a bit disrespectful, but since we don’t mind going there, I’m telling you where I was now. “

  “I hope it was good. But since you came home to me, maybe not, huh?”

  I wasn’t up to arguing with her today, and it certainly wasn’t on my list of priorities. Instead, I went downstairs to my office to use the phone. I called Shane and listened to him gripe about me not returning his calls.

  “So, that’s how a brotha get played? No returned phone calls, no nothing, huh?” he said.

  “Man, I’ve been living in another world. I don’t know if I’m coming or going.”

  “So I take it things haven’t gotten any better.”

  “No, actually, they’ve gotten worse. But I’m not going to sit here and cry about it. What’s been up with you? Everything cool?”

  “Real cool. Things been kind of looking up. You remember that investment I told you about with Felicia?”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Well, that’s going along pretty smooth. She . . . I wanted to talk to you about investing or being a part of this, but that’s totally up to you.”

  “I don’t know, man, but don’t hold your breath. I got enough shit going on as it is.”

  “Making more money never hurts anybody. I can fill you in on what we’re doing, but why don’t you call her too? She’s got some good ideas, and I think you might be interested.”

  “I might. If anything, though, I might just give a li’l donation since you got your hands in it.”

  “Now, I’d appreciate that too. But again, that’s up to you.”

  “Cool. Now, is there anything else you want to bug me about?”

  “Yep. Have you talked to Stephon?”


  “Well, I was hoping that we—”

  “Shane, I’m not going there with you.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, but he said—”

  “I don’t want to know what he said. If you’re going to be a friend of mine, then be one. When it comes to Stephon and my brothaship, it’s done. Don’t interfere anymore, okay?”

  “Cool. I’m done with it.”

  “Good. Again, if there’s nothing else, I’ll call you later.”

  “Peace,” he said, and then hung up.

  I stayed in my office for a while and then picked up the phone to call Felicia. When she answered, I wasted no time getting to the point.

  “So, tell me about this new business you’re trying to start,” I said.

  “Why don’t you come over so I can tell you all about it?”

  I hesitated to respond because I knew Felicia had other things on her mind. I did too, so I told her I’d be right over.

  I changed clothes and grabbed my keys to go. Of course, Scorpio stopped me on my way out.

  “Do you mind telling me where you’re going?” she asked.

  “Do you really want to know?”


  “I’m going to see Felicia.”

  “Felicia! For what?” she yelled.

  “Business and pleasure.”

  “Don’t lower your standards and start messing with her again.”

  “My standards are already low if I keep fucking with you, so what’s the difference?”

  “Don’t you dare compare me to that bitch. We have nothing in common and you know it.”

  “He’s called the boss man, baby, or the head Negro in charge. Remember Stephon? Every woman goes to see him in her time of trouble.”

  She couldn’t say nothing, so I winked and walked out.

  When I got to Felicia’s house, she was on the phone with Shane. She told him I was there to talk business, and when she gave the phone to me, he laughed.

  “When you mean business, you really mean business, don’t you?” he said.

  “Yeah, something like that,” I said, sitting back on the couch. I glanced at Felicia, who was already kneeled in front of me, unzipping my pants. “Tell me something, Shane, and I want the truth.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Have you had sex with Felicia lately?”

  “Naw, dog. It’s strictly business for me. You can ask her for yourself.”

  Felicia removed her panties and I reached into my pocket, handing her a condom. She slid it on me and admired my growth.

  “Shane, how about I let you take care of the new business, and for now, I take care of some personal business?”

  “Jay, it’s whatever you want to do. Just learn a li’l something about what she’s trying to do with the business, a’ight?”

  Felicia straddled my lap, putting my dick inside of her. She had always been a good rider, and r
ode me like she had something to prove. I held the phone up to my ear with my shoulder and massaged her ass. Shane cleared his throat.

  “Did you hear what I said?” he asked.

  “Aw . . . yeah, I agree. Let’s talk tomorrow.”

  “Will do,” he said, and then hung up.

  I let the phone drop and continued to let Felicia work me until she got tired. That took a while, and by then, I felt angry about being there again, about Nokea and Collins, and about my messed-up relationship with Scorpio. I took my frustrations out on Felicia, and fucked her as hard as I could. Being the freak that she was, she allowed me to put her in every position I could imagine. We ended the session with her bending over the couch and me smacking her insides from behind.

  “Come with me,” I demanded while watching her ass jiggle. “Back it up, baby girl, and come with me.”

  I took deep strokes inside of her, and right after I exploded, she did. I leaned over her body feeling drained.

  She reached her hand back and rubbed my ass. “Jaylin, that was so, so good. I’ve missed this. We’ve got to make up for our lost time.”

  “We will—later,” I said, easing myself out of her. I went to the bathroom and quickly wiped up.

  When I returned, Felicia was on the couch with her robe on. I sat next to her, rubbing her leg. “So, are you ready to talk business or what?”

  “I’d rather be doing something else, but we got all night for that, right?”

  “Of course, but, uh, tell me what’s the plan. I think you have potential as a businesswoman/entrepreneur, so I’d like to hear some of your ideas.”

  Felicia hipped me to the partnership she and Shane were trying to create. I really wasn’t interested in being a partner, so I told her I’d make a generous donation. I didn’t say how much it would be, but I did tell her I’d talk to Shane about it and give the money to him.

  It wound up being a long night at Felicia’s house. I didn’t head home until three o’clock in the morning, and Scorpio had the nerve to be up in bed waiting for me. She wanted to argue, but I did the usual: took a shower, climbed into bed, and ignored her. I turned out the lamp, and she reached over, turning it back on.

  “You had sex with her tonight, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Yep.” I pulled the covers over my head.

  She yanked the covers back and got out of bed. She snatched her body pillow, and I knew she was headed to one of the guestrooms. I cleared my throat and spoke calmly to her. “I want you out of my house, Scorpio. The sooner you leave, the better.”

  “Never,” she said, and then stormed out.

  She was dying from my ill treatment. But she had no idea how vicious I could get. I guess she thought I was playing with her, so maybe it was time for her to see with her own eyes that I wasn’t.

  On Monday, I took things to another level. I knew Felicia would be hounding me after fucking her so well, and that she was. She called while Scorpio was at school, and I asked her to come over. Of course, she was proud to show her face at my crib again. It was just the ammunition I needed.

  After she arrived, we went to my basement and I showed her the updates I’d made to it. I poured both of us a drink and we sat at the bar talking. Felicia got tipsy, and so did I. She was all over me, ready for me to stick it to her again.

  I knew that Scorpio was coming home soon, so I undressed Felicia and walked her over to my couch. I lay back, and she straddled me like I was a horse. She opened my robe and began to massage my chest.

  “Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?” She smiled.

  “Not recently, but I’m glad to have made such an impact.”

  Felicia leaned down for a lengthy kiss, and that’s when I heard the alarm chime when someone opened the front door .

  “Who is that?” Felicia whispered.

  “Probably my nanny. Don’t worry; she won’t come down here.”

  We got back to kissing, and just as Felicia was stroking me down below, we heard footsteps on the stairs. Felicia turned her head to the side and my hands went up to cuff her ass. I massaged it, and her attention turned back to me.

  “Jaylin, who—?”

  I looked over Felicia’s shoulder. Scorpio stood at the bottom of the stairs. Her arms were folded, her eyebrows showed a high arch. Seeing Felicia’s backside had obviously angered her.

  “Can’t you see I’m busy?” I said with a calm voice.

  Felicia looked behind her and smiled. She did not remove herself from on top of me, and instead of getting up, she pulled at my boxers to remove them. My hard dick plopped out. That’s when Scorpio had seen enough. She rushed over to us, and when Felicia backed away, Scorpio slapped the shit out of me.

  “You bastard!” she yelled and punched my chest. “I hate you! I swear to God that I hate every single thing about you.”

  I sat up and spoke calmly to Scorpio again. “I said it before, and I’ll say it again: I want you out of my house—soon. If you hate me so much, then leaving here shouldn’t be no problem.”

  When she tightened her fist to punch me again, I hurried to grab it. “I’m not going to fight with you, Scorpio. Just do us both a favor and get out of here.”

  Scorpio snatched her wrist away from me with a gang of smoke coming from her ears. Her face was beet red and her eyes were stabbing me like sharp knives. Even Felicia saw what I did, but she had already backed away from the madness. I stood to remove my robe, and after I tossed it to Felicia to cover up, Scorpio slapped me again. This time, I’d had enough. I pushed her back on the couch and pressed my knee against her stomach so she wouldn’t move.

  “This is payback for spitting in my damn face at Stephon’s house. Now, stop all the drama and get the fuck out of my house before I hurt you even more.”

  I removed my knee from her midsection, but she was trying like hell to provoke me. She tried to damage my goods with her feet, so I grabbed her ankle and twisted it. “Do you want me to hurt you?” I said, slightly turning it. The pain was becoming unbearable, and she yelled for me to let go. I did, and then turned my attention to Felicia, who seemed to be getting a kick out of the whole damn thing.

  “Put your clothes on,” I ordered.

  Felicia rolled her eyes, and as she walked over to the bar to get her clothes, Scorpio got up too. She headed in Felicia’s direction, but I stood between them.

  “Move, Jaylin,” Felicia yelled. “If that bitch want some of me, I’ll be willing to give her something to remember.”

  Scorpio reached over me to take a swipe at Felicia, but missed. I shoved her backward and yelled for her to get out once again.

  “The two of you deserve each other.” She chuckled. “How . . . how could I have been such a fool?” She moved her head from side to side, wiped her tears, and hurried up the stairs. I was glad because I knew she was on her way out.

  “She was about to get hurt up in here,” Felicia said while putting on her clothes.

  “I apologize for getting you involved. I’ll call you later, all right?”

  Felicia was hot as we walked upstairs together. I opened the front door and smacked her ass on the way out.

  “You are a mean brotha,” she said. “You knew she was on her way home, didn’t you?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “A man gotta do what he gotta do, baby.”

  “I guess so,” she said, then leaned in for a kiss. “Call me,” she said, and jetted.

  I hurried upstairs to see if the “love of my life” was gathering her things to go. Surprisingly, she was. I sat on the bed, propped up my feet with a pillow, and watched. I even threw in a few whistles here and there to piss her off. She didn’t like my calm attitude, and picked up a shoe to throw it at me.

  “Bastard!” she yelled.

  “I got a few names for you, too, but I won’t go there. Just keep packing, all right?”

  She rolled her eyes, and my whistles continued. I had this day planned out in my mind, so I made sure Nanny B and Mackenzie were gone for the entir
e day. So far, everything was falling into place.

  “I can’t believe this shit,” she fussed while slamming her clothes on the bed. “Why did you ever come into my life? I shouldn’t have ever moved into this damn house with you. It was truly a big, big mistake!” She went back into the closet.

  “I agree.”

  She pointed her finger at me. “Don’t say nothing to me! When I leave here, don’t you come looking for me, or for Mackenzie. We never want to see your face again.”

  “Speak for yourself. And Mackenzie’s not leaving here until I say she leaves. Just in case you forgot, I have custody of her too.”

  “Well, she’s not going to live with you. She’s going to live with me, whether you like it or not.”

  “Don’t be so angry, baby. Why your face turning red? I’m not going to keep Mackenzie from you. She’s your daughter. So, if it makes you happy, you’re not the only one losing out. I’m going to lose out big time, but that’s just how it’s got to be.”

  She didn’t have nothing else to say. She gave me crazy looks, and when I boldly talked on the phone to Yolanda, a young lady I met the other day, Scorpio threw one of her three-inch heels at me. I ducked, but it hit my expensive lamp, knocking it to the ground.

  “Yo-Yo, let me call you back,” I said, ending the call and standing to my feet. “Hurry up and get your crazy ass out of here,” I yelled at Scorpio. “As a matter of fact,”—I walked into the closet—“you ain’t moving fast enough for me. Let me help you get your shit. Everything’s already nice and neat for you, so it shouldn’t take you this damn long.”

  When I started to help, she stood with her arms folded. She couldn’t stop telling me how much she hated me, and when she tried to strike me again, I pushed her to the ground.

  “If you hate me so much then leave!” I rushed over to the phone and picked it up. “It’s either the police or a taxi. Which one do I call? Your choice.”

  She threw a bottle of perfume at me this time, and to prevent myself from picking up an assault charge, I dialed 911.

  On my way downstairs to open the door for the police, she continued to curse at me. I explained to the police that I had an irate bitch upstairs, and made it clear that I wanted her to leave. They walked upstairs with me to my bedroom.


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