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Raw Silk

Page 13

by Lisabet Sarai

  Kate’s whole self leapt up in response, body, mind, soul. Heart. Yes. She drank his kiss as if it were the most potent of wines, twining her arms around his neck. After a moment, he broke the embrace. “My, my, you are feeling passionate tonight. All the better. The customers will definitely appreciate that.”

  He pulled himself to his full height and smiled down at her, only half mocking. “Come along, now. You must get ready.”

  He led her through a curtained doorway, down a dim hall, to another door. Surprisingly, he knocked.

  “It’s me,” he called out. “The boss.”

  Noi opened the door. “Ah, hello, boss.” Kate heard the hint of ridicule in Noi’s voice, and wondered at it. “Hello, Kate,” the Thai woman added, taking in her deliberately casual outfit. “Come in. Come in.”

  Kate entered the room, with Marshall close behind. It was crowded with beautiful young Thai women, in various stages of undress, chattering and laughing as they readied themselves for the night. “Sawatdi kha, Pi Ji!,” they called when they realised he had entered.

  “Sawatdi khrap. Hello, girls.” His voice was surprisingly gentle. “This is Kate. A friend of mine. She will be joining you tonight.”

  A chorus of greeting answered him. Kate recognised several faces, including the lovely katoey she had met on her previous visit.

  “Hello, Madam,” Lek took both her hands and squeezed them affectionately. “Hello. Good to see you again.”

  “It is good to see you too, Lek. How are you?”

  “Oh, good, very good, Madam.”

  Gregory turned to Noi. “Help Kate get ready. I promised her that no one would recognise her tonight.”

  “Kate, put yourself in Noi’s hands. She is an expert.” He bent down to whisper in her ear. “Remember, I will be watching.” She felt a hard pinch on her bottom. “Break a leg,” he said in a jocular tone, and then was gone.

  Noi took Kate by the hand. “Sit here,” she ordered, “and take off your shirt.” Kate stripped off the T-shirt. She was bare-breasted beneath, but the women around her did not give her a second glance. She sat at the dressing table that Noi indicated, looking at herself in the mirror.

  She was flushed. Her green eyes seemed darker than usual, and sparkled with suppressed excitement. The few freckles on her pert nose seemed especially prominent. She looked pretty, alert, and very Irish.

  Meanwhile, her nipples were red and rigid, perched high on her full breasts. Touch me, they almost screamed, pinch me, suck me.

  As if reading her thoughts, Noi caught Kate’s left nipple between her thumb and forefinger, and gave a little twist. Kate gasped. “You will be very popular,” observed the mamasan dryly. Kate could not keep from blushing.

  Noi began to apply make-up. Kate watched, fascinated, as her ruddy skin became pale, her freckles disappeared, her eyebrows darkened and arched, her eyes became shallow and almond-shaped. In a short time, she was looking at an Asian beauty, perhaps half-Thai, half-American, with moist, full lips and curly red hair.

  “My hair…” protested Kate. Noi reached behind her and produced a wig of straight, black locks. She gathered Kate’s own ringlets into a tight ponytail, then fitted the wig.

  The transformation was complete. Black bangs cut straight across her forehead; black tresses decorated her shoulders. She looked nineteen instead of twenty-eight. And most assuredly, Thai.

  The other girls gathered around. “Oh, Madam, you look so beautiful.” Kate could not help but smile, surrounded as she was by gorgeous female faces and forms.

  “Here is your costume,” said Noi. “Gregory selected it especially for you.”

  Kate grew a little paler. Was she really expected to wear this, in public? She looked at Noi in silent entreaty, but the mamasan just grinned. “Get dressed,” she said. “The dancing will start in just a few minutes.”

  A corset of black vinyl, laced up the front, which cinched her waist and left her breasts bare. The briefest of G-strings, a tiny vinyl triangle that barely hid her bush plus a thong that settled deep in the crevice between her buttocks. Thigh-high vinyl boots with four-inch heels. And, finally, the leather collar she had last worn while Gregory’s cock ploughed her rear hole.

  Fully attired, Kate checked herself in the mirror once more. A stranger stared back, a sultry Asian temptress. The body was more voluptuous than the typical for a Thai, full breasts and thighs that belied the woman’s youthful face. Her red-painted lips were half-open, luscious and inviting. Her skin shone already with light sheen of sweat. Kate raised her arms above her head and swivelled her hips, as she had seen the other dancers do. The figure in the mirror moved gracefully, languidly, every motion beckoning the viewer to watch, touch, taste, possess her.

  “Here is your number, Kate.” Noi handed her a plastic chip with a pin on the back. Kate had noticed all the girls wearing them; apparently they served as a simple accounting mechanism, for tallying the tips the girls received whenever a customer bought them a drink. Kate smiled wryly, noting that Gregory had assigned her the number 69.

  “The dancers for each set are written up here.” The mamasan pointed to a small blackboard, with columns of numbers. “Five or six girls dance at once, rotating positions with each song.” Noi casually put her arm around Kate’s shoulders. “As you can see, you are in the first set. We don’t want you to stand around, getting nervous.”

  Many of the bargirls had already left the dressing room. Kate hesitated, taking one last look at herself. “Come on, let’s go!” said Noi, giving her a sharp little slap on the buttock. “Get out there now!”

  Teetering slightly on the spike heels, Kate traversed the corridor and pushed the curtain aside.

  The bar was transformed. The lights glowed dimly red; the video wall flashed and pulsed with bright images. Customers filled the tables that lined the room. Four dancers were already on the stage, moving with the music that pounded through the air. Kate saw, with some slight relief, that one of them was Lek.

  She took a deep breath, and began to mount the stairs to the platform. Her legs felt like rubber. Lek looked over at her and smiled kindly. Kate took hold of one of the poles that stretched from the stage to the ceiling, and began to dance.

  Hard rock surged around her. She could feel the beat through the floor, insistent, propelling her into movement. The Rolling Stones, she thought. ‘Under My Thumb’. How appropriate. She shook her hips in time, jerking her pelvis in lewd, explicit simulation of the sexual act. A roving spotlight picked her out; she felt the heat on her bare breasts. She gave a defiant little shimmy with her shoulders, setting her lush flesh vibrating.

  A memory flashed through her: her breasts shivering with the force of Gregory’s whip-strokes. She could almost feel the sting. The spotlight moved on.

  Kate looked over the audience, exclusively men: fit young sailors, long-haired hippies, businessmen in their suits and ties, rowdy-looking trucker types. Some were engaged in conversation or flirtation, with bargirls crowded around them or sitting on their laps. Quite a few, however, had their eyes glued to the stage, drinking in the sight of near-naked bodies only a few feet away.

  There was no sign of Gregory. Kate could feel his presence, though. She sank down on her haunches, still grinding her hips provocatively, and cupped her hands under her breasts, as if offering them to the crowd. She saw a viewer, a middle-aged, harried-looking man, lick his lips.

  The thong of her G-string stretched taut across her anus, teasing that sensitive area. The vinyl was hot and tight against her clit. Kate brought her hands down to her thighs, then moved her palms slowly from the knees toward her groin, swivelling her hips with the music all the while. Now her fingers lay lightly against the skin of her inner thighs, while her thumbs pressed against the little black triangle between her legs. Lust flooded her. The string between her cheeks became slick as it slid back and forth in her dampening crack.

  She was so tempted to push her thumbs under the minimal garment, to dig into her curls toward the ce
ntre of her pleasure. The man watched her avidly, leaning forward in his seat. His hands moved from his beer bottle out of sight under the table.

  Kate smiled, directly at him. She rose gracefully from her squatting position, then pivoted so that her back was to him, still looking over her shoulder. Then she bent over, running her hands down the back of her thighs, until she grasped her ankles. She swayed back and forth seductively in this indecent position, presenting her bare ass for his inspection. Hair hung all around her face, but looking between her legs, she could see her fan, his mouth half-open, panting.

  She trailed her hands back up her legs, touching herself ever so lightly. Then she hooked her thumbs under the elastic encircling her hips. She began to move it down across her buttocks, in tiny increments, as if she were about to remove it. The man’s gaze was glued on her slowly moving thumbs, hoping, praying that she would continue.

  The song ended. Kate sighed and pulled the G-string back up around her hips. The dancers shifted positions on the platform; now Kate was nearer the front. She was breathing heavily, from excitement as much as exertion. Her admirer was now only a few feet away. Kate caught his eye and held it as the next song began, a slow, moody ballad with a haunting melody.

  The music took her, loosened her, flowed through her limbs. She raised her arms above her head, crossed at the wrist as if she were bound, and moved in voluptuous waves, sinuous undulations that began in her sex and travelled up her spine. Eyes closed, she savoured the knowledge that the other eyes were ranging hungrily over her body.

  Gregory was watching. She could feel the heat, imagine the wild light in those blue eyes. Now she danced only for him, breathless and desperate. Do you like what you see? she thought. Take me. Can’t you see that I’m yours? Let me please you. I know that I can.

  Too soon, the song ended, and the set. As she left the stage, Kate remembered her admirer. She gave him one last smile, wanting him to remember the vinyl-clad Thai vixen who had played with him.

  Gregory was waiting on the other side of the curtain. “Well, well,” he said, grabbing her wrists and pinning them behind her back. “You are a naughty little girl, aren’t you?” He leaned over, catching her right nipple between his teeth. He was not gentle. As pain and heat spread from his mouth, Kate was determined not to cry out.

  “Did you enjoy that?,” he asked after a moment. Kate was not sure whether he meant the dancing or the bite. “Of course you did.” He released her wrists and cupped her buttocks. His thumb slid under the thong and brushed over her tight rear hole. Unable to control her reaction, she writhed under his touch.

  “I am afraid, Kate,” he said, still continuing his lewd caress, “that this performance was too easy for you, too natural. I think I should set you a more challenging task.”

  “It is almost time for the live sex show.” He smiled down at her. “I am sure that you remember watching this the last time you visited here.” Kate was swept with sudden panic. “Tonight, I would like you to participate.”

  Kate’s heart pounded in her chest. Indeed she remembered, the tall, lithe young man with the enormous cock. Would Gregory enjoy seeing her impaled that way, by someone else?

  “Unfortunately, tonight is Uthai’s night off,” he commented, once again seeming to read her mind. “But I feel confident that we can find a substitute.”

  “Come, now,” he said brusquely, pulling her after him into the dressing room. “Off with those fancy duds. No more hiding your glory.”

  He began to unlace the corset, oblivious to the handful of girls in the room, who watched curiously. Kate blushed, embarrassed that they should see her so pliant in their boss’ hands. At the same time, every time his skin brushed hers, she felt that familiar surge of lust. Now he was pulling the G-string down around her ankles. “Step out, and take off those boots. Leave the collar on, though. To remind you.”

  Kate was naked now, save for the leather circlet around her neck. In fact, her costume had not concealed much of what was now revealed, but she felt a thousand times more exposed.

  Gregory handed her a silk kimono. “Put this on, and wait behind the curtains until you hear the music. After that—you will know what to do.”

  “I know that you won’t disappoint me, Kate,” he added, and then he was gone.

  Standing in the dim hallway, Kate fought the urge to run. She fantasised about sex in public places, she acknowledged; she had enjoyed the risk of discovery in her recent, outrageous experiences with Somtow. This was different. How could she fuck a stranger, surrounded by strangers, who were watching purely for their own entertainment? Being discovered in the midst of passion was one thing; deliberately exposing the most private of acts to public view was something else altogether.

  She had no choice, she told herself. Marshall had required this of her, and she was bound to obey him. She knew she was lying to herself, though. Mixed with her trepidation was a secret, shameful excitement.

  The first wails of the saxophone reached her from beyond the curtain. She recognised the tune. Kate pulled the kimono tight around her, swallowed hard, and stepped into the spotlight.

  In the brightness, Kate could see nothing. She moved toward the stage, feeling light-headed. It seemed that she floated up the stairs.

  Her partner awaited her.

  It was the sweet little vamp who had been Uthai’s companion in the previous performance. A woman! Gregory was diabolical.

  The Thai woman caught her eye. Kate saw kindness in her face, and amusement. Slowly, she began to untie her robe; Kate did the same. The silken fabric slid from their bodies at the same moment. A low murmur rippled through the audience.

  The woman held out her hands to Kate, beckoning, inviting. Kate glided across the stage, the music reaching her despite her fear. They clasped hands, standing face to face. We could be sisters, though Kate. They were exactly matched in height, and like her, the young woman was more generously endowed than was typical for a Thai

  Still holding Kate’s hands, her partner encircled her and kissed her, open-mouthed. Kate felt a shock at the woman’s soft lips and probing tongue. For a moment, she struggled against the invasion. However, her arms were pinned at the small of her back; though seemingly gentle, her partner was remarkably strong.

  Perhaps Gregory has instructed her, thought Kate, surrendering to the strange and delicious sensations of the woman’s kiss. There was a faint taste of peppermint. The woman drew back and smiled at Kate.

  “Please,” Kate whispered, “you’ll have to help me, tell me what to do. This is all new for me.”

  “Mai khaojai,” the Thai returned in a whisper, “Pood pasa Angkrit mai dai kha.”

  Kate knew little Thai, but she understood the gist. Her lovely companion spoke no English. They could communicate only with their bodies.

  The woman’s hands were on Kate’s breasts now, stroking and fondling. Her touch was unlike anything Kate had known, delicate yet focused, savouring both the smooth skin and the swelling flesh beneath. Kate’s hands hung at her sides, awkward. Her partner’s nipples, pert and upturned, seemed to wink at her. Come, don’t be shy, they seemed to say, we long for your touch. Hesitant, Kate cupped the twin mounds in her palms, felt the silkiness under her fingers. So strange it was, like caressing herself, but with an extra spark. After a moment, she brushed her thumbs ever so lightly across the woman’s nipples. Electricity ran up Kate’s spine, as the Thai stiffened and then relaxed, throwing her head back and thrusting her breasts forward.

  The music changed, moved into a bridge, and the Thai woman regained control. She half-danced with Kate over to one of the poles, so that Kate was leaning back against it. Then she sank to one knee in front of Kate and used both hands to part the hair hiding Kate’s sex.

  Panic rose again in Kate’s throat. With the spotlight in her eyes, she could not see the audience, but she heard their hot breathing. This passionate dance was too private for their gaze. Yes, she wanted this woman, but she would not, could not, allow herself to
be so taken under their crude inspection.

  Then thought was erased by sensation, as her partner’s tongue swept through her sex in one long, hard stroke that ended with a flick to her clit.

  “Aah…” The Thai woman’s tongue danced within her, a thousand places, a thousand pleasures. It thrust into her cunt, thickening and lengthening until Kate could almost believe it was a penis. Then it tickled and teased her lower lips, so that she craved deeper penetration. Now the Thai woman put her mouth around Kate’s clit and began to suck on it, pulling, nibbling, rasping her tongue up and down over that supremely sensitive flesh.

  Kate raised one knee and pressed her bare foot against the steel pole, turning her thigh outwards to give her partner better access. The girl responded by burying her face in Kate’s cunt, lips, teeth and tongue all working to bring Kate to a frenzy.

  The moist smell of sex rose around them, and suddenly, Kate wanted the taste as well. She rested her hands on her partner’s shoulders. Exquisitely responsive, the woman rose. Kate kissed her deeply, savouring the salty ocean taste of her own juices. Then, she kneeled before the woman, closed her eyes, and tentatively poked her tongue into the fragrant folds between those shapely legs.

  Dark, wet, secret, powerful, moss-hung caves and hidden rituals: the woman’s scent and taste brought misty, half-formed images to Kate’s mind. She tried to concentrate, noting the different textures: silky hair, slick flesh, taut muscle. Dimly she heard the music, and she let her tongue dance in time. Even in lust, she had half-worried about her inexperience, feared she could not satisfy a woman. But hands, lips, tongue, all seemed to know how to make this sweet girl writhe and moan.

  The song was swelling to its climax; Kate licked harder and faster. Then, without warning, she was on her back, neatly flipped. The Thai woman straddled her face, still eager to be eaten, and Kate was happy to oblige. Meanwhile, her partner spread Kate’s thighs and rolled Kate’s aching clitoris between her lips. At the same time, she sank two, three, four fingers into Kate’s hungry cunt. Kate responded, grabbing the woman’s buttocks and then, hardly believing her audacity, stroking a finger across the knot of muscle between them. Escalating the scene, the Thai pushed one long, slender finger into Kate’s anus. Bucking and groaning, Kate did the same.


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